Mr. and Mrs. Iyer — Wikipédia


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Mr. and Mrs. Iyer is an Indian dramatic film, written and directed by Aparna Sen, released in 2002.

The film tells of the meeting between a young traditionalist Brahmane family and a liberal Muslim photographer, who learn not without difficulty knowing each other, help each other and appreciate, during a trip disturbed by inter-religious violence [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

Meenakshi Iyer (Konkona Sen Sharma), a young Tamil mother, leaves to join her husband in Calcutta with her one -year -old son, after a stay with her parents. These, worried about the perspective of this long trip in bus and train, ask Raja, an animal photographer that a friend has briefly presented to them to watch over her. Although against the heart, Meenakshi asks Raja to help him take care of her baby and that’s how they pass for husband and wife to the eyes of other passengers: a couple of elderly Muslims, players of players Cards, sikhs, two very in love young people, a mother and her disabled son … and a bunch of happy teenagers.

Although uncomfortable, the trip continues without incident until the bus is arrested at a dam: the police announces that inter religious disorders have broken out and the fire is established, forcing travelers to sleep in the vehicle . Raja then reveals to Meenakshi that he is called Jehangir Chowdhury (Rahul Bose) and that he is Muslim. The young woman, a traditionalist Brahmane, is horrified at the idea of ​​having rubbed shoulders with a Muslim, however, when in the middle of the night a band of Hindu rioters enters the bus questioning travelers about their religion and their identity, Meenakshi puts His baby in Raja’s arms and states that they are Mr. and Mrs. Iyer [ n 1 ] . She thus prevents him from undergoing the fate of the couple of old Muslims who, despite the protests of a teenager, is brutally torn from the bus and which we will later guess that it was massacred.

The roads being always blocked, everyone is looking for accommodation in a neighboring village. Not succeeding, Meenakshi, Raja and the baby are led by the police in a dilapidated bungalow, lost in the forest. Meenakshi refuses to share the only habitable room with Raja who reproaches her back principles during a quarrel. However, during the following days, the violence of the scenes they witness and the obligation to play young spouses against their traveling companions, lead them to exchange, to understand each other, to appreciate themselves and even to pass pleasant moments together. In the train that leads them to Calcutta, Meenakshi and Raja, without a word, become aware of the attraction and the feelings they experience for each other. On the station quay, while the young woman is welcomed by the real Mr. Iyer, Raja moves away after having given him the film of the photographs taken during their forced stay in the bungalow.


Icône signalant une information Unless otherwise indicated or complementary, the information mentioned in this section may be confirmed by the IMDB database .

  • Title : Mr. and Mrs. Iyer
  • Realization: Aparna Sen
  • Scénario: Aparna Sen, Dulal Dey
  • Artistic direction: Gautam Bose, Nikhil Baran Sengpta
  • Costumes: Sabarni Das
  • Photographie: goutam ghose
  • Montage: Raviranjan Maitra
  • Musique: Ustad Zakir Hussain
  • Production: n. Venkatesan
  • Production company: Triplecom Media Production
  • Distribution companies: Eastern Railways, Tips Exports
  • Native country : Drapeau de l'Inde Inside
  • Languages: Hindi, English, Bengali, Ourdou, Pendjabi, Tamoul
  • Format: Colors – 2.35: 1 – DTS / Dolby Digital / SDDS – 35 mm
  • Genre: drama
  • Duration: 120 minutes (2 h 00)
  • Dates of theaters:
  • KON SEN DEN SHERER: meenenakshi S. Ier
  • Rahul Bose: Jehangir “raja” Chowdhury
  • Bhisham Sahni: Iqbal Ahmed Khan
  • Surekha Sikri: Najma Ahmed Khan
  • Bharat Kul: Rajeesh Arara, L’Officier de Police
  • Anjan Dutt: Cohen
  • Niharika Seth, Riddhi Basu, Richa Vyas, Eden Das, Jishnu Sengupta: Le Groupe de Jeunes

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. (in) Gautaman Bhaskaran, Mr and Mrs Iyer» , on The Hindu ,
  2. (in) E. Menezes E. Menezes, Love in times of communal hatred» , on The Sunday Tribune ,
  3. (in) Deepali Nandwani, Aparna Sen makes a statement again» , on ,
  4. (in) Hawaiian honour for Aparna Sen » , on The Sunday Tribune ,
  5. (in) Jennifer Green, Las Palmas awards top prize to Mr & Mrs Iyer» , on Screen Daily ,
  6. (in) Subhash K. Zha, « Bengal magic at National Film Awards » , on The Times of India , (version of June 13, 2008 on Internet Archive )

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