Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration – Wikipedia


Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (M2A) [ first ] is a community of agglomeration of the European community of Alsace. It has 273,767 inhabitants since the And is the second most populous intercommunality in Alsace, behind the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and the third of the Grand Est after the Grand Reims (292,951 inhabitants in the 2014 census) [ 2 ] But in front of the Metropolis of Grand Nancy. It is part of the Metropolitan Pole of Alsace which federates the great Alsatian intercommunalities. Its current president is Fabian Jordan.
Like all agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants, Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration is legally constrained to set up a low -emission zone (ZFE) before December 31, 2024. This implementation is compulsory for the territory of 20 municipalities of the ‘agglomeration [ 3 ] . However, the project has not yet been presented to the inhabitants. M2A still remains currently organized under the status of agglomeration community although it meets all the criteria allowing it to access the status of urban community or metropolis.


This geographic territory is between 200 meters above sea level, on the banks of the Rhine, and 403 meters above sea level on the last hills of the Jura in the Sundgau. The most distant town from the city center, Chalampé, is less than twenty kilometers, a boundary distance which is only about five kilometers to the southwest.

The center of the agglomeration, a border town type, is 13 kilometers from Germany and 24 kilometers from Switzerland.

Creation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

She has been created [ 5 ] officially by prefectural decree of , by merger of the three former inter -municipalities and attachment of four municipalities which have not belonged to any intermunicipal association so far.
The 32 municipalities totaling just over 262,000 inhabitants (out of the 262,000 of the Mulhouse region) integrate this agglomeration community: the sixteen communes of the old community of Agglomeration Mulhouse Sud-Alsace, the six municipalities of the old community of communes of Napoleon Island (which has since become Syndicate of communes of Ile Napoleon – Scin-), the six municipalities of the old community of communes of the Hills and the municipalities of Illzach, PFASTATT, Galfingue and Heimsbrunn [ 6 ] .

The community of Porte de France Rhin Sud communes and the municipality of Wittelsheim are the only communities in the Mulhouse region which were not part of the agglomeration community of the Mulhouse Alsace region in 2010.

The non-integration of the community of municipalities Porte de France Rhin Sud was not unanimous within it, the municipalities of Chalampé and Petit-Landau were favorable to it [ 7 ] .


Enlargement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The municipality of Wittelsheim had, in 2004, chose not to join the community of Agglomeration Mulhouse Sud-Alsace during the dissolution of the community of communes of the Potassium basin, it did not wish to be attached to Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration In 2010. It is the only city in the suburbs of Mulhouse to be in this case. But by decision of the prefect of Haut-Rhin at the end of 2011, the municipality was finally obliged to integrate intercommunality in 2012 [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] . The decision is challenged by the municipality, which in 2012 files an appeal to the Strasbourg administrative court [ ten ] . Moreover, in the date of , the official M2A website did not yet mention the city of Wittelsheim among its member municipalities [ 11 ] . Finally, a prefectural decree of formalizes the attachment of Wittelsheim to the M2A, and after the last appeals rejected by the Administrative Court of Strasbourg in [ twelfth ] , the municipality officially integrates intercommunality from the [ 13 ] .

Steinbrunn-le-Bas, on the other hand, joined Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration [ 14 ] .

Following the application of the Notre law, the municipalities of the community of Porte de France Rhin Sud communes join M2A at . CES Comunts SonTuchen, Chalamampé, HomBrampé, Norbul, Ottmarhim It’s Petit Country [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] .

Perspectives [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration fulfills the criteria allowing it to access the status of urban community and by decree to the status of metropolis.

Transformation into an urban community [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

M2A exceeds the threshold of 250,000 inhabitants which now allows him to obtain, automatically, the status of urban community [ 17 ] .

Transformation into metropolitan France [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Mulhouse employment area has 433,338 inhabitants [ 18 ] and therefore exceeds the threshold of 400,000 inhabitants [ 19 ] , which now allows the EPCI to make a request in order to obtain the status of metropolis by decree. The metropolis is the most integrated form of intercommunality in France.

Geography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Public establishments for neighboring inter -municipal cooperation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration within the Grand Est.

Composition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The agglomeration community is made up of 39 municipalities following:

List of intercommunality municipalities
Name Code
Kindly Surface
( km 2 )
(last pop. legal )
( Hab./km 2 )
68224 Mulhousians 22.18 108 038 (2020) 4 871
Baldersheim 68015 Baldersheimois 12.76 2 636 (2020) 207
Bantzenheim 68020 Bantzenheimois 21.22 1 605 (2020) 76
Battenheim 68022 Battenheimois 16.88 1 580 (2020) ninety four
Berrwiller 68032 Berrwillerois 7.66 1 204 (2020) 157
Bollwiller 68043 Bollwillerois 8.63 4 119 (2020) 477
Bruebach 68055 Bruebachois 7.01 1 048 (2020) 150
Brunny-Didenheim 68056 14.1 8 168 (2020) 579
Chalampé 68064 Chalampéens 4.77 978 (2020) 205
Dietwiller 68072 Dietwilleois 11.06 1 422 (2020) 129
Die 68084 Eschentzwillerois 3.19 1 476 (2020) 463
Feldkirch 68088 Feldkirchois 4.21 999 (2020) 237
Flaxland 68093 Flaxlandiens 4.33 1 415 (2020) 327
Galfingue 68101 Calfinguo 5.36 816 (2020) 152
Habsheim 68118 Habsheimois 15.63 5 052 (2020) 323
Worldwide 68129 Heimbunnnois 10.59 1 333 (2020) 126
Hombourg 68144 Hombourgeois 15.32 1 348 (2020) 88
Illzach 68154 Illzachois 7.5 14 380 (2020) 1 917
Kingersheim 68166 Kingersheimois 6.69 13 230 (2020) 1 978
Lutterbach 68195 Lutterbachois 8.56 6 237 (2020) 729
Morschwiller-Le-Bas 68218 7.55 3 648 (2020) 483
Niffer 68238 8.72 953 (2020) 109
Ottmarsheim 68253 Ottmarsheimois 25.67 1 985 (2020) 77
Petty 68254 17,51 826 (2020) 47
Pfastatt 68256 Pfastattois 5.24 10 054 (2020) 1 919
Pulversheim 68258 Pulversheimois 8.54 3 097 (2020) 363
Reiningue 68267 Reininguois 18.54 1 986 (2020) 107
Richwiller 68270 Richwillerois 5.55 3 680 (2020) 663
Riedisheim 68271 Riedisheimois 6.96 12 258 (2020) 1 761
Rixheim 68278 Rixheimois 19.53 14 020 (2020) 718
Ruelisheim 68289 Ruelisheimois 7.27 2 384 (2020) 328
Sausheim 68300 Sausheimois 16.91 5 487 (2020) 324
Staffelfelden 68321 Staffelfeldenois 7.42 4 053 (2020) 546
Steinbrunn-Le-Bas 68323 Steinbrunnois 8.58 830 (2020) 97
Ungersheim 68343 Ungersheimois 13,51 2 422 (2020) 179
Wittelsheim 68375 Wittelsheimois 23.63 10 358 (2020) 438
Wittenheim 68376 Wittenheimois 19.01 15 065 (2020) 792
Zillisheim 68384 Zillisheimois 8.22 2 524 (2020) 307
Zimmersheim 68386 Zimmersheimois 3.15 1 053 (2020) 334

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution of the territory
1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2008 two thousand and thirteen 2019 2020
220 406 243 743 248 488 253 338 261 570 269 ​​530 273 894 274 133 273 747
The proposed data is established at identical geographical perimeter, in the geography in force in the .
(Source : Insee [ 20 ] )

Seat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The seat of the agglomeration community is located in Mulhouse [ 21 ] .

The elected [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Community Council of the Agglomeration Community consists of 104 advisers [ 22 ] , representing each of the member and elected municipalities for a period of six years.

They are distributed as follows [ 22 ] :

Presidency [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the community council of , Fabian Jordan, mayor of Berrwiller, was re-elected president of the agglomeration community, as well as 15 vice-presidents and 41 delegated advisers [ 23 ] .

SKILLS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Compulsory skills [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Economic development
  • Planning of community space
  • Organization of urban transport and trips
  • Habitat
  • City politics

Optional skills [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Construction, development, maintenance and management of cultural, sports and tourist equipment of community interest
  • Protection and development of the environment and the living environment
  • Social actions of community interest

Optional skills [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Higher education support
  • Tourism
  • Living environment and sustainable development
  • Rixheim-Habsheim and autoport aerodrome
  • Bibliobus

Tax regime and budget [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tax regime of the agglomeration community is the single professional taxation (FPU) [ 21 ] .

Low emission zone (ZFE) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

ZFE de Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration. In green, the minimum mandatory perimeter.

The low -emission zone project is awaiting presentation to the inhabitants. The “Climate and Resilience” law adopted definitively in 2021 provides for the establishment of ZFE-M in all agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants at the latest on December 31, 2024 [ 25 ] , or 45 zfe-m. The Mulhouse agglomeration exceeds this threshold and is therefore included in this device.

Energy and climatic impact [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

L'illustration porte l'équation CO2 = Demande de transport × Report modal × Taux de rempliassage (des véhicules) × Efficacité énergétique des véhicules × Intensité carbone de l'énergie. Ces facteurs sont ainsi classés selon leur proximité avec la sobriété énergétique pour les premiers et la technologie pour les derniers.
Final energy and transport greenhouse gas in 2020 [ 28 ]
Road transport Other transport [ Note 1 ]
Carburrant (gwh) 1 406 30
Electricity (GWH) first 24
Greenhouse gases (kt eq CO 2 )
355 7

Waste [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Sausheim incineration plant produces electricity [ 29 ] , as well as heat [ 30 ] , used by a stationery that makes recycled cardboard.

Solid recovery fuels (CSR) are produced in PFASTATT [ thirty first ] .

Energy and climate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As part of the regional plan for development, sustainable development and territorial equality (SRADDET) of the Grand Est, Atmo Grand Est keeps energy statistics update [ 32 ] of public inter -municipal cooperation establishments of the European community of Alsace in the form of a flow diagram [ 28 ] .

Annual final energy, consumed in 2020, is expressed in Gigawatts-hour [ Note 2 ] , [ Note 3 ] .

Final energy consumption in 2020 [ 28 ]
Electricity 1 842
Fuels or combustibles 7 867
Primary heat 299

The energy produced in 2020 is also expressed in Gigawatts-hour.

Energy production in 2020 [ 28 ]
Electricity 853
Fuels or combustibles 208
Primary heat 155

Greenhouse gases are expressed in equivalent CO kilotons 2 .

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 [ 28 ]
kt eq CO 2
Energy -related 2 096
Energy -related 261

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Map of Haut-Rhin ECPI on January 1, 2017 » , on
  2. The Urban Community of Grand Reims in working order » , on (consulted the )
  3. Legifrance – Order of December 22, 2021 establishing the agglomeration lists of more than 100,000, 150,000 and 250,000 inhabitants in accordance with article R. 221-2 of the environment code and article L. 2213-4- 1 of the general code of local authorities : « Baldersheim, Bollwiller, Brunstatt-Didenheim, Feldkirch, Habsheim, Illzach, Kingersheim, Lutterbach, Morschwiller-le-Bas, Mulhouse, Pfastatt, Pulversheim, Reiningue, Richwiller, Riedisheim, Rixheim, Sausheim, Staffelfelden, Wittelsheim, Wittenheim. »
  4. “Ariane 5: a rocket named Mulhouse in Orbit” , on June 6, 2013, accessed December 30, 2014
  5. Françoise Dieterich, ” The future of ancient industrial cities: the example of Mulhouse », Population & Future , n O 720, (ISSN  0223-5706 )
  6. Article de L’ of August 29, 2009 » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?)
  7. article of Latest news from Alsace of September 16, 2009 » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?)
  8. [PDF] Departmental inter -municipal cooperation scheme of December 2011 On the Haut-Rhin Prefecture website, accessed December 18, 2012
  9. [PDF] Press release from the Haut-Rhin Prefect on the Departmental Commission for Inter-municipal Cooperation (CDCI) On the Haut-Rhin prefecture site on December 22, 2011, accessed December 18, 2012
  10. “Intercommunality: two appeals against attachment to M2A” , Newspaper L’Alsace of September 19, 2012
  11. Official Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration website
  12. “Wittelsheim:” Yes Thur-Doller “sees his summary rejected” , November 9, 2013, accessed January 7, 2014
  13. “Wittelsheim: the city is preparing its entry into M2A” , Newspaper L’Alsace of December 22, 2013, accessed January 7, 2014
  14. “Steinbrunn-le-Bas: between goodbye and welcome” , Newspaper L’Alsace of January 15, 2013
  15. Extract from the register of CCPFRS deliberations » , on
  16. Haut-Rhin SDCI » , on , (consulted the ) .
  17. is an urban community? : « An urban community is a clean taxation EPCI bringing together several municipalities in one piece and without enclave and bringing together a population of at least 250,000 inhabitants. »
  18. INSEE – Mulhouse employment area (2013)
  19. Article L. 5217-1 I of the general code of local authorities.
  20. History population since 1968 – CA Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (200066009). » , on INSEE , (consulted the )
  21. a et b Signage sheet – CA Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (SIREN number: 200066009). » , on Banatic , (consulted the )
  22. a et b The Community Council. » , on The site of the agglomeration community (consulted the )
  23. Fabian Jordan, re -elected president of Mulhouse Alsace agglomeration against a background of tension. » , on France 3 , (consulted the )
  24. “Mulhouse and its region: the new community executive” , Newspaper L’Alsace of April 13, 2014, accessed April 14, 2014
  25. LEGIFRANCE-Article L. 2213-4-1 of the general code of local authorities
  26. Aurélien musty, Transport facing the challenge of the energy transition. Explorations between past and future, technology and sobriety, acceleration and slowdown (doctoral thesis in economics), Polytechnic Institute of Paris, , 340 p. , PDF ( read online ) , p. 33, 98 .
  27. National low carbon strategy » [PDF] , on Ministry of Ecology (France) , , p. 81.
  28. A B C D and E Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration – Flow diagram » [PDF] , on Atmo Grand Est , , p. 4.
  29. SAUSHEIM incineration plant knows web
  30. Sausheim steam site web
  31. CSR: B+T Group defends a model without subsidy » , on ,
  32. Atmo Grand Est, The inventory of consumption and energy productions: how does it work? on YouTube .

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