Mulhouse company of workers’ cities – Wikipedia


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The first achievement of the Mulhouse company of workers’ cities. Mulhouse archives collections.

The Mulhouse company of workers’ cities (Somco) is an HLM company created on At the initiative of Jean DOLLFUS, boss of DOLLFUS-MIEG and Company to respond to demographic pressure due to the industrial development of the city of Mulhouse and in the philanthropic and paternalistic logic of the time [ first ] .

Among the twelve founders – actionaries of the Mulhouse company of workers’ cities, dollfus, koechlin, zuber, and four factories including two prints on fabrics and two spinning [ 2 ] .

Mulhousian square Around 1855. Mulhouse archives collections.

Built by the Somco in the second half of the XIX It is Century on the north/northwest outskirts of the city, the working-class city of Mulhouse is a district whose housing is intended as a priority for the workers of the spinning. .


The selected dwelling model is an attached house on two sides with a garden called The Mulhousian square , and designed by the architect Émile Muller.

The property accession system, rental-sale, allows buyers to become housing owners in fifteen years in exchange for a deposit of 250 francs minimum and a credit of approximately 20 francs per month. The company wishes to sell the houses at the cost price. The worker who does not have the means remains tenant [ 3 ] .

Having become a public limited company of HLM in 1923, the SOMCO now has a real estate heritage which extends to all over Alsace and manages around 5,650 social housing units including a set of 61 social housing, the City Manifesto, of sixty houses city ​​offered to rents to the HLM scale and signed by some big names and young shoots of architecture: Jean Nouvel (AJN, Paris), Duncan Lewis Scape Architecture & Block (Angers, Nantes), Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal (Paris), Matthieu Poitevin and Pascal Reynaud (Art’M Architecture, Marseille), Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines (Paris) [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

  1. Myriam Ait-Sidhoum, A new workers’ city in Mulhouse » , on University Matner summer the Strabourg (consulted the ) .
  2. André Studer, History of the workers’ city of Mulhouse » , on , (consulted the ) .
  3. Françoise Tromeur, 1853, and the worker had the right of city » , on + United protection Robert Schummann the Stradbourg (consulted the ) .
  4. Nicole Gauthier, Mulhouse puts new in its HLM » , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. City manifesto of Mulhouse .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Henri Cetty, The workers’ family in Alsace , Rixheim, 1883.
  • David Changey, The ideal city: 1853 project , Master’s thesis, Strasbourg, 1992-93.
  • Georges Duveau, Working life in France under the Second Empire , Tours, 1946.
  • Stephan Jonas, The city of Mulhouse (1853-1870): a model of economic and social housing of the 19th century , Strasbourg, 1981.
  • Raymond Oberlé, Mulhouse, or the genesis of a city , Besançon, 1985. (ISBN  978-286339160 )
  • Achille Penot, The workers’ cities of Mulhouse and the Haut-Rhin department , Mulhouse, 1867.
  • Marie-Claire Vitoux, Pauperism and assistance in Mulhouse at XIX It is century (1800 – 1870) , Strasbourg, 1989. (ISBN  978-2868207357 )

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
