Multidimensional poverty index – Wikipedia


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L’ Multidimensional poverty index (IPM) [ first ] , in English Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), also translated Multidimensional poverty index , is a statistical index evaluating poverty in developing countries, created by a department of the University of Oxford in 2010 and used by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for its human development report .

Poverty measurement is most often based on a single essential indicator, income (for example the poverty line: $ 1.25 per day). This approach to poverty provides only partial image of it, hence the work of Sabina Alkire and Maria Emma Santos of Ophi ( Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative  (in) ) who worked from ten poverty indicators at the same time, hence its “multidimensional” character:

  1. infantile mortality (if a child died in the family);
  2. nutrition (if a family member is in malnutrition);
  3. years of schooling (if no member has been five years in school);
  4. The school exit (if one of the children left school before 8 years old);
  5. electricity (if the home does not have electricity);
  6. drinking water (if there are not less than 30 minutes of walking);
  7. sanitary facilities (if there are none or share with others);
  8. Habitat soil (if the soil is covered by mud, sand or manure);
  9. the fuel used to cook (if it’s wood, charcoal or dung);
  10. movable property (if not more than one of them: radio, television, telephone, bicycle or motorcycle).

The index is interested in households, counting the deprivation which affects them in the fields of health, education and standard of living. The statistics used to calculate the 2010 index are not all of the same year, ranging from 2003 to 2007. The update of the index in 2014 uses data dating back to the worst of 2005, at best from 2012. The index is calculated according to the following formula [ 2 ] :


I P M = H × A {displaystyle IPM=Htimes A}

“H” designates the percentage of people who are poor according to the definition of the IPM , while “A” means the intensity of this poverty (the percentage of indicators of the IPM which are concerned on average). A person living in multidimensional poverty lives “With at least 33 percent of the indicators reflecting acute deprivation in the fields of health, education and standard of living” [ first ] .

Statistical work covers 104 developing countries (37 of sub -Saharan Africa, 24 in Europe/CEI, 18 from Latin America/Caribbean, 11 of the Arab world, 9 of East/Pacific Asia and 5 D ‘Southern Asia), populated by 5.2 billion inhabitants in 2007 (78% of the world’s population). Among them: 1 billion 659 million humans are considered by the multidimensional poverty index as poor, the poorest of the poor in the world.

If the countries of sub -Saharan Africa are very numerous in the bottom of the ranking (27% of the poor on the planet within the meaning of the MPI), South Asia concentrates 51% of the poor in the world (for 29.5% of the population developing countries). The distribution of the poor is done as follows:

The index of multidimensional poverty is therefore added to other tools for measuring the inequalities used by the UN to meet the millennium objectives: the gross domestic product per capita (GDP/Hab.), The Human Development Index (IDH ) and the index of human poverty (IPH).

Classification of countries according to the IPM
Pays IPM 2007 [ 3 ] Names of
Poor 2007
Share of the poor in
The 2007 population
IPM 2014 [ 4 ] Names of
poor (year)
Share of the poor in
the population (year)
Drapeau du Niger Niger 0.64 6 600 000 84.5% 0.605 15 416 000 (2012) 89.3% (2012)
Drapeau de l'Éthiopie Ethiopia 0.58 70 700 000 90% 0.564 78 070 000 (2011) 87.3% (2011)
Drapeau du Mali Had to 0.56 10 800 000 87.1% 0.457 11 883 000 (2012) 77.7% (2012)
Drapeau du Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 0.54 12 100 000 82.6% 0.535 13 054 000 (2010) 84% (2010)
Drapeau du Burundi Burundi 0.53 6 600 000 84.5% 0.454 7 458 000 (2010) 80.8% (2010)
Drapeau de la Somalie Somalia 0.51 7 100 000 81.2% 0.514 7 051 000 (2006) 81.2% (2006)
Drapeau de la République centrafricaine Central African Republic 0.51 3 700 000 86.4% 0.430 3 374 000 (2010) 77.6% (2010)
Drapeau de la Guinée Guinea 0.5 7 900 000 82.4% 0.459 8 602 000 (2012) 75.1% (2012)
Drapeau de Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 0.49 4 400 000 81.5% 0.464 4 935 000 (2013) 81.0% (2013)
Drapeau de la Guinée-Bissau Guinea-Bissau ? ? ? 0.462 1 126 000 (2006) 77.5% (2006)
Drapeau du Mozambique Mozambique 0.48 17 500 000 79.8% 0.389 17 109 000 (2011) 69.6% (2011)
Drapeau du Libéria Liberia 0.48 3 000 000 83.9% 0.374 3 059 000 (2013) 71.2% (2013)
Drapeau de l'Ouganda Uganda ? ? ? 0.367 24 576 000 (2011) 69.9% (2011)
Drapeau du Timor oriental Timor oriental ? ? ? 0.360 735 000 (2009) 68.1% (2009)
Drapeau de l'Afghanistan Afghanistan ? ? ? 0.353 19 256 000 (2010) 66.2% (2010)
Drapeau de Maurice Maurice ? ? ? 0.352 2 054 000 (2007) 61.7% (2007)
Drapeau de l'Angola Angola 0.45 13 600 000 77.4% ? ? ?
Drapeau du Rwanda Rwanda 0.44 7 700 000 81.4% 0.350 7 472 000 (2010) 69.0% (2010)
Drapeau de Madagascar Madagascar 0.41 13 100 000 70.5% 0.357 13 707 000 (2008) 66.9% (2008)
Drapeau du Bénin Benign 0.41 6 000 000 72% 0.307 6 253 000 (2011) 62.2% (2011)
Drapeau des Comores Comoros 0.41 440 000 73.9%
Drapeau de la république démocratique du Congo Democratic Republic of Congo 0.39 45 700 000 73.2% 0.401 50 696 000 (2013) 75.1% (2013)
Drapeau du Malawi Flame 0.38 10 400 000 72.3% 0.334 10 008 000 (2010) 66.7% (2010)
Drapeau du Sénégal Senegal 0.38 8 000 000 66.9% 0.332 8 455 000 (2012) 59.8% (2012)
Drapeau du Nigeria Nigeria 0.37 93 800 000 63.5% 0.303 92 448 000 (2013) 53.2% (2013)
Drapeau de la Tanzanie Tanzania 0.37 27 000 000 65.3% 0.332 29 484 000 (2010) 65.6% (2010)
Drapeau de la Mauritanie Mauritania 0.35 1 900 000 61.7%
Drapeau du Népal Nepal 0.35 18 300 000 64.7% 0.217 12 003 000 (2011) 44.2% (2011)
Drapeau du Tchad Chad 0.34 6 700 000 62.9% 0.554 10 223 000 (2010) 87.2% (2010)
Drapeau de la Zambie Zambia 0.33 7 800 000 63.7% 0.328 7 770 000 (2007) 64.2% (2007)
Drapeau de la Gambie Gambia 0.32 970 000 60.4% 0.324 896 000 (2005) 60.4% (2005)
Drapeau de la Côte d'Ivoire Ivory Coast 0.32 10 500 000 52.2% 0.310 11 655 000 (2011) 58.7% (2011)
Drapeau d'Haïti Haiti 0.31 5 600 000 57.3% 0.248 5 026 000 (2012) 49.4% (2012)
Drapeau du Kenya Kenya 0.3 22 800 000 60.4% 0.229 19 040 000 (2008) 47.8% (2008)
Drapeau du Cameroun Cameroon 0.3 10 200 000 54.6% 0.248 9 736 000 (2011) 46.0% (2011)
Drapeau de l'Inde Inside 0.3 645 000 000 55.4% 0.283 614 489 000 (2005) 53.7% (2005)
Drapeau du Bangladesh Bangladesh 0.29 91 200 000 57.8% 0.253 78 385 000 (2011) 51.3% (2011)
Drapeau du Togo Togo 0.28 3 400 000 54.3% 0.250 3 139 000 (2010) 49.8% (2010)
Drapeau du Yémen Yemen 0.28 11 700 000 52.5% 0.283 10 850 000 (2006) 52.5% (2006)
Drapeau du Pakistan Pakistan 0.28 88 300 000 51% 0.230 80 461 000 (2012) 44.2% (2012)
Drapeau du Laos Laos 0.27 2 900 000 47.2%
Drapeau du Cambodge Cambodia 0.26 7 700 000 53.9% 0.212 6 593 000 (2010) 45.9% (2010)
Drapeau de Sao Tomé-et-Principe Sao Tome and Principe 0.24 100 000 51.6%
Drapeau du Lesotho Lesotho 0.22 960 000 48.1%
Drapeau du Nicaragua Nicaragua 0.21 2 300 000 40.7%
Drapeau de la république du Congo Republic of Congo 0.21 1 600 000 40.6% 0.181 1 722 000 (2011) 39.7% (2011)
Drapeau de la Namibie Namibia 0.19 830 000 39.8% 0.187 823 000 (2006) 39.6% (2006)
Drapeau de l'Eswatini In the tattoo / Swaziland 0.18 490 000 41.1%
Drapeau de la Bolivie Bolivia 0.18 3 400 000 36.3%
Drapeau du Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0.17 4 800 000 38.5%
Drapeau du Gabon Gabon 0.16 500 000 35.4%
Drapeau du Honduras Honduras 0.16 2 300 000 32.8%
Drapeau du Ghana Ghana 0.14 6 900 000 30.1%
Drapeau du Maroc Morocco 0.14 8 900 000 28.5%
Drapeau de Djibouti Djibouti 0.14 230 000 47.3%
Drapeau du Guatemala Guatemala 0.13 3 500 000 25.9%
Drapeau de l'Indonésie Indonesia 0.1 46 700 000 20.8%
Drapeau de la Birmanie Burma 0.09 7 000 000 14.2%
Drapeau du Pérou Peru 0.09 5 600 000 19.8%
Drapeau de la République socialiste du Viêt Nam Vietnam 0.08 12 300 000 14.3%
Drapeau du Tadjikistan Tadjikistan 0.07 1 100 000 17.1%
Drapeau des Philippines Philippines 0.07 11 200 000 12.6%
Drapeau de la Mongolie Mongolia 0.06 410 000 15.8%
Drapeau du Paraguay Paraguay 0.06 810 000 13.3%
Drapeau de l'Irak Iraq 0.06 4 200 000 14.2%
Drapeau de la République populaire de Chine China 0.06 165 800 000 12.5% 0.056 161 573 000 (2002) 12.5% ​​(2002)
Drapeau du Guyana Guyana 0.05 110 000 13.8%
Drapeau de la République dominicaine Dominican Republic 0.05 1 100 000 11.1%
Drapeau du Suriname Suriname 0.04 40 000 7.5%
Drapeau de la Colombie Colombia 0.04 4 100 000 9.2%
Drapeau du Brésil Brazil 0.04 16 200 000 8.5%
Drapeau de la Turquie Türkiye 0.04 6 200 000 8.5%
Drapeau de l'Estonie Estonia 0.03 90 000 7.2%
Drapeau de l'Égypte Egypt 0.03 5 100 000 6.4%
Drapeau du Belize Belize 0.02 20 000 5.6%
Drapeau de la Syrie Syria 0.02 1 100 000 5.5%
Drapeau de l'Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan 0.02 460 000 5.4%
Drapeau du Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0.02 1 100 000 5.3%
Drapeau de Trinité-et-Tobago Trinity and Tobago 0.02 70 000 5.6%
Drapeau du Kirghizistan Kyrgyzstan 0.02 260 000 4.9%
Drapeau du Mexique Mexico 0.02 4 300 000 4%
Drapeau d'Afrique du Sud South Africa 0.01 1 500 000 3.1%
Drapeau de l'Argentine Argentine 0.01 1 200 000 3%
Drapeau de la Tunisie Tunisia 0.01 280 000 2.8%
Drapeau de la Jordanie Jordan 0.01 160 000 2.7%
Drapeau de l'Équateur Equator 0.01 290 000 2.2%
Drapeau de l'Ouzbékistan Uzbekistan 0.01 620 000 2.3%
Drapeau de la Moldavie Moldova 0.01 80 000 2.2%
Drapeau de l'Arménie Armenia 0.01 70 000 2.3%
Drapeau de la Macédoine Fruit salad 0.01 40 000 1.9%
Drapeau de l'Ukraine Ukraine 0.01 10 100 000 2.2%
Drapeau de la Croatie Croatia 0.01 70 000 1.6%
Drapeau du Monténégro Montenegro 0.01 10 000 1.5%
Drapeau de la Thaïlande Thailand 0.01 1 100 000 1.6%
Drapeau de l'Uruguay Uruguay 0.01 60 000 1.7%
Drapeau de la Russie Russia 0.005 1 800 000 1.3%
Drapeau de l'Albanie Albania 0.004 30 000 0.96%
Drapeau de la Serbie Serbia 0.003 80 000 0.83%
Drapeau de la Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.003 30 000 0.81%
Drapeau de la Hongrie Hungary 0.003 80 000 0.76%
Drapeau de la Géorgie Georgia 0.003 40 000 0.8%
Palestinian territories 0.003 30 000 0.69%
Drapeau du Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 0.002 90 000 0.59%
Drapeau des Émirats arabes unis United Arab Emirates 0.002 30 000 0.57%
Drapeau de la Lettonie Latvia 0.001 10 000 0.3%

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