Mundane histry — wipedia


Mundane History [ first ] (Thai: Sparrow, Jao Nok Krajok ) is a Thai film directed by Anocha Suwichakornong and released in 2009 [ 2 ] .


In a large house in Bangkok, AKE, a young paraplegic, lives alongside an authoritarian and distant father he execates. Solitaire and mutical, AKE locked himself in a universe populated by cosmic dreams … Pun, an assistant-infirmier is committed to assist it. The first moments are difficult – AKE is angry and silent – but, little by little, intimacy relationships are formed between Pun and AKE.

  • Arkaney Cherkam: Pun, L’nfirmier
  • Phakpoon Surapongsanuruk: AKE, the young paraplegic
  • Paramej Noieam : Thanin [ 4 ] , AKE’s father
  • Animal PointakthePikij : Sumjai

The first worldwide broadcast of this film took place at the Busan International Film Festival in 2009 [ 8 ] . This film is also chosen to open the 7th World Bangkok World Film Festival on November 6, 2009 [ 9 ] .

The filmmaker Anocha Suwichakornong says that she seeks to question “Thai masculinity” largely hidden by the cinema of her patriarchal country [ ten ] .

The film was able to be discovered in France in Paris Cinema, at the La Rochelle International Film Festival [ 11 ] and at the 3 continent festival [ twelfth ] de Nantes whose artistic director, Jérôme Baron, writes about the film: “By what end to take the first feature film by Anocha Swichakornong already noticed in 2008 with a short titled Graceland ? Next to the 2010 Palme d’Or obtained by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, experience Mundane History , which could give the impression of hiding behind its title (Mundane means trivial, any), gives itself both like the other Thai film to see and one of the great Asian revelations of the year. While restrained and yet a mad audacity, the film seizes to better overflow it by organic and cosmic projections The force of inertia (psychological, social, sexual) which embraces its characters. ”

The film was able to be discovered in Germany at the Munich Film Festival [ 13 ] .

Apichatpong Weerasethakul who collaborates with the same editor as Anocha Suwichakornong said about the film: “Anocha made several films as delicate as it is audacious. Mundane History left me a feeling of strangeness. I am a great admirer. ”


“Experimental, spiritual, political, a beautiful first film from Thailand.” writes Léo Suesanto in Inrockuptibles from 01/16/2013.

Mundane History From Anocha Suwichakornong would be one of the works pointing out the emergence of a new Thai cinematographic school. After noticing this fact, Julien Welter [ 14 ] regrets, however, that it appears to him as a “Sweet dream lacking flesh despite its fascinating flights. »»

We find there, all the same, the “Delicacy and the experimental penchant of Apichatpong Weerasethakul” , observes Louis Guichard [ 15 ] . The tutelary shadow of this glorious elder could annoy, if the film did not instil “A tenuous but real charm to this bewitching chronicle eaten away by the evil of living and sublimated by illumination, surveying the extraordinary in the ordinary, daring marvelous dropouts, from earth to cosmos, from suffering to transcendence. »» [ 16 ]

“With his way of subtly deconstructing the chronology of his story, mixing the registers of images, mixing the intimate and the cosmic, Mundane History is an exciting good cinematographic object » , comments Jean-François Rauger [ 17 ] .

et, de plus, le film d’anocha suwickornpong “Draft, by visual associations, a reflection on the human condition reported to the infinity of time and space. Then stand out a small cosmogony in sound and light and a spectacular birth scene by Cesarean. »» [ 18 ]

“In the thread of the story, father-son relationships then replaced the nursing-malade relationship […] the theme of parentage, as it is seized in its most melancholy dimension, and the bursts of an illustrated cosmogony give Mundane History The appearance of a Tree of Life Tropical, but without the mystical dimension or the totalizing ambition of the great story to the Malick. His somewhat chichite arty attire does not prevent the emotion from flush in this film-planetarium hugging to the end his astronomical metaphor […] ” , written, in conclusion, Jean-Philippe Tessé for Cinema notebooks [ 19 ] .

The DVD printed in France includes, in addition to the film Mundane History, the film poster, a 24 -page booklet and two short films by Anocha Suwichakornong:

  • Graceland (2006), end -of -studies film, the first Thai short film to be selected in official competition in Cannes (17 min)
  • And Lunch (2010), a tribute to adolescence (30min) (film segment Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Directed by Wang Jing, Anocha Suwichakornong and Kaz Cai) [ 20 ] .
  1. (th) Mundane History » , on (consulted the )
  2. Niogret Hubert, «  Mundane History », Positive , n O 624, , p. 48 (ISSN  0048-4911 )
  3. Mundane History » , on , Telerama
  4. (in) Jeannette Catsoulis, In My Father’s House, That Airless, Bitter Place » , on , The New York Times ,
  5. (in) Mundane History with Anocha Suwichakornpong » , on , Festival International Du Film de Toronto
  6. Leo Soesanto, Mr. History » , on , Inrockuptibles , (consulted the )
  7. (in) Mundane History » , on (consulted the )
  8. (in) Mundane History » , on ,
  9. Martine Hellen, «  7th World Film Festival in Bangkok: The 7th Art takes you to the 7th Ciel », Gavroche Thailand , n O 181, , p. 25 ( read online [PDF] )
  10. Didier Peron, Thai Story » , on , Release ,
  11. Mr. History » , on ,
  12. Mr. History »
  13. (of) Mundane History » , on , Festival you movie de munich ,
  14. L’Express , January 14, 2013.
  15. Telerama , January 16, 2013.
  16. Excessive-tf1 news
  17. The rare cinematographic object of a. Suwichakornong in : The world , January 15, 2013.
  18. L. Guichard in: Telerama , January 16, 2013.
  19. Cinema notebooks , January 2013, n ° 685.
  20. (th) “Lunch” » , on (consulted the )
