Murder of Carlo Falvella – Wikipedia


L’ Murder of Carlo Falvella It took place in Salerno on 7 July 1972; At the time student of philosophy at the University of Salerno and vice -president of the Fuan of Salerno, the University Organization of the MSI. Carlo Falvella was killed following the attack of the anarchist militant Giovanni Marini.

The murder [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Carlo Falvella

Of a liberal-traditionalist and Catholic father, Carlo Falvella enrolled in the faculty of philosophy. The young man had serious vision problems that, according to doctors, would have led to him within thirty years complete blindness [first] . Joking about his own illness he used to say to his parents “I chose philosophy, because I could still continue to teach her even without having to write. But I have to graduate soon. I absolutely have to succeed before I became blind” [2] . In 1971 he joined the Fuan, the university organization of the Italian social movement – National Right, in a politically tense period because of the frequent contrasts between right and left militants. The passion for politics came to him from his mother, a convinced messenger.

On July 7, 1972, on the Trieste promenade of Salerno, around 19.30, together with Giovanni Alfinito (another member at the Fuan) had a first dispute with the thirty -three year old Giovanni Marini and with his friend Gennaro Scariati, both participating in the anarchist groups, with which they had accidentally crossed. Scariati then told the police that he had avoided degenerating the situation by taking away his friend [3] . About two hours later, in via Velia, the dispute was repeated, but Francesco Mastrogiovanni had been added to the two anarchists. In the meantime Marini had gone home and was armed with a knife [4] . Giovanni Alfinito in the deposition rendered on July 8, 1972:

«As we traveled via Velia, to go back, at the height of a clearing on the right, Carlo and I noticed the opposing group to which a third that we already knew we already knew, of anarchist or far left tendency had also been added . In encouraging us there was a rather insistent exchange of looks, so much so that when they passed us we turned to look at each other. We were ten to fifteen meters away when the third, the highest of the three, the hair, the third of the wounded that you tell me to be called Mastrogiovanni, led to us. A somewhat lively discussion began, Mastrogiovanni started saying: “Go away!”. Suddenly he gave me a pushing. I resisted, the discussion between us continued. At that point I saw the Marino (Marini, ed) armed with a knife, who branched in the right hand, and shouted a phrase that I did not understand well, but that he wanted to mean: “I got stocked!”. I vibrated a stab wound on the lower abdomen that by chance I managed to avoid in part …. I saw Marino vibrate a few stab wounds at the address of Falvella, who managed to parry the blows by defending himself. During this scuffle, however, he fell, while Marino continued to hit. Falvella got up and managed to disarm him. ”

( Testimony of Giovanni Alfinito. [5] )

After the clash, the three anarchists fled by making themselves unavailable, but Marini was formed on the carabinieri and released the following admission on 9 July 1972 during the interrogation:

«While I saw the Mastrogiovanni stopped near a car, in a state of shock, as I know the emotional one, and Gennaro (Scariati, ed) stopped at a short distance, in defending me from the unknown fascist who kicked me and punches me and his friend, The alfinito, which hit Mastrogiovanni … I extracted a knife I had in my pocket and turned to the two, holding the weapon, but without hitting, I said: “Go away!” Since they continued in the attitude described above, I headed for the alfinito, which was not far away from Mastrogiovanni: I began to hit him with the knife. Immediately afterwards, while the other young fascist came to me unarmed – I say better with a piece of iron in hand – I hit him I don’t remember how many blows. The young man remained at the posts while I, thrown the knife on the ground, ran away in the alleys of Salerno. ”

( Testimony of Giovanni Marini. [6] )

Giovanni Alfinito, although injured, managed to stop a car and to bring his friend to the hospital to the emergency room where he died during the operation.


Media impact [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On July 8, the Salernitana Federation of the PCI led by Giuseppe Amarante expressed its indignation, however, not lacking to underline its alarm against “fascist violence”. Regarding the murder, he wrote: “The Salerno Communist Federation expresses his profound condolence for the young life crushed and the most clear condemnation and condemnation for the use of violence”. [7] Fight continuous , in contrast to the declaration of the official left, wrote that “The fascist provocations are there, and grow, and the urgent concrete problem they pose is that of the militant response that, fifty years ago as today, represents the only possibility for proletarians and companions”. [ without source ]

On 11 July, four days after Falvella’s death, the century of Italy, the official organ of the Italian social movement, published the title on the front page: ” Another martyr for the youth of Italy. After Ugo Venturini the sacrifice of Carlo Falvella “, defining the aggression of the extreme left a” barbaric murder “.

On July 14, 1972, the Minister of the Interior, Mariano Rumor, reported to the Chamber of Deputies about the events, identifying the attackers in the three young people of the anarchist area and in particular in Marini the owner of the switchblade with which he was hit at the Aorta Falvella. [8] . Version that will be rejected by the far left.

The PSI, on the other hand, in clear counter -elected to the PCI not expressed regret for the death of Falvella. [9]

A committee has been active since 2014 [ten] , in the name of Falvella himself, who deals with organizing initiatives in view of the anniversary of his death.

The Red Rescue Inocentist Campaign [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Giovanni Marini during the trial in Vallo di Lucania

Shortly after the murder and confession of Marino, militant red rescue organized a campaign tense to demonstrate Marini’s innocence [11] And in 1974, during the trial, he published a pamphlet entitled ” The Marini case “In which a defense position was illustrated against the anarchist. [7] Pio Baldelli, Lanfranco Binni, Marco Boato, Sandro Canestrini, Dario Fo, Giambattista Lazagna, Roberto Matta, Franca Rame, Giulio Savelli, Giuliano Spazzali and Pietro Valpreda attended the document. [twelfth] Rescue Rosso proposed a reconstruction of the facts in which Falvella and Alfinito, in addition to being accompanied by another dozen fascists, would also be armed with a knife.

«At the same time, a group of a dozen fascists arrives, including Falvella and Alfinito who rushed to Mastrogiovanni, Marini and Scariati. The fascists are armed with a knife. Mastrogiovanni is hit in a thigh, Marini rushes to defend him. During the clash, a stress stabbing hits the fascist Falvella in the chest, at the height of the aorta. Marini is also injured in one arm. The reaction of the three companions puts an end to the aggression. ”

( According to the reconstruction of militant red rescue. [13] )

Always in 1974 the ” G.Marini anarchist committee “In Florence he published another investigation book entitled” If you scampi to the fascists, the state thinks about it “.

On June, the lawyer Giacomo Mele, an important missino exponent [11] who represented the Falvella family, had another document entitled: ” Marini, a puppet of the system “.

The process [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1975 Marini was sentenced to twelve years for aggravated pre -intentional murder and competing in the fight [14] . On appeal, the sentence was reduced to nine years, seven of which are actually discounted. Alfinito, Mastrogiovanni and Scariati were instead acquitted of the accusation of fighting. [7]

  1. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milan, 2006, p. 33: “He was operated on three times in cataracts: only the progress of ophthalmology science, the doctors say, could save him from total blindness within thirty years of age”
  2. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 2006, Pag. 33
  3. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milan, 2006, p. 30: “At this precise moment I intervened saying to Marini” forget it, let us leave it “”.
  4. ^ Testimony of Michele Santoro in Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milan, 2006, p. 31: “Giovanni was exasperated, lost his head. For this he went home, took the knife and … what happened happens”.
  5. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 2006, Pag. 35
  6. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 2006, Pag. 29
  7. ^ a b c History of young people from the 70s . are , Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 06-07-2010. URL consulted on 14-07-2010 .
  8. ^ Mariano Rumor report in the Chamber, page 581 ( PDF ), are ,, July 14, 1972. URL consulted on 13-07-2010 .
  9. ^ Salerno, the mayor dedicates a monument to Falvella, a young man from the Fuan killed in ’72 . are , Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 06-07-2010. URL consulted on 14-07-2010 .
  10. ^ In Salerno a committee set up to remember Carlo Falvella , in Metropolis , Salerno.
  11. ^ a b Remembering Giovanni Marini . are . URL consulted on 13-07-2010 .
  12. ^ The Marini case by Rescue Rosso, Bertani, Verona, 1974, the names are shown on the cover
  13. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 2006, Pag. 44
  14. ^ Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 2006, Pag. 53
  • Luca Telese, Black hearts , Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milan, 2006.
