Myra Hess — Wikipedia


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Myra Hess said Dame Myra Hess , Dbe (London, – London, ), is an English pianist and composer.

Julia Myra Hess was born in London in a Jewish family. At the age of five, she began to study the piano and, two years later, entered the Guildhall School of Music, where she studied with Julian Pascal and Orlando Morgan [ first ] , then won the gold medal. She studies at the Royal Academy of Music with Tobias Matthay [ 2 ] from twelve years [ first ] And made his debut at the age of seventeen, in 1907 by playing the piano concerto nº 4 of Ludwig Van Beethoven [ 2 ] And Camille Saint-Saëns’ fourth at Queen’s Hall, under the direction of Sir Thomas Beecham [ first ] . It goes on tour through Great Britain, the Netherlands and France. She also has a surprising link with jazz, having given lessons in the 1920s to Ivy Brubeck, Dave Brubeck’s mother. In 1908, she appeared for the first to Concerts Promenade , playing the concerto in mi-bémol de Liszt with Henry Wood, the first of 90 collaborations [ first ] . She is then the partner of singers, Nellie Melba, Lotte Lehmann and violinist Fritz Kreisler and Joseph Szigeti and forms a duet with Irene Scharrer [ first ] . In 1912 in the Netherlands, she saw one of her greatest successes, with the interpretation of Robert Schumann’s concerto under the direction of Wilhelm Mengelberg [ first ] and performs its first tour in the United States [ first ] and in Canada [ 2 ] In 1922.

During the Second World War, while all concert halls are closed, she organizes afternoon concerts every week at the National Gallery [ first ] In all, Hess Predenta 1,968 concerts listened to by 824,152 people, inviting many artists, and notably accompanying Elena Gerhardt.


In 1946, Arturo Toscanini invited Hess to perform with the NBC Symphony Orchestra in New York. According to Mortimer Franck, biographer of Toscanini, after having failed to agree on the tempi for the fifth Beethoven piano concerto, they decide to play the piano concerto nº 3 instead. She performed regularly at Carnegie Hall from 1946 to 1954 and played with Pablo Casals at the Prades Festival in 1951 and 1952 [ first ] .

Myra Hess gave her latest public concert in 1960 – the concerto in the Major KV488 by Mozart – before having a first heart attack [ first ] . The , she died of a heart attack at the age of 75 in her house in London. A blue plaque The commemoration at 48, Wildwood Road at Hampstead Garden Suburb.

Hess is recognized for his interpretations of the works of Mozart, Beethoven and Schumann, but had a large repertoire ranging from the well -tempered keyboard of Bach, Domenico Scarlatti to contemporary works. She created the piano sonata and the piano concerto of Howard Ferguson. She also played a lot of chamber music and played in duet with Irene Scharrer.

She arranged for piano the prelude to the choir of Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Quedu the song Heart and mouth and act and life (BWV 147) Johann Sebastian Bach [ first ] , [ 2 ] . Clive Lythgoe, as well as Richard and John Contiguglia were one of his protégés. Among his students are Ann Schein and Stephen Kovacevich [ first ] .

His discography has the summits in the Sonats Opus 109 and 110 of Beethoven, the Schumann concerto, as well as the carnival and the symphonic studies [ first ] .

  • (in) Myra Hess, Tobias Matthay , Recorded Sound, n O 24 (1966), p. 98–101 . Transcription of a 1947 radio program.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (in) D. Lassimonne and H. Ferguson (eds.), Myra Hess by her Friends , London, 1966
  • (in) M.C. McKenna, Myra Hess , London, 1976
  • Marc Vignal, Music Dictionary , Paris, Larousse, , 1 516 (ISBN  2-03-505545-8 , OCLC  896013420 , read online ) , p. 467.
  • (in) Bryce Morrison, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (édité par Stanley Sadie) : Hess, Dame Myra , London, Macmillan, second edition, 29 flights. 2001, 25,000 (ISBN  9780195170672 , read online )

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