Namor — Wikipedia


Fictional character appearing in
Fantastic Four .

Cosplay de Namor.
Namor cosplay.

Nom original Namor the Sub-Mariner
Alias Namor McKenzie
(True identity)

Amer, Mr Brown, the supreme commander of the underwater legions, the emperor of the abyss, “face of fish”, Dr. G.W. Falton, the son of Fen, “the vengeful son” the Avenging Son ») , « Fishy » McGoon, Mak-kenzee, Namor Premier Namor the First ») , Joe Pierre, the prince of the seas, prince namor of Atlantis, the water rat, imperius rex, Dr Saki, Karl Schmidt, the lord of the sea Sealord ») , “The Lord of the Seven Seas” Lord of the Seven Seas ») , Otto A. Ulrich, The old man, “winged foot” Wingfoot ») ; K’oshulkan (in the movie Black Panther: Wakanda Forever ) and many others [ first ]

Birth Foam (Antarctic capital of the Atlanteans, Southern Ocean) [ first ]
Origin Atlantis
Sex Male
Species Atlas (in) mutant
( MERMAN And A superior man )
Hair Black [ first ]
Eyes Blue-gray [ first ]
Activity Sovereign of Atlantis, adventurer


Former warrior, military commander, terrorist, businessman (Oracle owner Inc. and SM Studios) , pirate, vagabond, nautical show artist [ first ]

Characteristic Has pointed ears and a pair of small wings on each ankle [ first ]
Favorite weapons The Poseidon trident (weapon and symbol of royalty) [ first ]
Special powers
  • Aquatic adaptation (amphibians)
  • Strength, speed, agility and superhuman reflexes
  • Slight invulnerability
  • Flight in the air with tiny wings on his ankles
  • Longevity


  • Telepathic control on sea creatures
  • Possibility to copy the powers of sea creatures
Address Latvia; Previously at the Manor of Avengers (New York, New York State, United States) , l’Hydro-Base (Atlantic Ocean) [ first ] ; At the origin to Atlantis (Atlantic Ocean)
Size 1.90 m [ first ]
Family Widower [ first ] (see section)
Affiliation Member of the Illuminati; Former member of the X-Men, the Five Phoenix, the Cabal, the Dark X-Men, the Avengers, the Secret Avengers, the Royal Revenge, the Order, the Deep Six, the defenders, the squadron of Winners ( All-Winners Squad  (in) ) , invaders (the two incarnations) [ first ]
Enemy of Attuma, Master Khan  (in) ; formerly the fantastic four

Created by Bill Everett
Interpreted by Tenoch Huerta Mejía
Films Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
First appearance (historical)

  • (in) Motion Picture Funnies Weekly
    (April 1939 by Bill Everett; never published)

(univers Marvel)


Publishers Marvel Comics

Namor McKenzie , alias Namor , Also known as The prince of the seas (« Namor the Sub-Mariner » en In ) is a superhero playing in the Marvel universe of the Marvel Comics publishing house. Created by the designer and screenwriter Bill Everett, the fictional character appears for the first time in the comic book Motion Picture Funnies Weekly in April 1939.

Namor is initially an enemy, then became the ally of the superhero team the fantastic four. Fallen in love with the invisible woman, he will not stop trying to seduce her. He also became a member of the Avengers and X-Men team.

The character of Namor is six months older than the Marvel Comics firm. Indeed, Namor was created for Motion Picture Funnies Weekly , a promotional magazine of the golden age of comics published by First Funnies, inc. This company created series of comics which she then offered to publishers [ 2 ] .

The number of Motion Picture Funnies Weekly having not been distributed, the story of Bill Everett is reissued in Marvel Comics #1 with other series including Human Torch by Carl Burgos, published by Timely Comics (the ancestor of Marvel Comics) in October 1939 [ 2 ] . In 1940, Funnies, Inc. ceased her activities and sold the rights of the characters to Timely.

Namor was also the first anti-hero, the first enemy hero of humans. It is integrated into Marvel continuity in the magazine Fantastic Four #4 in May 1962 (published in France in Fantask n O 1 in February 1969).

The name “Prince of the Seas” – which has imposed itself in French translations – was that used by Lug editions, then by Semic. At Arédit/Artima, who also published the adventures of the character in French [ a ] , the character kept his name to “submarinate”.

According to Bill Everett, the name of the character of Namor (“The Sub-Marner”) was inspired by the poem by Samuel Coleridge ” The Rime of the Ancient Mariner » [ first ] .

Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Atlantis was a continent located in the North Atlantic; The Atlanteans have been populating it for 20,000 of. J.-C. But he was overwhelmed during the “great cataclysm”, 500 years after the reign of King Kuli. About 8,000 years ago, a group of nomads MERMAN (in) discovered the ruins of the capital, also called Atlantis, and rebuilt it to found a sedentary company there.

The current Atlanteans are bluish in color with gills allowing them to breathe underwater. Their mythology says that it was the Poseidon God who transformed a tribe of his worshipers into amphibious beings [ 3 ] .

Namor is the son of a human and an Atlantean, a member of a race of amphibian humanoids living in the bottom of the oceans named MERMAN . In addition to being a hybrid, it is also a mutant.

The events that led to the birth of Namor McKenzie began in 1915, when the Explorer Ernest Shackleton was sent on a trip by Winston Churchill to bring back a sample of vibranium from Antarctica. Leonard McKenzie arrived with his ship l’Oracle In the region in 1920. He agreed to take the telepathe Paul Destine which was looking for a long lost race called the Ancients. Their trips placed them directly above the legendary kingdom of Atlantis. When they used loads to explode the ice, they caused serious dead and destruction in Atlantis. Emperor Thakorr asked for an expedition to find out what caused destruction. However, her daughter, Princess Fen, in order to prove her bravery, went up alone with the only sample of a potion that allowed an Atlantean to breathe over the water for five hours in a row. Led aboard the Oracle and considered a strange clandestine passenger, Fen was personally taken care of by McKenzie. Fen remained to learn what she could on the inhabitants of the surface, learned their language and quickly fell in love with Leonard and married. Her prolonged absence from Atlantis prompted Thakorr to send a research team for her. Directed by the Krang War Lord, the Oracle was taken by storm and Leonard was shot. Fen was brought back to Atlantis, believing that Leonard was dead.

Fen discovered that she was pregnant with Leonard’s child. When the child was born, she called him Namor, which meant “the avenging son” in the Atlantean language [ 4 ] .

The “first Marvel mutant” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Marvel Comics has repeatedly identified Namor as being the « premier mutant Marvel » ( Marvel’s first mutant ), which is true with regard to the order in which the character appeared in Marvel publications.

However, it is not the oldest mutant in the fictitious chronology of the Marvel universe. A certain number of mutants preceded it, notably Selene (active for at least 10,000 years), Apocalypse (born in XXX It is century of. J.-C. ), Exodus (born at XII It is century), Wolverine (end of XIX It is century), mystical and destiny (unknown birth dates, but which we know has been active in “the dawn of XX It is century) ”), the demonic mutant Azazel and a group of mutants known as external.

In X-Men #6 (July 1964), Professor Xavier, leader of the X-Men and his Magneto opponent, both suspect that Namor is a mutant and strive to recruit him. The later authors of the 1960s and 1970s will describe it as a “hybrid” and not a mutant, in order to distinguish it from the X-Men mutants [ b ] . When the series is relaunched in 1990, the title logo bears the subtitle “The first and most powerful mutant in Marvel!” »» Marvel’s first and mightiest mutant! »).

Namor is actually a hybrid of atlante and human physiology, although it has main characteristics that neither the Atlanteans ( MERMAN ) Nor humans ( Homo sapiens ) do not have. These include its ability to fly in the air, and probably its durability and its strength (which is several times that of a standard Atlantean).

In the first issue of the mini-series Illuminati In five parts, after being tested by the Skrulls, it is confirmed that Namor is not only an Atlanteur/Human hybrid, but also a mutant. Namor spent his childhood taunting his cousin Dorma, as well as playing with his other cousins ​​Namora and Byrrah as well as with his friend Meranno.

The oil spill [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the youth of Namor, he traveled within the framework of the Atlantean diplomatic mission to the reefs of Orreki, the seasonal capital of the Gouffre people. Here, he met the Prince of the Chasm people, Attua, for the first time, the two first developed a rivalry. However, they put aside their differences and began to develop a friendship for peace between their peoples. To encourage diplomatic relations, Attuma, Namor and Dorma were sent to accompany the rapid tide, a multinational group of underwater heroes, as part of a mission aimed at recovering unforgettable stone, an Eldritch artefact created by Old. The mission ended with a disaster when the members of the rapid tide were transferred to predatory monsters with the power of the unforgettable stone. Taking the name of black tide, they were unleashed. First of all, they attacked the orreki reefs, killing everyone present, including the father of Attuma, King Attukar. Then they set their sights on Atlantis (Pacific). In the end, they were arrested thanks to Dorma controlling the unforgettable stone and sealing the members of the oil spill. Blâmant Atlantis for destruction, Attuma left, breaking all hope of negotiations [ 5 ] .

During WWII [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Namor was sent to New York after his discovery of divers near Atlantis. However, the divers were Nazis, and Namor joined the invaders, a group led by Captain America, his acolyte Bucky, the original human torch and his acolyte Toro fighting during the Second World War (in addition to his solo missions )) [ 6 ] , and later the All-Winners Squad to oppose the axis forces.

Namor sometimes fought, then became friends with democratic societies of the surface; The explanation of this was discovered later as a temporary madness due to too much time spent away from the sea. For the most part, however, Namor set his sights on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Atlanteans were involved in the human torch created by the axis, which formed the Firebrand squadron. An Atlantean, his friend Meranno, has become an agent of the axis known as U-Man [ 7 ] .

1960s [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the war, Namor disappears. He remained abandoned until Johnny Storm, the third human torch, finds him a tramp and amnesiac and sees him use his super-forest. Johnny felt bad for amnesiac and proposed to help him get back on his feet. He shaved his beard with his flame, revealing the real features of Namor. Johnny then threw Namor in the river, successfully restaurants Namor’s memory. Unfortunately, Namor tried to return to Atlantis, but found an outpost that had been destroyed by nuclear tests during the years he was amnesiac. He assumed that all his people were dispersed where they would never find it. Namor immediately swore to take revenge from the surface world and attacked it, using the giant sea monster Giganto. The fantastic four managed to stop it. During the fight, he instantly became in love with Susan Storm and offered to make him his wife, then his queen [ 8 ] . Namor followed her romantic crush with her for years and she even shared feelings for a while.

Namor has teamed up with Doctor Fatalis to destroy the fantastic four [ 9 ] . He also joined Hulk in an attack on the Avengers, but was postponed when the capricious Hulk left the fight [ ten ] . After the battle, Namor fell on the still frozen body of his war comrade, Captain America, who was venerated by an Inuit distant tribe. Raised, he threw the ice block in the ocean. The avengers fell on the body thawing from Rogers and quickly rehabilitated the legendary hero [ 11 ] .

Shortly after, Magneto approached Namor and asked him to join his first brotherhood of bad mutants. Namor fought the X-Men in a battle alongside Magneto but refused to bow down to the master of magnetism and finally rejected the offer. Namor did not like the way Magneto mistreated and threatened the red witch, and destroyed part of Magneto’s equipment in retaliation. He felt attracted to the red witch, because his beauty reminded him of Susan Storm but he feared that she would hurt him as Susan had done when she had rejected him. Namor chooses to flee Wanda [ twelfth ] .

Even if he had been their enemy, Namor had won respect for the Avengers. When the team’s original members took a leave, they approached Namor to offer him a place with the Avengers, but he refused [ 13 ]

The damned club [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While Sebastian Shaw was looking for a new person for the title of white king of the Damné club, he organized a party to which he invited the most influential men in the world and tried to decide who would be best suited for this post. Rejecting Tony Stark and Norman Osborn’s candidacy, he chose Namor, and invited him to join the club. Namor rejecting the proposal with contempt, said that if Sebastian dared to waste his time again on such a minor thing, he would kill it. It plunged Shaw into a frantic anger, he ordered Emma Frost to force Namor to join the club, whatever the price. A few days later, she simulated a suicide attempt by jumping over a yacht to attract Namor’s attention. He saved it and spent two weeks together in Atlantis. Shaw, however, tired of waiting for news from Emma, ​​and thinking that Namor had killed or captured her, decided to send sentries in search of her. The sentries attacked Namor and Emma and caused damage to Atlantis, and Namor took this as a declaration of war. Finding where the sentries came from, Namor, with Emma, ​​went there and hit Shaw, Donald Pierce and Tessa. She changed Emma’s mind to erase the memories of her betrayal and make her again faithful to the club. Surrounded by two telepaths, Shaw explained to Namor that he would never approach enough to kill him. Namor left but swore to take revenge one day [ 14 ] .

Wedding with Dorna [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Namor returned to Atlantis and has become king again, coming up against several times both in the world of the surface [ 15 ] that to underwater threats like the rebellious chief Attua [ 16 ] . He had to marry his cousin Dorma, whom he had fallen in love. However, Llyra, a evil princess of Lemurie, another underwater kingdom, removed and replaced slept during the marriage, hoping to usurp the kingdom of Namor. Legally, Dorma was the one Namor had married, but he had to find her again. Unfortunately, Llyra had died in the surface world in a tank as bait, and when Namor arrived, she broke the tank to distract him. Namor couldn’t save sleep and almost went crazy about sorrow [ 17 ] .

Member of Avengers and Defenders [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Unfortunately, the troubles were often running for the avenging son of Atlantis, and he lost his kingdom on several occasions. He helped found the defenders [ 18 ] And then joined his former rivals, the Avengers [ 19 ] After helping to recover the cocoon in which the Phoenix force had placed Jean Gray, which was believed to be dead, years earlier [ 20 ] . He also married Marrina, member of Alpha Flight, another resident of the sea, but lost it when she became a evil leviathan and was killed by Namor himself with the ebony sword of the knight Black [ 21 ] , he then left the Avengers. During his active membership as Avengers, his pride was an obstacle to teamwork, and his rivalry with Hercules was particularly notable. His respect for his former comrade Captain America helped to prevent this from becoming a major problem. He was also a member of the Deep Six underwater team. The defenders, with their more loose organizational approach, left Namor “the space” he needed. He also fought against Magneto when Magnus tried to save his students from Emma Frost and recovered his lost giant horn, which was found by the X-Terminators [ 22 ] . Shortly after, thugs of the Atlantean company led by Attuma declared war on the surface (during the event Atlantis ), and Namor was presumed killed in the battle, although the Atlantean barbarians were defeated [ 23 ] .

PDG de Oracle, Inc. [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

However, Namor had actually survived and resurfaced for months later in the South Pacific. Having become almost crazy following his ordeal, he was found by Caleb and Carrie Alexander, a father-daughter team who quickly treated Namor. It was Caleb who revealed to Namor the truth about his blood chemistry and his “rages”. He equipped it with an instructor who warned him when he had to seek air or water. This allowed Namor to control his metabolism for the first time in his life. Determined to continue to preserve the oceans and its people, but without revealing itself, Namor has looted engulfed treasures to finance the purchase of an international company which he renamed Oracle, Inc., using the Alexander as buyers by proxy [ 24 ] . Shortly after, however, Namor was forced to prove to be publicly when a terrorist bomb exploded on an Oracle submarine super-tank, threatening everyone’s life in New York. Then Namor lost his ankle wings when he sparked a mutagenous jammer in order to stop the Sluj monster [ 25 ] . He entered the world of high finance, even if it put him in conflict with the Super Skrull, then with the dimension of K’un-Lun, where he found the hero Iron Fist (Danny Rand), presumed Death for many months [ 26 ] .

Back on earth and investigating the apparent invasion of the earth by the K’un-Lun vegetable race called H’Ylthri, Namor was forced to fight Wolverine, who had been captured by the H’Ylthri and their Plantman partner a few days earlier. The battle was fierce, but it was interrupted by the sorcerer Master Khan, who destroyed the people of the plants and brought Wolverine home. Khan then erased Namor’s memory [ 27 ] And threw him into the American Midwest as a punishment for having ingested in his plans for Iron Fist. Namor has “disappeared” for almost a year and was known as “Rex”, until his cousin Namorita is able to find him using a psychic link with him that she had recently discovered. However, Namor did not recognize it and rejected it. He found the memory shortly after, when he and the apparently resurrected princess was captured by the new fishing vessel of Dr Fatalis. The boat itself was then magically imprisoned in a bottle by Master Khan, and Khan took the form of Namor and sold a large part of the assets of Oracle. Namor quickly broke the bottle and the spell, then torn off Khan’s head [ 28 ] .

Immediately afterwards, Namor was called in Atlantis to deal with the attacks of the old outsourcing at the borders of Atlantis. Fen tried to usurp the throne, and it was quickly revealed that she was actually the Queen-Sorcière Artys-Gran, who had stolen the body of FEN in order to release her husband Suma-Tat, a pagan-sorcier king who had been banished by Namor. He quickly faced ket and was killed, impaled on Ket’s spear. Fortunately, Posseidon, the deity venerated by Atlantis, appeared to resuscitate Namor to fight Suma-bet, whose religion threatened his existence. In the process, Namor’s ankle wings were restored and he received the sacred golden armor of his ancestor. With the help of his people and his comrades, Namor defeated Suma-Boute and his forces, although the real fen, trapped in the body of Artys-Gran, is dead by defending his son as a final attack as Socus, the servant of the enemies [ 29 ] . Namor finally returned both to the management of Atlantis and to the management of Oracle, but generally remained outside the world of the surface. Oracle, Inc. also funded the heroes for Hire charity super-group, and the team used an oracle installation as a head office.

Subsequently, Namor was involved in an international dispute with the Wakanda and his King T’Challa (alias black panther) [ 30 ] , and had to face the uprisings of Attuma again.

Source : [ first ]

  • Dame Dorma (first wife and cousin, deceased)
  • Marina Smallwood (second wife, presumed deceased)
  • Princess Fen (mother, deceased)
  • Kamar (son on Terre-616, deceased)
  • Leonard Stuart McCenies (Pendur, Doupe Center)
  • Thakorr (grandfather, deceased)
  • Queen Korra (grandmother, probably died)
  • IMMANU (maternal great-grandfather, deceased)
  • DAKA (Uncle)
  • Wathan (cousin and stepfather, probably deceased)
  • Tsarina (many)
  • An unidentified uncle (Zarina’s husband)
  • An unidentified uncle (Namora’s father, deceased)
  • Wa-Korr (cousin and grandfather by alliance, probably deceased)
  • Byrrah (cousin, adoptive uncle, deceased)
  • Aquarium Nautica Neptune (Namora, Cousine)
  • Culture (cousin in the second degree , deceased)
  • Talan (cousin by alliance, deceased)
  • Tom and Gladys Smallwood (adoptive parents-in-law)
  • Daniel Smallwood (adoptive brother-in-law)
  • Lawrence Mckenzie (Demi-Forer)
  • Leon McKenzie (the black wall, half-neveu)
  • Llyron McKenzie (half-back-nephew)
  • Arkus, Bemer, Bobo, Byrabo, Dara (Damité), Namita et seth (Cousins)
  • Elana, Hranan, cale, casiv, Casse Sun, Stélad, Zeng, which invucts ignore)
  • N2 (clone)

Namor is a mutant who owes his pink skin pigmentation to the human part of his genome, as well as the ability to breathe out of the water [ first ] .

Due to a hormonal imbalance in his body (oxygen imbalance that sometimes disrupts his brain), Namor is unstable and easily gets carried away. When he is not affected by this imbalance, he is a tactician and an accomplished chief [ first ] .

He is also a talented businessman, who has the reputation of mastering most land languages, in addition to the Atlantean and the Lemur; He talks about English in particular. In addition, he knows how to reconstruct Atlantean technology and improve it [ first ] .

  • The Atlantean part of Namor gives him the possibility of breathing indefinitely underwater, his body being able to resist the pressure of the great marine depths, which gives it a semi-invulnerability and a great force [ first ] .
  • Its hybrid nature also gives it exceptional longevity [ first ] .
  • Its mutation has endowed it with small anasles with ankles, which allow it to fly in the air [ first ] .
  • Marvel Mystery Comics (Timely Comics, 1939-1949)
  • Human Torch #2-38 (1940-1954)
  • Sub-Mariner Comics #1-42 (1941-1955)
  • All Winners Comics #1-20 (1941-1946)
  • All Select Comics #1-11 (1943-1946)
  • Kid Komics #4 (mars 1944)
  • Daring Comics #10-12 (December 1944- November 1945)
  • Blonde Phantom Comics #13-22 (December 1944- December 1948)
  • Dating #1-3 (May 1948- December 1948)
  • Young Men #24-26 (August-December 1953)
  • Fantastic Four Annual #1 (July 1963)
  • Tales to Astonish #70-101 (1965-1968)
  • Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner #1 (April 1968)
  • Sub-Mariner ( vol. 1) #1-72 and Annuals #1-2 (1968-1974)
  • Defenders ( vol. 1) #1-139 (1972–1985)
  • Giant-Size Invaders #1 (mars 1975)
  • Invaders #1-41 (1975-1979)
  • Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #1-2 (1975) and Super-Villain Team-Up #1-13 (1975-1976)
  • Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #1-4 (1984)
  • The Saga of the Sub-Mariner #1-12 (1988-1989)
  • Namor the Sub-Mariner #1-65 and Annuals #1-4 (1990-1995)
  • Invaders ( vol. 2) #1-4 (1993)
  • Incredible Hulk/Sub-Mariner Annual (1998)
  • Namor #1-12 (2003-2004)
  • New Invaders #1-10 (2004–2005)
  • Giant-Size Invaders #2 (November 2005)
  • Sub-Mariner ( vol. 2) #1-6 (2007-2008)
  • Sub-Mariner: The Depths #1-6 (2008)
  • Namor: The First Mutant #1-11 (2010–2011)
  • Invaders Now! #1-5 (2010–2011)
  • Infinity #1-6 (2013–2014)
  • All-New Invaders #1-12 (2014–2015)
  • Secret Wars #1-9 (2015–2016)
  • Namor: The Best Defense #1 (December 2018)
  • Invaders ( vol. 3) #1-12 (2019–2020)
  • Atlantis Attacks #1-5 (2020–2021)
  • King in Black: Namor #1-5 (2021)

Icône signalant une information Unless otherwise indicated or complementary, the information mentioned in this section may be confirmed by the IMDB database .

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Video games [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. From September 1971 in small formats Fiction adventures , Eclipso And Submariner Then in color in Namor .
  2. As explained in the mail page of readers of (in) Sub-Mariner #31 (November 1970), Marvel Comics.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s and t “Encyclopedia – Namor” , (Accessed August 25, 2018).
  2. a et b (in) Will Murray, Introduction » , Dance Carl Burgos, Paul Gustavson, Bill Everett et al., Marvel Comics 1 : 80Th Anniversary Edition , New-York, Marvel Entertainment, (ISBN  9781302514532 , read online ) .
  3. Marvel encyclopedia from A to Z vol. 1, Lug editions.
  4. Saga of the Sub-Mariner #1 (juillet 1988)
  5. King in Black: Namor (December 2020-April 2021)
  6. Giant-Size Invaders #1 (mars 1975)
  7. Invaders #4 (October 1975)
  8. Fantastic Four #4 (February 1962)
  9. Fantastic Four #6 (juin 1962)
  10. Avengers #3 (November 1963)
  11. Avengers #4 (January 1964)
  12. X-Men #6 (Mai 1964)
  13. Avengers #16 (mars 1965)
  14. Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol.2 #2 (January 2009)
  15. DarlyVil # 7 (FEGVRESS 1965)
  16. Fantastic Four #33 (September 1964)
  17. Sub-Mariner #37 (May 1971)
  18. Marvel Feature #1 (December 1971)
  19. Avengers #282 (mai 1987)
  20. Fantastic Four #286 (January 1986)
  21. Avengers #293 (mars 1988)
  22. New Mutants #76 (February 1989)
  23. Iron Man Annual #10 (avril 1989)
  24. Namor the Sub-Marner #1 (February 1990)
  25. Namor the Sub-Marner #7 (August 1990)
  26. Namor the Sub-Marner #23 (December 1991)
  27. Namor the Sub-Marner #25 (February 1992)
  28. Namor the sub-mariner #33 (October 1992)
  29. Namor the Sub-Mariner #40 (mai 1993)
  30. Black Panther Vol. 3 #28 (January 2001)

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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