National AIDS Research Agency and Viral Hepatitis – Wikipedia


L’ National AIDS Research Agency and Viral Hepatitis ( Anrs ) is a public organization created in 1988 [ first ] With the mission of federating, coordinating, animating and funding public research on HIV and viral hepatitis.


In 2021, the ANRS got closer to the reacting consortium to form a new agency: ANRS | Emerging infectious diseases. Its missions are the animation, evaluation, coordination and financing of research on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (especially infections Emerging respiratory, including COVID-19, viral hemorrhagic fevers, arboviroses).

Anrs was created in 1988, seven years after the first description in 1981 in unknown syndrome appeared in the United States [ 2 ] , and five years after the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) responsible for AIDS by a French research team from the Pasteur Institute, of which Françoise Barré-Sinoussi is a part [ 3 ] .

Faced with the scale of this epidemic, Claude Got, in a report written at the request of the Minister of Health at the time [ 4 ] , recommends the establishment of three entities for: care of patients, ethical questions and AIDS research. These entities, actually created are: the French Agency for the Fight against AIDS (AFLS), the National AIDS Council (CNS) and the National Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS) [ 5 ] which is born in .

In 2021, the merger of the National Agency for AIDS Research and Viral Hepatitis and the Research and Action Targeting Emerging Infectious Diseases (Reacting) Consortium created a new agency, ANRS | Emerging infectious diseases, whose research perimeter is extended to emerging infectious diseases [ 6 ] .

In 1992, the ANRS became a public interest group (GIP). The GIP was created by constitutive agreement and approved by a decree of [ 7 ] , for an initial period of six years. In 1998, he was extended until [ 8 ] , then again in 2000 until [ 9 ] , in 2003 until [ ten ] , and in 2009 until [ 11 ] .

When it was created, the GIP associates the State as a partner, represented by the Ministry of Research, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and the Pastor Institute. THE , a decree approving the modified constitutive agreement, completes the list of members with the new partner the Ministry of Health [ twelfth ] .


At , it becomes an autonomous agency of Inserm.

From its creation, the missions of the ANRS are to federate, coordinate, animate and finance the whole of public research on AIDS.

In 1994, the first ANRS research site opened in Dakar, Senegal.

There are now partner research sites in eight countries in the south: in Brazil, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Cambodia and Vietnam.

In 1999, faced with the magnitude of the epidemic of viral hepatitis, the public authorities widened the ANRS mission to clinical research on viral hepatitis in France and in countries with limited resources.

In 2005, the ANRS again saw its field of intervention expand since it is then responsible for coordinating and finance all the scientific sectors concerned by the study of viral hepatitis, mainly hepatitis B and C. Anrs has thus become the National Agency for AIDS Research and Viral Hepatitis.

In 2013, the ANRS renewed its identity with the creation of a new logo.

In 2020, the ANRS included in its calls for projects research on sexually transmitted infections (IST) and tuberculosis.

In 2021, the ANRS merged with reacting. This new agency is expanding its perimeter to emerging infectious diseases, including viral hemorrhagic fevers, arboviroses and emerging respiratory infections, such as COVID-19. The agency covers all areas of research: fundamental, clinical research, public health and human and society sciences; Its organization emphasizes innovation and strengthening international partnerships. With an approach One Health , interested in human, animal health and the impact of man on the environment, the agency is preparing the response to scientific issues posed by emerging diseases and its deployment in times of crisis. The agency brings together and leads several national and international networks of researchers and doctors employed by the main research organizations, universities, hospital centers or associations. Patient associations and civil society representatives are fully integrated into its governance and functioning [ 13 ] .

The ANRS addresses research on HIV, hepatitis, STIs, tuberculosis and emerging infectious diseases in a multidisciplinary manner. It is organized in scientific departments, the fields of skills of which relate to: basic research, clinical research, research in public health and human and social sciences, innovation, structuring support for research and partnerships and strategy.

Since 2012, the Department of Pharmacovigilance has ensured the pharmacovigilance of all the research promoted by the ANRS and by INSERM, from the evaluation and validation of protocols to the daily management of patient safety [ 14 ] .

The objective of vaccination research which aims to develop an effective preventive vaccine against HIV and VHC infections was also taken care of by the ANRS but is now entrusted to the Research Institute (VRI) vaccine (VRI) [ 15 ] .

Guidance council [ 16 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the integration of the ANRS in INSERM as an autonomous agency in 2012, an orientation council, made up of 15 members, has replaced the former board of directors. He is responsible for defining the main strategic orientations of the ANRS, approving his actions, budget and management assessment, and is pronounced on any question relating to the operation of the agency.

scientific Council [ 16 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The scientific council consists of 15 members, scientific personalities, and 2 members representing the associative environment. These members are chosen either for their scientific skills in the field of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, or for their ability to objectively assess the actions carried out in the ANRS. They are appointed by the director of the agency. Their mandate is four years, renewable once.
The Council expresses an opinion on the scientific guidelines of the ANRS, on all of its actions, leads a prospective reflection and establishes the assessment of the work carried out. It meets as many times as necessary and at least once a year [ 17 ] .

Due to the research it supports and its involvement in the countries of the South, the ANRS has established a dense network of partners in France, with research organizations and hospitals, and also with most major international specialized organizations in research and health.

The ANRS is also very closely associated with patient associations who play an essential role in the fight against these epidemics.

  1. a et b Anrs: our history » , on , (consulted the )
  2. Marc Gozlan, June 5, 1981: first mention in a medical journal of five cases of AIDS » , on , (consulted the )
  3. Pastor Institute, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and her work on the HIV-1 virus » , (consulted the )
  4. Claude Got, AIDS report: August 23-October 3, 1988 , Paris, Flammarion, , 348 p. (ISBN  2-08-066332-1 ) .
  5. Question » , on (consulted the )
  6. Pascale Santi, « A new agency devoted to emerging infectious diseases in lack of means », The world , ( read online )
  7. Stop of approving the creation of a public interest group , Jorf n O 158 of , p. 9203, Nor Resy9200314a, on Légifrance.
  8. Stop of Approving the endorsement to the constitutive agreement of a public interest group , Jorf n O 160 of , p. 10799, Nor Menr9801905a, on Légifrance.
  9. Opinion relating to a decision approving the modified constitutive agreement of a public interest group, Jorf n O 10 of , p. 612, nor curro073409v, on legifrance.
  10. Opinion relating to a decision approving the endorsement n O 1 to the modified constitutive agreement of a public interest group , Jorf n O 290 of , p. 21424–21425, text n O 113, nor RECR0300116V, on legifrance.
  11. Opinion relating to a decision approving an amendment to the constitutive convention modifying a public interest group , Jorf n O 269 ​​of , p. 20042, text n O 18, Nor ESRR0925360V, on Légifrance.
  12. Stop of Approving the modified constitutive agreement of the public interest group called AIDS Research Agency , Jorf n O 179 of , p. 11592, nor menh9501371a, on legifrance.
  13. Anrs, The new Anrs agency | Emerging infectious diseases » , on , (consulted the )
  14. Anrs – Who are we? – Presentation of the ANRS – ANRS and its missions » , on (consulted the ) .
  15. Missions – Vaccine Research Institute » (consulted the )
  16. a et b Anrs, Nos instances » , on , (consulted the )
  17. Anrs – Who are we? – Organization – Internal regulations » , on (consulted the )
  18. Anrs, International » , on , (consulted the )
