National Ethics Advisory Committee for Life and Health Sciences – Wikipedia


The National Ethics Advisory Committee for Life and Health Sciences , often abbreviated in National Ethics Advisory Committee ( Ccne ), is a French advisory body, whose mission is to “Give opinions on ethical problems and social issues raised by the progress of knowledge in the fields of biology, medicine and health” [ first ] .


Following the birth of Amandine, the first French baby designed by fertilization in vitro In 1982, national research meetings were launched in 1982 by Jean-Pierre Chevènement and Philippe Lazar [ 2 ] , then director of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).

The National Ethics Advisory Committee is created by decree of President François Mitterrand on February 23, 1983 [ 3 ] , and subsequently his skills were modified by several successive decrees and laws [ 4 ] , the most recent being the law of July 7, 2011 relating to bioethics [ 5 ] .

The first subjects treated are medical assistance to procreation, experimentation on humans, research on human embryo, access to genetic information and the concept of consent [ 6 ] .

The first president of the CCNE is Professor Jean Bernard (1983-1993). Follow Professor Jean-Pierre Changeux (1993-1999), Professor Didier Sicard (1999-2007), Professor Alain Grimfeld (2010-2012), Professor Jean-Claude Ameisen (2012-2016) [ 6 ] And Professor Jean-François Delfraissy since December 14, 2016.

The CCNE is consulted by referral to various organizations or government institutions, but also by self-saisine. Composed of scientists, doctors, philosophers, jurists, theologians of all confessions (until September 2013, when they were ousted by the government), and journalists, the CCNE is the only French and international committee depending on absolutely no supervisory authority [ 7 ] , except for his appointment mode.

The CCNE gives its first opinion on , “On the samples of died embryos and human fetuses, for therapeutic, diagnostic and scientific purposes” . He has since rendered a hundred opinions accessible to all, and relating to subjects as varied and crucial as the status of embryos, prenatal diagnostics, the conditions of organ donations, obtaining and the use of stem cells , the right to the end of life (euthanasia), health in prison, or predictions based on the detection of early behavior disorders in children.


Members and appointment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The CCNE consists of a president, 39 members and honorary presidents. The President is appointed by the President of the Republic for a period of two years renewable. The members are appointed for 4 years (renewable once) and renewed by half every two years:

  • 5 personalities designated by the President of the Republic and belonging to the “main philosophical and spiritual families” [ 8 ]
  • 19 personalities chosen for “their competence and their interest in ethical problems”
  • 15 personalities belonging to the “research sector”
    • A member of the Academy of Sciences, appointed by its president;
    • A member of the National Academy of Medicine, appointed by its president;
    • A representative of the Collège de France, appointed by his administrator;
    • A representative of the Pasteur Institute, appointed by its director;
    • Four researchers and two engineers, technicians or administratives of INSERM or CNRS, for half designated by each of the general directors of these organizations;
    • Two teacher-researchers or members of the teacher and hospital staff of hospitals and university centers appearing on the electoral lists of Inserm, appointed by the director general of this institute;
    • Two teacher-researchers or members of the teaching and hospital staff of hospitals and university centers, appointed by the Conference of University Presidents;
    • A researcher belonging to the bodies of researchers holding INRA, appointed by the president and chief executive officer of this institute.

The secretary general is responsible for coordinating the work of the committee.

Law n ° 2021-1017 of August 2, 2021 relating to bioethics establishes parity and brings the number of members to 45 by adding six representatives of associations of sick and users of the health system, associations of disabled people, family associations and associations working in the field of protection of persons. An implementing decree was signed on March 28, 2022 [ 9 ] .

Current members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The current composition of the CCNE is as follows [ ten ] :

  • Jean-François DELFRAISSY, president appointed the [ 11 ] , and renewed in his functions on January 21, 2019 by Decree of Emmanuel Macron [ twelfth ] .
  • Honorary Presidents: Jean Claude Ameisen, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Alain Grimfeld and Didier Sicard.
  • Vice-president: Karine Lefeuvre.
  • 5 personalities designated by the President of the Republic and belonging to the main philosophical and spiritual families: Abdennour Bidar, Marion Muller-Colard, Cynthia Fleury, Dominique Quinio and Frédéric Worms.
  • 15 Personalities belonging to the research sector: Emmanuel Didier, Catherine Patrat, Mounira Amor-Guéret, Régis Aubry, Thomas Bourgeron, Monique Canto-Sperber, Laure Coulombel, Pierre-Henri Duée, Anne Durandy, Marie-Germaine Bousse, Jean-François Bach, Francis Puech, Gilles Adda, Anne Pelle, Claude Delpuech.
  • 19 qualified personalities chosen because of their competence and their interest in ethics problems: François Anermet, Christiane Basset, Gilles Bœuf, Yves Charpenel, Claire Hedon, Sophie Crozier, Caroline Martin, Pierre Delmas-Goyon, Lionel Naccache, Florence Gruat, Alexandra Benachi, Martine Le Friant, Corinne Imbert, Jean-Pierre Mignard, Karine Lefeuvre, Michel Van-Praët, Claude Kirchner, Marc Delatte, Florence Jusot.

Some former notorious members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Didier Sicard Honorary President of the National Ethics Committee (2014).

The former presidents of the CCNE were:

Among the former notorious members, we can cite:

  • Raymond Bastin, from 1983 to 1991
  • Henri Atlan, from 1983 to 2000
  • Michaël Azoulay Rabbi, from 2008 to 2013
  • Étienne-Émile Baulieu, from 1996 to 2003
  • Jean Bardet, from? at 2008
  • Jean Bernard, first president of the CCNE from 1983 to 1993 and honorary president then.
  • Michelle Bressand [ 14 ]
  • Monique Canto-Sperber, from? at 2008
  • André Comte-Sponville from 2008 to 2016
  • Jean Daniel de? To ?
  • Bernard Debré, from 1986 to 1988
  • Mireille Delmas-Marty, from 2003 to 2008
  • Élisabeth Dufourcq, from 1993 to 1995
  • Luc Ferry, from 2009 to 2013
  • Alain Fischer, from 2003 to 2009
  • René Frydman, from 1986 to 1990
  • Claude HURIET from 1995 to 2001
  • Albert Jacquard, from 1983 to 1988
  • Axel Kahn, from 1992 to 2004
  • Claude Kordon, from 2002 to 2008
  • Haïm Korsia, Rabbi, from 2003 to 2009
  • Blandine kriegel, 2003 to 2009
  • Jean-François Mattei, from 1993 to 1997
  • France Quéré, from 1983 to 1995 [ 15 ]
  • Ketty Schwartz, the 2000 in 2002
  • Lucien Sève, from 1983 to 2000
  • Dominique Wolton, from 1997 to 2005

The law of July 7, 2011 relating to bioethics gave the CCNE the power to organize “Estates General” before carrying out any reform project on ethical or social issues:

“Any reform project on ethical problems and social issues raised by the progress of knowledge in the fields of biology, medicine and health must be preceded by a public debate in the form of general states” [ 16 ] .

It is within the framework of the organization of these Estates General that the law advocates the use of conferences of citizens:

“The Estates General mentioned in article L. 1412-1-1 bring together conferences of citizens chosen in order to represent society in its diversity. After receiving prior training, they debate and write an opinion as well as recommendations that are made public. Experts participating in the training of citizens and generals are chosen according to criteria of independence, pluralism and multidisciplinarity ” [ 17 ] .

The Ayrault government proceeds to the statutory renewal of the composition of the CCNE on September 11, 2013. The CCNE enters personalities close to President François Hollande, such as Jean-Marie Delarue (Honorary State Councilor and Controller General of Freedom Department) and the CCNE of President) and Michelle Meunier (PS senator, member of the Social Affairs Committee and the Delegation for Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities between men and women). The Council of State appoints Jean-Pierre Mignard, lawyer and co-director of the editorial staff of the Christian testimony newspaper. The two new representatives of the “main philosophical and spiritual families” designated by the president are no longer members of the clergy but lay people from civil society and specialists in religious issues. Thus, Pastor Louis Schweitzer is replaced by Marianne Carbonnier-Burkard, historian specializing in Protestant reform; The neurologist Lionel Naccache, also known for his writings on the Talmud, succeeds Rabbi Michaël Azoulay. Their positions are not to be renewed, the theologian Xavier Lacroix will continue to represent the Catholic “current of thought”, and the philosopher Abdennour Bidar the Muslim current. “Taking civil personalities and not people inscribed in the religious hierarchy is a good thing, because the latter always end up engaging their religion in the debate” testifies Didier Sicard, former president of the CCNE [ 18 ] .

This renewal triggers many criticisms among religious authorities and right -wing elected officials [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] , the latter seeing in this gesture “A political maneuver which aims to” change the color “of the CCNE in the approach of major debates on euthanasia and the opening of the AMP to homosexual couples, while personalities known for their sensitivity to the left or Their friendship with the President of the Republic have just been appointed by the latter ” , saddle the Journaliste Delphine of Malllevoüe two Figaro [ 22 ] . However, Jean-Marie Delarue had publicly spoken against marriage for all [ 18 ] .

According to Patrick Gaudray, researcher in genetics and president of the CCNE technical committee, the CCNE is not a politicized enclosure: “People cannot be in a frozen and dogmatic position. Otherwise, we could not work. They take the time to listen to themselves to reach more subtle positions. It is sometimes difficult to know their political positioning [ 18 ] . »

  1. Loop n O 2004-800 of August 6, 2004 relating to bioethics
  2. Jean-Marc Biais and Jacqueline Rémy, “” Ethics “is a serious word” , interview with Didier Sicard in L’Express from February 20, 2003.
  3. Decree n O 83-132 of February 23, 1983 creating a national ethics advisory committee for the life and health sciences
  4. Founding texts » , on Ccne (consulted the )
  5. Loop n O 2011-814 of July 7, 2011 relating to bioethics (initial version) » , on Legifrance (consulted the )
  6. a et b CCNE history.
  7. Bioethics , interview with Didier Sicard in the program With or without an appointment On France Culture on June 19, 2007.
  8. Article 4 §1 ° of the decree n O 83-132 of February 23, 1983 creating a national ethics advisory committee for the life and health sciences, of article 2§1 ° of the decree relating to the National Consultative Committee for Ethics for the Sciences life and health, n O 97-555 May 1997, of the article first is of the law of August 6, 2004 relating to bioethics codified in article L 1412-2 §1 ° of the public health code.
  9. Decree n O 98-450 2022-436 Du 28 March 2022 relating to the equal access of women and men to the national ethical advisory committee and the composition of the committee.
  10. Members | National Consultative Committee of Ethics » , on (consulted the )
  11. Appointment decree » , (consulted the )
  12. REGULATION OF PR. Jean-François DELFRAISSY in his functions as president of the CCNE | National Consultative Committee of Ethics » , on (consulted the )
  13. Céline Reds, “Jean-Claude Ameisen should chair the ethics committee” In The cross of September 19, 2012.
  14. Nurse integrated into the request of Jean Bernard, anxious to be able to hear the opinion of a nurse, Nurse, the passion of the hospital , by Michelle Bressand, Robert Laffont editions.
  15. Jean Bernard, Tribute to France Quéré » , on (consulted the )
  16. Article L1412-1-1 of the Public Health Code
  17. Article L1412-3-1 of the Public Health Code
  18. A B and C Happy clavreul and Lionel Dupont; In -depth renewal of the ethics committee » , on ,
  19. Delphine de Mallevoüe, “stolen from criticism after the renewal of the National Ethics Committee”, Le Figaro , September 23, 2013, read online
  20. “Christine Boutin: “I ask for the abolition of the National Ethics Advisory Committee” » Current values , September 27, 2013, read online
  21. “The ethics committee is renewed”, The cross , September 22, 2013, read online
  22. Delphine de Mallevoüe, “Ethics Committee: the anger of the ousted religious”, Le Figaro , Wednesday September 25, 2013, page 12.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Christophe rods, The National Ethics Committee , University Press of Aix-Marseille, 1999.
  • National Ethics Advisory Committee, Bioethics: What to do? , Paris, Puf, coll. “Quadrige”, , 348 p. (ISBN  978-2-13-061906-2 And 2-13-061906-1 ) .

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