Neighborhood management – Wikipedia


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Neighborhood management And Territory management are labels of private law deposited at the National Institute of Industrial Property [ first ] .

The neighborhood agencies are 1901 law associations, the corporate object of which is the economic, social and cultural development of the district (in urban areas) or the territory (in rural areas) for which they act.
The Régia develop their economic, political and social project thanks to the shared will of the inhabitants, elected officials of communities, representatives of social landlords and socio-economic actors [ 2 ] . Neighborhood agencies respect a national charter. This is used for the allocation of the collective brand “neighborhood management” and by its annex “territory of territory”, owned by the National Committee for the Liaison of neighborhood management.
Hiring residents of the neighborhood as a priority, they can be approved as an integration structure through economic activity (SIAE) [ 3 ] . 80% of neighborhood agencies are agreed as SIAE.

Neighborhood management are associations of a mixed sector integrating a production and sale of goods and services and social utility activities.
Each neighborhood management goes from contracts to market conditions with social landlords and local communities. The support activities that they develop are in order to provide a service to the inhabitants and to develop actions of integration in employment. The production of the most frequent services is linked to local urban management: housing rehabilitation, maintenance of housing, green spaces or common areas of buildings, maintenance or various repairs [ 4 ] .
The economic development of a neighborhood or territory management makes it possible to create activities of social utility by the inhabitants and in connection with the needs of the inhabitants of the district (driving school, car garage and cyclo, family gardens, neighborhood composting , associative cafes, laundromats, …) [ 5 ] .

In the 1970s, the inhabitants of the Alma-Gare district in Roubaix were mobilized to keep the neighborhood in its configuration and preserve its social life [ 6 ] . The population wishes to stay on site and not be transferred to another district. The desire to participate in the redevelopment of the district led, in 1974, in the creation of the popular urban planning workshop, where all the questions are discussed in public. The inhabitants claimed to be “actors” of the theater scene that constituted their district. By creating a proximity management tool that allowed them to perform technical tasks, they assimilated to the technicians of the “technical management” [ 7 ] of this theater [ 8 ] . Hence the name given to their structure: “the management”. In the 1980s, other similar projects were born in other sensitive suburbs, associating inhabitants and public and institutional actors. They are called by assimilation to the initiative of Roubaix of “neighborhood agencies”. These experiments are then organized in a network, the CNLRQ, the National Committee for Liaison of neighborhood management. The members were only 6 in 1988, then 93 in 1995 [ 9 ] . This social experiment had become a social innovation when the proper name had become a common name [ ten ] .

In October 2020, the neighborhood agencies published “Capights, self -portrait of the France of the outskirts” A collective work in connection with two professional journalists in order to collect testimonies of residents of neighborhoods and rural territories [ 11 ]


On June 10, 2022, the CNLRQ, which brings together all the management, changes its name and became the “movement of the management” [ twelfth ]

  1. Inpi database
  2. How the neighborhood agencies live, weekly social ties
  3. [first]
  4. IRIS, Regional Union for Integration and Solidarity
  5. Services to the inhabitants in neighborhood agencies
  6. Hélène Hatzfeld « Socialist municipalities and associations: Roubaix: The Alma-Gare conflict », French Review of Political Science , vol. 36, n O 3, , p. 374-392 (DOI  10.3406/rfsp.1986.411360)
  7. Jacqueline Lorthiis, report on social innovation for the interministerial delegation for social innovation and the social economy, 3 volumes, March 1996
  8. Solidarity networks, reference site on the social and solidarity economy
  9. Nathalie Gathie, “The fractures of the French company: neighborhood agencies, bet won”, in Liberation April 4, 1995
  10. Jacqueline Lorthieois, “Civic Engineering”, Social experiments and innovations, in “Social experiments, CAUTION SITE” Revue Territoires, n ° 447, April 2004
  11. | Capper -ups: Self -portrait of France of the Emmanuel Vaillant outskirts, Édouard Zambeaux, Social Link N ° 1289, February 16, 2021
  12. | The CNLRQ changes its name

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