Ngc 5921 — Wikipedia


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NGC 5921
Image illustrative de l’article NGC 5921
The crossed spiral galaxy NGC 5921
Observation data
( Era J2000.0 )
Constellation Serpent
Right ascent (α) 15 h 21 m 56.5 s [ first ]
Declination (Δ) 05 ° 04 ′ 14 ″ [ first ]
Magnitude appearing (IN) 10.8 [ 2 ]
11.5 in band B [ 2 ]
Surface shine 14.01 MAG/AM 2 [ a ]
Apparent dimensions (IN) 4.8 ′ × 4.0 ′ [ 2 ]
Red offset 0.004937 ± 0.000003 [ first ]
Angle of position 130 ° [ 2 ]

Location in the constellation: snake

(Voir situation dans la constellation : Serpent)

Serpens Caput IAU.svg

Radial speed 1 480 ± 1 km/s [ b ]
Distance 20.7 ± 1.4 Mpc (∼67,5 Millions d’A.L. ) [ c ]
Physical characteristics
Object type Crossed spiral galaxy
Galaxy type Sb (r) bc [ first ] Sbbc?} [ 3 ] Sbbc [ 2 ] BBC/r [ 4 ]
Dimensions 94,000 A.L. [ d ]
Discoverer (s) William Herschel [ 3 ]
Date [ 3 ]
Designation (s) PGC 54849
UGC 9824
MCG 1-39-21
CGCG 49-146
IRAS 15194+0514 [ 2 ]
List of barred spiral galaxies

NGC 5921 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation of the snake at around 67 million light years from the Milky Way. NGC 5921 was discovered by German-British astronomer William Herschel in 1786.

NGC 5921 was used by Gérard de Vaucouleurs as a SB morphological galaxy ( r s) BC in its galaxies atlas [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

The brightness class of NGC 5921 is II-III and it presents a large Hi ray. It is also a galaxy Liner, that is to say a galaxy whose nucleus has a spectrum of emission characterized by large rays of weakly ionized atoms. In addition, it is a galaxy of the field, that is to say that it does not belong to a heap or a group and that it is therefore gravitational [ first ] , an opinion not shared by Richard Powell who places this galaxy in the heap of the Virgin III [ 7 ] .

With a shine of surface equal to 14.01 MAG/AM 2 , we can qualify NGC 5921 as a low surface shine galaxy (LSB in English for low surface brightness ). LSB galaxies are diffuse galaxies (D) with a lower surface shine of less than a magnitude to that of the ambient night sky.

A dozen measures not based on the redhead ( redshift ) give a distance of 17.368 ± 7.117 Mpc (∼56,6 Millions d’A.L. ) [ 8 ] , which is inside the calculated distances by using the value of the lag [ c ] .


The 2001x supernova SN was discovered in NGC 5921 on February 27, 2001 by Y. Fan, Y. L. Qiu and J. Y. Hu as part of the supernovas statement of the astronomical observatory of Beijing (BAO) (in) [ 9 ] . This supernova was of type IIP [ ten ] .

According to the website “A Atlas of the Universe” written by Richard Powell, the heap of the Virgin III contains eight groups of galaxies (NGC 5248, of NGC 5364, of NGC 5506, of NGC 5566, of NGC 5638, de NGC 5746, NGC 5775 and NGC 5846) as well as 13 galaxies which are not part of these groups. NGC 5921 is one of these galaxies [ 7 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Surface shine ( S ) If Calculates to Party Apparent Magnity ( m ) and surface ( A ) Galaxy according to the equation
  2. The radial speed of a celestial object is obtained using the equation in = With × c , Or With is the Doppler (Redshift or Bleushift) and c the speed of light. Relative uncertainty of speed Δ in / in is equal to that of With given the great precision of c .
  3. a et b We obtain the distance that separates us from a galaxy using the law of Hubble-Lemaître: in = H O d , Or H O is the hubble constant (70 ± 5 (km/s)/mpc). Relative uncertainty Δ d / d over the distance is equal to the sum of the relative uncertainties of speed and H O .
  4. We obtain the diameter of a galaxy by the product of the distance which separates us and the angle, expressed in radian, of its largest dimension.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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