Ngc 6027 — Wikipedia


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NGC 6027 is lenticular galaxy located in the constellation of the snake. Its speed compared to the cosmological diffuse background is to ( 4 486 ± 7) km/s , which corresponds to a hubble distance of 66.2 ± 4.6 Mpc (∼216 Millions d’A.L. ) [ first ] . NGC 6027 was discovered by the French astronomer Édouard Stephan in .

NGC 6027 is a member of Hercules Superamas [ 3 ] .

Identification of NGC 6027: a whole meli-melo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In reality, NGC 6027 is a compact group of six galaxies known as Seyfert Sexttet or even under the name of a compact group of Hickson 79, although the latter has only five galaxies in the original article by Paul Hickson (of) [ 4 ] , HCG 79F having been added later by other sources. According to what the author of the New General Catalog wrote, John Dreyer, about Stephan’s observation, NGC 6027 is extremely pale and located near very pale stars. Obviously, Stephan could not see the individual components of this group, but only the overall light of the whole [ 2 ] .

Of the five galaxies of the Hickson 79 group, the one that seems to be the most brilliant is the one that is most north, HCG 79B. It is undoubtedly for this reason that it is often identified at NGC 6027. But, the versions regarding the designations of the six galaxies of the Seyfert Sexttet vary considerably from one author to another, so much that it is simpler to describe the different versions in image.


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The Hickson 79 group to which the northwest galaxy (NGC 6027e) discovered by Carl Keenan Seyfert in the northwest galaxy joined. Forms the Seyfert sextte. The diffuse aspect of this galaxy indicates that its halo is strongly affected by the effects of galactic tide resulting from the interaction with the neighboring galaxies. A tide tail is clearly detached from this galaxy. This is what made it possible to identify this galaxy as a distinct object.

The 1998FE Supernova was discovered in NGC 6027D (this is PGC 56580, the very distant galaxy of Seyfert Sextette) the by W. D. Li as part of the joint Loss/Kait program ( Lick Observatory Supernova Search of the Lick Observatory and The Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope From the University of California to Berkeley [ 5 ] . The type of this supernova was not determined [ 6 ] .

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A b c d e f g h i and j (in) Results for object NGC 6027 » , NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (consulted the )
  2. A B and C (in) Courtney Seligman, Celestial Atlas Table of Contents, NGC 6027» (consulted the )
  3. M. Tarehanghi , W. G. Tifft , G. P chincarini , H. J. Red and L. A. Thompson « The Hercules supercluster. I – Basic data », Astrophysical Journal , vol. 234, n O 1, , p. 793-801 (DOI  10.1086/157558, Bibcode  1979ApJ…234..793T, read online [html] )
  4. Paul Hickson « Systematic properties of compact groups of galaxies », Astrophysical Journal , vol. 255, , p. 382-391 (DOI  10.1086/159838, Bibcode  1982ApJ…255..382H)
  5. (in) Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, IAUC 7438: 2000cm; 1998fe; 2000cj » (consulted the )
  6. (in) Bright Supernovae – 1998. » (consulted the )

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