Nicolas Antoine Taunay – Wikipedia


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Nicolas Antoine Taunay , born the in Paris where he died the , is a French painter.

Son of the painter on enamel Pierre-Henri Taunay (1728-1781), Nicolas Antoine Taunay began to study painting in 1768 with Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié, then with Nicolas Guy Brenet and Francesco Casanova. In 1776, his works were interpreted by the engraver Charles-François-Adrien Macret for the illustration of Love Days or Hours of Cythera From Constance de Lowendal and Claude-Henri de Vocanonon rocket. From 1784 to 1787, he stayed in Rome to study thanks to a scholarship from the Royal Academy of Painting. Serious rival of Philibert-Louis Debucourt, Taunay entered the Academy of Fine Arts in 1795. In 1805, he was chosen, with other painters, to represent the campaigns of Napoleon in Germany.

With the fall of the emperor, Taunay participates in an artistic mission implemented by the Count of Barca, a highly listened to the Regent Don Joao, future Jean VI of Portugal. He embarked in 1816 with his family for Brazil as a member of the French artistic mission.

He arrived in Rio de Janeiro in 1816 and became a painter pensioner of the kingdom. He joined the group of painters who founded the Royal School of Fine Arts and, in 1820, was appointed professor of landscape painting. He receives the title of Baron. The following year, disagreeing with the Portuguese painter Henrique José Da Silva who had been appointed to school management, he returned to France.

His son Félix-Émile replaced him as a teacher of landscape painting and, on December 12, 1834, became director of the school, in the meantime become Académie Imperial des Beaux-Arts. Adrien Taunay, his younger son, accompanies, as a designer, the expeditions of Freycinet and Langsdorff.


The painter Georges Michel was his student.

He died on March 20, 1830 in Paris.

  • Dijon, Magnin Museum: The shipwrecked .
  • Dole, Museum of Fine Arts:
    • The statuized lover ;
    • Bac on a river .
  • La Fère, Jeanne d’Aboville museum: Nocés de Village
  • Malmaison, Malmaison castle: S.M. The Empress on a trip receives a letter that teaches her the news of a victory .
  • Pau, National Museum of Pau Castle:
    • Henri IV caroling in front of a lady at her balcony ;
    • Henri IV meeting Sully injured , .
  • Paris, Louvre museum: The outside of a military hospital, also says the French in Italy .
  • Rennes, Museum of Fine Arts: Rapst .
  • Rouen, Museum of Fine Arts: Italian landscape to the villagers in celebration .
  • Versailles, Château de Versailles:
    • Attack on the Château de Cosseria, ;
    • Battallele the EBERSberg, ;
    • Entrance to the imperial guard in Paris, by the Pantin barrier, [ first ] ;
    • Entrance to the French army in Munich, ;
    • Gerard Van Spaendonck (1746-1822) ;
    • Military hospital in Italy in 1797 ;
    • The French army descends Mont Saint-Bernard, ;
    • The French army crosses the parades of Sierra Guadarrama, ;
    • General Bonaparte receives prisoners on the battlefield, 1797 ;
    • General Junot in the fight of Nazareth, ;
    • Passage of the Guadarrama parades, .
  • Vizille, Museum of the French Revolution: Trait of bravery and patriotism of several French soldiers detained in prison , 1794 [ 2 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux , Paris, Picard, 1907, p. 53 .

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