Nicolas Volcyr de Serrouville – Wikipedia


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Nicolas Volcyr from Serrouville (around 1480-1541), or from Sérouville (medieval spelling), most often simply called Nicolas Volcyr , or Nicolas de Volkyr , is a writer, historian and Lorraine State officer of XVI It is century.

His name is most often Wolquier or Volkyr at XVI It is century. After studying theology in Cologne [ first ] , he goes to the University of Paris where he reached the rank of master of arts and exercises the function of regent and public reader [ 2 ] .

It is believed that he returns in Lorraine around 1510. From that time, he was at the service of the Duke Antoine de Lorraine who gave him the employment of secretary (1513) then of official historiographer. His services earned him to be ennobled in 1520 [ 3 ] .

In 1522, he traveled in the states of the Maximilian emperor I is from Saint-Empire, notably in Brussels where he hears and translates the sermon issued by the Franciscan Jean Glapion during the ashes, published thereafter [ 4 ] .

In 1523 in Paris it appeared his first work, entitled Collectaneorum Poligraph Libellos , at Lorraine Didier Maheu [ 5 ] . Another work, the following year, celebrates the baptism of Prince Nicolas de Mercœur, younger son of Duke Antoine [ 6 ] .


Accompanying in Metz, then plagued by Lutheran inspiration disorders, Théodore Mitte, abbot of the Order of Saint-Antoine and Pontifical Envoy, he was thrown into prison with his master. Volcyr will write following this episode the New treaty of Jehan Castellan’s current desecration and current execution, fanatic … [ 7 ] .

During the peasants’ war (called in Lorraine “Rustauds War”), he followed the army gathered by Duke Antoine against the rebellious peasants of the bailiwick of Germany and Alsace. The house where he lodges is burnt down, he attended the battles of Saverne and Scherwiller where he sleeps on the battlefield. Eyewitness of the whole countryside, he hastened to print his work in Paris at Galliot du Pré (1526), ​​with privilege [ 8 ] .

He married shortly before his death, in 1540. He was not known to his descendants [ 9 ] .

Volcyr did both an original author but also as a translator.

  • The boar table (around 1521). Lost work [ ten ] .
  • Collectaneorum Poligraph Libellos , Paris: Didier Maheu, 1523, 44 fol.
  • The history and collection of the triumphant and glorious victory obtained against the Lutheran seduced and abused disbelievers of the country of Alsace and others by the very high and very powerful prince and Lord Antoine by defending the Catholic faith, our mother the Church, and true nobility, to the usefulness and profit of public affairs , sometimes abbreviated in Rustauds War Relationship . Lyon: Jannot de Campis, 1526. On line
  • Chronicque ABREGEE in small workers of the emperors, ROYS and DUCZ DAUSTRASIE … Paris: Didier Maheu, 1531. This work contains in particular Traicted of the singularize of the Dhroner park , “a kind of natural history of Lorraine and the concepts on the state of the industry of this province” [ 11 ] In particular by describing forges, glassware, saltworks, mines, thermal waters of Lorraine.


  • The City of Divine Cueur / Civitas Cordis Divini , Manuscript transcription, edition and translation of Jean Glapion’s sermons during Lent 1521 at the court of Lorraine [ twelfth ] .
  • Charity sermon by Thomas Illyricus, Saint-Nicolas de Port: Jérôme Jacob, 1525, 20 fol.
  • Flave Vegece René, noble and illustrious man, due to war and chivalry flower. Sexte Jule Frontin, Stratagemes. Aelian, of the order and instruction of the battles. Modest, terms because of the war, similarly cxx stories concerning the fact of wars … , Paris: Chrestien Wechel, 1536. Translation of Writers of a military .
  • Commentary by Paul Jovius, Turkish gestures … Paris: Chrestien Wechel, 1540.
  • Physiognomy of Maistre Michel Lescot . Paris: Denis Janot, 1540.

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Digot (Auguste), “Biographical and literary notice on Nicolas Volcyr Historiographer and secretary of Duke Antoine” in Memoirs of the Stanislas Academy , 1848, pp. 80-163. Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Marot (Pierre), “Notes on Nicolas Volcyr de Serrouville, historiographer of the Duke of Lorraine Antoine” in Historical Review of Lorraine , 1931, pp. 3-13.
  • Alain Cullière, «  The Charity Sermon by Thomas Illyricus (Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, 1525) », The Lorraine Country , , p. 211-220 .
  • Alain Cullière, «  Nicolas Volcyr’s “heresy” (1534) », Library of Humanism and Renaissance , vol. 71; , p. 433-455 .
  • Alain Cullière, «  The trial of Jean Châtelain (1525) seen by the Lorraine engraver Gabriel Salmon », The Lorraine Country , , p. 5-10 .
  • Alain Cullière, “Nicolas Volcyr de Serrouville”, in Isabelle Guyot-Bachy and Jean-Christophe Blanchard (dir.), Dictionary of learned Lorraine , Metz: Editions des umbrella, 2022, p. 310-312.
  1. Said, 1848, p. 8
  2. Said, 1848, p. 9
  3. Said, 1848, p. 11
  4. Said, 1848, p. 18
  5. Said, 1848, p. 19
  6. Said, 1848, p. 20
  7. Said, 1848, p. 23
  8. Said, 1848, p. 27-29
  9. Digot, 1848, p. 40 ET 42
  10. Cited by Digot, 1848, according to the Ducaux accounts, p. 13
  11. Said, 1848, p. 37
  12. Digot, 1848, p. 15. Manuscript kept at the Nancy municipal library
