Non -profit organization – Wikipedia


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The expressions non profit organization ( Osbl ), nonprofit organization or non-profit organisation ( OBNL ) designate any entity with legal or not, public or private personality, which is not intended to seek pecuniary profits to be shared between its members.

In “a non -profit organization” (or “non -profit organization”) of the associative type, the supreme power lies in the general assembly of the association. Management is shared between the board of directors and management, occupied by a director or manager or by several co-leaders.

The particularity of an OSBL or OBNL is to ensure that its capital is reinvested in its works and that none of its members can draw for personal purposes. Workers can work on volunteer or be salaried there.

In general, an OSBL which sells its services to ensure its profitability, like a cooperative, is part of the social economy.

French -speaking names
Appellations in foreign languages
  • In English : nonprofit organization (NPO)
  • An Italy: non -profit organization
  • In Spanish : non -profit organization
  • In Portuguese : non profit organization

The importance of OSBL in the modern economy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Within the framework of the Providence State, companies are no longer the only ones to distribute income to households, the OSBL also play a role, increasingly important, in the mechanism of income distribution [ first ] . In France, the share of spending by only public administrations in gross domestic product rose from 33.6% in 1959 to more than 46% in 1982 [ 2 ] . If in the 1930s, the share of transfer income in the income of French families was close to zero. It represents a quarter in the early 1980s (and these income represents more than half of the total administration spending in the same period) [ 3 ] . This unprecedented growth of the role of administrations in the distribution of income comes, essentially, from the socialization (or pooling) of social risks (essentially, unemployment, family, illness and old age). The latter are no longer supported (as in the past) by the person only (property, savings) or by his family. They were, from the early 1940s, ensured by social funds (such as the CNSS) to which the interested parties contribute according to their capacities, but the compensation is done according to the needs of everyone [ 3 ] .


The increase in administrative spending comes from the development of technology: modern collective goods (ports, airports, highways, military equipment) have become very expensive and correspond to increasing positions in the budgets of current states. [ 4 ]

Finally, in advanced countries, state intervention is no longer considered the first step towards “the road to servitude” to use the expression of Friedrich von Hayek which he used as the title of One of his works which is the subject of a great debate. Currently [When ?] The citizen considers that the State has the duty to defend it against inequalities before employment, education, health, income or housing. [ 5 ]

In addition, spending relating to wars has become very expensive in terms of preparation, production of military equipment, compensation for soldiers and reconstruction. The Cold War (1945-1991) between the United States and the former USSR pushed the two parties to the conflict to devote up to half of their respective GDPs to military spending. [ 6 ]

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  1. Jean-Marie Albertini, The cogs of the national economy , Paris, Les Éditions Ouvrières, , 317 p. (ISBN  2-7082-0663-X ) , p. 88
  2. Albertini 1982, p. 90
  3. a et b Albertini 1982, p. 91
  4. Albertini 1982, p. 91 and 92
  5. Albertini 1982, 92
  6. Albertini 1982, p. 93
