North Macedonian elections – Wikipedia


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THE North Macedonia elections Can be of three types: legislative elections, presidential elections and municipal elections.

Voting is not compulsory and can vote for any Macedonian citizen over the age of 18, including naturalized people. Excluded are the civil inability to assume legal acts and owners of temporary residence permit [ first ] .

The Northern Macedonian Assembly has 123 members elected by direct universal suffrage. In order to introduce themselves, candidates must have the right to vote and they must not have been incarcerated or subject to legal sentences. The members of the electoral commission also have the right to present themselves. There are also restrictions on double mandates, which prevent the President of the Republic, members of the government, the judges of the Constitutional Court, prosecutors, mayors and members of municipal councils, etc. [ first ] .

Applicants must also belong to a political party or receive 1,000 voters signatures. They must apply at least 40 days before the election. The lists proposed by the parties must have at least 30% of candidates in order to guarantee a certain gender parity in the assembly [ first ] .

The country is divided into six electoral districts which each provide twenty seats. Macedonians from abroad are distributed in three constituencies which have only one seat each, Europe and Africa, America, Australia and Asia [ first ] .


The voters vote for a list and the seats are distributed in proportion to the result, following the Hondt method. To acquire seats, a list must obtain at least 2% of the votes [ first ] .

The president is elected by direct universal suffrage. Applicants must fulfill certain criteria, such as having resided for 10 years in the country in the past 15 years. They must also prove some support by depositing 30 signatures of parliamentarians or 10,000 voters signatures [ 2 ] .

To win in the first round, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of votes, otherwise, a second round takes place. This one must take place no later than two weeks after the first and the two candidates who arrived at the head participate. Whoever collects the most votes is elected, but if the abstention rate exceeds 50%, the electoral process must be started from the start from the start [ 2 ] .

The country is divided into 84 municipalities provided with a council and a mayor. The city of Skopje has a special status since it brings together 10 municipalities while having its own mayor and council. Voters must vote for the municipality where they live.

Mayors and advisers are elected by direct universal suffrage and the number of advisers depends on the number of inhabitants in the municipality. Applicants must have the right to vote and be domiciled in the municipality where they arise. They must be part of a list, developed either by a political party or by at least 200 voters. Voters do not vote for a candidate but for a list, and the seats are distributed in proportion to the Hondt method [ 3 ] .

The candidates for the mayor must fulfill the same conditions as the advisers but the ballot is two laps. A candidate can win in the first round, otherwise a second takes place between the two candidates having collected the most votes [ 3 ] .

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