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Agumon ( Agumon ? ) It is an intermediate level digimon of the Japanese media franchise Digimon , which includes anime, manga, toys, video games, collectible card games and other media. It is the unofficial mascot of the Digimon franchise since he and his other forms (called digievolizations) appear largely of the merchandise and media dedicated to the universe of Digimon .


“Agumon” is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different agumons that appear in various series of souls and Digimon manga and which are almost always main characters among the Digimon present. Each agumon of a certain importance is combined with a child, called Digiprescelto, with whom he establishes a bond. The Digiprescelti are children chosen by benevolent beings (usually a group of ancient and powerful Digimon) to defeat the forces of evil in Digiworld, the parallel dimension in which all the Digimon live. The Digiprescelti resort to their psychological states to trigger a process that brings their Digimon Partner to transform into a digievated form. The digievolution changes the species of a Digimon and increases its power incredibly.

Agumon’s most known apparition is the one in the anime Digimon Adventure as a partner of Tai Kamiya. An agumon also appears as the main character in Digimon Savers Come Partner Di Masaru Daimon. Nel manga Digimon Next Another agumon is the partner of Tsurugi Tatsuno and another is that of Teru Raku in D-cyber , un mana.

The Digimon Adventure Agumon also appears in the next series, sequel to the first, Digimon Adventure 02 and in all films relating to Adventure and ad Adventure 02 . It also appears in Digimon Adventure tri. .

Agumon is voiced in Japanese by Chika Sakamoto and in Italian Alessio Ciglio.

The name “Agumon” partially derives from the Japanese omanopy ” Aguagu “, The sound of biting, and from the suffix” -mon “(abbreviation of” monster “), that all the Digimon have at the end of their name. So, Agumon literally means” Monster who bites “. For pure coincidence, the word” agu “also means” fire “in Nepalese and Agumon’s attacks are often focused on on fire.

Agumon is a small and robust dinosaur who reaches approximately 75 centimeters in height. However, an agumon that appears in “Digimon – the film” is about two and a half meters high, even if this Agumon is not the same that appeared in the series. His skin is bright orange and his eyes, large and circular, they are light green. His forearms are significantly larger than his arms because large hands consisting of three claws are also understood in them. [first] Agumon’s big feet also present three claws. In the body of Agumon you can perfectly distinguish the pectoral muscles, which is rare for the digimon of its size (although common for many of the higher level Digimon). His tail is big and squat, while his head and his muzzle are almost as big as the rest of his body. Each side of the head has a small but visible ear pavilion. Its appearance presents several points in common with that of the Velociraptor dinosaur. AGUMON is an antivirus -type reptile digimon.

Agumon is the main Digimon in Digimon Adventure , the first series of souls dedicated to Digimon . Agumon’s personality makes him extremely brave, relaxed and fun. Being the Digimon Partner of the leader of the eight Digiprescelti who appear in Adventure , Agumon is a decisive factor in different battles. It is always the first of the Digimon Partner to digest in a stronger form. AGUMON is also one of the two Digimon Partner to be able to digest to digest at the mega level, the highest and strongest form to which a Digimon can aspire (the other is Gabumon, Matt Ishida’s Digimon Partner). [2]


Agumon has a very important role in the film dedicated to Digimon Adventure Our War Game! . [3] In the film Tai and Agumon teams up with Matt and Gabumon, Tentomon (Digimon Partner of Izzy Izumi), and Patamon (Tkishi Tkaishi partner) to enter the Internet and fight Keramon, an evil Digimon who has nestled on the net. [4] In the end, Diaboromon (the form at Keramon’s mega level) is defeated when Wargreymon (mega form of Agumon) Dnadigievolve with Metalgarurumon (Gabumon’s mega form) to form a single, powerful Digimon, Omnimon.

In Digimon Adventure 02 New fastscels are chosen to defend Digiworld. Agumon is no longer a main character, even if he makes several intermittent appearances during the series. His most noteworthy contribution lies in creating the chain of events that bring Veemon (the new main Digimon) to obtain Raidramon, one of his Armordigievolzione. Agumon is temporarily held prisoner by Emperor Digimon, [5] The evil alter-ego of the Digiprescelto Ken Ichijouji. He is forced to perform the digievolution of evil in Skullgreymon and then in a owned Metalgreymon. [6] Veemon and his human partner Davis Motomiya therefore manage to digify the first in Raidramon during the battle to free Agumon.

In Digimon Adventure tri. , Agumon and the Digiprescelti of the first generation, with their Digimon Partner, return to play a main role. In the first film of the series, the portal to Digiworld has been closed for about a year. Infect Digimon begin to appear in the real world through distortions. Taichi (Tai) meets one of these, a Kuwagamon. Agumon suddenly appears in the real world in defense of his partner, digesting in Greymon and starting a hard clash with Kuwagamon. Two other Kuwagamon rush to the rescue of the first and Greymon is in serious difficulty, when some of the other fastscels of the first generation with their Digimon Partner rush to his aid. The battle causes different damage and Taichi has serious doubts about what to do in the case of new attacks. In fact, a few days later, Alphamon appears in the real world: the only hope of beating it is Omnimon. Under pressure from Yamato (Matt Ishida), Taichi is convinced and Agumon enters the battle, digesting all levels to Wargreymon, to give life, with Metalgarurumon, to Omnimon. After a short battle, Alphamon retires to a distortion.

The name “Agumon” refers only to the form to the intermediate level of this Digimon. During the series, AGUMON acquires the ability to digest in a number of more powerful forms, each with a different name and special attacks. However, the intermediate level constitutes its favorite form and the one in which most of the time passes, due to the high energy consumption necessary to remain in a higher level form.

At a certain point, Agumon must disguise himself to avoid being recognized by a nanimon. The Digimon slips a wig and calls himself Punkagumon, managing to deceive him.

Bootamon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bootamon ( Botamon ? ) It is the form on the primary level of Agumon and is a newborn Digimon. Its name derives from the word uterus ( “Mother’s Tire” Botaii ? ) , to indicate his being precisely a newborn Digimon. “Botamon” therefore wants to mean “monster that comes from the uterus”.

Botamon is a small digimon of about 30 centimeters with black hair that covers its entire body and has yellow eyes and two small protuberances on the head resembling ears. Even his mouth is covered with the hair and is not visible until it is open.

It appears once in the “Wargreymon against Metalgarurumon” episode during a flashback in which you can see it out of the Digiuovo di Agumon [7] (these Digiuova are the eggs from which all Digimon are born – a completely different type from the Digiuova used to unleash the armor digievolution).

Koromon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Koromon ( Colomon ? ) It is the form on the first stage of Agumon. The name “Koromon” derives from the Japanese word ” throat “, which indicates something small, round and routing.” Koromon “then means” monster that rolls “. It is a pink digimon similar to a ball, with falling ears, bright red eyes and sharp teeth.

Agumon initially presents himself in this form in “summer holidays”, when he meets his partner for the first time, Tai Kamiya. After his initial digievolution in Agumon to help fight a wild kuwagamon, the form at the intermediate level becomes its form of preference. [8] From that moment on, AGUMON temporarily regains in Koromon only when it meets enormous energy consumption at higher levels and cannot maintain its shape at the intermediate level.

Greymon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Greymon ( Graymon Gureimon ? ) It is the digievolution at the sample level of Agumon. It is modeled according to the stereotyped representation of a Teropode dinosaur, Plantigrado (although the dinosaurs are fading) and in the upright position (while the real dinosaurs have the body parallel to the ground). Due to the three horns he looks more like a Ceratosaurus . His body has the abdominal muscles and forearms well in highlight. Greymon has orange skin with blue stripes and a brown helmet that covers its head, which has a branched horn on each side of the head and a normal place on the nose. Greymon is approximately from four and a half meters to six meters high, even if in “Digimon – the film” The first Greymon seems much bigger, possibly reaching thirty meters, since it is digested by a larger version of Agumon. However, this Greymon is not the same as it appears in the series.

Agumon digestens in Greymon for the first time in the episode “Finally Greymon!” To fight against a wild Shellmon in Digimon Adventure. [9] Subsequently, Greymon appears several times during the series to help fight against several enemies; These include, for example, Devimon, Etemon and Myotismon.

In Adventure 02 , Greymon is controlled by Emperor Digimon thanks to an evil ring, a black metal ring that the emperor had developed to subjugate various Digimon. During a unsuccessful attempt to make him digest metalgreymon, the emperor makes him digievolization of evil in Skullgreymon. [5]

MetalGreymon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

MetalGreymon ( Metal graymon Metarugureimon ? ) It is the form to the evolved level of Agumon. Physically it looks like a larger Greymon with a metal armor that covers his head, a red mane, wings, a left arm similar to a trident and two rocket launchers placed on his chest. It is about six to nine meters high. “Metal” is added to its name due to the metal parts, similar to those of a cyborg that are now part of his body.

Greymon evolves for the first time in Metalgreymon in the episode “the right moment” to fight Etemon. [ten] Shortly before digievolution, Tai fully demonstrates her courage when Sora from Datamon, who was holding her and Biyomon prisoner. The Digipietra of courage is therefore activated and Greymon turns into Metalgreymon who, after defeating Etemon with his attack on nuclear sharks, is sucked into a dimensional distortion with Tai who transports the two to the real world. After he (returning AGUMON) and Tai return to Digiworld, Metalgreymon performs different apparitions by fighting many enemies, including Shogungekomon and Devidramon. He is defeated by Myotismon and the masters of darkness.

In Adventure 02 , Agumon evolves into a version of metalgreymon different from the usual, evil, blue skin and virus type, after having fallen under the control of the emperor Digimon. It is used by the latter to attack the new Digiprescelti, Tai and Matt Ishida. During the battle, Davis Motomiya, the new leader of the Digiprescelti, gets the Digiuovo of friendship. This allows his partner, Veemon, to evolve into raidramon and to destroy the spiral of Metalgreymon’s evil, the device that forced Digimon to obey the emperor’s orders. Free from the influence of the spiral, Metalgreymon regresses Agumon and returns to normal.

He returns during the tour of the world of the Digiprescelti, where, together with Magnaangemon, he defeats the Mamemon brothers. His final appearance is in a battle against Skullsatam. However, it undergoes a sharp drop in energy for the prolonged absence from Digiworld and regresses in Agumon in the middle of the battle.

It appears again in Digimon Adventure tri. in the movie Lawyer ( Meeting ) During the battle against Alphamon, not doing any damage and therefore having to digest in Wargreymon.

It appears again in the film Kokuhaku ( Confession ) while fighting against Meickramon, however being infected by the virus.

His last current appearance dates back to the film Kyōsei ( Symbiosis ) while trying to save Raguelmon from Alphamon and Jesmon, digesting later in Wargreymon.

SkullGreymon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

SkullGreymon ( Skull Graymon Sukarugureimon ? ) It is an alternative form of evolved level of Greymon. The “Skull” prefix refers to his body, which has no meat on it and is composed entirely of bones. A rocket from the shape of a shark is positioned on his back. Skullgreymon is an uncontrollable Digimon with incredible destructive power, which indicates that Greymon has been led to digievolution in the wrong way.

In the “Greymon against Etemon” episode, Tai desperately wants that Greymon digested further since he has come into possession of the fasting of courage, an object that should help Greymon move on to the next level. When the evil Etemon borders Tai and the other fasting in a Colosseum, forces Tai’s Greymon to fight against a wild Greymon. Tai is endangered on purpose, standing out in front of the evil Greymon to dig up their partner, this is because he knows that the Digimon Partner digesters at subsequent levels mainly when their human partners are in danger. This causes digievolution in Skullgreymon, [11] which easily defeats the enemy Greymon. However, later attacks Birdramon (the form on the sample level of Biyomon), Garurumon (sample form of Gabumon) and Kabuterimon (Tentuon’s sample form) and destroys the Colosseum. Finally, exhausted, it regresses in Koromon.

This experience demonstrates how much the mental state of a fasting can condition the way its partner will digest. To each Digiprescelto in Adventure A particular trait of the personality is awarded (in the case of Tai the courage), which these must demonstrate to unlock the advanced level of one’s Digimon. Tai exhibits a type of purely selfish courage during the battle of Greymon, which leads the latter to digest in the form of a wrong evolved level.

In the last episode of the first series, Gennai explains to the first Digiprescelti that in reality Greymon was digested Skullgreymon against their interests, and that there are no right or wrong digievolutions.

Skullgreymon makes another appearance in Adventure 02 . When Emperor Digimon takes on Greymon’s control with an evil ring, he tries to force the latter to digest in Metalgreymon. The result of this is the corrupt digievolution that makes Greymon digest in Skullgreymon for the second time. Skullgreymon defeats the new fastscels with just a few blows, however it also fights against a Meramon, an airdramon and a large group of Darkenrannomon, finally destroying a control obelisk with his attack shark attack. The emperor then leads him to his base, where he tries to trigger the right digievolution several times or to control Skullgreymon who, stronger than Metalgreymon himself, would be a better resource, until he cannot digify Greymon in an evil version of Metalgreymon using one Spiral of evil (created by combining three rings of evil together).

WarGreymon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Cosplay di WarGreymon

WarGreymon ( Wargreimon Wōgureimon ? ) It is the digievolution at the mega level of Agumon, which assumes the “War” prefix in the name thanks to its new offensive skills. It is a humanoid version of Greymon with a digiclonoid metal armor that covers his head, chest, shoulders and legs. He is able to fly independently – the wings -shaped projections on his back form his shield of courage, which Wargreymon removes and uses to block attacks of a certain power. Wargreymon has two large clawed protective gloves, called extermination-dramon, permanently attacked on each arm. However, the latter appeared with cracks occasionally during violent battles and on one occasion they even shattered (during the battle with Diaboromon). It is an extremely powerful mega level digimon.

Wargreymon appears for the first time in the episode of Adventure “Ready for everything” (together with Metalgarurumon) during the battle against Venommyotismon, who had introduced himself to the real world to take possession of it together with the digital world. Tai and Matt (partner of Gabumon, the intermediate form of Metalgarurumon) decide to be affected by the arrows of the light and hope of Angewomon (form at the evolved level of Gatomon, partner of Kari Kamiya) and Angemon (form on the champion level of Patamon) , to ensure that an old prophecy come true. Tai and Matt remain unharmed; The blows received to Agumon and Gabumon the energy necessary for megadigievolvere and destroy Venommyotismon. [2] Agumon receives the power of megadigievolution from the arrow of Angewomon’s light, Gabumon from the arrow of Angemon’s hope.

When the masters of darkness take possession of Digiworld, Wargreymon fights and annihilates the first and third member of this group that attack the Digiprescelti, Metalseadramon and Machinedramon and with the help of Metalgarurumon and Magnaangemon also destroys Piedmon, the strongest of the four. Wargreymon is one of the main fighters of the Digiprescelti and often takes on a group leader attitude, leading the Digimon team protagonists in the attack formations.

In Adventure 02 Wargreymon appears twice during the series, the first when he has to fight with his Doppelgänger and anti-hero of the Blackwargreymon series. The battle remains in a tie until the intervention of Imperialra Fighter Mode. [twelfth]

In his second appearance in the following episode, it is present when Blackwargreymon is mortally injured and claims the latter to try to make him regain energy.

In Digimon Adventure Tri in the film Saikai (Riunione) It tries unnecessarily to stop Alphamon, however, not loudly liability, thus having to merge with Metalgarurumon and become omnimon.

In the movie Kokuhaku ( Confession) Metalgreymon corrupted by the Digdievolve Wargreymon virus while fighting against Megakabuterimo.

Omnimon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Omnimon ( Omegamon Omegamon ? ) It is the Digimon resulting from the Dnadigievolution between Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon, who join to form a stronger Digimon. Her body is completely covered by a white armor, adorned with black, blue and yellow signs. His left arm ends with Wargreymon’s head and the right one with the head of Metalgarurumon, giving him two main attacks ( Transcendent sword It is Supreme cannon ). The cloak that wears extends beyond the width of his body.

The name “Omnimon” derives from the English word ” omni “, abbreviation of” omnipotent “, which indicates omnipotence.” Omnimon “can therefore translate with” almighty monster “. His Japanese name,” Omegamon “, derives from” omega “, The last letter of the Greek alphabet. Furthermore, given his relationship with Alphamon, he and Alphamon is assumed that they represent Alfa and Omega , the principle and the end.

His first appearance takes place in the second film by Digimon Adventure , Our War Game!. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon try unsuccessfully to defeat Diaboromon, a Digimon that the two had followed on the Internet to prevent him from consuming all the data. When Tai and Matt are accidentally transported to the net, the two and all the boys who witness the battle give their spiritual energy to their Digimon, so as to make them win – from there they form omnimon, which defeats Diaboromon.

In the second film by Digimon Adventure 02 , Diaboromon Strikes Back!, Omnimon reforms when the Digiprescelti discover that Diaboromon survived their first battle and returned to the Internet. Omnimon therefore destroys what he thought was Diaboromon, but he discovers that the battle actually hid a trap – Omnimon was fighting against a bait that at the end opens, revealing the huge number of Kuramon enclosed in it. After creating chaos in the real world, all the Kuramon digievvvvvvv in Armageddemon, with which Omnimon begins to fight, but when the member of the royal knights uses the supreme cannon to open a hole in the Digimon front, Armageddemon shoots laser rays from the hole who defeat Omnimon. The Digimon therefore gives its energy to Imperialramon Fighter Mode (more powerful version of Imperialramon, the mega level Digimon formed by the Dnadigievolution of Veemon and Wormmon), which destroys once and for all Armageddemon when it changes structure and becomes Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.

Omnimon appears again in the first film of the series Digimon Adventure Tri. Saikai (Riunione) To fight against Alphamon, who forces the retreat. In the fifth film he makes his second appearance while he tackles Alphamon, Jesmon and Raguelmon at the same time, who were already facing each other, failing to defeat any of the three since Jesmon manages to defeat Raguelmon. In the sixth and last film he makes his last appearance while he faces Orderon together with the other six digimons in their forms at the mega level, finally receiving energy from the others six, merging with them becoming Omnimon Merciuma Mode, thus defeating Orderon.

Agumon has a image song staff, ” Agumon well “(” Agumon’s dance “), and another together with his partner Tai Kamiya (Toshiko Fujita), called” Team “(” Team “). In Digimon Adventure Tri. He owns a second one, entitled ” Agumon Sunba “.

Sage Ashford of CBR has classified Agumon as the best intermediate level Digimon [13] . De’angelo Epps on the same site ranked Wargreymon as the best megadigievolution [14] . Twinfinite ranked Agumon as the third best digimon of the original fastscels [15] . Megan Peters of Comic Book Resources considered Omnimon as the third best Digimon Partner while Agumon the second [16] . Jeremy Gill of Reelundown has classified Wargreymon as the third best megadigievolution of the original Digimon [17] . According to Watchmojo, Omnimon Merciful Mode is the second most powerful Digimon of the franchise [18] , Wargreymon the best mega level Digimon [19] While Omnimon the best Digimon born from a merger [20] and the best Digimon in general [21] . Ethan Supovitz of CBR has classified Agumon as the seventh digimon partner stronger than the entire franchise [22] .

In a survey on the popularity of Digimon Dating back to 2020, Agumon was voted as the fifth more popular Digimon, Wargreymon as the second and omnimon as the first [23] [24] .

AGUMON has also appeared in various merchandising products including the card game [25] .

  1. ^ The first sketches made for the Digimon Virtual Pet instead included four claws per hand.
  2. ^ a b Digimon Adventure : “Ready for everything” , Rai 2, 25 October 2000.
  3. ^ This film was combined with Digimon Adventure (movie) e Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!!/Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals To create the English film Digimon – The film .
  4. ^ Digimon are basically made of data and can penetrate the computer networks at will; The Digiprescelti are temporarily converted into data to achieve the purpose.
  5. ^ a b Digimon Adventure 02 : “A friend among the enemies” , Rai 2, 15 October 2001.
  6. ^ Digimon Adventure 02 : “Metalgreymon to charge” , Rai 2, 16 October 2001.
  7. ^ Digimon Adventure : “WarGreymon contro MetalGarurumon” , Rai 2, 3 November 2001.
  8. ^ Digimon Adventure : “Summer holidays” , Rai 2, September 4, 2000.
  9. ^ Digimon Adventure : “Finally Graymon!” , Rai 2, 5 September 2000.
  10. ^ Digimon Adventure : “The right moment” , Rai 2, 29 September 2000.
  11. ^ Digimon Adventure : “Greymon contro Etemon” , Rai 2, 25 September 2000.
  12. ^ Digimon Adventure 02 : “A necessary defeat” , Rai 2, 11 July 2002.
  13. ^ ( IN ) Sage Ashford, Digimon: The 10 Best Rookies Ever . are CBR , 12 October 2019. URL consulted on December 22, 2020 .
  14. ^ ( IN ) De’Angelo EPPs, Digimon: 10 Best Mega Evolutions, Ranked . are CBR , 8 December 2019. URL consulted on December 22, 2020 .
  15. ^ ( IN ) The Best Original DigiDestined Digimon, Ranked . are Twinfinite , 8 February 2017. URL consulted on December 28, 2020 .
  16. ^ ( IN ) Megan Peters, These Digimon Partners Are the Best Out There . are Comic Book Resources , April 27, 2020. URL consulted on 29 December 2020 .
  17. ^ ( IN ) Jeremy Gill, Ranking the Original Digimon’s Mega Forms . are ReelRundown , 28 October 2019. URL consulted on December 30, 2020 .
  18. ^ Filmato audio( IN ) Top 10 Most Powerful Digimon Ever . are YouTube ,, April 4, 2020, 9 min 58 s. URL consulted on December 30, 2020 .
  19. ^ Filmato audio( IN ) Top 10 Mega Digimon . are YouTube ,, 8 April 2018, at 9 min 20 s. URL consulted on December 30, 2020 .
  20. ^ Filmato audio( IN ) Top 10 Digimon Fusions . are YouTube ,, 2 September 2018, at 8 min 29 s. URL consulted on December 30, 2020 .
  21. ^ Filmato audio( IN ) Top 10 Digimon . are YouTube ,, 18 March 2016, 11 min 44 s. URL consulted on December 30, 2020 .
  22. ^ ( IN ) Ethan Supovitz, 10 Strongest Partner Digimon In The Franchise, Ranked . are CBR , January 3, 2021. URL consulted on January 18, 2021 .
  23. ^ Fans choose the most popular Digimon ever , in , May 14, 2020. URL consulted on 29 December 2020 .
  24. ^ Alessandro Digioia, Digimon: What is the best digital creature of all time? The top 10 of the fans , in , May 14, 2020. URL consulted on 29 December 2020 .
  25. ^ Federico schirru, Digimon Card Game arrives in Italy, all the details , in Akiba Gamers , 7 September 2020. URL consulted on 29 December 2020 .
