Nur Devlet Giray – Wikipédia


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Nur State (died around 1498/1503) was Khan de Crimea from 1466 to 1467, then from 1467 to 1469, and finally from 1475 to 1476. He then became Khan de Kassimov from 1483/1486 at his death.

Nur Devlet is the second of the sons of Haci I is Giray; He followed him regularly when he receives the Yarlik from the Horde d’Or. His younger brother, Mengli I is Giray, must take refuge among the Genoese of Caffa.

In 1467, Nur Devlet sent an embassy to the Union of Poland-Lithuania, a traditional ally of the Crimean Khanat, to announce its accession to the throne. During the same year, his ousted brother, Mengli Giray, took control of part of the peninsula and settled like Khan in Kirkyer with the help of the Nogaïs Sirin or Chirin. Faced with the opposition of the Horde d’Or, he plans a new policy of alliance with Russia and hostility towards Poland-Lithuania. The following year, Mengli Giray also tried to establish relations with the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. At the end of the year, Nur Devlet, supported by other Nogai and a contingent of the Horde d’Or, succeeded in expelling his brother from his positions.

In 1469, Mamak, at the head of a Tatar aristocratic clan, helped Mengli Giray to recover. In 1474, the new Khan of the Nogaïs Sirin, named Aminek Mirza, revolted against Mengli and the latter must again take refuge in Caffa in 1475, and Nur Dvlet resumed his throne. It was at this time that Mengli Giray undoubtedly met the emissary of Tsar Ivan III, Nikita Beklemishev, with which he developed his project of a new alliance against the Horde and against Poland.

Unfortunately for Nur Develt, the Khan Sirin takes quarrel with him and requests the intervention of the Ottomans who only asked to extend their influence on the north shore of the Black Sea. A Turkish fleet takes Caffa where Mengli Giray took refuge and incidentally ends the Principality of Theodoros.


Mengly then negotiates her vassality with the sublime door. The Khan Ahmed of the Horde d’Or refuses to accept this situation and in 1476 invaded Crimea where he installs as governor a certain Janibeg Khan. Mengli Giray fled to Istanbul where he was detained in the seven towers prison.

Nur Devlet takes the opportunity to recover the title of Khan de Crimea one last time. However, Eminek Mirza, representative of the clans and the Tatare aristocracy, asks the sultan insistently the recovery of Mengli Giray. At the beginning of 1478, the latter, supported by an Ottoman army, definitively seized the throne as protected from the Sultan.

After being definitively expelled from Crimea in 1476, Nur Devlet joined his brother Hayder around 1480, first in Lithuania and then in Russia. Nur Devlet takes part in the fight against the Horde d’Or and he obtained as a reward of the Tsar to reign over the little Khanat of Qasim who had become in fact A Russian protectorate after the death of his holder Daniyar Khan.

Murtaza Khan, son of Ahmed, the Khan of the Golden Horde, had become a sworn enemy of the Khanate of Crimea, and he tries to set up an alliance with Russia and the Khanat of Qasim against the Khanat of Crimea, who was allied with the Union of Poland-Lithuania. This project remains without follow -up and Nur Devlet died around 1498/1503; He has his successor to Kassimov his Satilghan Khan son Kassimov.

  • (in) Alan W. Fisher, The Crimean Tatars , Hoover Institution Press, Stanford California, 1987 (ISBN  0817966625 ) , p. 9-11.
  • Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, History of the Ottoman Empire , “Tome second 1453-1494”, Bellizard, Barthès, Dufour, Lowell, Paris, 1886.
