Oberkommando der Luftwaffe — Wikipedia


L’ Air Force (OKL) was the High Command of the Air Force (Luftwaffe) of the Third Reich.

The ReichsluftFahrtministeRium or RLM (“Ministry of Air Transport of the Reich” or “Ministry of Air of the Reich”) was located in Berlin and was led by Hermann Göring as a Minister of Air. The ministry included the sixteen inspections mentioned below.

L’Umkommando of the Wehrmacht [ a ] (OKW) was the highest of military institutions in the command structure. OKW was responsible for coordinating the efforts of the three armies: the HEER (the army), the Kriegsmarine (the Navy) and the Luftwaffe (the Air Force). It was led by Wilhelm Keitel after the organization replaced in 1938 the Ministry of War, then led by Werner von Blomberg.

At the head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring, also Minister of the Cabinet, obtained that the operational orders emanating from Hitler concerning the Luftwaffe are directly transmitted to the managers of the Luftwaffe, bypassing the OKW.

The The air army high command (in German: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) (OKL) is formed. THE Chief general Hans Jeschonnek is appointed “head of the general staff” of the OKL le ; He is therefore the n O 2 from the Luftwaffe, after its commander -in -chief Göring. This creates a military command of the whole encompassing the Reich Air Ministry (RLM), controlling all aspects of aviation. OKL covers all the services as well as the Luftwaffe operational staff.

The following parts of the Luftwaffe were under his command:

  • The staff;
  • operational staff;
  • inspection weapons;
  • air forces inspection;
  • supply and equipment;
  • a division of transmissions.

The other components, such as the armaments and manufacturing of planes, remained under the control of the RLM.

The OKL is led by the general staff chief. It is strategically divided into eight commandments (in German: Departments ) consecutively numbered. Commandments are:

  1. Operations command;
  2. Organizational management;
  3. Training management;
  4. The direction of troop movements;
  5. Intelligence department;
  6. The equipment and equipment direction;
  7. The Directorate of Historical Archives;
  8. Personnel management.

There are also eighteen inspection services:

  • The Luftwaffe inspection (in German: Luftwaffen Inspektion) 1 – Recognition;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 2 – Bombers and Bombardiers in Pique ( Fighter );
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 3 – Hunting and ground attack planes ( Fighter pilot );
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 5 – Aviation safety and equipment;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 6 – Engine vehicles;
  • Air Force Inspection 7 – Transmissions ( News force );
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 8 – Navy planes (dissolved in 1942);
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 9 – Pilot training schools;
  • Poubles Inspection 10 – Troupe The Service It Entrants;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 11 – Aerotransportable parachutism and forces;
  • Air Force Inspection 12 – Navigation;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 13 – Air defense (under the control of the Secretary of State for Aviation);
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 14 – Medical;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 15 – Air defense zones;
  • LUFTWAFFEN Inspektion 16 – Air -resistant service services;
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 17 – Construction troops and prisoners of war (under the control of the Secretary of State for Aviation);
  • Luftwaffen Inspektion 18 – Luftwaffe units in the field;

Commander -in -Chief of the Air Force (OBDL) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In French, “Commander -in -chief of Luftwaffe”.

Head of the general staff of the Air Force [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


In French, “Deputy Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe [ b ] ».

Head of the air force guidance staff [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Reich Minister of Aviation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The state secretary of aviation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Post abolished in .

The general inspector of the Air Force [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Post abolished in *.

* Assistant to Hermann Göring as Commander -in -chief of the Air Force And Reich Minister of Aviation .

The general air witness master [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Post abolished in .

The boss of the Airwehr (au rlm) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The basis of the administration and organization of supply of the Luftwaffe is the Air , which is first of all the command of the territorial zone of Germany, and later of an occupied area; This unit is responsible for training, administration, maintenance, supply and defense in the field.

THE Air raft command or Air fleet (command of an air fleet) are established on a territorial base. The commander of a Air fleet , normally a Chief general , is responsible for a set of air training in the field, regardless of their operational role.

Training subordinate to a Air fleet are the Pilot corps , THE Pilot division , THE Jagdkorps , THE Jagddivision and the Fighter pilot leader . In addition, regional commandments known as Aviator (Air commander) are established, such as Fliegerführer Atlantik, Fliegerführer Afrika, etc.


Thus, a hunting unit is possibly controlled by one or more Fighter pilot leader (or Jafü) (hunting commander) for his tactical job, which is in turn subordinate to a Pilot corps or Pilot division under the final control of a Air fleet .

Fanion du Chef de l’Orkommando of the Air Force [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Reich command pennant Minister Air Transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The German Air Ministry was founded the , under the authority of Hermann Göring, Minister of the Reich for Air Transport ( Reich Aviation Minister ). On this occasion was introduced a command pennion produced in different sizes, ranging from 30 centimeters To 2 meters .

This pennant was made up of a bright red fabric in the center of which was a crown of silver bay leaves. In the center of the crown was a black eagle. Suspended from the base of the crown was a color representation of the medal For merit . Stretching on each side of the crown there was a pair of stylized wings made up of four feathers.

At the place, four white sectors radiated from the crown to the angles. This drawing would then be incorporated into the colors of the future Luftwaffe. In each of the four angles was a black Svastika. The backwards presented some small differences, eagles were in place of the Svastikas in the corners and vice versa an SVastika was substituted for the central eagle.

This pennant was in service until the end of 1935. There was also an alternative motif with some differences: the central eagle was on a red field and the four white sectors did not go to the corners. The exact details concerning the reverse are not known.

Command pennant of the Minister of Air Transport and Commander -in -Chief of the German aviation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Command pennant of the Minister of Air Transport and Commander -in -Chief of the German aviation

Hitler officially created the Luftwaffe the , placing Hermann Göring at his head (Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe). At the end of 1935 the flag was established in the form of a square of bright red silk. This flag was quite similar to that used before. The differences were as follows:

  • In the place, in the center was a golden Svastika and four golden eagles were in the corners;
  • On the back, the center was occupied by a golden eagle supported on a Svastika and four Svastika in the corners.

In addition, the pennant was embroidered on his four sides with a golden frieze comprising 76 small Svastikas standing on their tips.

The , after Göring is promoted General field marshal , a pair of marshal sticks is added upside down the pennant, crossed on the representation of the medal For merit .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. In French, the “high command of the German army”.
  2. The literal translation of Head of the general staff of the Air Force is in fact “head of the general staff of the Luftwaffe” that it is preferable not to use to avoid confusion with the current use of the expression “chief of staff”, the latter corresponding In fact nowadays to the function of “commander -in -chief”.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
