Observatory of Sciences and Techniques – Wikipedia


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L’ Observatory of Sciences and Techniques ( OST ) is a French public interest group which establishes indicators and analyzes relating to research and innovation, to shed light on public policies and strategic analyzes in this area.

The OST produces in particular quantitative analyzes of French scientific production, using bibliometric databases.

The observatory was created by the decree of March 28, 1990 [ first ] .


Since 2005, the OST has been responsible for providing the indicators of the interdepartmental mission for research and higher education (half), which allow monitoring of the various government programs in this area (scientific production, participation in the construction of the European research area).

In 2014, the OST was integrated into the High Council for Research and Higher Education Assessment [ 2 ] (Hceres). His missions evolve and focus on “carrying out strategic analyzes and in a work in support of the evaluation (of the HCERES); applied research and development projects that allow him to ‘Permanently improve your methods and tools. ” [ 3 ] .

To ensure its missions, the OST is based on databases built and enriched over time which allow international comparisons [ 4 ] .

He published between 1992 and 2010, every 2 years a report which has become “a reference work used by specialists for almost 20 years [ 5 ] : Science and technology indicators: Report of the Science and Technology Observatory (1992-2002), which becomes: Science and technology indicators: report from the science and technology observatory (2004-2010) [ 6 ] . In January 2011, the OST published the ten It is edition of its biennial report on science and technology indicators [ 7 ] .

Apart from this biannual report, the OST published indicators for monitoring performance and strategic analysis of public policies, institutional, regional studies, on different themes or sectors of
Files and sheets on different R&D systems abroad (China, India, Russia, Mexico …). He ensured support and advice on the use of indicators and carried out cooperative projects for the analysis of research policies research work on quantitative decision -making tools [ 8 ] .

  1. Order of March 28, 1990 approving the creation of a public interest group » , on Legifrance (consulted the )
  2. Decree n ° 2014-1365 of November 14, 2014 relating to the organization and operation of the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education » , on Legifrance (consulted the )
  3. Composition and functioning of the scientific guidance council of the Observatory of Sciences and Techniques , Cos, session of March 7, 2016, CR approved by the council
  4. Retius Barré, F.laville, N.TEIXIRARA it m.zit, The Observatory of Sciences and Techniques: Activities – Definition – Methodology. Solaris, nº 2, Presses Universitaires de Rennes » , (consulted the ) .
  5. Used for example in UNESCO reports alongside Eurostat data The European Union – UNESCO Report on Science, UNESCO 2006 (ISBN  92-3-203967-2 )
  6. Science and technology indicators: report from the Science and Technology Observatory, 2006 (accessed August 10, 2019)
  7. Science and technology indicators: report from the science and technology observatory , under the direction of Ghislaine Filliatreau, Edition 2010, Economica, 2010
  8. Indicatures SiCoentomé cemeriques: Les Facettes you weiry, mercile pulls, Report 2011

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