Offensve OSOVETS — Wikipedia


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L’ offensive Osovets (Russian: Osovetskaya offensive operation ) was a part of the strategic offensive in Belarus of the Red Army led in summer 1944 against the troops of the Wehrmacht and called Operation Bagration. After taking Grodno, the Red Army continues its advance to the east and the northeast.

Ossovets is the Russian version of the Polish name Ossowiec or German Ossowitz .

The offensive begins after the 2 It is Belarusian Front had taken the cities of Grodno and Bialystok with Cucccès during the Bialystock offensive. THE 2 It is Front was assumed other objectives at the end of July. He is ordered to go to łomża (German: Lomscha ) et Ostrołęka (Allemand: Scharfenwiese ) and widen the bridgehead over the Narew river, in preparation for the next advanced advance in Prussia-East.

The defenders were somewhat helped by the fortifications of the previous eras, including the Osoviec fortress on the Biebrza river [ first ] . This complex dates from the First World War and was partly demolished by the Wehrmacht in 1939. There were along the Soviet border with substantial fortifications dating from the Molotov line located at 20 km west of the old fortress.

Wehrmacht [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Elements of the 4 It is German army (General Friedrich Hossbach)

The above units were under the general command of the Center armies (Feld-Maréchal Walter Model).

Red Army [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Below a list of units credited with their participation in the release of Osovets, not that having participated in the entire operation [ 2 ] .

eighty seven It is NKVD (Major Aleksandr Olchouk NKVD) regiment)
343 It is Fusiliers division (in) (Major-General Iakimovitch)
121 It is Corps of Fusiliers (General-Major Dmitri Smirnov

238 It is Fusiliers division (in) (General Major Ivan Krasnochtanov)
385 It is Fusiliers division (in) (General-Major Mitrofan Souprounov)
23 It is CARLIGEDED STRAY (Colonel Sergei Kozikov)
81st rifle body (General-Major Fedor Zakharov)

369 It is Division de fusiliers (colonel Aleksandr Fedotov)
324 It is Division de Fusiliers (Colonel Ivan Kazak)
1434 It is Motorized artillery regiment (subcolonel Boris Kopylov)
1444 It is Motorized artillery regiment (Colonel Fedor Myatchev)
27 It is Brigade the artillery anti-tank (sous-colonel crisis emianov)
230 It is Air Division of Assault (General Major of Aviation Semion Guetman) (in part)
233 It is Air Division of Assault (Colonel Valentin Smolovik) (in part)
229 It is Air hunting division (Colonel Mikhail Volkov) (in part)
309 It is Division the CHACHENE AUGER (Colonel Vassili Bouss) (a batch)
325 It is Night bombing air division (Colonel Grigori Pokoïevoï)
8 It is Air hunting corps (general-aviation major major jerebtchenko) (from the 16 It is Air Force (in) )

215 It is Air hunting division (Colonel Mikhail Iakouchine)
4 It is Air assault body (General Major of aviation Gueorgui Baïdoukov (in) )

199 It is Air Division of Assault (Colonel Nikolai Vinogradov)

The offensive began the August 6, 1944 With the entry into Bialystock of the second Belarusian front.

Osoviec’s approaches were heavily defended. The first brigade of Soviet genius received the order to establish a passage on the river under enemy fire [ 3 ] . Units from 2 It is Forehead fell and took the osovet fortress, after a heavy bombardment of 4 It is Assault aviation body commanded by Major-General Georgiy Baidukov the [ 4 ] . Order n O 166 by Joseph Staline for this day notes the taking of the fortress and congratulated the units and the commanders concerned.

The is noted as the end of the offensive in official historiography, but in fact attempts continued to seize the bridgeheads on the Narew, during the end of August. There 48 It is Soviet army found that the German defenses of Lomza were difficult to unravel, undergoing many losses (going as far as the loss of a division commander, Major-General Iakimovich of the 343 It is Division of Soviet rifle trees in their attempt to force the lines [ 5 ] .

The city of Lomza itself was in the middle of September. There were intense battles along the Narew (Narev) because the 2 It is German army gradually reinforced and tried to reduce the heads of bridges.

Despite the numerous localized actions (including the attacks of Polish supporters who were strongly present in the area), the German defense line on the Narev river held until the end of 1944, until the advance of the second front front Belarusian in Prussia-East with the Prussian-East offensive .

This article has been translated for a number of articles from the English Wikipedia; This is why most references are in English. It would obviously be desirable to replace them with references in French, when they exist.

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Components of the operation Bagration :

  • first re phase
  • 2 It is phase
  • 3 It is phase


Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
