Olea European — Wikipedia


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Olea europaea is a kind of trees or shrubs of the family of Oleaceae Widespread through Africa, Asia and Mediterranean Europe and a variety of which has been domesticated and cultivated to become the olive tree. During the history of botany, many subspecies have been described.

The latest revision of gender Olea in 2002 [ first ] However, just distinguishes only six:

  • Olea europaea subsp. Europaea , characteristic of the Mediterranean basin, whose cultivated variety (var. Europaea ) is the olive tree and whose wild and fidget varieties (var. sylvestris ) are designated under the name of oleastres,
  • Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. & G. Don) CIF. (1942), the most widespread subspecies in the world (ubiquitous subspecies), present throughout Africa including mascareignes, and in many dry regions of Asia, from Arabia to China,
  • Olea europaea subsp. cerasiformis G.Kunkel & Sunding (1972), endemic to Madeira,
  • Olea europaea subsp. guanchica P.vargas & al. (2000 publ. 2001), endemic to the Canaries,
  • Olea europaea subsp. laperrinei (Batt. & Trab.) CIF. (1942), present in the Saharan mountains,
  • Olea europaea subsp. Weather in Moroccan (Greuter & Burdet) p.vargas & al. (2000 publ. 2001), represented by an isolated population of Moroccan Haut-Atlas.

Representatives of the species Olea europaea are sempervirent bushes, shrubs or trees (always green) up to 15 m height. The branches are dotted with peltée scales. The foliage is persistent, the leaves are opposite, whole and elliptical, tough and dotted with scaly hair, more or less narrow, 3 to 9 long cm .

The flowers, white or yellowish, are grouped in axillary panicles. The welded chalice, with 4 triangular lobes, is short. The corolles form 4 petals tubes. The stamens are two in number. The superior ovary is more or less swollen conical. Fruits are fleshy hard core drums, 5 long mm at 4 cm , which become black at maturity [ first ] .

Pollinization is anemophile: it is ensured by the wind. Pollen is allergenic: in regions planted with olive trees, the strong presence in the air of pollen of Olea europaea During the flowering period (from May to the end of June in the northern hemisphere) is an important cause of allergies in sensitive subjects [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

  1. a et b P. S. Green, A Revision of Olea L. (Oleaceae) Kew Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 1 (2002), pp. 91-140, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  2. D’amato, G., Mullins, J., Nolard, N., Spieksma, F. T. M., & Wachter, R. (1988). City spore concentrations in the European Economic Community (EEC). VII. Oleaceae (Fraxinus, Ligustrum, Olea) . Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 18(6), 541-547 ( résumé )
  3. . Liccardi G, Russo M, Saggese M, D’amato M, D’Amato (1995), Evaluation of serum specific IgE and skin responsiveness to allergenic extracts of Oleaceae pollens (Olea europaea, Fraxinus excelsior and Ligustrum vulgare) “in patients with respiratory allergy  ; G. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 1995 Jan-Feb; 23(1):41-6. ( résumé )
  4. QUIRALTE J, Florido F, Saavedra JM Arias, Gómez A, Sáenz de San Pedro B, González and Rodríguez R (2002), Olive allergen-specific IgE responses in patients with Olea europaea pollinosis . Allergy. 2002; 57 Suppl 71:47-52 ( résumé )

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Raymond Gimilis « New systematic and biogeography of the genus Olea L. (Oleaceae) », Ann. SOC. Horti. and Hist. Nat. Hérault , Montpellier, SHHNH, vol. 153, , p. 74-86 (ISSN  0373-8701 , 11 phot.) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Catherine Breton (Coordinator), André Bervillié (coordinator) et al. , History of the olive tree Versailles, editions that , 224 p. (ISBN  978-2-7592-1822-6 , read online ) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Catherine Breton , Reconstruction of the history of the olive tree (Olea Europaea Subp. Europaea) and its domestication process in the Mediterranean region, studied on molecular bases , Paul Cézanne University, coll. “Doctoral thesis of Biology of Populations and Ecology”, Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • (in) Green, P. S. 2002. A revision of Olea L . Kew Bull. vol. 57 : pp. 91–140. Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article

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