Osama bin Laden – Wikipedia


Osama bin Laden

Emir General of Al-Qaida
Duration Mandate 11 August 1988 –
May 2, 2011
Predecessor Created charge
Successor Ayman Al-Zawahiri

General data
University King Abdulaziz University, King Abdulaziz University, Al-Thager Model School, Brummana High School e Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School

Osāma bin Muḥammad bin ʿawwāḍ bin Lādenen , more known as Osāma bin Lāden O Bin Lāden In arab; Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden , Usāma b. Muhammad b. ʿAwwaḍ b. Lādin (Riyad, 10 March 1957 – Abbottabad, 2 May 2011), was a Saudi terrorist, Sunni Islamic fundamentalist. [first] Was founder and leader of Al-Qā disc, the best known international terrorist organization, active starting from the end of the twentieth century, of the jihadist, responsible among others of the attacks of 11 September 2001 against the United States of America and numerous other attacks with “victims mass “against civil and military objectives [2] [3] [4] .

Born in the Bin Laden family of Kindita Yemenita Kindita [5] From the billionaire Mohammed Bin Awad Bin Laden in Saudi Arabia, he studied at the university until 1979, the year in which he joined the forces of the muhazehedin In Pakistan against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He financially helped i muhazehedin By conveying them weapons, money and fighters from the Arab world in Afghanistan, also gaining popularity among many Arabs. [6] In 1988 he founded Al Qaida. Exiled from Saudi Arabia in 1992, he moved his base in Sudan, until the US pressure forced him to move away from it in 1996. He established a new base in Afghanistan and declared war on the United States, starting a series of attacks and similar attacks. [7]

Bin Laden was scheduled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives and in the list of Most Wanted Terrorists for his involvement to the attacks on the 1998 US embassies. [8] [9] [ten] From 2001 to 2011, Bin Laden was an important objective of the war on terrorism, with a size of $ 25 million decided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [11]

After being included by the FBI in the list of the most sought after terrorists ( Most Wanted ), Bin Laden remained in hiding during three US presidential administrations. On the night of May 1, 2011 Bin Laden was killed in a fire conflict within a residential complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by members of the Devgru (originally known as SEAL Team Six ) of the United States and CIA agents during a secret operation ordered by the President of the United States Barack Obama. Shortly after his death, Bin Laden’s body was buried at sea. [twelfth] Al-Qā under confirmed his death on May 6, promising revenge. [13]

The name Osāma – phonetic transliteration of Usāma bin lāden (according to the classical Arabic pronunciation) or, abbreviated, Bin Lādin – is the one most cited in the relations of the FBI and from mass media of Anglo -Saxon language. Other less correct transliterations are: Ussamah bin ladin, Oussama Ben Laden, as well as Binladen. Literally the wording “Bin Lāden” is not a surname but a simple linade (Patronimic) which means “son of Lāden”, equivalent in its phonetic reality to the Ibn Lādin graphic.

Osāma has been combined with several alias , such as “The Prince”, “The Prince of Terror”, “The sheikh of Terror”, “L’Emiro”, “Abu Abd Allah”, “Mujahid Shaykh” (The Fighter Selli) and “Hājji” (the pilgrim) .

NATO NAT 1957, Muhammad bin Aadāden (1908 – 1967) [14] And from the Syrian Hamida Al-Attas (then it was called to the Ghanam), his ninth wife, Osama bin Laden was the seventeenth of fifty-two brothers. [15] His father was a self made man Originally from South Yemen, buildings of buildings and in close relationships with the Saudi royal family.

Mohammed Bin Laden divorced Hamida shortly after the birth of Osama Bin Laden. Mohammed then recommended Hamida to Mohammed al-Attas, a partner. Al-Attas married her in the late 1950s or early 1960s and are still together. [16] Osama lived with her mother and her new husband Muhammad al-Attas. With Al-Attas the mother had three other children and a daughter. [14] The Bin Laden family collected 5 billion in the construction sector, of which Osama then inherited about 25-30 million dollars. [17]

Youth (1960-1976) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Raised in the teaching of Muslim culture and religion faithful to Sharī under (Allāh was often invoked by Osāma in his interviews), Osāma referred to the current of Islam Wahhabita, [18] From its name from its founder Muhammad b. ʿObd al-Wahhāb, which preaches a return to the religion of the origins with the cancellation of all the innovations made by the unfolding of time.


Bin Laden’s father died in 1967 in a plane crash in Saudi Arabia when his American pilot was missing. [19] Bin Laden’s greatest half -brother, Salem Bin Laden, the following head of the Bin Laden family, was killed in 1988 near San Antonio, Texas, when he crashed, accidentally, with a plane against the power lines. [20]

From 1968 to 1976 he attended the secondary school of elite Al-Thager, the most prestigious in Gedda, who between the sixties and eighties was known because it housed much of the children of businessmen and the royal family. [14] [21] The teaching of the English language was guaranteed through the help of native speaker professors. Among his teachers, Brian Fyfield-Shayler and Seamus O’Brien remember having been professors of Osama Bin Laden in the aforementioned Institute. [22] .

In 1971, when he was fourteen, he attended the Oxford University together with two brothers. From some it is remembered as a “hard worker”. [23] .

In 1973 he was in Beirut in Lebanon, to attend high school in Broumana, where he seems to have attended a girl of Christian religion for a period [24] . In 1975 at the outbreak of the civil war he was recalled at home by the family [24] .

The FBI described Osama Bin Laden as an adult as tall and slender, among the 193–198 cm It is 75 kg weight, characterized by an olive complexion. He used to wear a white turban and had stopped carrying the traditional Saudi male headdress (the kefiah ). [25] Bin Laden was also known for the peaceful way of speaking that distinguished him in the Arab world and for the kind ways that characterized his character. [26] [27]

Matrimoni (1974-2000) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1974, at the age of 17, Bin Laden married Najwa Ghanem in Latakia, Syria; [28] they left [29] [30] [thirty first] Before 11 September 2001. Other wives notes of Bin Laden were Khadīja Sharīf (married in 1983, he divorced her in the nineties), Khayriyya Sabar (married in 1985), Siham Sabar (married in 1987) and Amal Al-Sadah ( married in 2000). Some sources include a sixth unknown denomination wife, whose marriage was canceled shortly after the ceremony. [32] Bin Laden was father of 25 or 26 children with his wives. [33] [34] Many of the children of Bin Laden fled to Iran after the attacks of 11 September and since 2010 the Iranian authorities continue, on the basis of what is reported, to monitor their movements. [35]

University studies and “Qutbismo” [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He then studied economics and corporate administration at the university re chabd al-^zīz. He obtained a degree in Civil Engineering in 1979 [36] followed one in the public administration in 1981, [37] In view of its professional insertion in the Paterna company (the Saudi Binladin Group), specialized in the construction and execution of large infrastructure works. At university, Bin Laden’s main interest was the Islamic religion, and was engaged both in the interpretation of the Koran and the jihād , both in charity activities. [38] Other interests included the composition of poems; [39] Reading, stating that the works of the Feldmareliallo Bernard Montgomery and Charles De Gaulle were among his favorites; Black horses and football, in which he had fun playing as center forward and followed the events of the Arsenal F.C .. The period spent in Great Britain of the young Osāma is documented by some snapshots published after the events of September 11 by the western press.

According to the former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer, who directed the hunt for Osama Bin Laden by the CIA, the leader of al-Qāšida was motivated by the belief that US foreign policy had oppressed, killed, or in any case damaged Muslims in the Near East, [40] CONDENSED IN THE SRASH: “They hate us for what we do, not for what we are”.


Bin Laden also stated that only the restoration of Shari’a would “put things back” in the Muslim world and that alternatives such as “panarabismo, socialism, communism and democracy” had to be contrasted. [41] This I believe, in conjunction with the exhortation to jihād , to be compulsorily fulfilled and with even violent tools, has sometimes been called Qutbismo, having been promoted by Sayyid Qutb, Islamic personality to which Osama Bin Laden often referred to, included in his last message to Muslim umma in the first months of 2011. [42] Bin Laden believed that Afghanistan, under the government of the Taliban of Mullah Omar, was “the only Islamic country” in the Muslim world. [43] Bin Laden consistently underlined the need for a jihād armed to remedy what he believed were injustice perpetrated against Muslims by the United States and, sometimes, by other non-muslim states, [44] The need to eliminate the state of Israel and the need to force the United States to withdraw from the Near East. He also invited the Americans to “reject the immoral deeds of fornication, homosexuality, the intoxications, gambling and usury”, in a press release from October 2002.

Bin Laden’s ideology – in open contrast to the Islamic tradition relating to war law – included the principle that civilians, including women and children, were legitimate objectives of jihād . [45] [forty six] Bin Laden was anti -Israelite and launched various warnings against alleged Jewish conspiracy: “These Jews are masters of wear and heads in betrayal. They will leave you nothing, neither in this world nor in the neighbor”. [47] Shiite Muslims – once again in contrast to the Islamic tradition settled in over 14 centuries of history – have been listed together with the “heretics, […] to America and Israel”, like the four main “enemies of the Islam “in the ideological lessons of Bin Laden’s Al-Qā under organization. [48]

Bin Laden was against music for religious reasons, [49] And his attitude towards technology was contradictory. On the one hand he was interested in “earthly movement and genetic engineering machines of plants”, but on the other he rejected “refrigerated water systems”.

His points of view and methods to reach them had led him to be designated as a terrorist by scholars [50] [51] , by journalists of the New York Times , [52] [53] from the BBC, [54] from the Qatar television station to the Jazeera, [55] by independent analysts such as Peter Bergen, [56] Michael Scheuer, [57] Marc Sageman, [58] e Bruce Hoffman, [59] [60] And he was accused of terrorism by the law enforcement of Madrid, New York and Tripoli.

Overall, Bin Laden’s strategy against much larger enemies, such as the Soviet Union and the United States, was to induce them to a long war of acting on the ground of Muslim countries, thus attracting a large number of jihadists that they would never give up. He believed that this would lead to the economic collapse of the enemy nation. [sixty one] The al-Qāšida manuals clarify this strategy clearly. In a 2004 ribbon broadcast by Al-Jazeera, Bin Laden spoke of “reducing America the shadow of herself” and also of “bloody America to the point of bankruptcy”. [62]

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After leaving his studies in 1979, twenty-two years old, Bin Laden went to Pakistan, joined ʿbd allāh al-^zzām and used money and machinery of his construction company precisely to help the resistance of the Mujaheddin in the Soviet war in Afghanistan. [63] [sixty four] Later he said to a journalist: “I felt offended by the fact that an injustice had been committed against the people of Afghanistan”. [65] On one occasion, during the Soviet invasion, he was also injured in one foot during the battle of Jaji, which took place between April 17 and June 13, 1987.

The CIA learned of Bin Laden’s activities at the end of the eighties, without ever entering contact or financing it directly. [66] The same councilor for the national security of the President of the United States Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said that under the Cyclone operation, from 1979 to 1989, the Afghan guerrillas benefited from the supply of weapons (including contrast missiles “from the shoulder” Stinger ) and the US loan (indirect), [sixty seven] Through the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan.

The existence of contacts between Bin Laden and the American administration is indirectly confirmed by the testimony of Loredana Bertè: invited to the White House as a wife of the tennis champion Björn Borg, reports that she met Osama Bin Laden twice together with the brothers, Guest by George H. W. Bush [68] .

However, in the interview with Al-Jazeera in 1998, Bin Laden said that, any hypothesis that the United States and the CIA would support him and his fighters in the Holy War of the Mujahidin against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s, would be was “a falsification by the Americans”. [69]

Bin Laden met and squeezed contacts with Hamid Gul, who was the three -star general of the Pakistani army and head of the ISA agency. Even if the United States had provided money and weapons for a certain period, the formation of the militant groups would have been entirely the task of the Pakistani Armed Forces and ISI.

In 1984 Osama Bin Laden and uncleazzam founded Maktab al-Khidamat, with the task of conveying money, weapons and fighters from all over the Arab world in Afghanistan. Through the Maktab al-Khadamat, the family heritage inherited from Bin Laden [70] It served to pay air and housing tickets, to pay the practices with the Pakistani authorities and to provide other services similar to the jihadist fighters. Bin Laden established fields inside Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan and trained volunteers from all over the Muslim world to fight against the “Soviet regime puppet”, called the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. It was during this period that it became idolized by many Arabs. [6]

Foundation of al-Qā disc and rupture with Saudi Arabia (1988-1992) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1988, when Bin Laden left Maktab al-Khidamat, many of his militants followed him. While ʿzzzzām served as support for Afghan fighters, Bin Laden wanted an increasingly military role. One of the main points, which lead to the split and creation of Al-Qā under, was the insistence of ʿzzām to have the Arab fighters integrate between the Afghan combat groups, instead of forming a separate fighter force. [71] Notes from a Bin Laden and others meeting of 20 August 1988 indicate that Al-Qā under was a formal group at that moment: “Basically an organized Islamic faction, his goal is to raise the Word of God, to make the his victorious religion “. A list of membership requirements reports the following: listening skills, good manners, obedience, and oath (in Arabic Bay’at , literally “take the hand”, as a sign of submission and recognition of the superiority of others) to follow their superiors. [72]

According to Wright, the real name of the group was not used in public declarations because “its existence was still a well -kept secret”. [seventy three] His investigations suggest that Al-Qā under was formed on August 11, 1988, in a meeting between “eminent commanders” of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, ʿobd Allāh al-^zzām, and Bin Laden, in which it was agreed to unify the capital of Bin Laden with the experience of the organization Jihad Islamica , and to support the jihadist cause elsewhere as soon as the Soviets had retired from Afghanistan. [74] Following the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan in February 1989, Osama Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia in 1990 and was welcomed as a hero of the Jihād, acclaimed because together with his Arab legion “he had overturned the superpower” of the Soviet Union . [75] Despite this, he was furious for the outbreak of intestine struggles and tribal violence between the Afghan themselves. [76]

The Iraqi invasion of the Kuwait under Saddam Hussein on August 2, 1990, put the Saudi kingdom and the Casato dei Sa^ūd at risk, with the Iraqi forces on the Saudi border and the appeal of Saddam to the pan-Arabism that potentially incited internal dissent. Bin Laden immediately met King Fahd and Prince Sululen, Saudi Defense Minister, encouraging them not to depend on the support (non-Musulman) offered by the United States and others, offering himself to help and defend Saudi Arabia with his “Legion Arab “. Bin Laden’s offer was rejected and the Saudi monarchy invited the United States to unfold his forces in Saudi territory. [77] Bin Laden publicly denounced the complete Saudi military dependence against the United States, claiming that the two most sacred places in Islam, Mecca and Medina, the cities in which the prophet Mohammed received and disclosed the message of God, should have been defended from Muslims. Bin Laden recited, with moved tones, in a video in which he was surrounded by his followers, several verses of the Koran and ḥadīth of the Prophet of Islam, in which he compared the Saudi Arab rulers to Saddam Hussein, alluding to their being ṭawaghite (term used to indicate pre -up -on idols), albeit not as shown as shrewdly explicitly. It was not lacking to define the innovative Saudi rulers (what tried back by the Islamic jurisprudence) and far from the Muhammad methodology, for having abandoned the Holy Land in the hands of the American – choosing the White House as an ally rather than Muslims – and for having subjected it to Embargo at the hands of the “crusaders”, thus violating the most important precepts of a constitution in fact which was defined as founded on Shari’a . From that moment on, he will turn to Saudi Arabia with the expression, already frequently used by others, of “land of the two sacred mosques” (with the expression Bilād al-ḥaramayn We refer to the KajBba of Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet of Medina), no longer intended to recognize the Royal Family Family āl Sa week as the legitimate authority of the country, who had given its name to Arabia. [78] [79] Bin Laden’s criticism towards the Saudi monarchy annoyed the same rulers who tried to keep silent. Meanwhile, the 82nd Airborne Division (82nd AviotraSportata Division) of the United States Army, landed in the north-east of the Saudi city of Dhahran and began to take sides in the desert at just 400 kilometers from Medina. [76]

In the meantime, on November 8, 1990, the FBI broke into the New Jersey house of El Sayyid Nosair, an associate of the double-agent Ali Mohamed, seizing numerous tests of terrorist conspiracy, including plans to blow up New York skyscrapers. This marked the first cognitive of the Al-Qā under’s terrorist plans outside the Muslim countries. In the end Nosair was sentenced in relation to the 1993 attack at the World Trade Center and later confessed the murder of the Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York on November 5, 1990.

Meanwhile, Bin Laden continued to publicly make statements against the Saudi government. The relationships between them became worse, until the Saudi monarchy took citizenship taken away from him. He then went in 1992 to live in exile in Sudan, thanks to an agreement mediated by Ali Mohamed. [80]

Exile in Sudan and return to Afghanistan: the first attacks (1992-1997) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the same year he decided to set his operational base in Al-Khartum in Sudan. He bought a house in via al-Mashtal, in the rich Al-Riyāḍ district, and a spiritual retreat on the blue nile in Soba. [81] [82] During his stay in Sudan, he invested a lot in infrastructure, in the agricultural sector and in businesses. He built roads using the same bulldozers he had used to build mountain paths in Afghanistan. Many of his workers were the same fighters who had been his companions in the war against the Soviet Union. He was generous towards the poor and popular among the people. [83] [84] He continued to criticize the King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and in response, in 1994, Fahd led Bin Laden of his Saudi citizenship and convinced his family to deprive him of his annual prerogative, equal to 7 million dollars. [85] At this point Osama Bin Laden was associated with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Eij), which constituted the nucleus of Al-Qā under. In 1995 the Eij tried to assassinate the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak; The attempt failed and the Eij was expelled from Sudan.

The fact that the Sudanese regime had guaranteed its support for Saddam Hussein in 1991 and that its president Al-Bashir together with the right arm of the Hassan Albi regime, ideologue of national-sister fundamentalism, the very rich man were held thus tight Saudi business Osama Bin Laden, does not like it to the White House, especially after the incorational of the sheikh in a public event dedicated to him. [eighty six] [eighty seven] The Department of State of the United States of America accused Sudan of being a “sponsor of international terrorism” and Bin Laden himself of managing “training camps for terrorists” in the Sudanese desert. The progressive international isolation of Kharoni soon translated into real penalties, unilaterally imposed by both Washington and the UN. If on the one hand the sanctions accepted internationally, who limited themselves to banning the flights of the flag airline Sudan Airways, never been fully applied, those decided by the US government of President Bush Senior not only were they seriously implemented, But they were strengthened during the first term of President Clinton (1996-2000). Commercial exchanges between Sudan and the United States were subjected to embargo, American investments in the country, as well as the nascent Sudanese oil sector, and many American oil companies that had already obtained concessions for the exploitation of oil were forced to renounce. [88]

Sudan then started the initiatives to expel Bin Laden. The commission report on 11 September states:

Towards the end of 1995, when Bin Laden was still in Sudan, the State Department and Central Intelligence Agency (Cia) prepared that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government on the possibility of expelled Bin Laden. The paramilitary of the CIA Billy Waught tracked Bin Laden in Sudan and prepared an operation to arrest him, but the authorization was denied. [89] The United States Ambassador Timothy Carley encouraged the Sudanese to continue on this track. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Laden, justifying themselves with the revocation of his citizenship. Sudan’s defense minister Fatih Erwa said Sudan had offered to deliver Bin Laden to the United States. The Commission did not find any credible proof that this responded to truth. Ambassador Carney had only instructions to press pressure on the Sudanese to expel Bin Laden. Ambassador Carney had no legal reason to ask Sudan more in that, in the state of the facts, there was no significant and demonstrable accusation against Bin Laden in any country.

The Commission report on 11 September also reports:

In February 1996, Sudanese officials began to deal with the officials of the United States and other governments, asking what actions on their part could have reduced the pressure exerted by abroad. In secret meetings with Saudi officials, Sudan offered the expulsion of Bin Laden in Saudi Arabia and asked the Saudis to forgive him. US officials learned of these secret discussions, certainly before March. Saudi officials apparently wanted Bin Laden to be expelled from Sudan. They had already revoked his citizenship, however, and did not like his presence in their country. Even Bin Laden may no longer feel safe in Sudan, where he had already escaped at least an attempt at assassination that he believed had been the work of the Egyptian or Saudi regime, and paid on behalf of the CIA.

In May 1996, due to the growing pressure exerted on Sudan, by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United States, Bin Laden was allowed to leave for a country of his choice. He chose to return to Jalalabad, in Afghanistan aboard a charter flight, and he forgot a close relationship with the Mullah Mohammed Omar. [90] [91] Despite his ambitions and organizational skills, when Bin Laden left Sudan, he and his organization were significantly weakened. [92]

On August 23, 1996, Bin Laden declared war on the United States. Despite the promise of President George H. W. Bush to Re Fahd in 1990, that all the US forces with a base in Saudi Arabia would have been withdrawn once the Iraqi threat had been placed, in 1996 the Americans still stationed there, with reference to the survival of the Saddam regime (that Bush had decided not to destroy). Bin Laden’s opinion was that The ‘evils’ of the Near East were caused by the attempt by America to take over the region and from his support to Israel. Saudi Arabia has been transformed into an ‘American colony’ . [93] The Fatwā was first published on Al-Quuds al-Boarab, a London newspaper in Arabic. He was entitled Declaration of war against Americans who occupy the land of the two holy places. To expel the infidels from the Arabic peninsula . [ninety four] Saudi Arabia is sometimes called “the land of the two sacred mosques” in reference to Mecca and Medina, the two most sacred places in Islam. The reference to “employment” in the Fatwa refers to the US forces with a base in Saudi Arabia aimed at controlling the air space in Iraq, known as Southern Watch operation.

In Afghanistan, Bin Laden and Al-Qā under were raised funds thanks to “financiers of the times of the Soviet jihad” and thanks to the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan with the aim of establishing more training fields for the Mujaheddin fighters. [95] Bin Laden validly took the control of the Ariana Afghan Airlines, who ferried Islamic militants, weapons, money and opium through the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan, as well as provided false identity documents to the members of the Bin Laden terrorist network. [96] Viktor Bout helped manage the airline, taking care of air maintenance and dealing with freight loading. Michael Scheuer, head of the CIA’s Bin Laden unit, concluded that the Aryan was used as a “terrorist taxi service”. [97]

It is suspected that, with the help of organizations officially presumed to charity towards Muslims (one of which is founded by his brother -in -law Muhammed Jamāl Khalīfa), [98] subsequently expanding their range of activities by sending exponents of its organization in South East Asia and Africa, Europe and the United States with the aim of recruiting new affiliates for Al-Qā under and rooting Islamic fundamentalism.

With Al Qaida, Bin Laden would also have financed the killing of a group of tourists in Luxor, Egypt in 1997. [99]

In 1999 the CIA took care of training and secretly equipped a commando of about 60 men of the Pakistani secret services with the aim of letting them enter Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. [100]

The Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir while interviewing Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan in 1997.

It is believed that the first terrorist attack directed by Bin Laden took place on December 29, 1992 against the Gold Hotel Mihor Aden in which two people were killed. [101]

It is believed that only after this attack Al-Qā under will develop its justification as regards the killing of innocent people. According to a fatwā emitted by mandduh mahmud salim, the killing of someone close to the enemy is justified by the fact that all the innocent bystanders will find their right reward dying, going to Jannah (Paradise) if they had been good Muslims and in Jahannam ( hell), if they had been bad Muslim or non -believers. [102] The Fant It was issued exclusively to the members of Al-Qster, but not to the general public.

In the nineties, Bin Laden’s Al-Qāšida organization provided financial assistance to the jihadists and, sometimes, military in Algeria, Egypt and Afghanistan. In 1992 or 1993 Bin Laden sent an emissary to Algeria, Qari al-Sa^īd, with 40 000 dollars to give help to the Islamists and exhort the war, rather than promoting a negotiation with the government. Their advice was listened to, but the war that followed killed 150 000-200 000 Algerians and ended with the Islamic surrender to the government.

According to some sources Osāma would also have conceived and directed the attack on the 1993 World Trade Center [103] and planned, with the complicity of Indonesian terrorism, the Bojinka project, [104] foiled in Manila on January 6, 1995.

Bin Lāden’s first attack against the United States took place against a group of soldiers housed in a hotel in Yemen: the military had left two days earlier for Somalia. Two Austrian tourists died in the bombing of the hotel. [105]

Bin Laden finished the Luxor massacre of November 17, 1997, [106] [107] [108] Which killed 62 civilians, but indignantly indignant Egyptian public opinion. In the middle of 1997, the Northern Alliance threatened to invade Jalalabad, bringing Bin Laden to have to abandon his compound, located near Farms. [109]

Another successful attack was conducted in the city of Mazar-I Sharif in Afghanistan. Bin Laden managed to consolidate his alliance with the Taliban by sending them hundreds of Afghan Arab fighters to help the Taliban committed to killing between the five and six thousand Hazara who populated the city. [110] The attacks on the US embassies of 1998 were a series of coordinated attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998, in which hundreds of people were killed through simultaneous explosions of self -bombing in the US embassies of the major cities of Eastern Africa, to Dar ES Salaam in Tanzania and Nairobi in Kenya. [111] The date of the attacks was the anniversary of the arrival of American troops on the Saudi soil during the First Gulf War. The attacks were attributed to the local members of the Egyptian Islamic jihad And they brought, for the first time, Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri to the public attention of the United States and as a consequence the FBI heard Bin Laden in his Ten Most Wanted.

Fatwa against Jews and “Crusaders” (1998) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In February 1998, Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri jointly signed one fatwa In the name of the international Islamic front for the jihad against Jews and Crusaders who declared the killing of the North American and their allies as an “individual duty for each Muslim” to “free the Al-Aqsa mosque (in Jerusalem) and the sacred mosque of Mecca from their grip “. [112] [113] [114] [115] To the public announcement of the fatwa , Bin Laden declared that the North American were “very easy targets”. He said to the journalists present: “You will see the results of this in a very short time”. [116]

Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri organized an al-Qā disc congress which was held on June 24, 1998. [117]

In December 1998, the director of the CIA anti-terrorism center reported to the president Bill Clinton that Al-Qā under was preparing attacks in the United States, as well as he was training staff training in order to divert planes. [118]

US President Bill Clinton ordered the freezing of every good of Bin Lāden in America, but given the late decision nothing was found. At the same time he authorized his capture and, if necessary, his killing, as in the case of the failed launch of cruise missiles against his alleged base in August 1998. [119] Placed a size of $ 25 million on the head of Bin Lāden, for anyone who had provided useful information to his capture, the United States convinced the United Nations in 1999 to impose sanctions against Afghanistan in an attempt to force the Taliban regime to estrange it.

Towards the end of 2000, Richard Clarke revealed that the Islamic militants led by Bin Laden had designed a triple attack for January 3, 2000, who would include the attacks in Jordan of the Radisson Sas Hotel in Amman, tourists on Mount Nebo and a located on the Giordano, the sinking of the destroyer USS The Sullivans in Yemen, as well as an attack on a goal in the United States. The plan was foiled thanks to the arrest of the Giordana terrorist cell, the overloading of the boat equipped with an explosive boat destined to hit the destroyer and the arrest of Ahmed Ressam. [120]

Despite the success of the chain attacks, on October 12, 2000 the destroyer USS Cole , moored in the port of Aden, in refueling after navigation in the Persian Gulf, under the command of the frigate captain Kirk Lippold, was the victim of an asymmetrical war attack, a strategy adopted by Osama Bin Laden and his collaborators given the marked inferiority on Plan of military resources towards the United States. The attack, organized and directed by its terrorist organization, caused the death of 17 sailors in addition to the terrorist commando and 39 injured. [121] [122] [123] [124] In June 2001, an al-Qa’ido recruitment video shows Osama Bin Laden himself during a conference with his followers, while boasting of the attack by encouraging Muslims to similar attacks. [125] He will dedicate an ode to the suicide command on the occasion and will conclude his speech by contacting the “brothers of Palestine”:

«To our brothers in Palestine, let’s say to them: in truth the blood of your children is the blood of ours and your blood is ours; Therefore blood is blood and destruction is destruction, and we testify before the omnipotent God that we will not abandon you, until victory is reached or until we savor this (martyrdom) that Hamza Ibn Abd al-Muttabs heard, that God is pleased with it. ”

( Osama bin Laden, 2000 [125] )

Yugoslave wars [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A former official of the United States Department of States in October 2001 described Bosnia-Herzegovina as a safe refuge for terrorists, after militant groups themselves of the old Sarajevo government claimed to protect several extremists, some of whom had strong links With Osama Bin Laden. [126]

International capture mandates (1998) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On March 16, 1998 Libya issued the first official term of international capture, through Interpol, against Osama Bin Laden and three other people. The three were accused of the assassination of Silvan Becker, agent of the German internal secret services (Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution) in the anti -terrorism department, and his wife in Libya on 10 March 1994. [127] Bin Laden was still sought by the Libyan government at the time of death. [128] [129] Osama bin Laden came for the first time offended by a grand jury of the United States on June 8, 1998 on charges of having killed five Americans and two Indians on November 14, 1995, when a self -bomb destroyed the building of the Saudi National Guard of Riad, where US councilors worked: seven deaths (five Americans ) and over 60 injured. Bin Laden did not immediately claim the attack, but only months later and after praising him. [130] [131] Bin Laden was accused of “criminal association in order to attack the defense services of the United States” and the public ministries also accused Bin Laden of being the guidance of the al-Qā under terrorist organization and to be an important financier of the Islamic fighters in everything the world. [130]

On November 4, 1998 Osama Bin Laden was indicted by a grand jury Federal of the United States District Court for the South District of New York on charges of “murder of US citizens abroad, a criminal association in the murder of US citizens abroad and attacks on a federal structure giving rise to death “, [132] For likely to play a guided role in the attacks on the 1998 US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The current imputation act has 21 people accused of taking part in this crime. It was subsequently ascertained that it was Muhammad Atef who convinced him of the “regularity” of this attack. On May 7, 1998, Atef, then head of reinforced training, had sent Fax to Bin Laden one Fant Signed that day by Afghan scholars, according to which attacks against American civilians could be justified. The tests against Bin Laden were manifold; They included the testimony in front of a Justice Chamber of several repentant of Al-Qā under as well as to the satellite telephone records, of a phone purchased for him from the Al-Qāšida Ziyad Khalil supply agent in the United States. [133] [134] However, the Taliban had no intention to extract Bin Laden by relying on the fact that there was no sufficient evidence provided by the accusation documents and that the non-Muslim courts did not enjoy the status that allowed them to judge Muslims. [135]

Bin Laden became the 456th person played on the list of the ten most sought after criminals by the FBI when he was added to it on June 7, 1999, after his indictment together with others for mortal crimes in the attacks on the embassy in 1998. Attempts to assassinate And requests for the extradition of Bin Laden have gone repeatedly empty. [136] In 1999 the President of the United States Bill Clinton convinced the United Nations to impose sanctions for Afghanistan to try to force the Taliban to estrange him. [137]

Terrorist attacks against the United States (11 September 2001) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

“” God knows that it has not passed through the mind to attack the towers, but after the situation has become unsustainable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the Israeli-American alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon- I thought about it. And the events that impressed me directly were that of 1982 and those who followed, when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the sixth U.S. fleet while observing the towers destroyed in Lebanon, [24] I occurred to me to punish the unfair in the same way: to destroy the towers in America so that it would task what we are tasting and stopped killing our women and children “.”

( Osama bin Laden, 2004 [138] [139] )
The impact of the United Airlines 175 flight against the south tower of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001.

After denied it, [140] [141] Bin Lāden admitted his direct involvement in terrorist documents against the United States of 11 September 2001 shortly after the episodes [142] and more explicitly on October 29, 2004 with a video transmitted by the Qatar broadcaster, to Jazeera, [143] [144] [145] A few days before the presidential elections in the United States. Previously, however, he had not failed to define the United States several times a country hostile to Islam and an enemy declared to fight “by any means” in the name of jihād .

Among the video recordings, presumably made in Afghanistan and released in the days immediately following September 11 by the broadcaster at Jazeera, one in particular had shown Osāma himself to speak of the attack in terms that – according to the analysts of the US secret services – they left Few doubts about his participation in the attack plan.

The attacks including the hijacking of four line planes, [146] The destruction of the same and the World Trade Center in New York, large damage to the Pentagon in the County of Arlington [147] and the death of 2973 people [148] and the nineteen hijacopers. [149] In response, the United States launched a war on terror to lay down the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and capture the agents of Al-Qā under and several countries strengthened their anti-terrorism laws to prevent future attacks. The CIA special activity division was entrusted with a guide role in tracing Bin Laden and killing or capturing him. [150]

The FBI specified that the confidential documentation [151] Which associates with the at 11 September attacks with the-Qā disc and Bin Laden is clear and irrefutable. [152] The British government reached such a conclusion regarding the responsibility of Al-Qster and Osama Bin Laden regarding the attacks of 11 September. [153]

Bin Laden initially denied his involvement in the attacks, as he used to do behind the attacks he himself directed, [154] And this according to many analysts to “derive time” and for a common choice by the organization of the organization. On September 16, 2001 Bin Laden reads a statement later broadcast by the Qatar television network, to Jazeera, denying his responsibility for the attacks. [155]

On October 7 of the same year, shortly after the US forces began the retailers against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the Jazeera television network broadcasts a statement, recorded and subsequently sent, of Bin Laden together with the highest agents of AL -Qāšida, including his “lieutenant” Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the military leader Mohammed Atef and the spokesman Suryman Abu Ghayth, in which they discuss the attack; The message seems to be recorded in the previous days since it does not mention the US invasion on Afghan soil. The last to speak is Bin Laden, who in the middle of his declaration launches statements at first sight off-theme, but which in the eyes of experts are encrypted messages intentionally sent to his affiliates in Spain and elsewhere, such as the reference to Al-Andalus , the Iberian region under Islamic government from the eighth century to the end of the fifteenth; Hence the choice of the US government to censor the future press releases of the leader of Al-Qster to the general public, showing in the future only short sections. [156] By concluding his speech he turns directly to America and his people swearing that “only when Palestine will live the American people safely can live in peace”; This phrase that summarizes one of Bin Laden’s goals, who will mention it in different circumstances in the following years. [157]

Bin Laden’s network at that moment was active in 34 countries. [158]

A ribbon recovered by the US forces in November 2001 in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, shows in its full version, released later by the Department of Defense, Osama Bin Laden together with the right arm Al-Zawahiri and other members of the organization, deliberately resumed , during their visit to the home of an associate with whom they discuss the attack. On 13 December 2001 an extract will be broadcast from various news that sees Osama bin laden discuss with Khaled Al-Harbi in terms that indicate “satisfaction for the prefix finish”. [159]

OSAMA BIN LADEN (A Sinistra) E Khald Al-Harbi

The first admission of Bin Laden of his complete involvement and his guide in the operations that led to the attacks of 11 September took place in the video release of 2004, where without retracting the previous press releases, he turned to the American people criticizing the president, for the way in which he responded to those attacks and for above all presented them as a reason for pride, revenge and propaganda in order to summarize, for the second time, the control of the White House. [160] In the 18 minutes of the press release, broadcast on Al Jazeera, just four days after the US presidential elections, he accused Bush of negligence on the hijacations of the four planes of 11 September. [144] Only at the Jazeera will transmit the full speech of the head of Al-Qā under, while the major US broadcasters will only show short sections. According to analysts, Bin Laden’s decision to release a video message at that moment was a strategy with the aim of influencing the results of the US presidential elections that would have been held four days later.

According to his statements, Bin Laden had the inspiration to destroy the World Trade Center after witnessing the destruction of the towers in Lebanon by Israel during the 1982 War of Lebanon. [161]

Through two other tapes transmitted by Al Jazeera in 2006, Osama bin Laden said: “I am responsible for the nineteen brothers. […] I am responsible for having entrusted to the nineteen brothers […] the raids” (23 May 2006 ). [162] With Videooregistrazioni Bin Laden is together with Ramzi Bin Al-Scibh, as is the next of two of the nineteen divelers of September 11, Hamza al-Ghamdi (who will record his last will on that occasion) and Wa’il al-Shehri , while they were completing the preparations for the attacks (tape broadcast on 7 September 2006). [163]

Motivations accepted by the attacks of 11 September include support to Israel by the United States, the presence of the US army in Saudi Arabia and the tightening of sanctions against Iraq.

Following the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon of Arlington (Virginia), [164] [165] Bin Laden was sought by the FBI and several governments. [166] He appeared in the first place on the list of sought after by the FBI, [167] Not only for the events of 11 September, since for these terrorist acts to deal with it is directly the US State Department, which has put a size of 25 million dollars on Bin Laden, [168] Then doubled to 50 million dollars in 2007. [169]

If on the one hand the CNN and the ABC agreed to censor the messages of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Jazeera initially adopted a much less measured tone of the Fox News, CBS and NBC. The ABC, however, has never denied or confirmed the accusation, but only implied that a possible link between Al-Jazeera and Bin Laden could have existed: “When Osama Bin Laden wants to speak, a box mysteriously arrives in the offices of Al-Jazeera in Kabul “. [170]

At first almost all of the Al Qaida press releases were issued exclusively by Al-Jazeera through the help of couriers. By decision of the Al-Qā batida organization to avoid conflicts of interest, given the pressure exerted by the United States government against the state of Qatar, [171] in which the television broadcaster has its own basis, since 2006-2007 the main production house of Al-Qā under-Sahab purchased greater prestige, [172] Founded in 2001 by the will of Osama Bin Laden with the collaboration of the American Adam Yahiye Gadahn (born Adam Pearlman and known as’ Azzam the American), “expert consultant for Bin Laden, translator, video producer and cultural interpreter”, [173] incriminated by high betrayal by the Central District of California and still sought by the FBI to provide aid and support to al-Qā under; This made Gadahn the first American accused of high treason after Tomoya Kawakita in 1952.

Of 20 September 2007 is the audio message by Osama Bin Laden aimed at the people of Pakistan, “COME AL JIHAD”, in which the leader of Al-Qā under the Muslims in general to pursue the jihād , but in particular to the Pakistani to overturn their president Pervez Muharraf as a revenge for the siege of the red mosque of the previous July. [174] [175] [176]

On October 22, 2007 Bin Laden turns to the Iraqi people inviting all Iraqi groups arising to networking. On this occasion Bin Laden complains of a certain disunion and bad use of resources; He admits that Al-Qā under has made mistakes and that all Sunni Arabs must join to defeat Shiite foreigners and Muslims. The tone of the message and the topics covered, according to analysts, suggest a partial admission, by Bin Laden, of his defeat in Iraq. [177] [178]

On March 21, 2008, Bin Laden sent two audiomassages, in one of which he threatened Pope Benedict XVI of death, who was defended by Bill Clinton. [179]

On June 3, 2009, the Jazeera television channel broadcast a message from Bin Laden who warned Muslims and the whole world from what is for him “the cheat Obama”, accusing the President of the United States of despising, like his own Predecessor George W. Bush, Islam. [180]

Audio messages were broadcast via the Internet on 13 and 25 September 2009: in the first Bin Laden he celebrated the eighth anniversary of the attacks of 11 September 2001, defining Barack Obama unable to stop the internal conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and appeal to the people US so that he was freed from that he defined as “Israeli lobby”, against which the attacks of 2001 were also addressed. In the second he instead appealed to the European population, condemning the alliance born in the war in Afghanistan and the non -compliance with human rights Within the conflict, finally remembering the events of the London attacks of 2005 and the attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid. [181]

On January 24, 2010 he claimed, in an audio message, a failed attack on an airplane in the United States on December 25, 2009, calling the Attention “hero”; He also ordered President Obama to cancel the close US alliance with Israel, expressing compassion for the suffering that the population undergoes in the Gaza Strip, because only with the end of this alliance and peace in Palestine, says Al-Qā under, will be able to cease The attacks. [182]

On January 29, 2010 Bin Laden released declarations on different topics compared to previous messages, including climate change: he accused the United States of not having respected the Kyoto protocol, thus becoming, together with the other industrialized countries, the major responsible for the effect greenhouse. He also spoke of economics; He faced the topic of the serious great recession, blaming the US economy and invited the world to boycott of US products and dollar. [183]

On March 25, 2010 Bin Laden returned to the use of a hard and threatening language, in an audiomassage released by Al Jazeera, in which he threatened, after complaining to the American people of the continuation of the war in Afghanistan, to kill any American hostage captured by His affiliates if those who had been the minds of the attacks of 11 September 2001 and their companions held in Guantanamo had been sentenced to death.

On 1st October 2010, an audio message appeared on the web in which he spoke of the risks connected to climate change and poverty. He also gave advice to Sudan farmers regarding the problems involved in desertification, and expressed his condolence to the victims of the 2010 flood in Pakistan, asking for a more incisive action of governments and criticizing the choice of Pakistan to allocate only 1% of his budgets to the poor. He wishes Muslims for the end of Ramadan. [184]

On January 21, 2011 Osama Bin Laden addressed a tough threat to France stating that if it had not withdrawn its soldiers, Afghanistan, the French hostages, seized by Al-Qster in Niger cells, would have been killed, because of the subordination of Nicolas Sarkozy to the United States.

Of 18 May 2011 is Bin Laden’s last audio message; Postponement issued 16 days after his death through the traditional method used by the Department for the propaganda of Qā disca al-Sahab. Bin Laden turned to the Muslim community praising the Arab spring and encouraging the rioters, still not referring to the Libyan situation. [185] According to the journalist Tayseer Allauni, famous for interviewing Osama Bin Laden a month after the attacks of 11 September 2001, the Saudi sheikh was resolved to pursue a truce or in any case a militancy in line with the Arab spring. [186] [187]

Osama Bin Laden’s last video message is released by Al-Qā under the day following the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 11 September 2001. The former leader of the organization was addressed to the American people by warning him from the risk “capitalism” and the complex military-industrial.

Attempts to kill Osama Bin Laden (1988-2011) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Saudi Arabia and Libya [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Already in November 1988, with American technologies and experience he was poisoned in Afghanistan through Siddiq Ahmed, a cherry cherry paid 267 000 dollars by a Saudi prince. Osama did not die but his kidneys got sick. [188] [189]

In February 1994 in Khartoum a commando of four Lebanese mercenaries aboard a van stopped in front of the Sudanese house of Osama and began to shoot on the house and the guards, two guards and terrorists died [190] .

In the spring of 1996 one of his bodyguards tried to assassinate him, on a Saudi mandate.

LEAD CERTABLE by the USA (1994-2000) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Osama Bin Laden’s capture was a goal by the United States government since Bill Clinton’s presidency. [191] It was precisely these that signed a directive that authorized the CIA (and in particular the chosen group of their “Special Activities Division”) to arrest Bin Laden and to lead him to the United States to process it following the attacks on the 1998 US embassies in Africa; If taking Osama bin Laden Vivo had been considered impossible, then lethal force could be authorized. [192] On August 20, 1998, 66 cruise missiles launched by the United States Navy ships in the Arabic Sea (Indian Ocean) affected Khost’s Bin Laden training camps in Afghanistan, from whom he had already started together with his body guards a couple of hours earlier. [193] In 1999 the CIA, in collaboration with the military secret services of Pakistan, had prepared a team of about 60 commands Pakistani in order to infiltrate Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama bin laden; The plan went to smoke for the coup d’état that took place shortly in Pakistan; [193] In 2000, foreign secret agents who worked on behalf of the CIA launched a grenade with a rocket propulsion against a convoy of vehicles in which Bin Laden was traveling escorted along the mountains of Afghanistan, hitting one of the vehicles, but completely missing the one in which the Head of al-Qā disc was. [192]

The President Clinton on August 20, 1998 ordered to dismantle the Osama base in Zhawar Kili in Afghanistan with the launch of Tomahawk missiles, but Osama, knew that 180 American diplomats were evacuating quickly by Islamabad, smelled the danger and ran immediately. The missile attack destroyed other bases with different victims who had no relationship with Osama and caused a strong local resentment. The bombing was carried out on the same day in Sudan, where the important pharmaceutical factory of Al-Shifa was razed to the ground with a missile attack, according to the services connected to Osama Bin Laden which was producing chemical weapons, the UN agents only the presence of common medicines such as anti -malarical medicines that served to supply the neighboring states were found among the rubble.

In 2000 in Afghanistan secret agents on behalf of the CIA they launched a grenade on the column of convoys that transport Osama, not hitting his vehicle.

In 2000, the year prior to the attacks of 11 September, Paul Bremer described the Clinton administration as “carefully concentrated on Bin Laden”, while Robert Oakley criticized their “obsession with Osama”. [194]

LEAD CERTATIVES by the USA (2001-2011) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In response to the attacks of 11 September, the officials of the US government identified Bin Laden and its Al-Qā under, paramilitary movement and international terrorist organization, as first suspects and offered a reward of 25 million dollars in exchange for information useful for his capture or at his death. [195] On July 13, 2007 this figure was doubled to 50 million. [196] The Air Piloti Association (Alpa) and the Air Transport Association (ATA) offered an addition of 2 million dollars. [197]

Based on what was collected from Washington Post The US government concluded that Osama Bin Laden was present during the battle of Tora Bora in Afghanistan at the end of 2001 and, according to civil and military officials with direct knowledge as well as engaged on the front line, the deficiency by the United States in the Assign enough US earth troops to capture him, facilitated his escape and marked the most serious failure of the United States in the war against Al-Qā under. The intelligence officials have reached what they believe is a fixed point and a decisive test, through the help of interrogations of those days and recent and thanks to the intercepted communications, according to which Bin Laden began the battle of Tora Bora in the complex of Caves along the mountainous border of Eastern Afghanistan. [198]

The latest location of Bin Lāden dates back to 2001 along the borders of Eastern Afghanistan. After the attack of 11 September, the United States asked the Government of the Taliban the extradition of Bin Lāden, without obtaining it. This refusal was one of the reasons reported by the US sources for the subsequent military attack on Afghanistan in which the Taliban government itself was reversed.

Referring to Osama Bin Laden in a video of the CNN of 17 September 2001, President George W. Bush said: “I want justice. There is an old manifesto here in the West, if I remember well, who says, Wanted Dead or Alive “. [199] Suspending Bin Laden adopted a strategic retreat from the public contact to which he was used to in previous decades to avoid capture, making sporadic-Video declarations sporadic, but keeping a lively contact with his affiliates and with the rest of the world through audiences, making him participate and the protagonist of international political life despite the forced hiding. Various articles of speculative printing and rumors followed one another over the years regarding its location and also at his death; Some placed Bin Laden in different places during overlapping periods of time; However, none of this has ever been definitively demonstrated. After the military offensive in Afghanistan were unable to identify where it was, Pakistan was regularly identified as his suspicious refuge. Below are some of the conflicting and different news ascertained regarding the changing position of stay of Bin Laden, as well as out of place and erroneous claims regarding his death:

  • On 11 December 2005, a letter from Atiyah Abd al-Rahman to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi indicated that Bin Laden and the AL-QSSIDA board had a temporary venue in Waziristan, Pakistan region. In the letter, translated by the combating terrorism center of the United States military academy to West Point, “Atiyah” recommends Zarqawi to “send couriers on your side towards Waziristan so that they can meet the brothers of the board […] I am al Visiting moment from them and I’m writing this letter from you since they are with them … “. Al-Rahman also indicated that Bin Laden and Al-Qā under were “fragile” and “have many of their problems”. The letter is considered authentic by military officers and anti -terrorism, according to the Washington Post . [200] [201]
  • In September 2006, after some French newspapers spread the news of his death from typhoid fever (later denied), [202] A bad health of Bin Lāden was hypothesized, which would be forgiven for a few years.
  • On April 28, 2009, the news appeared, then denied, according to which the Pachistono president Asif Ali Zardari declared that the intelligence of his country believed the leader of Al-Qā disc died, despite not having certain evidence of the same. [203]
Model of the complex where Osama Bin Laden was hiding

At 01:09 on 2 May 2011 [204] , date and time of the time zone of Pakistan, a platoon of 24 assaults belonging to the Devgru anti-terrorism unit of the Navy Seal (the special bodies of the United States Navy), [205] With the support of the Special Activities Division of the CIA, he led a military operation to Abbottabad, near Islamabad, at an independent building of the leader of Al-Qā under, identified thanks to a espionage action conducted since August 2010 e They killed him in an assault. On the same night of May 1, 2011 (Washington time zone, where midnight had not yet passed), President Barack Obama, who had followed the entire operation through the shooting of micro -challenges placed on the helmets of the assaults and a drone, ne He announced death. [206]

Other members of the Bin Laden command group, or his family, would have died in the raid. [207]

The choice to use the targeted action brought on site by the Commando, instead of the launch of a conventional bomb Aviolanciata and guided, with the highest potential, would have been taken to limit deaths and destruction (in the building where Bin Laden was housed resided at least 20 people , including some women and children) and – not secondly – also to have the absolute certainty of Bin Laden’s death. [207]

However, the methods of conducting the operation and the storage and destruction of the corpse have however aroused criticism, [208] Among others, from the ex-German German Chiefs Helmut Schmidt, which highlighted “a clear violation of international laws” [209] and by Swiss Minister Uli Maurer, [210] who criticized Obama for eliminating Bin Laden with a clandestine operation, thus allowing his followers to consider him a martyr.

Cinema [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Television [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

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    «The focused and lethal threat posed to U.S. national security arises not from Muslims being offended by what America is, but rather from their plausible perception that the things they most love and value—God, Islam, their brethren, and Muslim lands—are being attacked by America.»

  41. ^ Messages , 2005, p. 218. “Resist the New Rome”, audiotape delivered to al-Jazeera and broadcast by it on January 4, 2004.
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  44. ^ Messages to the World , (2005), pp. 10-1 XIX–XX, Editor Bruce Lawrence.
  45. ^ Messages , (2005) p. 70. Al Jazeera Interview, December 1998, follow and Tanzania BARGARGE ‘ABD allāh al-‘Azzām Embassy Attacks.
  46. ^ Messages , (2005), p. 119, 21 October 2001, InterviewCon Taysir Elonga by Al Jazeera.
  47. ^ Messages , (2005), p. 190 (from a 53 -minute audiocassette that “had circulated on various websites”, dated February 14, 2003, called Among a Band of Knights
  48. ^ Wright 2006, p. 303 “From interview with Ali Soufan – a Lebanese Sunni FBI agent” .
  49. ^ Wright 2006, p. 167 .
  50. ^ Osama: The Making of a Terrorist , by John Randal, London, I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd. 4 October 2005.
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