Page and Plant — Wikipedia


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Page and Plant is a duo formed by two former members of Led Zeppelin, guitarist Jimmy Page and singer Robert Plant. The first album was born in 1994, it is entitled No Quarter: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Unledded . It is recorded with the London Metropolitan Orchestra and British, Egyptian and Moroccan musicians. The second album, Walking into Clarksdale , released in 1998, contains, among others, the song Please Read the Letter that Robert Plant took over with the violinist Country Alison Krauss on the album Raising Sand in 2007.

The initial plans for a meeting were made in 1993, with discussions between the two musicians on the collaboration emerging from an informal conversation and then an invitation to play on MTV UNPLUGGED. Music producer Bill Curbishley, who has been running Plant since the 1980s and who has assumed page management in 1994, was an integral part of the reunification of these two icons. Despite the unsuccessful attempts of other business professionals to bring the two artists together, Curbishley managed to persuade plant then still reluctant to work again with page [ first ] . In an interview he gave in 2004, page told the context:

“I was going to play in Japan with David [Coverdale], the only time we played live, and I received a call from Robert management to join the latter in Boston on the way to Los Angeles to repeat. Robert said: “MTV approached me to make an unplugged and I would really like to do it with you”, so I said: “Yes okay.” This allowed us to review certain figures and use the same image with a very, very different framework [ 2 ] . »

The memory of this meeting is as follows for Robert Plant:

“At that time, I no longer even felt like a rock singer … Then I was approached by MTV to make a” Unplugged “session. But I knew that I could not be seen as holding the flag of the Zeppelin heritage on television. Then mysteriously Jimmy arrived at a concert that I gave to Boston and it was as if in recent days of Led Zep have disappeared. We had this understanding again without doing anything or saying anything. We talked about the MTV thing and decided to see where we could lead it [ 3 ] . »

The main songwriters of LED Zeppelin joined on April 17, 1994 as part of the commemorative concert for the British blues icon Alexis Korner in Buxton, England. On August 25 and 26, they recorded concerts in London, Wales and Morocco, with Egyptian and Moroccan musicians, as well as different orchestrations of several songs from Led Zeppelin and four new songs: The truth explodes , City don’t cry , Wah wah And Yallah . The concerts were broadcast on October 12 and had such commercial and artistic success that the two artists prepared a tour which began in February 1995. The concert Unplugged was released in album in November 1994 under the title No Quarter: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Unledded .

Page and Plant went around the world with a training including Charlie Jones in bass and percussion, Michael Lee on drums, Porl Thompson (from The Cure) to guitar and Banjo, Najma Akhtar at Choirs, Jim Sutherland Mandoline and Bodhrán, Nigel Eaton at the old wheel, and Ed Shearmur at the Hammond organ with orchestral arrangements.


Page :

“It was heroic to go around the world with something like that, because we used two orchestras: a Western and an Arab, with an old wheel. It was great to go around the world to bring people to hear sounds they had never heard. It was not an easy thing to do, but it was worth it ” [ 2 ] . »

The two artists then entered the studio with the engineer Steve Albini to record Walking into Clarksdale , an album made up of entirely new material, in a more traditional rock genre. The album did not have as much commercial success as Unledded . After a tour, the page links and Plant resulted in slowly, the two members occurring with other parallel projects. As explained on page:

“There could have been a sequel [to Walking into Clarksdale ]. I certainly had a dozen songs written for a third album. Robert heard them and said some were really good, but he just wanted to go to another direction [ 4 ] »

In an interview he gave to the magazine Uncut In 2005, Plant said:

“We had good songs [on” Walking Into Clarksdale “], but I was not sure of production. I felt a little abandoned. We were always surrounded by the protective shield of who we were, and that meant that we would play in large arenas around the world. And I realized once again that there should be another way … I knew that I had to go back to play in bars and remember what the pulse was. To say goodbye to these large arenas in which I played with Jimmy was a very determined gesture [ 3 ] . »

They gathered again in For Montreux Jazz Festival.

  • 1994: No Quarter: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Unledded
  • 1998: Walking into Clarksdale
  • 2004: No Quarter: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Unledded
  1. Lewis, Dave et Pallett, Simon (1997) Led Zeppelin: The Concert File , London, all the press. (ISBN  0-119-5307-4 ) .
  2. a et b Charles Shaar Murray, “The Guv’nors'”, Mojo , August 2004, p. 75.
  3. a et b Nigel Williamson, “Good Times… Bad Times”, Uncut , May 2005, p. 64.
  4. . “I met Jimmy for the first time at Tolworth Broadway, holding an exotic fish bag …”, Uncut , January 2009, p. 48.
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