Palazzo Bartolini-Salimbeni-Wikipédia


The Palazzo Bartolini-Salimbeni is a late Renaissance palace of the historic center of the city of Florence between the Piazza Santa Trinita and the Via Tornabuoni , in front of the Column of justice .


Formerly here was the house of the Soldanieri, who held an inn there, then passed to the Dati family, acquired by Bartolomeo Bartolini-Salimbeni (in reference to his origins of the old family of Siena) for his residence when he left the Palazzo Bartolini-Torrigiani in 1555.

The palace was built by Baccio d’Agnolo between the And , as informs us The book of the wall , a book of accounts in which the sponsor Giovanni Bartolini noted all the costs undertaken for the realization of the family palace, which indicates that the architect was paid by two gold guilders per month.

The Bartolini-Salimbeni lived there until the first years of the nineteenth century . Rented to a couple of foreigners, it was opened in 1839 as Hotel du Nord , where some illustrious personalities are staying in visit to Florence, among which Herman Melville. In 1863 the palace was acquired by Prince Pio of Savoy and divided into several properties, reunified during the following century. Restored in 1961, it has since been private property.

The palace is important to understand the Florentine residential architecture because it was the first built in Renaissance style in the Roman: first criticized, it was then copied and marked the fundamental passage of Renaissance art to that of mannerism.

The facade has many new features, unknown to previous palaces: openings framed by columns and rectangular windows surmounted by triangular or arc pediments, instead of traditional arc openings, their division in stone crossroads and their pilasters, The niches on the first floor (which had a time of statues, withdrawn because of the criticisms invoking their place more suited to the facades of the churches), the reinforced stones of stones, the cornices marcapiano (marking the floors), with frieze and strongly protruding, thus creating very clear shadows, a plastic effect unknown to the palaces of Four hundred .

The portal with its two columns on the flanks with entabilities in architrave, frieze, frame and tympanum.


The facade uses different stones ( strong stone , de Giallognola couleurglola, Serena stone , dark gray, and BIGIA , light gray) which together compose chiaroscuro effects.

His style, also original for Florence, has many criticisms weigh on Baccio d’Agnolo, as Vasari brings us in quickly . To answer them the architect will engrave the registration on the portal Pick up more readily than imitate (Criticizing is easier than imitating).

On the windows another inscription is in Italian: Not to sleep (Not to sleep), motto of the Salimbeni family taken up by Gabriele d’Annunzio.

The family coat of arms are on the first floor frieze with their three pavots.

A cradle vault provides access to the central courtyard, classic and more sober than the peristyle facade on three sides. The fourth side presents an arc barred to support the upper floors.

Gruteque decorations in monochrome fill the walls to the second floor.

The frieze has oculus openings which were intended to receive medallions in bas-relief.

A lodge , perhaps executed in a second step, dominates the palate, placed behind so as not to be visible from the courtyard or from the outside.
