Parent Sciences – Wikipedia


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Parent of Scientists (latin  : mother of knowledge , knowledge or sciences ) is a pontifical bubble of Grégoire IX, dated to [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

It pursues a policy of allocating a special status to universities, those of Paris in particular. King Philippe Auguste had initiated this policy by recognizing students to depend on ecclesiastical justice (forum of the For) while granting them his protection. In 1215, the legate of Pope Robert de Courte granted the University of Paris legal capacity, therefore greater autonomy, while strengthening the disciplinary and moral rules framing studies and student life.

In 1229, the day of Tuesday fatty of students (enjoying the status of ecclesiastics and subject to the discipline and the related morality) caused disorder in a tavern and were expelled; They come back to take revenge the next day (Wednesday ashes) and create a real riot, destroying the tavern and other businesses. Exasperated by these disorders and by the lack of reaction of the ecclesiastical authorities, Blanche de Castile orders an intervention [ 3 ] . The university then triggered a strike – to which students and teachers were statutoryly forced to join.

To resolve this conflict, Pope Grégoire IX, a former student anxious to preserve the prestige and legal influence of the University, extends by this bubble the privileges granted to the University of Paris [ 4 ] (Against the opinion of the king and even of the bishop of Paris, in the right line of theocratic pontificalism including Grégoire IX, creator of the Inquisition, was an important craftsman). It is about intellectual and legal independence. Thus, only the bishop of Paris is responsible for public order in the university, and not the government of the city [ first ] , [ 5 ] . However, the university is not free because of the ban on “heretical” sources like Aristotle.

For the historian Nathalie Gorochov, the bubble recognizes for the first time the right to strike. It allows teachers of the University of Paris to stop work in Paris in three situations: in the event of non-compliance with the limitation of student accommodation rents, if a teacher or a student is injured or killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and that it is not done justice, as well as in the event of abusive arrest of students or teachers by secular power. [ 3 ]

  1. a et b Jacques Verger, Universities in the Middle Ages , Paris, PUF, 1979, re -edition 2013, 221 p. (ISBN  978-2-13-062129-4 ) , pages 34-35
  2. Jacques Le Goff, History of religions
  3. a et b France Culture , In 1229, a fight of students in a Parisian tavern was violently repressed by the royal power. As a sign of protest, university professors stop lessons and leave Paris … for two years. It is the birth certificate of the right to strike. » , on @franceculture , 2019t23: 00 (consulted the )
  4. Jacques Orchard , “Chapter VIII. Birth of the University of Paris (1200-1231) ” , In Culture, teaching and society in the West in the 12th and 13th centuries , University Press of Rennes, coll. ” History “, (ISBN  978-2-7535-2298-5 , read online ) , p. 117–129
  5. Baptiste Decharme, «  Can the police intervene as they want in universities? », The world , ( read online )

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