Pascal Josephus – Wikipedia



Pascal Josèphe , born the in Chinon (Indre-et-Loire) and died on In Montreuil, is a French television man. He directed several television channels: TF1, La Five, France 2 and France 3.

Apart from the television channels, he was vice-president of Carat TV, a media expertise company. Founder of International Media Associated Consultants (IMCA) then PJ Conseil, consulting and engineering companies dedicated to players in the media and communication sector. He has developed in -depth competence in terms of creation and repositioning of audiovisual media, new technologies, content and digital uses. Pascal Josèphe is also a member of the Diversity Observatory [ first ] of the Superior Audiovisual Council.

Family and training [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pascal Josèphe is born the In Chinon of Christmas marriage Josephus, civil servant and politician, president of the regional council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, and Aimée Pladys, school director [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

After secondary studies at the Louis-Blarimghem high school in Bethune, he pursued higher studies in Strasbourg and Lille. He graduated from the Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies and the Lille Higher School of Journalism [ 2 ] .


The , he marries publicist Catherine Pallé, from this marriage is born a girl [ 4 ] . Divorced, he had a daughter and two boys with Marion desquenne [ 3 ] .

Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pascal Josèphe was responsible for the communication from the city of Lille from 1978 to 1982. In 1983, he was a project manager with the Director General of Radio France International (RFI) and then appointed head of the cabinet of his CEO Hervé Bourges. In 1984, he was appointed secretary general of the chairmanship of the TF1 channel, in 1985 Director of programming. In 1987, he was appointed director of prospective and productions of Carat TV and in 1988, vice-P-DG of Carat TV Developments. In 1990, he was appointed Director General of the Five Antenna and Vice-President of Régie 5. In 1992, he was Deputy Managing Director in charge of the antenna with antenna 2 and FR3. Become France 2 and France 3, he was then director of project manager for the two branches with the common presidency become France Télévisions. In 1994, he was a founding president of the company International Médias Consultants Associés (IMCA) [ 2 ] .

For almost 20 years, his company analyzes technological, societal and behavioral developments, and offers its consulting, studies and expertise services to media operators and all communication players: television channels, stations of radio, multimedia groups, public and private institutions, production companies, local authorities, investors, both in France and abroad. As such, he supports industrial players such as Alcatel for the launch of television by ADSL, Orange for the development of its activities in content, Eutelsat for the implementation of new satellite offers. In the field of programs, he developed with his teams new audience analysis and content analysis tools for producers and accompanies the design of many television channels (mezzo, gulli, TNTV, local channels), or the Repositioning of existing channels (in France: TF1, France 2, France 3, RFO, Paris Première, LCP AN; abroad: Jordanian, Moroccan, Portuguese, Lebanese). He created with Médiamétrie New On The Air (Note), the main global database dedicated to programs [Ref. necessary] .

He continues his consulting activities via PJ Consulting and animates the non -governmental organization (NGO) Media Governance Initiative (MGI) [ 5 ] , [ a ] .

He also founded Global Story Factory, format design workshop for television and the web. Pascal Josephe is a member of the Observatory for the Diversity of the Superior Audiovisual Council [Ref. necessary] .

Candidate for the Presidency of France Télévisions in the spring of 2015 against Delphine Ernotte, he arrived at an equal at the end of the first vote of the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) [ 6 ] But Delphine Ernotte wins in the second vote [ 7 ] .

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pascal Josephe dies the , day of his birthday, at the age of 68 years old [ 8 ] of a “Lightning disease” .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. MGI brings together experts with the ambition of providing advice and support to governments, institutions and companies wishing to promote pluralism, diversity and quality of programs and information in the media.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  2. A B and C Who’s Who in France , 2015 edition, p. 1207 .
  3. a et b Who’s Who in France , 2001-2002 edition, p. 1002 .
  4. Who’s Who in France , 1998-1999 edition, p. 942 .
  5. Media news and media personalities » , on (consulted the )
  6. Jamal her, France Télévisions: Delphine Ernotte in pole position » , on The BFM TV channel website , (consulted the ) .
  7. Alexis Delcambre, Appointment of Delphine Ernotte-Cuni by the CSA to the Presidency of France Télévisions » , on The website of the Ministry of Culture and Communication , (consulted the ) .
  8. Death of Pascal Josephus, television man » , on Le Figaro’s daily website , (consulted the ) .
  9. Pascal Josephus and Jean-Pierre Concern , Information: communicate with citizens in the town , Paris, Syros, , 242 p. (ISBN  2-901968-90-2 , read online ) .
  10. Jacques Mousseau « Hervé Bourges and Pascal Josephe a TV love », Communication & Languages , vol. 79, n O 1, , p. 127–127 ( read online , consulted the )
  12. The immediate company » , on , (consulted the )
