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Paul Samuel expiring arts Nrother German wasr Floden after, SCHP R, SZMULA Fluckishment Childrenia for Joreéro Chénet [ Ref. desired] . He died out , just after kippour [ first ] .

Born in łódź, Poland, the , his parents, David and Faigele move in the free city of Dantzig (today Gdańsk). With the annexation of the latter by Nazi Germany in 1939, the family of five, of which Paul Samuel is the latest, moved to Paris. But the Germans continue their invasion of Europe and arrived in Paris in 1940, the family was then separated. His eldest sisters Mina and Tsecha had already fled in Palestine, his elder brother Jacques hides his religion and was taken prisoner of war. Her sister Sarah is one of the victims of the Vel d’Hiv roundup, she will die at the Auschwitz concentration camp. His parents will survive hidden in a pavilion in the Paris suburbs.

Paul Samuel goes into a free zone. Then being in Bordeaux, he fell ill and was treated by a nun, the sister Jean Gabrielle, who then makes him discover the New Testament. He has a revelation and will discover the fight of his life that of bringing the Jews back to their church. In 1942, he leaned through Spain and joined the free French forces of the 2 It is DB of General Leclerc in Tangier in Morocco. The army is transported to Glasgow in Scotland, then landed in Normandy with General Patton’s troops a month after the D Day . Paul Samuel participated in the Liberation of Paris and then is demobilized from the 2 It is DB.

But he wants to continue the fight. Speaking German and English, he puts himself at the service of the CIC – American counterintelligence – to flush out the Nazis who hide among the population in Germany. After the war he worked for a brief moment at the Embassy of the United States in Paris. At the same time, Paul Samuel discovered Anania’s house, a place where Jews can live a Christian faith. He will stay there for ten years. He then left for Israel to try to live his Christian faith and during these years when he found a local job in Tel Aviv at Air France, he benefits from a trip to Belgium and meets his wife there, he married Rachel Lazega to whom He will have his first two children, two boys who were born in Tel Aviv, David in 1960 and Yigal in 1962.

But it is far too early to live his Christian faith in this young country that is Israel, the throes of war are not yet healed, moreover the living conditions of this country are too hard for Rachel who left a Europe Where life had finally become much easier. Paul Samuel returned to Paris in 1964 where their third child was born, Claire.

He will stay in Paris where he will work the last ten years of his professional life at the Embassy of the United States. Apart from his professional and family life, he joined the house of Anania and participated in the foundation of a prayer group dedicated to the Judeo Christian rapprochement the “Marie Daughter of Sion” association “] [ 2 ] on Paris. He will be very close to Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger whom he will know well before his appointment.


He will participate in numerous religious circles, especially that of the Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles church in Paris but will also keep ties with his childhood comrades of “the Labor School” [ 3 ] Located rue des Rosiers, with the elders of the 2 It is DB, with the Shoah Memorial. He will participate in a Yiddish choir the Jacinta’s Singers [ 4 ] After the disappearance of his wife Rachel in 2010.

In , on the occasion of the publication of his book Memory , he will give an interview to the KTO channel in the show
“A listening heart” [ 5 ] . His participation in multiple activities, his fervor, his exceptional gifts of communication will make him a man appreciated by all, his family, his relatives, his friends.

In 2009, with Christine Garcette, he published a biographical book by Cerf, “to remember” by deer ” [ 6 ] , a work of testimony that he shared with young people in colleges and also at the Shoah Memorial.
