Pauline Duchambge — Wikipedia


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Pauline Duchambge (born Marie Barbe Charlotte Antoinette Pauline de Montet in Strasbourg the and died in Paris the [ first ] ) is a French singer, parolier and composer. She is the author of many romances which experienced great success in her time [ 2 ] .

Student of Cherubini and companion of Auber, she also set up romances written by her friend La Poétess Marceline Desbordes-Valmore. At the time, the Romance of the Salon [ 3 ] was a very fashionable genre, intermediary between lyric and popular song, often devoted to women [ 4 ] .

Pauline Duchambge was born to the [ note 1 ] , date of his baptism at the Catholic parish church of Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune in Strasbourg [ 5 ] . His parents Charles François de Montet, knight of Montet, brigadier general [ 6 ] And Marie Françoise du Buc du Ferret may have lived for some time in Martinique but nothing indicates with certainty that she had her early childhood there as some sources claim [ first ] , [ 7 ] .

It is young in any case that she receives in Paris of the piano master Léopold-Bastien Desormery (of) Musical education at the convent [ 8 ] .

Elle Se Marie à Uolinville with [ 9 ] With Baron Auguste (Philibert Désiré) Duchambge d’Elbhecq [ ten ] , his Germain cousin, son of the general and deputy Pierre Joseph du Chambge d’Elbhecq [ 6 ] , but will divorce quickly, keeping his name. She has two children a son who died at five years old and a girl [ 6 ] .


Her financial situation degrading, she decides to devote herself fully to the study of music and thus works harmony with Cherubini, Dussek and Auber, from which she is expressed [ 11 ] .

In 1814, her pension was removed from her and she resolved to give music lessons. It was in 1815 that she met Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, who therefore became an unwavering friend and with whom she maintained a sustained epistolary relationship [ first ] , [ twelfth ] . She frequents the great authors of her time, Hugo, Chateaubriand, Alphonse de Lamartine, Alfred de Vigny, of which she adorns the texts of her music [ 13 ] . It is the peak of her career, before the vogue of romance crumbles, announcing a personal decline [ 14 ] .

Ruined, forgotten, Pauline Duchambge dies in Paris the [ 15 ] . Auber, who was her companion, deposited more than three hundred romances of her at the conservatory library [ twelfth ] . Her friend Marceline Desbordes-Valmore followed her in the grave .

As a composer, Pauline Duchambge is the author of piano pieces and nearly 400 romances [ 13 ] , among which Fetis distinguishes Guardian Angel , the brigade , the separation , The ball bouquet , The sailor , The foam dream , curfew , Angèle [ note 2 ] . The musicographer also underlines: “The melodies of M me Duchambge stands out for a soft sensitivity and the elegance of the form » [ 8 ] .

  • François-Joseph Fétis, Universal biography of musicians and general bibliography of music. Second edition, volume III. , Paris, Firmin Didot bookstore, ( read online ) , p. 66-67 .
  • (of) Claudia Schweitzer, Pauline Duchambge » , on Music and gender on the Internet (Mugi) , (consulted the ) .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. And not in 1878 in Martinique as mentioned in many sources, certainly referring to Fétis.
  2. An almost exhaustive list is compiled on the site I hope .

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B and C Claudia Schweitzer, Pauline Duchambge » , on (consulted the )
  2. The Nouvelliste: political, literary, industrial and commercial daily newspaper » , on French , (consulted the )
  3. Dictionary of music ([new ed.]) / Larousse; Under the direction of Marc Vignal , ( read online ) , p. 856
  4. Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and Pauline Duchambge, Romances Françoise Masset, Soprano and Claude Lavoix, piano » , on , (consulted the )
  5. Strasbourg – Parish registers (before 1793) – Catholic parish (Saint -Pierre -le -Jeune) (before 1793) – Baptism register 1776-1788 – Page 18 » , on , (consulted the )
  6. A B and C Éléonore Paul Constant baron of the chambge of Ließart , Historical notes relating to offices and officers of the Lille Generality Bureau of Generality , L. Leleu, ( read online ) , p. 42-44.
  7. On the other hand, it seems that her husband Auguste (Philibert Désiré) Duchambge d’Elbhecq was a time treasurer of Martinique. See Éléonore Paul Constant Baron du Chambge de Liessart ,, L. Leleu, 1855, p. 42-44 . read online .
  8. a et b François-Joseph Fétis, Universal biography of musicians and general bibliography of music. [flight. 3] , Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1866-1868 ( read online ) , p. 66-67
  9. Civil status archives of Essonne, commune of Ollainville, register 1792 – year VII (COTE 4E_2228), view 92/179 » , on (consulted the )
  10. P. Louis Wool , Genealogical and historical archives of the nobility of France, or, collection of evidence, memories and general notices, used to see the origin, the parentage, the alliances and injuries religious, civil and military illustrations of various houses and noble families of the kingdom of the kingdom , With the author, ( read online )
  11. (in) Duchambge [from the Chambge; born of the Montet], (Charlotte-Antoinette-) Pauline » , on Grove Music Online (DOI  10.1093 / GMO / 9781561592630.article.08251 , consulted the )
  12. a et b Handwritten works by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore: albums in Pauline , Paris, Alphonse Lemerre bookstore, ( read online )
  13. a et b Collective , Antoinette Cum , Mires Calle-Gruber and Beatrice Didier , The universal dictionary of creators , Editions of women, , 5022 p. (ISBN  978-2-7210-0651-6 , read online )
  14. Duchambge, Marie-Barbe-Charlotte-Antoinette-Pauline-Ernest Reyer » (consulted the )
  15. Le Ménestrel: Music Journal » , on French , (consulted the )
  16. Fy Solstice – Classic label – The composers of Marceline Desbordes -Valmore » , on (consulted the )
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