Penitentiary insertion and probation service – Wikipedia



THE Integration and probation penitentiary services ( Spip ) are decentralized services at the departmental level of the French prison administration responsible for ensuring the control and monitoring of persons placed on the hand of justice in the open environment as well as in closed environment. The SPIPs contribute to the prevention of recurrence and promote the reintegration of those condemned by contributing to the individualization of private sentences of freedom and the preparation of court decisions of a criminal nature [ first ] .

Among the persons placed on the other hand of justice (PPSMJ), there are, on the one hand, the convicts and the defendants in a closed environment, and, on the other, the Probation makers in an open environment.

Attached since 1911 to the Ministry of Justice, the prison administration contributes to the general public security objective by ensuring a double mission of supervision and reintegration of detained persons. The pursuit of this second objective is entrusted to the penitentiary integration and probation services, created in 1999 by the merger of the Probation and Assistance Committees to the Libérés (CPAL) and the educational social services (SSE) of the establishments.

Within each department, the SPIP has a departmental seat and one or more antennas with penitentiary establishments and jurisdictions.

Today there are 103 penitentiary integration and probation services throughout the territory, certain SPIPs bringing together two departments [ 2 ] .


The National School of Penitentiary Administration (ENAP) is responsible for forming all prison personnel including those exercising in the penitentiary integration and probation services [ 3 ] .

Direction [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The functional director of penitentiary integration and probation services (DFSPIP) is responsible for the operation of the service at the departmental level, under the hierarchical authority of the interregional director of penitentiary services. He is assisted by penitentiary insertion and probation directors (DPIP) who can be assistant, antenna leaders or proximity frames. Since 2009, an administration attaché position has been created in the most important SPIPs [ 4 ] .

Advisers and social workers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The personnel who directly follow the persons supported by the SPIP are the penitentiary insertion and probation counselors (CPIP) [ 5 ] and social service assistants (ASS), mainly in a closed environment. There are also psychologists to support CPIPs in collective programs (speech groups, etc.).

Surveillance staff [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In order to set up and follow investments under electronic surveillance, penitentiary supervisors have been in the SPIP since 2008.

Administrative staff [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In addition to the administration attachés found in the most important SPIPs, there are administrative secretaries responsible for human and financial resources as well as administrative assistants [ 6 ] .

They are defined by the code of criminal procedure (articles D.573 and D.574 ):

  • Promote the reintegration of adults placed under justice, imprisoned or not;
  • Ensure compliance with the obligations which are imposed by the magistrate (most often the judge of the application of sentences) to the convicted persons;
  • Carry out rapid social surveys prior to appearance before a jurisdiction;
  • Ensure the follow -up of judicial measures of open environment;
  • Inform the judicial authorities of the progress of the measures;
  • Help to the decision -making, in particular by communicating to the judicial authority all the information necessary for better individualization of the sentence adapted to the situation of the person;
  • Propose to the magistrate of sentence arrangements;
  • Prevent the de -socializing effects of imprisonment;
  • Maintain the family and social ties of the detained person;
  • Help the prisoner.

An assessment of the managed person must be carried out within three months for a person followed in an open environment and in the month for a person followed in a closed environment (detention). The purpose of this evaluation is to determine a mode of care for each person followed by the SPIP. It is validated by the direction of the SPIP.

From 2012 to 2014, the diagnosis with criminological aim (DAVC) was introduced into the tasks of the SPIP [ 7 ] . Experienced from the , it had to be generalized for the entire population placed on the other hand. He was abandoned in 2014, by decision by Christiane Taubira, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. The diagnosis consisted in answering a certain number of questions in a computer application used by all services. The diagnosis had to be started at the start of the care and transmitted within three months for a person followed in an open environment and in the month for a person followed in a closed environment (detention). The diagnosis with criminological aim, once validated by the authority and the mode of determined management, could be supplemented or modified in the process of being taken care of. The diagnosis with criminological aim is replaced by a diagnostic sheet synthesizing the evaluation of the person with care.

Closed environment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Within penitentiary establishments, penitentiary integration and probation services act in connection with supervisory staff and management staff. The SPIPs ensure the link between the interior and the exterior. To this end, they coordinate the action of various prison administration partners (health personnel, education staff, associations, volunteers, etc.). By an individual monitoring of each detainee and group activities, penitentiary integration and probation advisers and social service assistants prevent recurrence by promoting the social and professional reintegration of people placed under justice [ first ] :

  • Family detention information;
  • Help in maintaining family and social ties;
  • Access to social systems;
  • Preparation for exit and reintegration;
  • Lighting of court decisions, in particular of the judge of the application of sentences, as to requests for the development of sentence filed by the imprisoned persons;
  • Outdoor investment device;
  • Participation for opinion in the commissions for applying sentences (requests for permission to go out, submitted additional sentence, etc.);
  • Participation in the various internal commissions for prevention of suicide, the orientation of detainees, the fight against indigence, etc. ;
  • Proposals for maintaining justice of the persons detained at the end of the period of detention (judicial surveillance, placement under mobile electronic surveillance …).

And, in connection with the partners:

  • Fight against illiteracy;
  • Access to training, work;
  • Cultural action and reading development;
  • Health care access ;
  • Fight against need;
  • Fight against drug addiction;
  • Health education.

Open environment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As part of the preparation and execution of criminal court decisions, the penitentiary integration and probation services work in conjunction with magistrates and local authorities [ first ] :

  • Presenting follow -up: a representative of the prosecution (public prosecutor or substitute) or an investigating judge can mandate the SPIP to carry out a rapid social investigation which establishes a portrait of the family, professional and material situation of a person warned of the commission of a criminal or criminal act. The Mandant magistrate takes into account the social investigation report to be decided, by the court constituted or by him alone, the placement of the defendant in detention or under judicial supervision or his conviction to an alternative sentence to imprisonment. These are around 10% of the activity of a SPIP.
  • Post -rencible follow-up: the judge of the application of sentences mandates the SPIP for the follow-up of persons sentenced to a probationary stay, parole, socio-judicial monitoring (mainly for sex offenders) or a work penalty of interest general or an internship sentence. Penitentiary integration and probation advisers control compliance with obligations and prohibitions and prevent recurrence by accompanying them in their reintegration.

The open environment takes care of persons sentenced to alternative sentences to incarceration or benefiting from sentence adjustments, as well as those having to execute criminal measures without nut:

The Spip de Loire-Atlantique plays an important role in the Laëtitia Perrais case, a young girl murdered by Tony Meillon in 2011. Indeed, as Ivan Jablonka shows in Laëtitia or the end of men , the latter’s file could not be processed, due to the engorgement and the underseck in the service, so that the socio-judicial monitoring ordered by the courts could not be implemented [ 8 ] .

  1. A B and C Ministry of Justice, Insertion and probation: personalized support » , on , (consulted the )
  2. There is only one SPIP for the departments: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes; Aube and Haute-Marne; Aveyron and Lot; Cantal and Puy-de-Dôme; Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse; Gard and Lozère; Gers and Tarn-et-Garonne; Haute-Saône and Territoire de Belfort; Haute-Vienne and Creuse; and Jura and Doubs.
  3. National school of prison administration, The penitentiary insertion and probation service (SPIP) » , on (consulted the )
  4. National school of prison administration, Penitentiary Director of Integration and Probation » , on (consulted the )
  5. National school of prison administration, Integration and probation penitentiary advisor » , on (consulted the )
  6. National school of prison administration, Administrative staff » , on (consulted the )
  7. Ministry of Justice, Report on improving the functioning of penitentiary insertion and probation services (SPIP) » , (consulted the )
  8. Fabrice Drouelle, ” The Laëtitia Perrais affair, the two bodies of the news ” (radio program), Sensitive affairs , France Inter,‎ ( read online )

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