Peter Weck — Wikipedia


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Peter Weck at Berlinale in 2009

Peter Weck (born the In Vienna) is an actor of theater and television cinema, also director, producer and director of Austrian theater. In the 1950s and 1960s, he played in many popular comedies in the cinema and then in the 1980s in the role of the father in the television series I’m married a family . Weck has dual nationality Austro-Swiss.

Weck is the second son of an engineer and manufacturer of Vienna bottles. AT 10 years , he is a member of the boys’ choir and sings as a soprano soloist. For four years, under the direction of Ferdinand Grossmann (of) , he gives concerts in Spain and Sweden. Under that of Oscar Fritz Schuh (of) , he plays in the opera L’Oca del Cairo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He stopped singing in the fall of 1944. At the end of the war, he lived in Pitten where his grandfather was mayor and returned in the fall in Vienna.

In 1949, he enrolled in the Vienna Music and Arts Academy where he studied the piano, the clarinet, the harp, the timpani, the bassoon, with the ambition of becoming a conductor. He stopped his studies in 1951. In parallel, he had started at the request of his father a training in mechanical engineering which he also stops. From 1951 to 1953, he was a student at Max Reinhardt Seminar where he graduated with honors.


Peter Weck made his theater debut in 1953 in Klagenfurt in Arlequin Valet of two masters by Carlo Goldoni. The following year, he was at Theater Am Kurfürstendamm where he made a name for himself in the role of Stani in The difficult (of) de Hugo from Hofmannsthal Mis en scène par rudolf Steinböck (of) , that he plays many times on tour, among others at the Salzburg Festival until 1967. Axel von Ambesser remarks and gives him his first role on the screen in Brother Martin (of) .

In , Weck is an actor at the Theater in der Josefstadt he also plays in other theaters. He especially obtains unhappy love roles in comedies. Ernst Häusserman (of) engaged him in 1959 in Burgtheater with an agreement allowing him to shoot at the cinema half of the year. He was invited to Hamburg in 1964 as well as to the Schauspielhaus of Zurich. He played his last role in Burgtheater in 1969 in Lumpacivagabunding by Johann Nestroy. In 1970, he featured at the Burgenland Festival Of the sea and love waves by Franz Grillparzer with Brigitte Grothum and Alexander Kerst.

In the 1950s and 1960s, he played in entertainment films and musicals, especially alongside Hans Moser and Theo Lingen. He turns under the direction of Franz Antel, Franz Josef Gottlieb, Harald Reinl and especially Harald Vock. He plays with his partner from the time Cornelia Froboess many films whose success Mariandl . He made four films with Romy Schneider: The young years of a queen (1954), Sissi Empress (1956), Sissi in front of his destiny (1957) and Cardinal , American production of Otto Preminger, (1963). He also played for another US production, Almost angels . In all, he will play in a hundred comedies.

He also presented music shows on television in the early 1960s. In 1971, he played in the TV series popular When the father with the son With Fritz Eckhardt as a father. He realizes the portraits for the television of his comedian friends Theo Lingen ( Lingen over Lingen , 1976) et Willy Millowitsch ( The Cologne Jung: Willy Millowitsch in portrait , 1978).

In 1969, he directed his first film, Help I like binoculars! (of) . He then directs many other comedies where he is also an actor.

In 1970, he moved to Switzerland and played the Schauspielhaus, the Residenztheater in Munich and in tours. He only returned to Austria in 1980 to play The last days of humanity from Karl Kraus and in 2008 in Sonny Boys .

In 1981, the Vienna culture assistant Helmut Zilk, confides the direction of Theater An Der Wien, a function he took in . Peter Weck wants to create a theater for musicals in Vienna. Looking for a musical, he will discover in London Cats for which he obtains the rights. The first performance takes place on at Theater An der Wien; This is the first performance outside London and New York. He entrusts the main roles to Angelika Milster (of) And Ute Lemper, then beginner.

In 1983, Peter Weck realized I’m married a family , a television series in which he plays the main role and which obtains a very great popular success. At the end of the 1980s, he created his production company to make series and films for television.

In 1987, in addition to the Theater An Der Wien, he also took care of Raimundtheater and Ronacher (of) . Their directions merge. Cats is taken up by the Ronacher from the end of 1990 to 2008. He also adapted in German Wretched And The Phantom of the Opera . In 1992, he created major productions, Freudian And Elisabeth .

Private life [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1966, Peter Weck met the model Ingrid Muttone. They marry the and have a son and a daughter. When his wife dies of a fine heart attack , he withdrew from public life for a few months.
The painter Herbert Tasquil his older brother died in 2008.

Weck was appointed in 1993 by the Swiss wines and spirits group Underberg and by the guide Gault & Millau Gourmet of the year , the Austrian winegrowers’ union awards the Bacchus price for exceptional services rendered to Austrian viticulture.

He is engaged in the fight against children’s leukemia in Saint Petersburg with the Deutsche Lebensbrücke project.

As an actor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As a director [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1980: Title of professor (awarded by the Austrian Ministry of National Education)
  • 1984: Bambi
  • 1984: Goldene Kamera in the best director category for Ich Heirate Eine Familie
  • 1985: Europa d’Or
  • 1985: Goldene Kamera in the most popular couple category in a television series with Thekla Carola Wied
  • 1985: Honor insignia in gold for its service states to the federated state of Vienna
  • 1988: Telestar
  • 1990: Bambi
  • 1990: Titre de Chamber actor
  • 1990: Heinrich-Ablé Prix
  • 1990: Romy d’Or as the most popular television actor
  • 1991: Ordre of Karl Valentin
  • 1991: Tourism Prize for the Vienna Economic Chamber for the Cats musical comedy
  • 1992: Europa d’Or
  • 1992: Prix Rathausmann en or
  • 1993: first -class cross of honor for science and the arts
  • 1993: Gourmet of the year
  • 1993: Bacchus
  • 1996: Musical International Award Germany for his service states for the benefit of German musical
  • 2000: Grand badge of honor in gold for its service states for the benefit of the federated state of Basse-Austria
  • 2001: gold medal in gold from the city of Vienna
  • 2004: Honor Insignia for Services rendered to Austria
  • 2005: Platinum romy For all of his work
  • 2012: Krone Prize for traditional music for all of his work
  • 2015: German musical prize: Honorary Prize for all of his work
  • 2010: Was that? Memories – Ed. Amalthea – Recueil de Souvenirs

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