Philibert Mollard – Wikipedia


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Philibert Mollard , born the In Albens and died the In Chambéry of a pulmonary congestion, is a general of the infantry division, aid of honorary camps of the emperor Napoleon III. Winner of the Battle of San Martino the . A monument was erected in its commune by birth.

Félix-Philibert Mollard was born on In Albens, commune of the former Duchy of Savoy, annexed to France in 1792. He is the son of Jean-François Mollard and Marie-Anne Michaud, sister of the future Baron Pierre Michaud. The latter will have eight children. The two elders died during the Napoleonic campaigns. The two youngest, Jean-François and Philibert Font career in the army [ first ] . Hubert Heyriès is therefore mistaken by presenting Baron Michaud as the stepfather of General Philibert Mollard [ 2 ] .

His brother, General Jean-François Mollard (it) , born the In Albens and died the In Turin, made the choice following the annexation of 1860 to stay in Italy [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . Nicknamed “Clair-de-Lune”, he became general of the Savoy brigade in 1849 and retired in 1852.


Philibert Mollard, volunteer engaged in the Sardinian infantry, is promoted to commander of the 5 It is Brigade of the expeditionary force in the East the , then commander of the Cunes brigade in 1856, and will have a career in the Piedmontese army as commander of the Piedmont brigade in 1857, then lieutenant general from . He obtained this rank following the victory at the Battle of San Martino, the [ 5 ] .

He will choose the French army after the attachment of Savoy to France in 1860 and will enter the service of France the where he is appointed general of division with retroactive effect at [ 6 ] .

Senator At , he will be a help of honorary camp to the emperor of At , then aid from the emperor of the At . He was also a member of the Savoy General Council.

Sardinian decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

French decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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  1. Henri Billiez, “General Philibert Mollard: an extraordinary destiny”, published in the journal Arts and memory And The letter of arts and memories , N O 56-59, January-December 2010, p. 2-12 .
  2. Hubert Heyriès , Savoyard and Nice soldiers between two homelands, 1848-1871: approach to comparative military history: French army, Piedmontese army, Italian army , vol. 30, Montpellier, UMR 5609 of the CNRS, Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III University, coll. “Military studies”, , 575 p. (ISBN  978-2-84269-385-5 ) , p. 40 .
  3. Michel Germain , Personnages illustrious des Savoie: “Men” , Lyon, other view, , 619 p. (ISBN  978-2-915688-15-3 ) , p. 392 .
  4. Hubert Heyriès , Savoyard and Nice soldiers between two homelands, 1848-1871: approach to comparative military history: French army, Piedmontese army, Italian army , vol. 30, Montpellier, UMR 5609 of the CNRS, Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III University, coll. “Military studies”, , 575 p. (ISBN  978-2-84269-385-5 ) , p. 303 .
  5. Paul Guichonnet ( pref.  Henri Baud), History of the annexation of Savoy to France and its secret files , Roanne, Horvath editions, , 354 p. (ISBN  978-2-7171-0235-2 ) , p. 108 .
  6. Hubert Heyriès, The integration of Savoyard and Nice officers in the Piedmontese, French and Italian armies at the heart of XIXecentury » , on , Historical review of the armies, (consulted the ) .

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