Philip Stephens — Wikipedia


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The House of Commons 1793-94 by Karl Anton Hickel.jpg
Member of the 1st Parliament of the United Kingdom
1st parliament of the United Kingdom ( in )
Member of the 14th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
14th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 15th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
15th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 16th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
16th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 17th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
17th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
13th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 11th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
11th Parliament of Great Britain ( in )
Member of the 12th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
12th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
Member of the 2nd Parliament of the United Kingdom
2nd Parliament of the United Kingdom ( d )
Member of the 18th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )
18th Parliament of Great Britain ( d )

Philip Stephens ( ), first is Horsford Baronnet (Norfolk), is the first secretary of admiralty towards the end of XVIII It is century then Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty between 1795 and 1806. He was also a friend of Captain James Cook and Caroline Island was appointed in honor of his daughter.

Philip Stephens has come from a family from several generations of Eastington in the Gloucestershire [ first ] . He is the youngest son of Nathaniel Stephens, Rector of Alphamstone in Essex, it is here that he is born. He studied at the Harwich free school [ 2 ] . At an early age, he obtained an appointment as secretary of the maritime supply office, like his older brother, Tyringham Stephens, had done it before [ first ] .

Back from a journey around the world, the Counter-Admiral George Anson (later Lord Anson) notices the young secretary and gave him a position to the admiralty. Stephens then served Anson under the post of assistant secretary of the Admiralty. In 1763, he became secretary and continued for more than thirty years to climb the ladder. He is elected member of the Royal Society the , and from 1768 to 1806 it represents sandwich in the House of Commons [ first ] .

In 1795, he asked for permission to resign from his post to the Admiralty. THE , he obtained the title of Baronnet and was appointed lord of the Admiralty. By a special recommendation, the , Stephens, 81 years old, obtained a pension of 1,600 £ [ 3 ] , which he will benefit until his death the . He is buried in the church of Fulham [ first ] .

His only son, Captain Thomas Stephens, was killed in a duel in Margate in 1790, and his nephew, Colonel Howe Stephens, which is included in the title of Baronnet, died before the son. The title of Baronnet thus disappears. An older brother, Nathaniel Stephens, died as captain in 1747, and two nephews, also captains of the navy, William and Tyringham Howe, die in 1760 and 1783 respectively [ first ] . The only and illegitimate daughter of Sir Philip, Caroline Elizabeth, wife Thomas Jones, 6 It is Viscount Ranelagh in 1804, but died in layers the following year [ 4 ] . She is buried in the cellar even in the church of Fulham [ 5 ] . In the absence of living descendants, Sir Philip bequeathed all of his succession to the Viscount Ranelagh.

  1. A B C D and E John Knox Laughton, Philip Stephens, Sidney Lee, ed. (1898), Dictionary of National Biography , vol. 54, p. 186 .
  2. Gentleman’s Magazine 1810, i. 128
  3. Orders in Council , vol. LXVI.
  4. Darry Lundy, Caroline Elizabeth Stephens , The . Accessed November 3, 2009.
  5. Historical Sculptures Search » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , Hammersmith and Fulham Council. Accessed November 3, 2009.
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