Pierre Asso — Wikipedia


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Pierre Asso is a French actor [ first ] born in Nice on and died in Paris 7 It is the [ 2 ] . He is the brother of the lyricist Raymond Asso.

He comes from a family of artists. His brother Raymond Asso was the publishing of Edith Piaf. His father, Nice draper merchant, was called Laurent Célestin Asso; His mother, Marie Coda, was of Stéphanoise origin. He moved to Paris before the age of twenty. He was married three times. In the first marriage with Camille Marie Ida Marcelle Létourneau, the . In second marriage with Renée Simone Thiel, the , they divorce the . In third wedding with the actress Yvonne Galli her real name Yvonne Alice Suzanne Bonneton, born in Geneva (Switzerland) and died in Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames the .

Elegant man in the city, he played and lived above his means.

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1955: Crime and Punishment , TV movie of Stelio Lorenzi: Marmeladov
  • 1956: In your soul and conscience , episode The Vaucroze affair by Jean Prat
  • 1957: In your soul and conscience , episode: The Lafarge case by Jean Prat
  • 1959: The three Musketeers , CLAUDE BARMA TV movie: Richelieu
  • 1959: Marie Stuart (from Friedrich Schiller), TV movie by Stelio Lorenzi: Pamlet
  • 1962: and CID (de Corneille), Roger Iglésis TV movie: Don Fernand
  • 1962: The conspiracy of the five-March , Guy Lesserteur TV movie: Cardinal Richelieu
  • 1962: The last five minutes , episode The game pin from Claude Loursais
  • 1963: The Calas case , director Stelio Lorenzi (series program The camera explores time ) : Voltaire
  • 1964: Right of asylum (Farce-Comedy by André Thalassis), René Lucot TV movie: Romolo Rutilio di Ruzzola
  • 1964: Terror and virtue: Danton – Robespierre , TV movie of Stelio Lorenzi in two parts ( Danton, Robespierre ) (series program The camera explores time ): Vadier
  • 1966: Lazare Le Pâtre (TV movie): Cosme de Médicis
  • 1966: In your soul and conscience , episode: The Bouquet affair of Pierre Nivollet
  • 1967: a heart that breaks (TV movie): Bassanès
  • 1971: The old lady’s visit , Alberto Cavalcanti TV movie: Voltaire
  • 1972: Frederic II , TV movie of Olivier Ricard: Boby, the valet

Dubbing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1935: The Cenci, directed by Antonin Artaud, Théâtre des Folies-Wagram
  • 1947: The tobacco road by Jack Kirkland after Jack Kirkland, staged Jean Darcante, Renaissance theater
  • 1950: Henri IV of Luigi Pirandello, MISE IN SCENEAACQ, Theaterre has the area has arrows
  • 1951: and CID de Corneille, staged Jean Vilar, Avignon Festival
  • 1951: The Prince of Hombourg From Heinrich von Kleist, staged Jean Vilar, Avignon Festival
  • 1952: Colonel Foster will plead guilty by Roger Vailland, staged Louis Daquin, theater of the ambigu-comic
  • 1952: The doll house by Henrik Ibsen, staged Jean Mercure, comedy Caumartin
  • 1953: Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, staged Roger Blin, Babylon Theater
  • 1957: The other Alexander by Marguerite Liberaki, staged Claude Régy, Théâtre de l’Alliance Française
  • 1960: A Boy of Honor Antoine Blondin and Paul Guimard after Lord Arthur Saville’s crime d’Oscar Wilde, staged Claude Barma, Marigny Theater
  • 1961: Too bad she’s a whore A Casine, Mise Incena Lucinti, Theater, Theater
  • 1962: Polyeucte de Corneille, staged Bernard Jenny, Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier
  • 1962: Breaker by Robert Collon, staged Jean Mercure, theater Montparnasse
  • 1963: The hostage by Paul Claudel, staged Bernard Jenny, theater of Célestins
  • 1965: House Juan de Molière, staged Robert Manuel, theater Romain Rolland Villejuif
  • 1970: Richard II by William Shakespeare, staged Patrice Chéreau, Théâtre du Gymnase, National Theater of the Odéon
  • 1971: 3.1416 or punishment by Pierre Joffroy, staging Pierre Vial, comedy of Saint-Étienne
  • 1972: The massacre in Paris by Christopher Marlowe, staged Patrice Chéreau, TNP Villeurbanne
  • 1972: Language to cat by Roger Planchon, staging of the author and Gilles Chavassieux, theater of the gymnasium, Maison de la Culture de Reims, TNP Villeurbanne, Théâtre de Nice
  • 1974: La Folle de Chaillot by Jean Giraudoux, staged Jean Deschamps, tour, theater of the Midi, theater of Nice

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
