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Pierre Haffner , born the in Mulhouse in France and died on In the same city, is a professor and film critic, a specialist in African cinema.

After studying philosophy and a first doctorate on the cinema of Jean Renoir under the direction of Henri Agel, Pierre Haffner leaves for Africa as a cooperative teacher of philosophy at the Lycée de Badalabougou in Bamako (1970-1972). He then held a position of animator and then director in the French cultural centers of Kinshasa (1972–1979) and Dakar (1979–1981). He returned to France to teach audiovisual in Strasbourg, and after obtaining a second state doctorate under the direction of Jean Rouch [ first ] , he is established as a professor of universities specializing in cinemas in the countries of the South and African cinema in particular. During his stay in Kinshasa, he met two important figures of Congolese culture: the painter Moke (1950-2001) [ 2 ] , which he helps to make known on the international scene [ 3 ] , and the writer Paul Lomami Tshibamba (1914–1985) [ 4 ] , which he contributes to completing and disseminating the literary work.

Participating alongside his friend Tahar Cheriaa of the first editions of Carthage Cinematographic Days and the Pan -African Festival of Cinema and television from Ouagadougou (Fespaco) [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , he is through his writings one of the first criticisms and theorists of African cinema [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , that he plans beyond entertainment as a media having to accompany the independence movements [ 9 ] , [ first ] .

Pierre Haffner died in Mulhouse in 2000 of pancreatic cancer. Salle 18 of Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg is named after [ ten ] .

Pierre Haffner is the author of several works on cinema: Essay on the foundations of African cinema (1978) [ 11 ] , Jean Renoir (1987) [ twelfth ] , Looks at Negro-African cinema with André Gardies (1993) [ 13 ] , as well as novels and essays: Songs for Bamako (1975) [ 14 ] , The boss (1987) [ 15 ] And Lobby (2000) [ 16 ] .

  1. a et b Cinema and imagination in black Africa: Essay on Negro-African cinema ( read online )
  2. Flour » , on www.congonline.com (consulted the )
  3. Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art » , on fondation.cartier.com (consulted the )
  4. Paul holiday Clothes , Ah! Money , Editions l’Harmattan (ISBN  978-2-296-60310-3 , read online )
  5. AFROGULTURES – Film card: a double flower and four thousand others » , on www.africultures.com (consulted the )
  6. Cinema domesticated by history. Tribute to Pierre Haffner. – Dahan Mohamed’s blog » (consulted the )
  7. Odile Goerg (69-94), Cowboys in the savannah: cinema and cultural hybridization in colonial context » ,
  8. Pierre Haffner: Africa in films » , on weloveafricanfilms.blogs.courerinternational.com (consulted the )
  9. http://mediologie.org/cahiers-de-cediologie/03_nations/haffner.pdf » [PDF] , on Mediologie.org (consulted the )
  10. Apollonia exchanges , Apollonia Art Exchanges ~ ¨^`Artistic events [FR] » , on www.apollonia-art-xchanges.com (consulted the )
  11. Essay on the foundations of African cinema – Haffner, Pierre » , on www.biBliothoques.cergypontoise.fr (consulted the )
  12. Jean Renoir on PriceMinister » , on www.priceminister.com (consulted the )
  13. Looking at Negro -African cinema – Gardies, André » , on www.biBliothoques –slumontcommunaute.net (consulted the )
  14. Songs for Bamako » , on priceminister.com (consulted the )
  15. Pierre Laffner , The boss , Flint, (ISBN  978-2-87693-010-0 , read online )
  16. Maurice Glaymann , Lobi or the thousandth night of Kinshasa » , on www.aleas.fr (consulted the )
