Pierre Louis-Calixte-Wikipedia


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Pierre Louis-Calixte is a French actor member of the Comédie-Française since the .

French comedy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Entrance to the Comédie-Française on
  • 2006: Tartuff de Molière, staging Marcel Bozonnet, Richelieu room, Mild
  • 2007: The sincere de Marivaux, staged Jean Liermier, studio-theater, front
  • 2007: The return to the desert by Bernard-Marie Koltès, staging Muriel Mayette, Richelieu room
  • 2007: The Apprivoisée Crear de William Shakespeare, Mise En Scène Oscar Koršunov, Salle Richelieu, Tranio
  • 2008: Just the end of the world by Jean-Luc Lagarce, staged Michel Raskine, Richelieu room, Louis
  • 2008: Figaro Divorce d’Edön von von Horváth, Mise en Scène Jacques Lassalle, Salle Richelieu, the 3 It is customs officer and a client
  • 2008: Cyrano de Bergerac from Edmond Rostand, staged Denis Podalydès, Rohelieu room, Bret (alternating)
  • 2008: Metamorphoses The little one in the deep forest de Philippe Mother, grapes in scene in scene Misezo Market in the World, The French generate Gothne-Theater, A Queen’s partner
  • 2008: The Apprivoisée Crear de William Shakespeare, Mise En Scène Oscar Koršunov, Salle Richelieu, Tranio
  • 2009: Figaro Divorce d’Edön von von Horváth, Mise en Scène Jacques Lassalle, Salle Richelieu, the 3 It is customs officer and a client
  • 2009: Cyrano de Bergerac from Edmond Rostand, staged Denis Podalydès, Rohelieu room, Bret (alternating)
  • 2009: Ordinary by Michel Vinaver, staged Michel Vinaver and Gilone Brun, Salle Richelieu, Dick
  • 2009: UBU ROI d’Alfred Jarry, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, Richelieu room, Conspirator and Cotice
  • 2009: The stingy de Molière, staged Catherine Hiegel, Richelieu room, The arrow
  • 2009: Just the end of the world by Jean-Luc Lagarce, staged Michel Raskine, Richelieu room, Louis
  • 2009: Windsor’s joyful gossips by William Shakespeare, staged Andrés Lima, Salle Richelieu, Gun
  • 2009: Feast de Plato, staging Jacques Vincey, studio-theater, Eryximaque and Alcibiade
  • 2010: Cyrano de Bergerac from Edmond Rostand, staged Denis Podalydès, Rohelieu room, Bret (alternating)
  • 2010: UBU ROI d’Alfred Jarry, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, Richelieu room, Conspirator, ancestor and cote
  • 2010: Wise women de Molière, staged Bruno Bayen, Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier; Trissotin
  • 2010: The stingy de Molière, staged Catherine Hiegel, Richelieu room, The arrow
  • 2011: M. family disease by Fausto Paravidino, directed by the author, Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier; doctor
  • 2011: Windsor’s joyful gossips by William Shakespeare, staged Andrés Lima, Salle Richelieu, Gun
  • 2011: UBU ROI d’Alfred Jarry, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, Richelieu room, Conspirator, ancestor and cote
  • 2011: The game of love and chance de Marivaux, staging Galin Stoev, Comédie-Française at a hundred and four, Arlequin
  • 2011: Women’s school de Molière, staged Jacques Lassalle, Richelieu room, Alain
  • 2012: Figaro’s marriage de Beaumarchais, staged Christophe Rauck, ephemeral theater, Brid’oison
  • 2012: Dom Juan or the stone feast de Molière, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, ephemeral theater, Gusman , the poor And Mr. Sunday
  • 2014: The lady with azure legs , from Eugène Labiche, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, Studio-Theater
  • 2014: Lucrèce Borgia , from Victor Hugo, staged Denis Podalydès, Richelieu Salle
  • 2015: Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, staged Eric Ruf, Richelieu Salle
  • 2015: Father of August Strindberg, directed by Arnaud Desplechin, Richelieu Salle
  • 2016: Cyrano de Bergerac from Edmond Rostand, staged Denis Podalydès, Richelieu Salle
  • 2016: The sea from Edward Bond, staged Alain Françon, Richelieu Salle
  • 2017: The nozzle of Christine Montalbetti, Mise in Scène Pierre Louis-Calishte, Study-Téâtre
  • 2017: A life by Pascal Rambert, directed by the author, Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier
  • 2017: High surveillance by Jean Genet, staging Cédric Gourmelon, studio-theater
  • 2019: Galileo’s life The Bertigten a scoury eria Ruf, Sally Richelu

Outside comedy-French [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1994: The mandate of Ousmane Simène, staged Jean-Paul Wenzel, Hedgehog meetings
  • 1994: Kill death by Tom Murphy, staged Bernard Bloch, theater of the town
  • 1995: Kill death by Tom Murphy, staged Bernard Bloch, new Burgundy theater
  • 1998: The exchange by Paul Claudel, staged Bernard Lévy, new Angers theater
  • 1998: A rich, three poor by Louis Calaferte, staged Hélène Ninérola, Théâtre Paris-Villette
  • 2000: Dragon Opera De Heiner Müller, staged Hélène Ninérola, Paris-Villette Theater
  • 2001: Gouaches by Jacques Serena, staged Joël Jouanneau, theater open
  • 2001: Macbeth by William Shakespeare, staged Sylvain Maurice, Festival d’Avignon, Theater Firmin Gémier
  • 2002: Macbeth by William Shakespeare, staged Sylvain Maurice, theater of Angoulême
  • 2002: Wood Man Anton Tchekhov, staging Claire Lasne, Festival d’Avignon, Théâtre du Nord
  • 2002: House Juan de Molière, staging Claire Lasne, Festival d’Avignon, Théâtre du Nord
  • 2002: Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, staging Nicolas Fleury, Dramatic Center of Thionville-Lorraine
  • 2003: House Juan de Molière, staging Claire Lasne, Avignon Festival, Dramatic Center of Thionville-Lorraine
  • 2003: Dickie According to Richard III of William Shakespeare, directed by Joël Jouanneau, theater of Sartrouville
  • 2003: Cairn D’Enzo Cormann, staged Claudia Stavisky, Théâtre des Célestins
  • 2003: Dickie According to Richard III of William Shakespeare, directed by Joël Jouanneau, theater of Sartrouville
  • 2004: Dickie According to Richard III of William Shakespeare, staged Joël Jouanneau, theater of the Bastille
  • 2004: Happy birthday by Claire Lasne, directed by the author, national scene of Poitiers, Festival d’Avignon
  • 2005: The sexual neuroses of our parents by Lukas Bärfuss, staged Bruno Bayen, Vidy-Lausanne Theater
  • 2006: Madeleine spirit according to Molière’s silence From Giovanni Macchia, Misce Et Scene Anne Alvaro, Theater National De Chillot
  • 2006: The sexual neuroses of our parents by Lukas Bärfuss, staged Bruno Bayen, Théâtre de Gennevilliers, National Theater of Strasbourg
  • 2007: The suicide by Nikolai Erdman, staging Anouch Paré, theater of Athénée-Louis-Jouvet
  • 2011: The Babil of dangerous classes de Valère Novarina, reading led by Denis Podalydès, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Audiovisual resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Resources relating to the show Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
