Pierre-Michaël Micaleteti — Wikipedia


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Pierre-Micaletti , born the [ first ] In Marseille is a French athlete of Corso-Vietnamese origin specializing in ultrafond and in particular the little-known discipline of 6-day races, one of the most harsh sporting events in the world which consists in running for 6 days and 6 nights on Circuits whose loops generally do not exceed 1.5 kilometers.

Pierre-Michael Micaletti had a fairly unique sporting journey and acquired, in just 5 years, a global level on extreme races of ultra-endurance [ 2 ] .

At 16, a serious traffic accident grinds the tibia. After removing the ligaments, it remains “nailed” in a wheelchair then in crutches for more than 3 years [ 3 ] . There follow ten years of sports inactivity. After years of rehabilitation, he participated in his first ultrafined race in : The 6 hours of Gravigny.

In , he participated in the Gaul trance, which connects Roscoff to Gruissan. This is a race of 1,150 km Crossing France right through. He travels the sixth stage with 2 fractures on the right tibial plateau [ 4 ] . A feat according to the medical world. It will be 700 km With this double fracture and will finish the race, thus entering the closed circle of finishers of this extraordinary event.

He is the first Frenchman to have won the race for the 7 days of Athens [ 5 ] ( ), labeled silver by the International Association of Ultrarunners (IAU). He travels there 860 km In 7 days and 7 nights, the greatest distance made by a French on this bitumen circuit with a length of 1 km .


It is currently one of the best runners in the world of the discipline of 6 -day races, which after having almost disappeared, has lived in a few years a kind of rebirth, in France essentially but also internationally. Little known to the general public, he however acquires a certain notoriety [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] in the microcosm of the ultrafond and notably makes the cover of the magazine ultrafondus in January .

Several world running records on carpet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From 5 to , Michaël Micaletti attacked a new distance record … on treadmill. On the sidelines of the six days of antibes (in) [ 8 ] , he made a first distance record with 814.3 km traveled in 6 days [ 4 ] . The record is recorded on the Records alternative tablets [ 9 ] . In addition to this impressive record, these six days were above all an opportunity for Michaël Micaletti to lend themselves to multiple experiences on sleep and to various measures, carried out with the Polar RS 800 [ ten ] . In December , it improves this mileage brand by bringing it to 816 km [ 4 ] that he will realize during the 6 days of Artaix as part of scientific experiences on physiology, oxygenation and fatigue.

Finally, in May , at the Cité des Sciences et de la Industrie de Paris, during a third 6 days on a treadmill in less than a year (which has no precedent [ 4 ] ), he returned to the Guinness World Records with 822.3 km made [ 3 ] (record broken since by Marcio Villar do Amaral in with 827.16 km [ 11 ] ). A unique study in the world conducted by the sleep laboratory of the Albi Savior Savior Foundation with the medical team of Doctor Eric Mullens [ twelfth ] will be conducted in order to recover information on human behavior under extreme effort conditions on an effort of aerobic endurance [ 13 ] .

As a runner, Michael Micaletti is involved in different challenges with a humanitarian vocation for the benefit of various associations or via Maia-D that he has co -founded and whose theme is the sharing of information at the international level. He will inaugurate a first re 2,500 days 2,500 stages racing m , “The cultural and solidarity marathon F4” in the mountains of western Cameroon intended to promote the region and its populations.

Global ranking 6 days [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2006: 23 It is Performance with a 607,550 race km For the 6 days of antibes [ 14 ]
  • 2007: 13 It is performance with a 712,500 race km For the 6 days of antibes [ 15 ]
  • 2008: 7 It is Performance with a race of 747.323 km For the 6 days of antibes [ 16 ]
  • 2009: 3 It is Performance with a race of 770.616 km For the 6 days of antibes [ 17 ]
  • 2010: 5 It is performance with a race of 811,000 km For the 6 days of Athens, during the International Festival of Ultramarathons of Athens [ 18 ]

Statistics of Pierre-Michael Micaletti according to the German Ultramarathon Association (Dut) [ 2 ] :

  1. The site Ultrarunner , Michaël Micaletti’s personal site
  2. a et b Jürgen Shoe , Dou – Stats de Pierre-Michaël Mensaleetti » , on Statistik.d-U-V.org (consulted the )
  3. a et b Emilie Joubert, « Pierre Michael Micaletti, extreme adventurer », Lepape-info.com , ( read online , consulted the )
  4. A B C and D Pierre-Michael Micaletti-Brain engagement » , on Santesportmagazine.com , (consulted the )
  5. Runner Magazine Runner Magazine (journal grec)
  6. Micaletti, an animal in mental apnea Ouest-France EURES Infos Paper edition of July 7, 2009: available on the site [first]
  7. The Innêtable Bourricot Corsica Ouest-France, paper edition of October 11, 2006
  8. 6 days of France – Home » , on www.6jours-de-France.fr (consulted the )
  9. Treadmill, 6 Days » , on alternativerecords.co.uk (consulted the ) .
  10. Article on the Ultrarunner website
  11. (in) Treadmill, greatest distance covered in one week (male) » , Guinness World Records , ( read online , consulted the )
  12. Doctor Eric Mullens , Sleep and atypical working hours » , on Eric.mullens.free.fr (consulted the )
  13. Record of the record on the Guinness site
  14. ranking of runners 2006
  15. Ranking of runners 2007
  16. 2008 runners classification
  17. ranking of runners 2009
  18. Ranking of runners 2010

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