Pierre Taffin – Wikipedia



Pierre Taffin , born the in Ghent (current Belgium) and died on In Valenciennes, is one of the first entrepreneurs of French coal. He begins by being a representative of the nobility of dress and is an audience in the Parliament of Flanders in Douai. In winter, he lives in his old-conducted castle and met Viscount Jean-Jacques Desandrouin, who resides in Fresnes-sur-Escaut. They joined forces with the aim of developing mining extraction, but he died before the foundation of the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin in 1757.

He married Marie-Claire Duhamel with whom he had eighteen children, only three of whom gave him descendants, thus forming three new branches of the family. To pay tribute to him, the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin opened a pit in his name in 1834 in Bruille-Saint-Amand, whose well was tightened in 1915. His various descendants had positions of responsibility within the company.

Ascendance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jean, the eldest of the two Taffin brothers, was around 1655 responsible for an important mission in The Hague, where he died in 1670 [ GC 1 ] . He married Jeanne Raux, who gave him four sons, of whom alone left posterity: Jean-Baptiste, who set himself on Ghent, Michel, supposedly live in Artois, and Eugène, entered the order of Carmes [ GC 1 ] . His brother Michel Joseph installed in Bavaria is the stem of the Taffin de Sarny.

Birth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pierre Taffin accidentally arises in Ghent the , during a trip his mother there [ GC 1 ] .


Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He enters young people in the judiciary, after having started as a lawyer at the Sovereign Council of Tournai [ GC 1 ] . In 1698, he bought a charge as a substitute for the prosecutor-general near the same council, which became, at that time, the Parliament of Flanders [ Ta 1 ] . It is installed the . That same year 1698, the , Pierre marries Marie-Claire Duhamel, from Valenciennes, only daughter of M. Duhamel, medium and low-justice lord of Old Condée, at the castle of whom the marriage is celebrated [ GC 1 ] .

Pierre Taffin defeated his office in Parliament in 1708, on the death of his stepfather, who left him, because of his wife, lord of Vieux-Condé, Guœlzin, Hordain, Heursel, Beaudignies, Legonfour, and others places [ GC 2 ] . Later, he was promoted to the functions of prosecutor-general at the French Hainaut Provincial Council, sitting in Valenciennes. He exercised these functions until 1721, when this council was deleted. At that time, he was qualified as a squire, councilor secretary of the king in the Chancellery near the Parliament of Flanders. When he died, he was described as advisor to the king, a veteran audience in the Chancellery near the court of the Parliament of Flanders [ GC 2 ] .

Pierre Taffin lives in Valenciennes, where he has his home, during the winter, and spends part of the summer at his castle in Vieux-Condé. It was during his stays in Old-Condé that he linked himself intimately with the Viscount Jean-Jacques Desandrouin, who lives in the castle of Fresnes-sur-Escaut [ GC 2 ] . It is these relationships that is due to the creation of the Desandrouin-Taffin company [ Ta 1 ] . He devotes all his fortune to this company which put him on the verge of his ruin. SE Woman died of sorrow in 1729. After success, Louis XV , to reward Taffin, the knight of his orders, and sends him the cross of Saint-Michel [ GC 2 ] .

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pierre Taffin dies in Valenciennes the , 81 years old. If he did not have the concerns and the sorrows that had to support his partner against the Cernay company, he did not have the satisfaction of seeing his work consolidated by the creation of the Mines of Mines Anzin [ GC 2 ] .

Descendants and posterity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pierre Taffin had his wife, Marie-Claire Duhamel, eighteen children, including eleven boys and seven girls, the first, born on [ GC 2 ] , and the last, the . Eleven boys, seven die before their twentieth year, and only four survived Pierre Taffin, one of which has embraced the ecclesiastical state [ GC 3 ] . Of the seven girls, he only raises five, and four took the veil. In the constitutive contract of the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin, the heirs of Pierre Taffin are reduced to four: M. Taffin, advisor to Parliament, M. Taffin de Guoked, M. Taffin the troisville, it M. de Benazet, for his wife. Pierre Taffin’s family is thus reduced to three branches, known as Givenchy, Guœlzin, and Troisville [ GC 3 ] .

A Taffin pit was appointed as a tribute by the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin in Bruille-Saint-Amand, and was opened from 1834 to 1915 [ first ] .

Givenchy Taffin Branch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jules-César de Taffin, advisor to the Parliament of Flanders, lord of Beaudignies, whose name he takes after the death of his older brother (Pierre-Joseph-Thomas, also Lord of Vieux-Condé and the Gonfour), was born in Valenciennes the And died in Douai in 1763. He married Anne-Françoise de Herbaix (near Liège), daughter of Philippe-François d ‘Herbais de Villecasseau, and Marie-Françoise-Antoinette Taffin, her distant relative [ GC 3 ] .

From this marriage is born a son and a daughter: Auguste-César Taffin de Givenchy, and Louise-Césarine, born in 1752. She married Ledart de Mouchin, and dies, without children, in Douai, in 1789 [ GC 3 ] .

Auguste-César Taffin de Givenchy, born in Douai the First serves in a cavalry regiment (Royal Navarre), then in the house of King Louis XV (gray musketeers). He married in 1780 Aimée-Louise Lesart de Mouchin, daughter of Louis-Joseph Lesart de Mouchin, knight of Saint-Louis, and sister of Madame de Mouchin. He died at the Château de Rusmes, near Orchies [ GC 3 ] .

Auguste-César had seven children, two of whom were dead in young. The others are Louis-Alexandre-César, Berthine-Thérère, Sophie-Césarine, Désiré-Joseph, and Romain-Joseph [ GC 4 ] .

From the branch of Auguste-Cesar will descend Hubert James Marcel Taffin de Givenchy, famous French couturier born in 1927 in Beauvais in Oise [ 2 ] .

  • Louis-Alexandre-César Taffin de Givenchy was born in Douai the . He served under the empire in the body of military stewardship, made the campaigns of 1803, 1804 and 1805 in part, to the Grande Army of the Côtes, and those from 1805 to 1810 in Tyrol, Austria and Prussia . Withdrawn from service since 1810, M. Taffin de Givenchy, “a man also distinguished by his love for letters as by his writings”, is known to the learned world as perpetual secretary of the Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie, seizing in Saint-Omer. Married in 1811 in Amélie de Blairville, he had twelve children, five of whom died at a young age and seven were, in 1850, still alive [ GC 4 ] .
  • Berthine-Thérère Taffin de Givenchy, born in Douai le , married Charles-Victor from Saint-Just d’Autigues, lieutenant-colonel of cavalry. From this marriage were born three children.
  • Sophie-Césarine Taffin de Givenchy, died in 1808 at the age of 20.
  • Désiré-Joseph Taffin de Givenchy, born in Douai the , suit Louis XVIII In Ghent, and becomes a Camp aid of the Prince of Croy-Solre who commanded the first army of the bodyguards. He left the service in 1828 due to illness, and died in 1832.
  • Romain-Joseph Taffin de Givenchy, born in Maastricht , wife in the first wedding laure-joséphine Lefebvre du Hodent, died the , and had a girl from this marriage. He married Marie-Adèle Mouillard de Torcy in second marriage, of which he has two children [ GC 4 ] .

Branch of Guœlzin Taffin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The second of the three sons of Pierre Taffin who intervened in the contract of the company of the Anzin company is Jean-Charles-Louis, born in Valenciennes the [ GC 5 ] . It serves in the infantry and leaves only the service when it has reached time to have the Saint-Louis cross with which it was decorated. He died in Lille in 1782. He married Marie-Louise-Virginie de Flandre, of which he had four sons [ GC 5 ] :

  • César-Louis-François Taffin de Guœlzin, born in Lille, he lived Douai, of whom he was, in 1793, the first mayor elected by the people. He lived single and died in Douai .
  • Louis-Hyacinthe-Joseph Taffin d’Heursel was born in Lille, served in the Bresse infantry regiment, and died in Guœlzin. In 1786 he married a young lady fruit Desparcs, of which he had two children [ GC 5 ] .
  • Marie-loseph-Louis Taffin de Sorel was born in Lille in 1759, and was successively adviser to the Parliament of Flanders, judge at the Court of Appeal of Douai, and chamber president at the Imperial Court of the same city. He lost his headquarters at the Restoration, then was appointed member of the General Council of the Department and was one of the founders of the Douai Agricultural Society, where he died in 1825.
  • Alexis-Marie-Philippe Taffin was born in Lille the . He is known as Taffin Mellez, following his marriage to a young lady Mellez, daughter of a magistrate who has long been mayor of Douai. Alexis entered in 1785 or 1786 in an infantry regiment in Bresse, left the service in 1789, and was, for 43 years, a member of the municipal council of Douai [ GC 5 ] , where he died in 1842. He trained, in Douai, the most beautiful and richest collection of exotic and foreign plants that the North department possessed [ GC 6 ] .

The four Taffin brothers of the Guœlzin branch “cultivated music successfully and we have often heard them perform together quatuors in a remarkable way”. A single canvas has reproduced the features of the four brothers, it is due to the brush of Hilaire Ledru, Douaisian painter. Of these four brothers, two died without posterity, the first and the third [ GC 6 ] .

Louis-Hyacinthe had two children: Virginie who married Pierre-Jacques-Edmond Lambreth, and had two sons, including one died in 1842; and Hyacinthe-Joseph-Bon, who married her germaine cousin, Virginie-Antoinette, and had two sons and a daughter, this last wedding bride in Eugène Fruict de Morange [ GC 6 ] .

Alexis-Philippe also had two children: Julie-Ernestine who married Baron Amaury de Lagrange, artillery colonel whose father is a knight of honor in the Parliament of Flanders [ GC 6 ] . From this marriage are born Marie-Ernestine, married to the Marquis de Champagni, and Alexis de la Grange, resigning artillery officer. The other daughter of Alexis-Philippe is Virginie-Antoinette, married to her cousin Hyacinthe-Joseph-Bon [ GC 6 ] .

Branch of this taffin the troisville [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The third of the sons of Pierre Taffin, who intervenes the company contract of the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin is Félix-Ignace Taffin de Troisville. He had six children, including two young people, and all dead without posterity except Marie-Emmanuel who had a daughter dead at 15 [ GC 6 ] :

  • Félix-Philippe, died at 22 years old;
  • Marie-Emmanuel, who married Hyacinthe-Joeph Cordier;
  • Marianne, who took the veil;
  • Marie-Antoinette, who married Marie-Joseph Duhamel, lieutenant-general of the governance of the bailiwick of Douai [ GC 6 ] .

Descendants linked to the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1850 there are more of Pierre Taffin descendants left than two of his eighteen children. Among these descendants or their allies, were successively directors of the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin [ GC 7 ] : M. Bedazet, â €, Origin a 1757; FEGIX-Ignity Taffin To Troisville, a 1772; Cérizial-Louis-Françoffin de Girulzin, an 1778; Marie-Joseph Louis Grand Arffin Sorrel, an 1822; Hyacinthe-Joseph-Baby Taffin the heretles, a 1822; Jacques-Edmal, a 1829; Alexis-Marie-Philippela Tiffin-Melle, a 1830; Prosper-ambuy-Louis de la Grange, a 1842 [ GC 7 ] .

References to Édouard GRAR , History of research, discovery and exploitation of coal in French Hainaut, French Flanders and Artois, 1716-1791 , t. III ,
References to Gérard Dumont , The three ages of the mine: the time of the pioneers , vol. first : 1820-1830 , La Voix du Nord and Center Historique Mining of Lewarde,

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Édouard GRAR , History of research, discovery and exploitation of coal in French Hainaut, French Flanders and Artois, 1716-1791 , t. III , Impr. de A. Prignet, Valenciennes, , 311 p. ( read online ) , p. 16-22 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Gérard Dumont , The three ages of the mine: the time of the pioneers , vol. first : 1820-1830 , Lille, La Voix du Nord and historic mining center of Lewarde, , 52 p. (ISBN  978-2-84393-107-9 ) , p. 5 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
