Places of La Ruota del Time


List of places and settings mentioned in the series of fantasy novels The wheel of time In Robert Jordan.


Table of Contents

Randland [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Il term randland [first] [2] (or western lands or wet lands, in opposition to the near and arid AIEL desert) indicates the continent on which the main events narrated in the novels take place. Randland is a temperate climate continent, which partly recalls Europe and in part North America; It is divided into numerous independent states, and also there are many areas once populated, but which are now abandoned. In the creation of the society of this continent, the author said he was inspired by the 17th century Europe. [ without source ]

Robert Jordan’s notes and maps have left us a knowledge of the so -called Randland enough enough, but in the cycle books (which always report a map) the scale has not been marked. [ without source ] However, a scale appears in the global map present in the so -called Guide , written by Teresa Patterson together with Robert Jordan (the guide has not yet been translated into Italian and his original title is The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time ); Thanks to it, it has been obtained that Randland measures approximately 5600 km from the west to the east and 4400 km from north to south, for a total of about twenty -four million and six hundred thousand square kilometers.

Randland has approximately a rectangular shape (the west side is decidedly bombed). To the north it is separated from the unarmed lands and from the mountain of Shayol Ghul from the mountains of Dhoom, which run from the west to the east for about 4200 km; They stop at the Tarwin Pass, at the north-east corner of the continent, and resume for another 50 km up to the steps of Nimph, where they cross with the ridge of the world. This chain delimited Randland on its east side and separates it from the Aiel desert; It runs from north to south for about 3500 km, interrupted only by the step of Jangai, and reaches the south-east corner of the submerged lands, to the cities of Godan and Mayne. To the south Randland overlooks the sea of ​​storms (which hosts several islands: Cinadalking, Qaim and the islands of the people of the sea); To the south-west, the coast, here called the Shadow Costa, performs a large curve and, when it reaches the height of the large island of Tremallking, the sea of ​​storms changes its name and becomes the Ocean Aryth, which bathes the whole coast West of Randland. The ocean contains three archipelaghi, the Aile Jafar, the Aile Somera and the Aile Dashar; The coast ends north-west in the land called the end of the world: north of it, the mountains of Dhoom stretch into the sea separating the Ocean Aryth from the dead Sea.

Within the continent, the most relevant mountain range is that of the Mountains of Nebbia: it runs near the western coast of Randland, from the city of Amador at the southern end to the south border of the Saldea to the northern one. To the west of the chain, close between it and the Ocean Aryth, there are several territories. In the southern area, in front of the Jafar, Tarabon is found, furrowed by the river Gohar and its tributaries: the most important cities of this state are tanchic (the capital, on the mouth of the ENCAHAR) and ElMora. In the central band extends the Almoth plain, once the seat of the homonymous kingdom, now contested between Tarabon and Arad Di; At this point the coast forms a large peninsula, Capo Toman, which hosts the port city of falme; At the same height, at the Mountains of Nebbia, there are the city of Katar and the Paerish Swar forest. In the northern area, furrowed by the Akuum and Dhagon rivers, there is the state of the Arad DiSan, whose capital, Bandar Eban, is located on a small promontory at the mouth of the kuum. To the south-west, the shade coast is an uninhabited land.

At the east of Tarabon there is the kingdom of Amadicia, delimited to the north-west by the mountains of fog, north-east by the Eldar river and south by its tributary, the Sharia; The capital is the city of Amador, also home to the children of light. To the north of the Amadicia is the Ghealdan, a small state furrowed by another tributary of the Eldar, the Boern; The capital, Jehannah, is located at his source. At the east of Costa dell’Ombra, Amadicia and Ghealdan is the altara: in the north this vast state is dominated by the wall of Garen and by the Manetherendre river, while in the South there is one of the largest forests of Randland (second only perhaps all ‘Haddon Mirk), containing the village of Salidar; On the coast is the capital, Ebou Dar, at the mouth of the Eldar, on a peninsula that with the mountains is formed the west coast of the kabal bay. The eastern coast is formed by the long peninsula of the Kingdom of Ilianian; To the north this state extends a little beyond the confluence of the Cary and Shal rivers in Manetherendre, while in the south ends in the sea of ​​storms with its mouth, which hosts the Illilian capital. North of Illylian is the Murandy, furrowed by various tributaries of the Manetheredrelle; On the major of these, the Shorn, in the center of the town, is the capital Lugard. In the east of Ilianian there are the plane of Maredo, once a state but today uninhabited (except for the city-state of Far Madding) and disputes between Ilian and Tear; To the north of the flat and east of the Murandy there are the hills of Kintara, also once a kingdom now disappeared. On the coast east of the plane of Maredo there is the kingdom of Tear, which extends from the delta of the Erinin (called the Dragon fingers) to the west to the lands submerged east; The most important cities are Tear (the capital, in the Dragon fingers) and Godan (overlooking a gulf south of the world of the world). On the other side of the Gulf there is Mayne, a city-state continuously threatened by Tear; North of Tear, on the other hand, is the Haddon Mirk forest, delimited to the east and west by the ridge of the world and by the Erinin and furrowed by a tributary of the latter, the trailer.

North of Ghealdan, Altara, Murandy and hills of Kintara is the vast reign of Andor, delimited to the west by the mountains of fog, to the east by the Erinin and north from the course of the Arinelle, the prairies of Caralain and the Braem Wood. In the western part there are the area of ​​the twin rivers, the source of the Manetherenrelle and the town of Baerlon; Moving to the east you meet the woods between Manetherendre and the radiale, on whose banks the uninhabited city of Shadar Logoth is hidden. At the center of Andor the arinelle folded to the south, cutting the kingdom in two, and at this point stands the city of Whitebridge; Moving again to the East you meet campaigns and villages (like four kings and market sheran) until, in the eastern part of the kingdom, there are the Cary and the capital, Caemlyn; Just beyond the east border, on the western bank of Erinin, there is the village of Aringill.


To the north-east of Caemlyn, a little further north than the Haddon Mirk, there is the kingdom of Cairhien; It is delimited to the west by the Erinin, east by the ridge of the world and to the north and south by two of its extensions (the northern one called the Kinslayer dagger). The western part is covered with woods, Braem Wood appendages; To the north-east, in correspondence with the step of Jangai, the Gaelin was born, which threw itself in the Argentya at the capital, Cairhien; Alguenya in turn dives into the Erinin just beyond the southern border, at Aringill.

North of Andor and Cairhien are almost uninhabited. At the east of the Mountains of Fog there are lands with no name: they are furrowed by the ARINELLE to the west and by its tributaries (Ivo, Haevin) in the center, while in the north-east there are the black mountains and south-east the prairies of Caralain (once the time of a kingdom now extinct) and the northern offshoots of Braem Wood. In the east of the black mountains there are wooden territories, furrowed by the Erinin and its western tributaries that get off the mountains (the main is the Luan); The eastern part of these lands takes the name of Hardan: it was once a kingdom, and its capital was Harad Dakar, but today there are only scattered farms. On an island of Erinin, at an isolated mountain (Montedrago) stands the only inhabited city in the area, Tar Valon, very important as the headquarters of the White Tower and the Aes Sedai.

Even further north there are four kingdoms fighting the advance of the great stain from the north from the dark, the border brands. The Saldea is the most western and the largest of the four: it is delimited to the south by the age and the lands beyond the Arad Dama, east by the plain of the Lance and to the west it overlooks the Ocean Aryth in the area called the end of the world ; Its capital is Maradon. The other three kingdoms, among the plain of the Lance, the mountains of Dhoom and the woods north of Tar Valon, are from west to Est Kandor, Arafel and Shienar; These lands are furrowed by small tributaries of the Erinin (the main one, on the border between Arafel and Shienar, is the Mara, which was born at the Tarwin pass). Their capitals are Chachin, Shol Arbela and Fal Moran; There are no other centers that are not villages, except for Fal Dara in Shienar.

Seanchan [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of Seanchan

The mysterious continent of Seanchan is beyond the Ocean Aryth, placed on the extreme West of the lands where the main story narrated in the novels takes place, has a dimension comparable to that of the Americas (and alone it occupies an area equal to the sum of Randland, Aiel desolation and Shara). Always with the same term of Seanchan are indicated the empire that extends on this continent and the people who live in it. In an interview, the author said that the inhabitants of Seanchan speak English with a Texan accent. [ without source ]

At the time of the mythical emperor Artur Hawkwing, one of his children, Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, commanded a powerful military expedition beyond the Ocean Aryth, of which there was no longer news. In the second book of La Ruota del Time we learn that, after about a thousand years, the descendants of the Luthair expedition return to the lands of origin by claiming the legacy of Artur Hawkwing (the so -called Corenne O Return ). In fact, in the meantime, Luthair dynasty has been able to unify the fragmented continent of Seanchan (the so -called Consolidation ), inhabited by very different peoples with each other (both by culture, and for somatic traits, in fact the presence of peoples with clear complexions, yellow skin and black peoples is underlined; in addition, pigmeal peoples with primitive civilizations and peoples with much more civilizations complex, etc.) a continent also inhabited by very strange creatures, some of which have been domesticated (among these you can remember the Touch , flying lizards ridden by Seanchan soldiers). Another typicality of the Seanchan is that concerning their attitude towards the channers of the only power: the males, when they are discovered, are immediately put to death (before they go crazy, providing serious damage); Women, on the other hand, are immediately made slaves (they become Damane , that is “the chains”) through the use of a’dam , and ter’angreal which forms involuntary circles. This behavior can be understood because of the damage that the channelizers had caused in the past, in fact on the continent of Seanchan, the Aes sedai survived the fracture of the world had not gathered in a single peaceful organization (such as the white tower on the Rand continent al continent ‘Thor), but had divided into rival groups, often fighting each other for the conquest of power; Therefore those to them, over the course of the about two thousand years before the arrival of Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, had continued to fight, using the power of saidar To put the continent on fire, to conquer personal power, to make it slaves entire populations. Therefore it does not seem strange if now the Seanchan populations consider all the channers as ferocious and dangerous beasts, and therefore they consider the treatment rightly reserved for them. The capital of the Empire is Seandar where the Corte of the nine moons , the name of the empress’s headquarters (for over twentieth century, only women are getting the throne) who sits on the Crystal throne (a ter’angreal that leads to obedience). The empire is very powerful from a military point of view, but frequently is shaken by the rebellion of the submissive peoples or by the intrigues of the blood members (the nobility), who struggle to conquer power. Among others, the same children of the empress mortally struggle with each other, to obtain the title of heir to the throne.

Some figures in Seanchan society:

  • Blood: belonging to the blood means belonging to the nobility, its members are mostly the various descendants of Luthair Paendrag Mondwin or of the other leaders who guided with him the expedition beyond the Ocean Arith and then unified the empire; But later they also mixed with local notables, so much so that some are completely in color. People belonging to the blood are first distinguished by the shaving they bring: those of the high blood bring just a crest of hair to the top of the head (the thinner men of that of women, the height of the crest depends on fashion), while Those of the low blood have only the sides and the back of the head shaved, in the form of a bowl, from which they make a hair tail hang on the back (made up to the shoulders for men, up to the waist for women). The members of the imperial family instead bring their heads completely shaved. In addition, all members of the blood make the nails and glaze in various ways grow by a finger: the members of the imperial family launch all ten finger nails; Those of the highest degree, called high gentlemen, launch the first two fingers of both hands; those of the next degree only enhames the nails of their two indices and medium; Those of the next degree again, they glaze their anular and mignoli; Finally, those of the lowest degree displaces only their mignoli. Rado may happen that also ordinary people or the military, if they are particularly distinguished by their merits, as a reward can come to the blood, even if at the lowest rank.
  • Da’covale : This word means ” what is possessed “, Meaning what ” property “; therefore i da’covale They are in all respects slaves; If they are already born in this condition, they are completely submissive and prepared to serve unconditionally, from an early age; Instead if they were born free and then they were reduced to this condition, for the most disposed of reasons, i da’covale They are subjected to such a treatment, that their personality remains completely distorted by it and canceled, in fact, all their will or desire for rebellion is eradicated, until they make them, in the most complete way, of the perfect animated objects, always docile and ready to obey to Any order comes from their masters or superior. In some cases (for example for high treason) even members of the high blood and children of the empress can be reduced to da’covale : they are completely deleted in their name and role within society, totally broken in their being and in their will, and then be sold at auction.
  • Damane It is Sul’dam : The word Damane means the chained ; the Damane They are the channeling women who present the innate spark or who have already learned to channel and who, as soon as you find, are immediately linked with the a’dam give her Sul’dam , which, on the other hand, are only potential channeling, that is to say that they never develop the ability to channel and remain in this condition for the rest of their life. Periodically in all the villages and cities of the Empire, the girls and young women of all classes and up to thirty years, they are subjected to the test and if positive, they are chainsing and automatically become Damane , delete in their names and forgotten by relatives. All the Damane are also da’covale ; Thanks to the use of the only power they are properties of the highest value, maintained with great regard, therefore only members of the imperial family and those of high blood can afford to own more than someone (and in this second case, arousing many suspicions to be used to rebel). To use a Damane One is always necessary Sul’dam , which therefore are held in great respect in the Seanchan company. Many Damane They are used in the army, in fact with the use of the only power they constitute effective, powerful and almost always decisive weapons in many battles.
  • SO’JHIN : This expression can be translated as an ” height between the basses ” or also ” both sky and valley ”. I SO’JHIN are gods da’covale , but they constitute a group of slaves of particular rank for blood members, who are specially educated to help, advice and protection for their masters. They have the left side of their completely shaved garment, while the hair on the other side is collected in a braid (for the imperator’s so’jin, however, the opposite is worth). They are instructed and prepared for their task since they were young, often from birth, and are kept in great regard. In the company Seanchan i SO’JHIN They have a higher rank of ordinary people, free; in fact i SO’JHIN high blood have a status comparable to that of the lowest blood members; Furthermore, the members of the high blood deal with caution i SO’JHIN of the imperial family and talk to them almost as if they were on an equal footing. THE SO’JHIN They are very loyal to their masters and are easily willing to sacrifice life for them.
  • Listeners and seekers of the truth: they are spies at the service of the state. The listeners collect news in silence, without ever revealing themselves, they can be anyone, amalgamated among the most humble or hidden workers among blood members. Even the seekers, until they reveal themselves, are completely unsuspected people, they constitute a kind of secret police, placed direct dependencies of the empress; They investigate all suspicious behaviors and if they have sufficient clues or evidence, they can afford to arrest and interrogate blood members, even members of the imperial family. Since it is their prohibited even a single drop of the blood, the seekers have found very effective torture for when they are forced to question the members of the nobility.
  • The supervisors of death: the English term Deathwatch Guard It was translated into two different ways in Italy: in the seventh book as supervisors of death, in the eighth as a guard of the funeral vigil (philologically perhaps more correct), and then returned to the ninth to the first translation. This guard is an elite body in the Seanchan army, who has as its main task the safeguard of the empress and her family. Their armor is lacquered in red and such dark green, that it is often mistaken for black. The guard is formed both by da’covale Humans of personal ownership of the empress (who are rigorously selected and instructed since adolescence and which for recognition are also tattooed on the shoulders with the symbol of the crows), both by Giardinieri Ogier Liberi, who have tightened a pact with the empire. The guard is famous for her absolute loyalty and dedication to the empress.
  • The bloody daggers: the stunned daggers ( Bloodknife ) They are a Seel’s elite body Seanchan: they specialize in suicide actions, to eliminate as many enemies as possible, in fact after a rapid war action, they are left behind, in the opponent’s field, to perform their missions. They are equipped with rings ter’angreal That once activated, they allow those who wear them to make themselves invisible among the shadows, also to increase their strength, speed and agility. The ter’angreal However, once activated, it quickly consumes the vitality of the wearer and which is therefore destined to die over a couple of days. During the Raid Seanchan against the White Tower (book XII), one of the five Bloodknife sent on a mission, he almost managed to kill Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne, who, however, were saved mutually. Four others therefore act in the white tower during book XIII, managing to kill Amyrlin Seat, as well as numerous Aes Sedai. Gawyn Trakand takes over three of these rings ter’angreal and uses it during book XIV.

Tel’aran’rhiod [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The term Tel’aran’rhiod , which in the ancient language means world of dreams, indicates a parallel dimension, which is a reflection of the real world. All dimensions and very short moments can be accessed to this dimension all the people and the wild animals, while they are dreaming; But above all they access it and some people with the ability to “walk in dreams” can remain for much longer periods. The world of dreams presents itself as a parallel dimension that completely reflects the real world or in large part, despite being subjected to a continuous mutation: in this world, within an atmosphere of permanent and unnatural brightness, even during the night, things Properties or rarely move (buildings, furniture, mountains, forests) present themselves exactly as in reality, while unstable things, which move or are moved frequently (for example doors, windows, chairs, tools, trees leaves , etc …) continue to change position or to appear and disappear according to how they move in the real world during the day.

Contrary to normal people, who can happen in this dimension only by chance and briefly, while they are sleeping, those with a very rare talent of “walking in dreams” can easily access it of their own will. Furthermore, they have the ability to shape this dimension with the strength of their will. People who have this talent and who concentrate with due force of thought can in fact travel from one place to another in a few moments, thus visiting distant countries or being able to spy on a place; They can also completely transform their own and others’ appearance, so as to disguise or hide, even make themselves transparent so as not to be seen by someone else; They can also recreate scenarios at their own complete ability; Finally it allows them to influence the living conditions of a person who is present at that moment, for example by projecting impressions in his mind; You can even hit an opponent who is present in this dimension or is attracted to you, and since the wounds inflicted in this world, affect the real one, those who remain injured or dies in Tel’aran’rhiod , remains wounded or dies also in reality.

The last remarkable and known “walker in dreams” among the Aes Sedai was Corianin Nedeal, who lived about 500 years before the facts narrated in the saga. To the knowledge of the White Tower, however, the wise AIELs for centuries have cultivated this ability and developed the techniques necessary to master it, for this reason Egwene ate, who discovered that she was a walker, went to them in the Aiel desolation , so that you can study it adequately. Known walkers of dreams among the Aiels are Bair, Amay and Melaine (the latter two are also remarkable chanters of the only power). Among the reiets, a skilled dream manipulator is Ishamael/Moridin, who during the saga is shown several times while attracting or trapped people in his dream fragments ( dreamshard in original language). The two reiets Moghedien and Lanfear also showed that they are remarkable manipulators of the world of dreams. The Mesaan Reietta in book XIII tries to subject Egwene’s mind while they are in the world of dreams, but it is his mind that remained destroyed. Finally also those who have the talent of being “brother of the wolves” like Perrin Aybara appear to have the ability of “walker in dreams”. As well as exploiting the rare talent of “walking in dreams”, to enter Tel’aran’rhiod , there are two other ways: with the first, the incanlators quite strong in the only power, they can open travel portals, to enter this dimension directly, in the meat, so they enter not only in spirit, but bringing with them the whole body; The second way to access it is through the use of special ter’angreal , called interxisbacks, however, most of these requires that they are enchanting spirit within them and make access to the world in dreams only in a weak, very evanescent form, which does not allow to channel to the maximum of one’s power. Entering the world of dreams with your physical body allows you to manipulate it with much more strength, but this is a condition deemed very dangerous by the wise Aiel, because it makes its humanity lose. Egwee, studying how to enter with your body in Tel’aran’rhiod So as to quickly reach Salidar, he also discovers the textures to travel using saidar .

In the book XIV Perrin Aybara, after risking dying, learns the technique very effectively to be able to enter or go out very quickly with the physical body, so as to face the killer, which already has this same ability; It consists in placing yourself in an intermediate state between sleep and waking, attracting one’s body into the world of dreams.

Triple earth [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The triple land is located in the East of the very high mountain range called the ridge of the world and is considered one of the most inhospitable areas of the planet, with remarkable thermal excursions, during the day you can reach very high temperatures, while at night you descend under the level of freezing . The water is very scarce and there are numerous mortal animals (especially reptiles and poisonous insects). For these reasons, AIEL desolation is called by western peoples. Only the AIELs have shown that they are able to survive us, managing to find the very little water available. The triple earth was thus defined by the AIEL because a land must be considered 1) to shape their strength, 2) a land to test their character and 3) a land to punish them with their sin against the ancient Aes Sedai. In a remote point, at the foot of the chandaer mountain, there is the mysterious city of Rhuidean, perpetually wrapped in strange mists, in which the wise and capiclan must go to be recognized in their role. Another remarkable location is the Alcair Dal , a kind of huge circular crater, which houses the Capiclan meetings.

The Aiel call the lands west of the ridge of the world “lands wet”, and consider the inhabitants with contempt. The triple earth is so arid and devoid of arboreal vegetation, that most AIELs have a cognition just by hearing what a river, a lake, the sea, a ship or even a forest are.

Arias [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Arien is a small village belonging to the kingdom of Andor. It is located in the central-eastern area of ​​the kingdom, on the road to Caemlyn; Along this road, to the west, there are other small villages, then the city of Whitebridge on the Arinelle and finally the mineral district of Baerlon, while at the east there are other villages (four kings, Market Sheran, Carysford) and beyond the Cary river The capital of the kingdom, Caemlyn; To the south there are some sparse farms until the border with the Murandy, while in the north the prairies of Caralain (and a steding) extend. Arien has only one inn, like many small villages like him.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , Apparent arer The eye of the world , when Rand at the Hor and Matrimo Cauthon pass there during the escape from the Myrdraal of Whitebridge: they play in the town inn and the next day they leave the village on the chariot of a farmer, Eazil Forrney [3] . The village of Arien is the first in which the two make the teachings of the minstrel Thom Merrilin to good use, and from there up to four kings the two manage to find roof, food and passages in every village they meet [4] .

Heringill [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Aringill is a city-state that stands on the western bank of the Erinin river, at the confluence of the Argentnya; It is located just beyond the eastern border of the kingdom of Andor and officially constitutes an independent state, but in fact It is a protectorate of the Andor who maintains a strong garrison, requested by Aringill itself (it is not clear why Andor has not yet attached the city directly). Aringill a very important port, since it is located at the intersection between three streets: the first street is Erinin himself, which connects the border brands and Tar Valon to the north with Tear to the south; The second street is the Algianya river that flows little upstream and which is navigable to the city of Cairhien; The third way, on the other hand, is a road (the road to Erinin) that connects Caemlyn to Aringill and which continues on the other shore by connecting Maerone (the apparently independent village, which is located on the eastern bank in correspondence with Aricgill) in Cairhien. Aringill and Maerone are over 1000 km upstream of the Dragon fingers (the mouth of the Erinin in the sea of ​​storms) [5] .

In the cycle de The wheel of time , ARINGILL appears for the first time The reborn dragon , when Mat Cauthon and Thom Merrilin flee TAR Valon heading towards Caemlyn: the two descend Erinin aboard the Gray seagull and land in Aringill [6] , to continue west on the road to Erinin. Shortly thereafter, Egwee Egwene, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve in herara travel on the Erinin from Tar Valon, aboard the Blue crane [7] , but they do not come to Aringill; Lord Gaebril, who wants to get rid of Elyne to get Andor’s throne, sends men to the town to the town Blue crane , but they don’t find the three girls [8] . When men return to Caemlyn to report the news to Lord Gaebril, Mat manages to earthenses the conversation and learns of Lord’s plans; So in a hurry he and Thom leave the capital, return to Aringill and re -disclose the river on Rondone up to Tear [9] . During the Civil War in Cairhien caused by the invasion of the AIELs led by the Car’a’Carn Rand a’Hor, many Cairhienese emigrate from their homeland and try to reach Andor through Aringill. In this city then Lady Dyelin Taravin, he imprisoned the two Ladys Lisa Sarand and Naean Arawn, political opponents of the heir to the throne, Elayne Trakand [ten] ; Elayne tries later to transfer them to Caemlyn, but the two are made to flee from Lady Arimilla Marne, who however takes them in turn under her custody [11] .

Baerlon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Baerlon is a city in the extreme West of the Kingdom of Andor, north of the region of twin rivers; since it does not even reach the thousand homes [twelfth] , it is quite small in comparison to other Andorian cities located more in the East, such as Whitebridge or the capital Caemlyn, but appears as gigantic in the eyes of the people of the twin rivers: Rand at Horor states, looking at it for the first time, that its size It is about that of all four villages in the region Messi together, Emond’s Field, Deven Ride, Watch Hill and Taren Ferry [twelfth] . Baerlon is surrounded by a wall of trunks almost twenty feet high and interspersed with guard towers [twelfth] ; Around it the campaign and the woods are dotted with farms, mainly in the north. Three streets depart from the city: one heads to the south, towards the Taren river and the village of Taren Ferry; Another heads for the west, towards the mines on the mountains of fog which are the centerpiece of the economy of the town; The third, the most important, leads east to Whitebridge and the heart of the kingdom of Andor; In the north, beyond the farms, there are only the uninhabited lands of the middle course of the Arinelle. At least three doors are opened in the walls, one on each road, but the name of one of them is known, the door of the Bianco Bianco [13] , which presumably opens in the east direction (towards Whitebridge, which in English means “white bridge”); These doors remain closed from sunset to dawn [13] [14] , due to the isolation of the place and the danger of the surrounding lands.

Baerlon’s economy is mainly based on mineral resources that can be extracted from the mountains of fog to the west of the city: the extraction of steel and precious metals from the caves on the mountains provides many riches in Baerlon and Andor itself, so much so that the rulers have always preferred take care of the maintenance of their power over this area rather than on others [14] ; The mining industry of the city is the Baerlon Ironworks [14] . Another (minor) part of the economy comes from trade with the twin rivers: the way that connects Baerlon and Taren Ferry is in fact the only means of communication of that isolated region with the rest of the world, and many merchants pass from Baerlon to go south to buy tobacco and wool or east to sell it.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , the city of Baerlon is the first center outside the twin rivers that the group fleeing from Emond’s Field meets along the road; The group is made up of four boys from Emond’s Field (Rand Al’ Horor, Matrimo Cauthon, Perrin Aybara and Egwene to do), a Sedai Sedai with his custodian (Moiraine Damuded and Lan Mandragoran, known in the town with the pseudonyms of Lady Alys and Mastro Andra) and a minstrel (Thom Merrilin). The boys of Emond’s Field remain very impressed by Baerlon, who appears immense to them if compared with the rural villages in which they spent the entire life. The group enters the city from the southern door, and then stays in the Locanda del Deer and lion (great double the Source of wine of emond’s Field), of Mastro Fitch properties. [15] In the inn they receive news of the external world, news of troloc movements in Saldea and the events of the false dragon Logain in Ghealdan; That night, Rand, Mat and Perrin dream of Ba’alzamon for the first time [16] , even if everyone believes they have made him only the dream until the next day. The following morning, Rand meets Min Farshaw for the first time, who talks to him about his visions about him and his companions; Then he goes out on the street, meets Padan Fain and Mat and together with the latter he hunts herself in trouble with Geofram Bornhal and the children of the light in the city. When he returns to Deer and lion , discovers that the wise of Emond’s Field, Nynaeve in MEARA, has reached them [17] ; The wise tries to convince Moiraine to let them go home, but he couldn’t decide to follow the group too [18] . That evening, the group is reached at the inn from Myrdraal who chased him from the twin rivers, and the eight immediately start from Baerlon; At the eastern door they are stopped by the children of light, but still manage to go out, leaving the Deer and lion on flames and the city in the messy [19] .

Gaem [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Caemlyn is a capital of Andor’s kingdom, and is one of the most beautiful and populous cities on the Randland continent. Caemlyn is located in the eastern area of ​​the kingdom of Andor; To the west are the Cary river and the vast countryside of the central part of the kingdom, while in the east there are the Erinin river and the city of Aringill; To the north the open flat countryside turns into Braem Wood, while in the south it turns into the hills of Kintara that separate the city to be Madding. Five large roads depart from Caemlyn. The road to Caemlyn, who starts from the Whitebridge door, leads to the west: cross the Cary at the height of Carysford, then runs through many villages (Market Sheran, four kings, Arien) and reaches the town of Whitebridge on the Arinelle river; Finally, he continues to the north-west, crossing uninhabited woods, up to the Mineral District of Baerlon at the foot of the Mountains of Nebbia, to the extreme west of Andor; An extension of this road, south of Baerlon, leads to the region of twin rivers. The road to Erinin, which starts from the morning door, leads to the east: it crosses the eastern part of the kingdom until we reach the banks of the Erin to the town of Aringill; Another road then, on the eastern shore, leads north-east going up the Alguanya and reaches Cairhien. The road to Far Madding, which starts from the door of Far Madding, brings to the south: after crossing the countryside of Andor’s south-east, the southern border passes and runs in the middle of the Kintara hills, until it comes to Madding; From there, other roads depart for the states overlooking the sea of ​​storms, towards Tear and Ilianian. The way to Lugard leads south-west: he meets, at the border with the Murandy, to the road that connects four kings to Lugard, and continues to the latter; Hence other roads then lead to Illilian and Jehannah. A fifth road leads to the north: it reaches Braem Wood at the village of New Braem, and continues north through uninhabited lands to beyond the Luan River, until it reaches the island that hosts Tar Valon; From it, four roads run to the four kingdoms of the border brands (Saldea, Kandor, Arafel and Shienar), while another heads for Cairhien.

The city of Caemlyn is depicted in a map in the fifth volume of the cycle, The fires of the sky [20] . Caemlyn is a great city, among the largest in the Randland continent and the most beautiful in the world after Tar Valon; Its population is around 300,000 inhabitants. Caemlyn is surrounded by fifty walls, light gray color with white and silver streaks, interspersed with round towers [21] and interrupted by five doors: to the west (Whitebridge door), to the east (morning door), to the south (Porta di Far Madding), to the south-west and to the north; The doors are also flanked by Torri [22] . Caemlyn is based on low hills [23] , which grow and reach the culmination in an area in the southern part of the city: this area, called the internal city, is separated from the rest of Caemlyn (the part called the new city) by a second round of walls, white in color [23] , while the gray walls separate the new city from the densely populated agricultural area outside, Caemlyn Bassa [24] . The internal city is the core of Caemlyn; It was built by the Ogier [21] long before the rest of the city, and contains a greater number of towers and domes (white, purple and gold) than the new city and external walls [23] . A good half of the internal city is occupied by the Royal Palace, which acts from the headquarters of the Andor government and a residence for the Queen; The internal walls open up to three doors: one of these is called the door of the Owry [25] . The new city was built by humans in more recent times around the walls of the internal city, even if especially on the north side; It is crossed by a large avenue divided in two by a tree -lined area [23] , which connects the door of Whitebridge and the morning, combining the road to Caemlyn and the road to Erinin. An Ogier grove was also planted at the internal city and a door of the streets erected. The expansion of Caemlyn outside the white walls, which created the new city, led to the destruction of the grove [26] ; The door is now located inside the new city, in the cellar of a shop [27] .

Caemlyn was founded, with the name of Hai Caemlyn, after the fracture of the world (year 0 0 D.F.) and before the troloc wars (year 1000-1350 D.F.); At that time, the place where the city arose was part of the powerful kingdom of Coremanda, one of those who signed the pact of the ten nations. Several cities of Coremanda were built by Ogier at that time: among these the capital Shaemal, Braem and Naililine Sambara. At that time you have Caemlyn made up only of the current internal city; It was one of the major squares of the kingdom, and it was important for trade thanks to the proximity of the Erinin river [28] . Little are talked about The wheel of time of the history of the Kingdom of Coremanda. Coremanda was destroyed during the troloc wars, and its territory divided into smaller kingdoms; You have Caemlyn in this period he began to call himself only Caemlyn, and became part of the kingdom of Caembarin, perhaps as a capital. Caembarin then became part of the Shandalle under Artur Hawkwing, and later of its vast empire; Hawkwing united Caembarin and Aldhashar and transformed them into the province of Andor, and made his capital of Caemlyn [29] . After the death of Hawkwing (994 A.L.) and the fall of the Empire, the province of Andor became an independent state, the kingdom of Andor, under Queen Ishara Casalain; Caemlyn became the capital of the kingdom. The new city and Caemlyn Bassa were formed in the following 1200 years.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , Caemlyn appears for the first time The eye of the world . Rand AT’ATor and Mat Cauthon, who are fleeing from the Myrdraal of Whitebridge and from the friends of the darkness, finally arrive in Caemlyn, an important stage of the journey to Tar Valon that the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damaded had established for the group fleeing the twin rivers (group that included, in addition to Rand, Mat and Moiraine, Perrin Aybara, Egwene to do, Lan Mandragoran, Thom Merrilin and later also Nynaeve atera); The two go to the inn called Blessing of the Queen that Thom had advised them in Whitebridge before abandoning them, and are welcomed by the innkeeper Basel Gill, who hosts them for some time [30] . In this period Mat becomes somewhat unstable for the influence of the Shadar Logoth’s dagger, and thus often remains in the room. Rand meets Loial, an Ogier, in the reading room of the inn; The two speak a lot of history and Ogier, and Rand tells of his adventure: Loial therefore senses that Rand, Mat and Perrin must be ta’Vren, and decides to follow Rand in his future travels [thirty first] . Rand leaves the inn and goes to see the passage of the false dragon Logain Ablar for Caemlyn; To see it better, Rand climbs a wall, but then falls on the other side [32] And he discovers he ended up in the garden of the royal palace. There he meets the principles Gawyn Trakand and Galad Damuded and Princess Elayne Trakand, but before he can escape he is achieved by Martyn Tallanvor, who escorts him by Queen Morgase. In the throne room, Rand is conducted in the presence of Morgase and the ESI Sedai Elaida; He is suspected of being a threat to the queen’s children, but his innocence is proven, and Morgase lets him go [33] . After Rand returns to Blessing of the Queen , Basel Gill receives a visit of five children of the light, which are however driven away; Rand discovers that, while it was away, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Egwene and Perrin came to the inn, and embrace them again. Then they go upstairs and see Mat very unstable, and Moiraine understands that this is due to the influence of Mashadar through the dagger; The AES Sedai walks everyone away and tries to cure him [34] , managing to free him temporarily from Shadar Logoth’s contamination. Loial meets the other members of the group, who tell their respective events; During the speech Rand, Mat and Perrin reveal the dreams sent to them by Ba’Alzamon and the others learn of the level of the darkness to threaten the eye of the world: then Moiraine decides to change destination on their journey, and establishes that they would all be due Get in the stain leaving aside for the moment TAR Valon. The AES Sedai asked Loial to take them to Fal Dara (near the Macchia) through the streets, but the Ogier opposes Machin Shin due to Machin Shin [35] ; In the end, however, he surrenders, and leads the group through the streets out of Caemlyn to Fal Dara, in Shienar [36] .

In the second book, The big hunt , Thom Merrilin is found alive to Cairhien da Rand, and Thom tells him that he too had gone from Caemlyn and had gone to the Blessing of the Queen , shortly after Rand’s group had left her [37] ; Thom probably continued east along the road to Erinin, and after having passed Aingill he headed north-east to Cairhien.

In the third book, The reborn dragon , Mat and Thom go together again in Caemlyn. Mat, who was in Tar Valon after being permanently treated by the influence of the dagger, gets from Egwee, Nynaeve and Elayne Trakand a pass of the Amyrlin Seat Siuan Sanche to leave the city if Mat had agreed to bring to the Queen Morgase a letter by Elayne [38] ; Mat accepts and, after meeting Thom in an inn of the city, The tanchic woman , convinces him to come with him [39] . The two go up on the Gray seagull And, descending Erinin, they land in Aringill; From here then Mat wins horses to the game thanks to his luck of Ta’Vren [40] , and he and Thom come to Caemlyn. They are again hosted by Basel Gill [41] , and Mat goes to the Royal Palace to deliver Elayne’s letter to his mother; However, before presenting himself in his presence, an orille by chance a conversation that reveals to him that Lord Gaebril (new councilor of Morgase) is plotting to kill Elayne and ensure the throne of Andor. Mat passes through Thom Grinwell, a hypothetical brother of Else Grinwell, novice of the white tower, and delivers the letter to the queen without revealing his identity [42] ; Then he recalls Thom, and together they leave Caemlyn and run towards Aringill and then headed to Tear, where Elyne is going, so you can save her from the conspiracy of Gaebril [43] .

Caemlyn reappears in the fifth book, The fires of the sky , when it turns out that Lord Gaebril is actually the Reietto Rahvin, who controls Queen Morgase and in fact holds power in Andor [44] ; Rand comes to know from Lanfer during his stay in the Aiel desert [45] . Morgase manages to escape from Caemlyn with some people faithful to her (Lini, Tallanvor, Basel Gill, Lamgwin Dorn and Breane Taborwin) before Rahvin can kill her, but in doing so he leaves the power completely in the hands of the Reietto [forty six] ; Morgase is later believed to be dead, killed by the reborn dragon. After conducting the people of the Aiel beyond the ridge of the world and driven out the Shaido da Cairhien, Rand is secretly brings Mat, Aviendha, Asmodaan and a handful of Aiel to Caemlyn to kill Rahvin; He kills the three [47] , but Rand chases him in the royal palace through Ti’Aran’Rchiod (where he meets Nynaeve) and destroys him with evil fire: thanks to this, the three return to life. Liberata Caemlyn from Rahvin, Rand occupies it [48] . The last chapter of the book sees the arrival at the Palazzo di Davram Bashere, a general marshal of the Saldea, who will become one of the leaders of the dragon army [49] .

In the next book, The Lord of the chaos , Rand lies in Caemlyn for long periods interspersed with occasional trips to other places: traveling several times in Cairhien [50] [51] [52] To better control the political situation in the area, which is not yet stable from the death of King Galldrian. He also receives the visit of Mazrim Taim, a false dragon that submits to him [53] And that is therefore led by traveling on a farm not far from Caemlyn (who will become the black tower), where Taim begins to recruit and train the Asha’man [54] . It also leads three Ogier (the elderly Haman, Covrin and Erith) first to Shadar Logoth, then in the twin rivers looking for Loial to bring it back to the Steding Shangtai [55] . Towards the end of the volume, Rand is kidnapped by a group of 39 aes sedai of the tower led by Galina Casban while it is in Caemlyn, is closed in a box and brought out in secret by the city [56] ; Perrin, however, who is also located at the Palace, senses what happened and starts with the faithful forces in Rand who are in the city. He reaches the Aes Sedai to the Pozzi di Dumai and defeats them in a great battle [57] .

In the seventh book, The crown of swords , Caemlyn no longer becomes a place where the facts take place: Rand and Perrin return to the battle by heading to Cairhien, while Elayne, Nynaeve and Mat are still in Ebou Dar and Egwee is traveling from Salidar. Neither The Pagno dei Dagnali , Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha finally arrive in Caemlyn together with the Aes Sedai of Ebou Dar, the seekers of the people of the sea and the women of the family [58] ; Egwene, who is leading the Aes Sedai of Salidar towards the White Tower, decides not to go for Caemlyn and Andor, but to travel directly to TAR Valon [59] . It is The heart of winter , Elayne resides for a long period in Caemlyn, in the royal palace, where it tries to consolidate her power against her opponents (Lisse Sarand, Naean Arawn, Arymilla Marne, Nasin Caeren) to have the throne of Andor; Rand also returns for a certain period to Caemlyn, and in this period of time Elyne is pregnant with two twins, as Min predizes to Aviendha [60] . Finally, Elyne is informed by Halwin Norry that four small armies are marching from the east towards Caemlyn, and she is preparing for the siege [sixty one] .

Carysford [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Carlysford is a large village belonging to the kingdom of Andor; his name (which means Guado del Cary ) derives from the fact that at this point the road to Caemlyn crossed a time with a ford, and now with a small bridge consumed by use, the high course of the Cary river (in this point just thirty steps wide [62] because of its proximity to the source, in Braem Wood). Along the road to Caemlyn, to the west, there are several villages (Market Sheran, four kings, Arien), the town of Whitebridge on the Arinelle and finally the Mineratory district of Baerlon at the foot of the Mountains of Fog, while in the east, to one or two days of horse after the Cary, there is the capital of the kingdom, Caemlyn; To the south, the river flows through the campaigns of Andor to those of the Murandy and the hills of Kintara, while in the north you go up to its source in Braem Wood, at the Village of New Braem.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , Carysford compare ne The eye of the world , when Rand al’ATor and Mat Cauthon, fleeing the Myrdraal of Whitebridge and by the friends of the darkness of the following villages, are discharged from Hyam Kinch during the night, and adapt to sleeping in a pile of hay on the east shore before Start quickly for Caemlyn [63] .

Deven Ride [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Deven Ride is a village near the twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor; However, the Region is so isolated that for generations have not been seen soldiers or debt collectors of the Andoran taxes, and the inhabitants of Deven Ride do not even remember to be part of any kingdom. Deven Ride is the southernmost settlement in the region: it is located along the ancient road, which starts from the Carraio bridge of Emond’s Field to the north and ends on the white river to the south. To the west of the village there are the western wood and the sandy hills, and even more west there are the mountains of fog; At the east there are only open fields up to the buyer. Deven Ride is a smaller village than Emond’s Field; It is made of small houses with straw roofs surrounding a central pond surrounded by a stone wall. Has little importance in the events of The wheel of time , still less than the other villages, since it is located on the opposite side with respect to the road that leads out of the twin rivers; however The rise of the shade , during the fighting against the troloc army, Perrin receives unexpected help from the village that sends a large group of inhabitants in the moment of need.

Narrower [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Dorlan is a village that is located a few tens of miles east of Tar Valon and is a very small village, consisting of just about fifteen stone houses and without even a tavern. His only trade is that of cheeses, headed for the white tower. After the disaster of the battle of the Pozzi di Dumai, Elaida sends the dozen of Aes Sedai to Dorlan who managed to retire unscathed by the battle, and also the remaining Gawyn Trakand puppies, all placed under the command of the red covarla Baldene. Later, after the rebels have already started the siege in Tar Valon in the middle of winter, Torna Feir arrive at Dorlan, returning from his mission to Salidar, then Katerine Alruddin, managed to escape from captivity to Cairhien. Shortly afterwards the yellow Narenwin Barda also arrives to take command of the sisters present, while Tarna and Katerine reach Tar Valon with makeshift means. When Narewin takes the command together with covarla, he transmits the order of Elaida to use all the sisters present and Gawyn’s puppies in guerrilla actions against the rebels, who continue to besiege the city successfully. In book XII Gawyn he runs of frustration in guerrilla war actions against his former master Gareth Bryne therefore returns to the village of Dorlan, which constitutes his main base, where he trains furiously with the Gaidin (including the valiant Sleete). Shortly after Katerine returns briefly to Dorlan on Elaida’s order: Katerine teaches to hatch it and Narewin the new textures to travel, so that they can hit the enemies better, but however, let go in front of Gawyn the fate of Egwene, therefore He deserts to go and help her, leaving the hated village in a hurry.

Emond’s Field [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Emond’s Field is the village from which the three protagonists come (Rand all, Matrimo Cauthon and Perrin Aybara) and other important characters. It is located in the region of the twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor; However, due to the extreme isolation of the area, the inhabitants were not visited by a soldier or by a Andorian tax debt collector for generations, and now nobody remembers to be part of a kingdom. Emond’s Field is the most important village of twin rivers. It is located at the intersection of three roads: the road of the quarry, to the west, which penetrates the western wood and in the sandy hills to the mountains of fog; The ancient road, which descends to the south, crosses the village of Deven Ride and reaches the white river; And the northern road, which instead rises to the north, crosses Watch Hill and reaches Taren Ferry, on the banks of the Taren river. The ancient road and the northern road are actually the same way: in fact they join EMond’s Field at the Carraio bridge; however by tradition [sixty four] They have different names. Emond’s Field is a very small village compared to large cities outside the twin rivers. At the center of the village is the park, a vast grassy clearing; The road of the quarry reaches it, and the carraio bridge is also located in the park. In its western part, from a rocky outcrop flows the source of wine, the only other important river of the twin rivers, which owes its name to the sweetness of the water; It flows quickly to the east through the twin rivers and branches out in dozens of rivoletti that form the marsh, before throwing themselves into the Taren and in the white river. Two small bridges pass on the source of wine for people and the largest carraio step for the wagons.

Fal Dara [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Fal Dara is a city located in the Kingdom of Shienar and is described both at the end of the first book of the saga, The eye of the world that at the beginning of the second book, The big hunt . It looks like a large fortified city, with a double belt of mighty walls and pitches, in the center of which there is a fortress. The city is located not far from the border with the large spot and on the road that leads to the Tarwin pass and from there towards the lost Malkier. It arises at the ruins of the ancient Mafal Dadaranell And in its absorption there is also one Porta delle Vie Ogier . Fal Dara’s Lord is Agelmar Jagad, one of the five great captains.

The houses of the city have wooden tip roofs, with a very acute pitched that reaches almost to the ground, an indication of a very snowy winter. The fortress or fortress is, as already mentioned, at the center of Fal Dara and is also the residence of Lord Agelmar. It rises on a hill and is surrounded by a dry moat, on the bed of which countless iron spikes have been planted. In the court of the fortress there are numerous blacksmith’s shops. The openings of the buildings are all of the narrow slits, suitable for rejecting the assaults with the arrows. The corridors are adorned with very colorful upholstery and silk panels, with hunting and battles scenes. There are several openings towards the outside, one towards the area of ​​the kitchens, one towards the stables, to the narrow dog of the dog, placed on the back, from which only one man at a time can pass.

Kingdoms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Falme is the largest of the independent cities in the Capo Toman area, a long mountainous peninsula that lasts towards the West in the Aryth Ocean. In particular, Falme is located right on the tip of the boss and despite being the largest city in the area, it is considerably smaller than the large cities of the continent. It was built on high cliffs overlooking the sea, which surround a large semicircular bay, whose port mouth is dominated by the towers of the Do miere a’vron . In fact, in the city there is the company of the so -called Do miere a’vron (the lookouts on the waves) whose members for centuries have waited for the return of the armies of the son of Artur Hawkwing, Luthair Paendrag, who left towards overseas countries; Return that actually takes place with the arrival of the Seanchan. Falme’s piers are stone and the city rises all around the port, along the steep escorts surrounding the bay. Even the buildings are built of dark rock, but nobody is particularly large, while the roads are paved with pebbles. Falme was built near the ancient city of Mierealle, a center of the disappeared nation of Safer during the period of the ten nations. Not far away, therefore, there is one of the doors of the Ogier streets through which Padan Fain arrives in book II.

Many of the final events of book III of the race take place in falme; Furthermore, in book XIII near the city of Falme there is a first meeting between the reborn dragon and the seanchan imperator.

Father Madding [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Far Madding flag

Far Madding is a city-state that is located north of the plane of Maredo, on the hills of Kintara, which were once the seat of the homonymous kingdom of Kintara, now completely disappeared. The city stands on an island, at the center of a lake, and is connected to the mainland through three bridges, one who connects it to the road to Caemlyn, one to that for Ilianian and the last one to the one for Tear. In the city there are three main and large squares of the market, where foreigners are allowed to trade.

Over time, this city has changed its name several times: thanks to a comment derived from the memories of Lews Therin Canva, it is known that in the legendary era it was known as Aren Deshar and even then its inhabitants treated with a certain suspicion i manipulators of the only power. After the fracture of the world he was called Aren Mador and was the capital of the Nation of Essenia, one of the states belonging to the pact of the ten nations, while after the troloc wars he became Feli Moreina. Finally, he took the current name after the hundred years of age who caused the disintegration of the great empire of Artur Hawkwing, also becoming the capital of the Kingdom of Maredo. When the latter also disregarded, Far Madding became an independent city. In book IX, the reborn dragon goes to the city to eliminate some traitors Asha’man, but remains imprisoned. Cadsuane Sedai, however, manages to deceive the advice that holds the city and to make him free. In book XII, the sovereigns of the border brands ask the dragon to meet, but since they have chosen Far Madding as a place, the dragon gets angry and threatens to destroy with Choedan Kal both the hated city, and only the providential intervention Nynaeve convinces Rand not to cause an irremediable disaster. In book XIII, however, Rand, after having regained awareness of his role, agrees to meet the sovereigns, exceeds their evidence and in the end they become his followers.

Far Madding has the characteristic of being totally dominated by women, while males are kept in a position of total submission. The only males kept in respect are those known as women’s lovers, the widowed widows of wealthy women and those who deal with commerce and banks. In the inns there are separated rooms for men and women, and these “women’s rooms” are much more luxurious than the common ones, reserved for males. The inhabitants of Far Madding are quite high, with dark eyes and hair. Women bring their hair over their heads, curled up in complicated hairstyles with the most varied styles, often decorated with gold or silver jewels. They dress in high neck clothes and floral embroidery. Men bring long hair to life, kept away from the clothespin face. They wear clothes with damp colors, but revived by bright embroidery.

The government of the State is hired by the Far Madding Council, composed of thirteen women, coming from the most important families of the cities. Each of the councilors, as a distinctive sign, brings the hair collected at the top, with a golden diadem in the center of which there is an oval enamelled red; They wear long and flowing blue silk dresses, embroidered in gold, and a golden pendant with the same oval as the pendant, enamelled red, hanging on a heavy gold chain. The first councilor stands out further because the red oval on the pendant and diadem is composed of rubies, rather than enamel. In addition, his diadem is also adorned with sapphires and moon stones. Finally it brings a heavy gold ring with seal. In the city, the order is maintained in a particularly rigid and efficient way. Private individuals are not allowed to bring weapons; Foreigners must register when they arrive in the city and then leave their swords to the entrances, or if they want to keep them, they are sealed with swarms and seals of wax and lead, so that they cannot be used. If the ties are found cut, the culprits undergo a severe flogging and have to pay fines. Even the city guards wear weapons only at the gates of the city and on the walls, but they have to leave them in the barracks when their shifts end. Of the Ronde, the streets of the city are continuously patient and all those who are caught disturbing the tranquility, are captured with cappings applied to long sticks and brought to prison to be judged.

Far Madding is completely shielded by the only power, more or less like one of the Ogier Steding, thanks to an imposing ter’angreal, that is called the guardian. It can be operated by the non -chanators and is a huge and complicated machine made up of three several large opaque color discs. Each of the three discs brings a crystal and degrees indicator are marked along their circumference. The guardian creates three protection areas above the city. The first area ends up on the bridges of the city and fencing saidar , the second, wider for about a mile around the city, fencing saidin . The third and largest area that arrives up beyond the hills, captures the use of the only power by both men and women. When the guardian understands the use of power, the three crystal signs point towards the origin, indicating the position through a triangulation. Crystal signals become red when you are captured saidar and black when he is captured saidin .

Market Sheran [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Market Sheran is a small village belonging to the kingdom of Andor. It is located in the central-eastern area of ​​the kingdom, on the so-called road to Caemlyn; Along the way, to the west, there are some villages (four kings, Arien), then the city of Whitebridge on the Arinelle and finally the Mineral District of Baerlon at the foot of the Mountains of Nebbia, while in the east there are other villages (such as CARYSFORD ) and finally, beyond the Cary river, the capital Caemlyn; To the south there are campaigns until the middle course of the Cary and the Kintara hills, while the Braem Wood is located in the north. Market Sheran has an inn, also called Market Sheran , owned by Rulan Allwine [65] .

In the cycle de The wheel of time , the village appears The eye of the world , when Rand al’oth and Mat Cauthon, on the run from the Myrdraal of Whitebridge and the friend of the darkness of four kings, stop in the alwine inn for one night; The following morning, however, they meet a boy, Paitr conel, who turns out to be a friend of darkness [66] , and flee from the village.

Mayne [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bandiera Di Maynene

Mayne is a small city-state of the Randland continent, which is located to the south-east. Mayne’s banner consists of a gilded Falcone with wings explained in the blue field. Mayne is located on a small peninsula that extends for about a hundred miles in the sea of ​​storms. The peninsula is separated from the rest of the continent by the so -called submerged lands, a region frequently invaded by the tides and which therefore periodically transform the peninsula into a real island. To the west Mayne borders Tear and in particular with the Tairense city of Godan, which overlooks a small gulf (called the Bay of Remara), which separates the Maynese peninsula from the west from the rest of the continent.

Mayne is considered the smallest of the nations, which is located under the constant threat of being conquered by the nearby and much more powerful nation of Tear. For this reason, a constant of the policy of its rulers has always been first of all to ensure the support of other more powerful states, so counterbalance the Tairense expansion, secondly to try to play one against the other, the factions that divide them High gentlemen of Tear. Mayne has been governed since its foundation, by the Paeron dynasty of the first of Mayne, direct descendants by the great emperor Artur Hawkwing. In the absence of the former, Mayne’s latter take care of carrying out the government affairs. The country’s main wealth comes from the fish oil trade and the Maynese are the only ones to know the exact position of the rich fishing benches, from which to draw this product. The position of Mayne, close to the island of Cindalkin (of the people of the sea) and close to Shara, has also favored the city as regards other fruitful trade. About 698 of the new era, the first of Mayne Halvar, raised the prices of the fish oil of his nation, to avoid hostile actions by Tear, manufacturer of olive oil and willing to discover the benches Maynenes’ fishing. In addition, Halvar gave the rulers of Tear a powerful Ter’angreal from the shape of a red stone threshold.

The current Mayne’s housekeeper is the first Berelain Sur Paendrag Tanreal of Casa Paeron, a young woman, beautiful and seductive, very skilled politically and as a housekeeper, who is no problem in using her beauty and female qualities, what better defense for its small nation. Berelain was almost in the hostage condition of the high gentlemen of Tear, when the reborn dragon conquered the stone. From that moment, Berelain has offered his services to the dragon (he even tried to seduce him), so as to ensure his support for Mayne. Berelain therefore ruled Cairhien in the name of the dragon, then sent his troops to free him in the battle of the Pozzi di Dumai, also helped reveal the intrigues of colavaere Saighan. In addition, Berlain tried to seduce even one of the best friends of the dragon, Perrin Aybara (causing many problems to the wedding of him), therefore Berelain followed the latter in his businesses, helping him in many situations and finally developing a sincere comparison with him friendship and great respect. The Winged guards of Mayne constitute the country’s elite body and mainly deal with the safety of the former. During the book XIV most of the yellow Hahh sisters take refuge in Mayne, together with all the admitted and novices; Over there the Aes Sedai give life to a huge hospital, to heal the wounded of the various battlefields, transferred through portals to travel.

Four kings [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Four kings (in the original English edition: Four Kings ) is a relatively large village [sixty seven] belonging to the kingdom of Andor; Its name derives from the fact that in this place during the war of the hundred years, before the foundation of the village, the Queen Maragaine of Andor fought and won four enemy kings in a great battle [68] . Four kings is located in the central-eastern area of ​​the kingdom, on the so-called road to Caemlyn; Along this road, to the west, there are several villages (such as Arien), then the city of Whitebridge on the Arinelle and finally the Mineral District of Baerlon at the foot of the Mountains of Nebbia, while in the east there are other villages (Market Sheran, Carysford ) and beyond the Cary river, the capital, Caemlyn; Another road starts from four kings and heads to the south, towards the Murandy, while campaigns extend to the north up to Braem Wood. The village is an important hub of the Andor trade: from here the caravans pass from the western mines who head east to Caemlyn or south to Lugard (direct trade between Caemlyn and Lugard instead follows another way) [sixty seven] ; For this reason, four kings are larger than the other neighboring countries and houses no less than four inn [69] , when many villages have just one.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , the village of four kings appears in the first book ( The eye of the world ) When Rand A’T’Tor and Mat Cauthon, fleeing the Myrdraal of Whitebridge, stop in the inn of the Dancing carts . Saml Hake, the innkeeper, locks them in an old warehouse on the back to steal the sword of Rand and the dagger with Mat’s ruby, and the two also receive a visit to a friend of darkness, Howal enjoys; However, thanks to their influence of Ta’Vren, lightning strikes the warehouse and creates an escape route for them, who run away from Dancing carts and from the village of four kings [70] .

Sale [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Salidar is a small village located in the kingdom of Altara, in a wooded area near the Eastern shore of the southern course of the Eldar river.

Salidar was abandoned about forty years before the start of the saga, during the so -called white cloak war, because, finding himself on the borders, he suffered the continuous incursions of the enemy armies. Later, starting from the fourth book, we learn that in the abandoned village, the Aes Sedai rebelli had found refuge, who had opposed the election of Elaida to Amyrlin Seat, after the deposition of Siuan Sanche. The locality was chosen for its symbolic value, it was in fact the home of the legendary Amyrlin Seat Deane Aryman, coming from Azzurra’s Hahah, who restored the power of the white tower, after the disasters caused by the Red Hamirlyn Bonwhin. Furthermore, being near the border with white coat (traditional enemies of the Aes Sedai) and in a wooded and hidden area, it lent itself well as a hidden and unlikely base of the rebellion (actually elaid, thanks to its spies, already of the book VI It shows that she has discovered the rebel refuge, thus sending Tarna Feir, as an ambassador, to try an unlikely reconciliation). In Salidar, more than three hundred and thirty aes sedai rebellious, including almost all of those from Blue Ajah, gradually gathered. They, with their custodians, gave birth to a white tower in exile (symbolically called the “small tower”), restoring ruined buildings, changing and disseminating land, collecting an army to whose guide then placed General Gareth Bryne. Six sisters initially took the guidance of these rebels, forming the so -called “Salidar advice”: Sheriam, Anaya, Carlinya, Myrelle, Morvrin and Beonin.

But until the arrival of Siuan, Min, Logain and Leane and then that of Nynaeve and Elayne, the rebellious sisters took on a rather awaited position, fearful of performing irreparable acts against those who remained in the tower. During the book, for example, Tarna arrived to Salidar, as an ambassador of Elaida, but the rebels replied with dilator attitudes to the proposals for reconciliation. In book XII, it is then known that in this waitist attitude they were influenced by a group of areas, sent as infiltrated by the heads of the Ajah, to try to recompose the fracture between the two groups of sisters. But they were also probably hindered by Beonin herself, which in book XI proves to be an elaid spy. In any case, Siuan, who still controlled the ego-egg eyes (i.e. the spionistic services) of the AMYLLIN SEAT and those of the blue Hahh, managed to unlock the situation. In fact, the former Amyrlin was very skilled in maneuvering and encouraging the rebels, first of all causing a further break with the tower, thanks to the spread of the false news that Logain Ablar had been induced to proclaim himself as a false dragon with Red Ajah; Then he induced the election of new areas, to give life to a council of the replacement white tower and finally above all causing the election of the young Egwene to be, as his own Amyrlin. Subsequently, Egwee and Siuan, exploiting the threatening presence of Matrimo Cauthon and his Band of the Red hand, finally convinced the rebels to march the reconquest of the White Tower, which led to a new abandonment of salidar.

Shadar logoth [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The ruins of the lost city of Shadar Logh, the ancient Aridhol are located in an unprocessed point between the prairies of Caralain and the kingdom of Andor, along the banks of the Arinelle river. Aridhol was the capital of the homonymous kingdom, which, to escape the advance of the shadow at the time of the troloc wars, became prey to a different type of evil. The cause of this evil was the evil councilor Mordeth, who suggested to Aridhol’s sovereigns not to give help to the Manetheren in difficulty and to fight evil with selfishness and then with the same ruthlessness and evil. The city soon fell into ruin, while the inhabitants were won by paranoia and exterminated each other.

Shadar Logoth, the name assumed the city, means ” where the shadow awaits “In fact, in majestic ruins, during the night, it moves Mashadar , a predatory being, without intellect, nebulous as fog, whose mortal touch absorbs the soul of its victims. Furthermore, in the city the evil spirit of Mordeth was still imprisoned, who deceived the unwary visitors to bring with it a precious object taken from the lost treasures, so as to be able to spread in the world. This is the case of maleficer dagger , taken clearly by Matrimo Cauthon during the first book. Also during the first book, Padan Fain also remains in the city which gradually merges with Mordeth.

At the end of book VII among the ruins of the city, the duel between the Reietto Sammael and the reborn dragon takes place, during which Rand has a strange meeting with Moridin (who will have particular consequences for both) while Sammael is taken by Mashadar. At the end of the book Nono Shadar Logoth is completely destroyed during the process of Pulitura in Saidin , operated by the reborn dragon. Instead of the cursed city there is only a huge circular crater that will soon be filled by a lake.

Tar of the light [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Tar Valon flag

Tar Valon is a city-state in which the white tower of the Aes Sedai stands. The banner of the white tower is configured as follows: in the center the white flame of Tar Valon, surrounded by the colors of the seven Ajah, placed in concentric spiral stripes. The city of Tar Valon was built on an island of the Erinin river, on the slopes of Montedrago; The island bears the same name as the city, it has an elongated lozenge shape and measure in length, from north to south, about ten miles, while in its point of maximum width, it measures about three or four miles, which corresponds to little Less than fifty square kilometers of surface (for a comparison the island of Manhattan measures eighty km²). The island arose at the time of the fracture of the world, when the dragon of that era, Lews Therin Canva, in a moment of lucidity, after the madness that had made him exterminate his family, committed suicide drawing a huge amount of unique power ; His act raised Montedrago, a huge volcanic cone which is also the highest mountain in the world, and the raising of the mountain had the course of the nearby Erinin river diverted, giving shape to the island of Tar Valon. About three thousand and four hundred years later, the new incarnation of the dragon was born precisely on the slopes of Montedrago: Rand al’ATor.

The city is the fulcrum of the organization of the AES Sedai in fact in the center of the island of Tar Valon is the so -called white tower (entirely built in white stone), which in addition to being properly a very high tower (exceeds one hundred spanns in height And it is therefore considered the highest building in the world), it also indicates the set of buildings and buildings that arise around it; In the tower and in these buildings, the Aes Sedai reside and above all the Amyrlin Seat is located, the highest authority among the Aes Sedai themselves; The same term is also used to indicate the advice that she chairs, the advice of the white tower, made up of three representatives for each Ajah. Thanks to its central position on the continent, on a navigable and widely exploited river, Tar Valon is a very rich city, especially for trade and is also the most populated on the continent of the wet lands, with about half a million inhabitants. The city of Tar Valon is considered the most beautiful in the known world, the main buildings were built by Ogier craftsmen and the buildings are distinguished by their organic nature. TAR VALON is surrounded by two circles of walls, which have been built and strengthened with the use of the only power: within the more external circle, which contains the whole island, almost all of the city population resides, people common; Instead in the internal circle is the white tower with all the administrative, cultural and residential buildings of the Aes Sedai and their custodians (therefore the city guards and all the servants and employees of the Aes Sedai also reside there). Among these central buildings, there is the famous Tar Valon library, the largest in the world, edited by Borrone’s. Inside the city there is also an Ogier grove and a Porta delle Vie , in fact the Ogier, with their art of manufacturers, have contributed to making the city one of the most beautiful in the world. The city can be accessed either through the eight bridges that climb both the banks of the Erinin river, or by ship, landing in circular ports, located at the north and south ends of the island. This city is considered impregnable, but in reality during the Trolloc war (About two thousand years before Rand and his friends took place) The offspring of the shadow and the lords of terror managed to violate the defenses, even going so far as to threaten the same white tower. A thousand years before the events of the reborn dragon, Tar Valon was also besieged unnecessarily for almost twenty years by the Arthur Hawkwing armies, because he, like the children of light, was convinced that the Aes Sedai were actually allied of the shade.

Taren Ferry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Taren Ferry is the northernmost of the four villages in the region of the twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor, and is somewhat different from the others: it is the least isolated, since in Taren Ferry there is the only way to enter and leave the region, and There are many more exchanges with the outside [71] ; This difference gave rise to the belief, in the other villages, that the people of Taren Ferry is strange and not very reliable, and of reflection to Taren Ferry it is believed that the other villages are “lower”. Taren Ferry is crossed by the Taren river, and owes its name to the ferry that allows communication with the outside. To the south it is connected by the northern road with Watch Hill and Emond’s Field, while in the north another road on the opposite bank leads to Baerlon; To the west there are the western wood and the sandy hills, and even more west, the mountains of fog stand out, on which Eldrene’s veil is located (a waterfall considered the source of the Taren); At the east there are open fields.

Taren Ferry is crossed The eye of the world From the group fleeing from Emond’s Field: Rand A’Hor, Perrin Aybara, Matrimo Cauthon, Egwene ate, the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damuded, the custodian Lan Mandragoran and the minstrel Thom Merrilin; They are ferried by Mastro Torralta and six other men on the other side of Taren, and then Moiraine sinks their boat. Little time later, Nynaeve also crosses the Taren on the same ferry. Neither The rise of the shade , Taren Ferry is first submissive by the children of light and then destroyed by the second horde of Troloc; in the prologue de The Lord of the chaos , it is said that people who lived around the village are reconstructing him, and that Milla azar is the new wise man. The only well -known inhabitants of Taren Ferry are Mastro Torralta and the wise Milla azar.

Tear [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Tear flag

Tear It is a powerful city-state that constitutes one of the main states of the Randland continent, is located south-east and overlooks the sea of ​​storms. Its inhabitants are called Tairenesi (although in Italian books the English term Tairens It was often translated into Tarenesi). In an interview, the author said that the Tairenesi speak English with an Hispanic accent. [ without source ] The description of the country in many respects recalls that of the Iberian peninsula, while that of the population recalls aspects of the populations of Eastern Asia. Tear’s banner is established as follows: three growing silver moon, arranged diagonally on a chopped field, half red and a half gold.

The territory of Tear extends over a remarkable portion of the south -eastern territory of the continent. To the west, the border extends to the plane of Maredo, disputes to the Rival Illylian; In the north the border is lost in the large Haddon Mirk forest; At the east he arrives on the slopes of the ridge of the world, while the whole south of the country overlooks the sea of ​​storms, with a peninsular offshoot that continues towards the city-state of Mayne. From north to south the town is crossed by the final stretch of the great Erinin river, which enters the sea with a vast delta, called the Dragon fingers. At the Delta there is the homonymous and powerful capital, the city of Tear, which with about three hundred thousand inhabitants is among the major on the continent, with a port, both river and maritime, among the most active. East is Godan, the only other city of a certain relevance in the country.

Tear has been a former kingdom, in fact for many centuries the high lords of Tear, that is, the greatest nobles of the country, have taken the reins of the government in hand without appointing any sovereign. Tear is very often in conflict with the Città-State rival of Ilianian, who is located in the west, for the possession of the plains of Maredo and for commercial rivalries; Another of the constants of Tear’s foreign policy was to want to conquer directly, or at least be able to control indirectly, the small city-state of Mayne, who is instead south-east. In recent years Tear has been conquered by the reborn dragon, after being for a short time under the influence of the Reietto Be’lal, disguised as a high sir Samon. The dragon introduced measures to the most humble population and tried to put limits on the overwhelmingness and intrigues of the treacherous high gentlemen, some of whom have rebelled. The dragon therefore appointed the high gentleman Darlin Sisnera as his superintendent. The high rebellious gentlemen later accepted the conditions to end their revolt, with the appointment of Darlin to King of Tear. In book XIII, Amyrlin Egwene exchanges a dense correspondence with King Darlin, to induce him to support it, going with all his army to the Merrilor plain.

The Tairenese population is described with a rather dark, but not black complexion. Unlike many other states of the continent, in the last centuries Tear was not governed by a sovereign, but by a council of high noble gentlemen. The number of high gentlemen with the right to sit in the Council has varied a lot over time, from a minimum of six to a maximum of twenty. Tear is a relatively rich country and its major wealth derive from the export of the famous Tairenese tapestries and rugs and the production of olive oil; The productions of wheat and fish are also abundant; The farms of stallions and horses are also very famous. Unfortunately, Tear’s nobility has indecently exploits the rest of the population, kept in miserable conditions and without the right even to sue a member belonging to the nobility, in fact the latter consider ordinary people as lower beings. In fact, there is a wall within the same capital to separate the residential area reserved for nobility, paved and luxurious, by muddy areas inhabited by the rest of the population. The advent of the reborn dragon, however, introduced many corrections to this situation of social disparity. The nobles dress bringing clothes with puff sleeves, of the type of those brought in the 16th century in Europe, the fabrics carved in the sleeves usually bear the colors of the house; In addition, men bring inlaid silver boots and beards and pointed mustache. The noblewomen bring clothes with ample skirts and always with puff sleeves and collect hair in headphones or foans embellished with gems or pearls. The popular to move to the muddy streets of the poor area of ​​the city, reserved for them, bind under the shoes or their bare feet, of the typical wooden tablets that remain raised from the ground. They also wear characteristic cone -trunk straw hats.

The city is dominated by the famous Tear stone , a huge and impressive fortress, home of the high gentlemen; It was built with the only power by a group of Aes Sedai, digging and modeling an entire rocky hill, towards the end of the fracture of the world, in order to keep the Sa’Angreal Callandor Until the advent of the reborn dragon (the room where Calllandor was located was called the Heart of the stone ); Following it, other artifacts related to the only power were collected and kept (such as Angreal, Ter’angreal ) giving shape to a remarkable collection, called the great property of Tear. The defenders of the stone are the military elite body of the state of Tear.

Watch Hill [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Watch Hill is a village that stands on a small hill that gives its name to the village. Watch Hill is located in the twin rivers region, in the kingdom of Andor; However, generations of isolation of the region, without a single soldier or debt collector of the Andorano taxes entering it, have meant that at Watch Hill (and in the rest of the twin rivers) no one remembered more to be part of a kingdom. Watch Hill is crossed by the northern road, which connects it to the south to Emond’s Field and north to Taren Ferry; To the west are the western wood and the sandy hills, and even more west there are the mountains of fog; At the east there are only open fields up to the northern propagations of the Waterwood, the dense swampy forest fed by the buyer.

In the events of The wheel of time , Watch Hill has no great importance. The village is quickly crossed (ne The eye of the world ) From the group of Pigiatives of Emond’s Field chased by Myrdraal and Draghkar: Rand A’Hor, Perrin Aybara and Matrimo Cauthon (three Ta’Vren originally from Emond’s Field), the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damaded and his custodian Lan Mandragoran, Egwene Atered (daughter of the mayor of Emond’s Field, Bran ate) and the minstrel Thom Merrilin. Neither The rise of the shade It is the scene of some events during the second wave of troloc in the twin rivers and the return to the Perrin Aybara region. The town inn is called the White wild boar [72] .

Whitebridge [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Whitebridge is a city located in the central part of the kingdom of Andor; It lies on the eastern bank of the Arinelle river [seventy three] , which at that point makes the last stretch to the south before throwing himself into the Manetherenrelle. The name derives from the Bianco Bianco, the bridge that values ​​the radiale at the entrance of the city (it is the only bridge south of Maradon in Saldea, more than 3000 km upstream, which is worth that river [74] ): This bridge is built with a mysterious white material barefoot very wide and tall twice the master’s tree of the boats that pass underneath there [75] .. Nynaeve in the book I says that the sound of the hooves on the bridge is the iron on iron, for which it is probably made up of cuendillar, and would therefore be a residue of the legendary era (the cuendillar is rediscovered only in book X). Whitebridge is a somewhat small city, if compared with the capital Caemlyn, but it is of the same size as Baerlon (even if less crowded [76] ) and is much larger than the twin rivers villages [seventy three] Or those along the road that separates it from Caemlyn. Whitebridge is about in the middle of the road to Caemlyn, the road that connects the capital Caemlyn to the east to the mining district of Baerlon to the west; It is also the only river port between Maradon to the north and the villages on Manetherendre and Ilianian to the south; These two characteristics make it a city of flourishing exchanges by land and water, based on trade. The road to Caemlyn continues west without any village or farm up to Baerlon [74] ; At the east, however, the road is dotted with villages (Arien, four kings, Market Sheran, Carysford) and isolated farms (such as that of Else Grinwell) to the capital. Whitebridge has at the center, at the point where the bridge touches the ground on the eastern shore, a large paved square where there are numerous inn, including the Rest of the wayfarers ; In addition to the bridge, you can also leave the city from a door in the walls on the eastern side, connected to the RoA from the street for Caemlyn that crosses the city.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , Whitebridge appears for the first time The eye of the world , when Rand al’ATor, Mat Cauthon and the minstrel Thom Merrilin reach the city on the ship Spray Bayle Domon descending the radiale after the vicissitudes in Shadar Logoth. The ship makes a stop of a day at the port, and the three land in the city with the intention of waiting for the other members of the group disrupted to Shadar Logoth (Moiraine Damaded, Lan Mandragoran, Egwene to do, Perrin Aybara and Nynaeve in MEARA ) or to continue the trip to Caemlyn, while the Spray He would reduce the river the following day until Illian. Rand, Mat and Thom stop at the inn Rest of the wayfarer , but there are reached by some voices: Padan Fain and a Myrdraal are looking for some people who correspond to their description and others of the group; In addition, a sailor of the Spray , Gelb, resentful with the three, puts around the rumor in the inn itself that Rand, Mat and Thom are friends of darkness. They immediately leave the inn and head towards the eastern door, but are chased by a Myrdraal; Thom launches himself towards him with daggers impregnated with power and allows Rand and Mat’s escape, who run away from Whitebridge east. [77] Nothing is known about Thom’s fate until the following book, The big hunt , where it turns out that it has survived, although with a stiff leg [78] . A few days later, Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve also come to Whitebridge through the Bianco bridge, after having ridden south on the western bank of the Arinelle from Shadar Logoth; They find a city still terrified by the appearance of Myrdraal and some houses burned in the central square. Stop at Rest of the wayfarer Receiving news of the passage of Rand, Mat and Thom there, and Moiraine decides to follow Perrin, the only boy who can still locate with certainty (thanks to the pledge he had given him to Emond’s Field); They get out quickly from Whitebridge through the eastern door, and head north-east to the caravan of the Calderai and Elyas Machera. At Withebridge, in book XIII, Perrin is then camped with his vast follow -up, before continuing to the Merrilor plain. The only inhabitant of Whitebridge appointed in the cycle is Bartim, the innkeeper of Rest of the wayfarer .

Acquitrino [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The marsh (in the original English edition: The Mire ) is a swamp; It is located in the south-eastern corner of the region of twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor; To the north it gradually transforms into the Waterwood, east is delimited by the Taren river, to the south the white river separates it from the forest of the shadows, while in the west they extend the open fields that separate it from the village of Deven Ride. It is a swampy and full of mobile sands, where very few have gone (among these there are the three protagonists, Rand A’Tor, Matrimo Cauthon and Perrin Aybara [79] ); It originated from the thousand rivoletti in which the source of wine is divided: after leaving Emond’s Field and having crossed the twin rivers in the west-east direction, this river branches out by feeding the waterwood and the built in the white river. For this characteristic impracticability, it is one of the reasons why the region of the twin rivers is so isolated: together with the rapid course of the white river, the danger of the forest of the shadows, the width of the Taren and the bad name of the mountains of fog, The marsh meant that very few enter and leave the region.

Braem Wood [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Braem Wood is a forest that extends in the north-eastern part of the kingdom of Andor; To the east, its propagities come beyond the Erinin river, in the Cairhienese area, to the north-west is delimited by the prairies of Caralain, while in the south there are the cultivated campaigns of the region around Caemlyn. In this forest several villages arise: the most important is New Braem (at the sources of the Cary), which stands near the place where the city of Braem was located, built by the Ogier in Coremanda after the fracture of the world and destroyed during the wars Troloc; Other villages found in the forest are the sources of Kore and Jornhill, in the western part. The main road that connects Caemlyn to TAR Valon crosses the forest, passing through New Braem; Another road, the road of four kings, connects the springs of Kore to the village of four kings.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , Braem Wood appears for the first time The fires of the sky , after the Escape of Min Farshaw, of the ex-Amyrlin Seat Siuan Sanche, of the ES Sedai Leane Sharif and the false dragon Logain Ablar da Tar Valon; The four arrived in Braem Wood and took refuge in a stable at the springs of Kore, but by mistake Logain sets a fire and then runs away, letting Min, Siuan and Leane be tried. Gareth Bryne, Lord of the area, condemns them to work for him, but the three women are taken away by Logain, who takes them to the south along the road of four kings to Lugard; Gareth Bryne chases them [80] . Braem Wood also appears The heart of winter : In New Braem, in fact, the four armies from the border brands, that of the Saldea (led by Tenobia Kazadi), that of Kandor (led by Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga), that of the Arafel (led by Paitar Nachiman) and that of the Shienar (led by Easar Togita); Elayne Trakand goes to New Braem with Birgitte and Aviendha to understand their intentions, and discovers that the rulers of the border brands want to speak with the reborn dragon Rand at the haor to convince him to go north to the north [81] .

Natrin hill [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Natrin hill ( Natrin’s Barrow in original) is a location of the Arad Di. In Natrin’s Barrow, near a mountain lake and an important step, an impressive fortress was built by a Noble Dinganian house, who later the sovereigns of the country acquired and transformed into a magnificent residence, given that the location was also found In a pleasant position, with a spectacular panoramic view. In Natrin’s Barrow, according to his particular aesthetic tastes, he chooses to reside Earndal, making his secret refuge, from which to disseminate chaos in the kingdom. Over there the Reietta collects, in addition to numerous servants, also all those who with its heavy compulsion He has transformed into his erotic toys. Among others, it is known that a brother of King Alsalam holds with him, his sister -in -law, his youngest sister and the oldest daughter, but it is also said that the king is not beautiful enough to be kept among his toys.

In book XII Nynaeve he manages to reveal some of the intrigues of the Reietta and, removing the compulsion from a poor boy, he discovers the hiding place of Grandal. Therefore with a rand stratagem at stor first it ensures that the reject is present in the place and then with the evil fire erases the entire building of Natrin’s Barrow from the drawing, without mercy, together with all its numerous inhabitants (which induces Nynaeve and min to review their unconditional support against Rand). In the prologue of book XIII it is discovered that Grandeal, at the last moment, manages to escape the attack, in the meantime managing to eliminate Aran’gar and Delana Mosalaine, who were his guests.

Twin rivers [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The twin rivers (in the original English edition The Two Rivers ) are the place of origin of the three major protagonists of the cycle, Rand al’ Hor, Matrimo Cauthon and Perrin Aybara and other important characters such as Egwee to do and Nynaeve atera. The author based the description of the twin rivers on his hometown, Charleston, in the South Carolina; However, there are also extraordinary similarities with the county, including the fact of being between two rivers and to produce tobacco known all over the world. [ without source ] Robert Jordan said in an interview that the inhabitants of the twin rivers speak English with Irish accent. [ without source ]

The twin rivers region is located on the continent of Randland, to the extreme West of the Kingdom of Andor; from the scale deduced from The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time by Teresa Patterson, the width from the west to the east of the region is about 250 km, while from north to south it is about 200 km. It was delimited to the west by the mountains of fog, to the south by the white river (called, outside the region, Manetheredrelle) and to the north and east by the Taren river, a tributary of the first; These two rivers give its name to the region. The region is extremely isolated from the rest of the world: it belongs to Andor, but soldiers and taxation of taxes did not show up for generations, so that the inhabitants of the place do not even remember more to be part of a kingdom. The reason for its isolation is in the geography of the place: to the west and to the south, both the mountains of fog and the white river are considered insurmountable; In the east there are the expanses of the Waterwood and the buyer, formed by the swamp that the source of wine forms before throwing itself into the two main rivers with dozens of lines; Finally, to the north, the Taren can only be crossed by means of the ferry of the village of Taren Ferry, which thus comes to be the only access to the entire region. In the western part of the twin rivers, leaning against the mountains, there are the sandy hills, which once, before the fracture of the world, had been the coasts of the ocean [82] ; The western forest is found on them, which compared to the rest of the region is less cultivable [83] . In the east of the woods there are the four villages of the region, which enclose almost all (except scattered farms) of the population of the twin rivers: from north to south they are Taren Ferry (on the banks of the Taren), Watch Hill, Emond’s Field (the main) and deven ride; These villages are connected by a road that bears two names: north of the Carraio bridge of Emond’s Field it is called northern road, and ends on the Taren, while in the south it is called Ancient Road, and ends on the white river; Another road, the cava road, crosses the western wood and ends in Emond’s Field. Also from that village, from the central disposal called the park, the only important river of the twin rivers starts except the two of the border, the source of wine, which ends in a thousand streams in the Taren and in the white river. The eastern part is dominated by the Waterwood, or river forest, and by the buyer that feeds it.

The region of the twin rivers was in ancient times the nucleus of a powerful kingdom, the Manetheren, one of those who signed the pact of the ten nations; Her capital, also called Manetheren, was near Emond’s Field. During the troloc wars, the town fought with its army alongside those of the other states of the pact, but was attacked by a gigantic armed troloc and was betrayed by the Amyrlin Seat of that time, Tetsuan [84] [85] , who persuaded the other nations not to help him; King Aemon fell on the field, and Queen Eldrene Ay Ellan Ay Carlan (also known as Ellisande), a powerful Aes Sedai, in an attempt to kill the enemy generals killed herself and destroyed the capital of the kingdom. The Manetheren was overwhelmed and was no longer raised. The refugees, returned to their homeland, founded the small communities that formed the twin rivers over time; The place where Aemon fell was called Aemon’s Field, which over time was crippled in Emond’s Field.

The twin rivers saw the birth, in the village of Emond’s Field, of Tre Ta’Vren, the protagonists of the cycle of The wheel of time : Rand al’thor, CAUTHON e Perrin Aybara. Do not The eye of the world , the three attract the attention of the darkness, who sent Padan Fain in the village to lead a troloc, Myrddraal and Draghkar army to take the boys, but it is defeated and the three rescued by the ES Sedai Moiraine Damaded and from his Guardian Lan Mandragoran; The group, which also join Egwene to do and the minstrel Thom Merrilin, runs away from the twin rivers through the ferry of Taren Ferry to the city of Baerlon. Shortly thereafter, Nynaeve also comes out of the twin rivers and puts himself in their search. After Rand proclaims herself dragon reborn at the end of The big hunt , the isolation of the twin rivers is stopped. First of all, the great migration of refugees with western kingdoms (Tarabon, Falme, Arad Dama) brings many foreigners to the region. Then, Padan Fain returns and guides another much larger army in the twin rivers through the streets; The news of the army recalls Perrin in the twin rivers at the beginning of the fourth book ( The rise of the shade ), accompanied by the Loial Ogier, by Faile Bashere and Gaul, Bain and Chiad (Tre Aiel). Perrin, with the help of the local population and two Aes Sedai already on the spot (Verin Mathwin and Alanna Mosvani), manages to defeat the army of the progene of the shadow and to drive away that of the children of light, who had occupied the region; Perrin marries Faile and is proclaimed Lord, thus becoming the first nobleman to govern the twin rivers for centuries. Perrin then leaves The Lord of the chaos And he leaves his country with a small handful to give Rand strongly, and frees him from his kidnapping during the battle of the Pozzi di Dumai.

The twin rivers officially part of the kingdom of Andor, but in practice each of the four villages is autonomous. Each village is held up by a mayor who chairs the village council, an assembly of men only with powers, for example, on the village trade; The advice is flanked by one of his female counterparts, the circle of women, with whom he often clashes. Another important figure of the four villages (and in general of the villages of the entire Randland) is the wise, a healer who also provides for the weather; This figure is sometimes a woman capable of channeling. The mayor of Emond’s Field is passing through Egwene’s father. The wise of Emond’s Field was Nynaeve ateara, but after her departure she became Daise Congar. Following the events that occurred after the rebirth of the dragon, Perrin Aybara and Faile Bashere were declared Lord and Lady of the twin rivers, and the government of the region has passed in their hands.

Haddon Mirk forest [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is a wooded area that is located north of Tear, it was once the seat of the now disappeared of Mar Haddon. In the forest, some nobles, who have not accepted the government of the dragon reborn to Tear, have taken refuge, with their armies, among these the most important is the high lord Darlin Sisnera (destined to become the first king of Tear from many years now)

From where [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

This flat region is located between the ridge of the world, Cairhien, Tar Valon and the border brands. It is now practically uninhabited, except scattered farms, it was the ancient seat of the homonymous kingdom, whose capital, now in ruin, has been stripped of all construction materials.

The big spot and Shayol Ghul [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is a completely unhealthy area that occupies the entire northern part of the continent, where vegetation grows in a sick way, in an unnaturally warm and humid climate. In the large stain, placed under the domain of Myrddraal and troloc, prospens all types of offspring of the shadow. Also in the large stain there is the large mountain of Shayol Ghul , the place where the dark and thirteen reiets were sealed. Inside the mountain is the well of fate, which is the hole sealed between the dimensions, from which the darkness will have to free itself and from which, however, it already makes its evil touch on the world perceive. Near Shayol Ghul there is also the valley of Thakan’Dar where the swords of the Fade and the weapons of the troloc are forged. Not far from Thakan’Dar And from Shayol Ghul there is “The city”, an urban center completely built by slaves, inhabited by Friends of darkness and in which the Same n’sei .

Mountains of the fog [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The mountains of fog (in the English original Mountains of Mist ) I am a mountain range that is located in the western part of the Randland continent; The mountains extend from north to south for about 2500 km separating the coastal states of the west from those of the hinterland. The chain begins to the south from the city of Amador (capital of the Kingdom of Amadicia) and continues to the north, marking the border between Amadicia and Tarabon; The Amadicia then gives way to the kingdom of Ghealdan, whose capital Jehannah is located on the slopes of the mountains, and a little further north (at the height of the forest of the shadows in the Ghealdan) the reign of Tarabon ends in the Almoth plain . The chain separates the northern part of the plain from the kingdom of Andor, which at this point forms the region of the twin rivers; At the height of the city of Baerlon (east of the chain), on the other side there is the Paerish Swar, the only large lake of the continent, where Katar stands. Even further north, the chain separates the kingdom of Arad Dama to the west and the uninhabited lands on the western shore of the upper radiale east; Finally, in the extreme northern tip, the Mountains of Fog Digrandano in the deserted lands in the north of the Arad Di up to the southern border of the Saldea. Several rivers are born or are fueled by the mountains of fog. On the western side, the great go and the dozens of its tributaries arise from this chain; North of the Paerish Swar, both Akuum and Dhagon come from the mountains. From the eastern side, on the other hand, some Sharia tributaries come, then the Eldar and its most important tributary, the Boran; In the twin rivers, both the Manetheredrelle (or white river) and the Taren (which was born from the veil of Eldrene) flow from the mountains of fog; Finally, they also feed the high course of the Arinelle, which however was born in the mountains of Dhoom.

In the history of The wheel of time , the mountains of fog are considered by the people of the twin rivers to be a place that brings bad luck, even if only in its lower offshoots and in the surrounding territories such as the sandy hills [83] ; However, there are large deposits of gold, silver, copper and iron, and there are mines in the chain (Baerlon is a mining city, and the cava road can also be testimony to this activity). In the mountains of fog there are six steding, and also a door of the streets (that of Manetheren).

Montedrago [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Montedrago is a huge volcanic crater, present in the imaginary world of Randland. It is considered the highest mountain on the earth and no climber has ever managed to reach the top and then returned alive. It was created at the beginning of the fracture of the world, by Lews Therin Canva who, crazy for exterminating his family, to commit suicide he exploded all the quantity of unique power that could channel, making the ground erupt in a devastating way. The raising of the volcano made the course of the Erinin river divert and form the island on which the city of Tar Valon would then have arisen.

The impending presence of the mountain is described numerous times during the saga: in New spring , during the War aiel And the battle of the shiny walls, the rebirth of the dragon on its slopes is announced, thanks to the vaticin of Giitara Sedai; Therefore the surveys of the census wanted by the AMYLLIN SEAT are held around the mountain to try to find the newborn. In other books, its impending presence returns again especially since the Aes Sedai rebellious install their siege field in Tar Valon, right on the plain on the slopes of the mountain. At the end of book XII, Rand al’ATor, who spent a long period in which he had fallen into the shadows, paranoia and in the gloomy, remains extremely troubled for the meeting with his father, Tam a’Tor; He therefore fails in his intent to destroy the entire Ebou Dar and all the seans, therefore he goes to the top of what had been his tomb, that is, exactly Montedrago, to deal with himself and the meaning of his mission. Desperate and after having come on the point of destroying the world with Choedan Kal, he finally gets the lighting necessary to understand what to live for humanity for humanity, and then die and therefore continually relive his mistakes; Having reached this epiphany Rand therefore dissolves all his coldness and hardness, with which he had led to armor himself and finally starts crying and laughing again. Immediately after, above and around Montedrago, a gash is formed in the blanket of storm clouds that had been looming on the world for months, leaving the light of the sun penetrating the sides of the mountain and that brings hope in all those who see it.

Muro in Garen [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Wall of Garen (in the English original Garen’s Wall ) is a mountain range that is located between the kingdoms of Ghealdan and Altara, also marking a long stretch of the border. The wall has a very particular conformation because for several miles it looks like a single large rocky wall, overlooking; In fact, it has nothing natural, because it was created by some crazy charmatic during the so -called fracture of the world. The wall took its name from King Garen of Dhowlan, a nation located where the Ghealdan is now located, which, during the era of the free years, was involved in numerous wars with the nearby kingdom of Farashelle, therefore leaning on the natural defenses of the Wall, as further fortification to oppose against enemies.

Almoth plain [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the former Nation of Almoth

It is a vast plain placed between Tarabon and the Arad Dama, which for centuries have been held its control. It is the ancient seat of the Kingdom of Almoth, now disappeared. Already devastated by the war among the neighboring countries, the plain is now in the grip of anarchy and disorders caused by the dragon proponents.

Piana di Merrilor [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Piana or Campo di Merrilor is a large grassy plain present in the imaginary universe Fantasy de The wheel of time by Robert Jordan. It is located along the south border of the Shienar with the Arafel, at the confluence of the Mora Fiume in the Erinin; In its near, north you can see the ruins of an ancient fortress. To the west, beyond the Mora river (which also marks the border with the Arafel) there are the Altura Polov; On this side of the brunette, just below the ruins, the Dhahar Knob is located, a rocky rise with high overhanging walls. At the confluence of the two rivers, there are swamps. The Guado Hawal is between the swamps and the Altura Polov. South of the plain, along the Rive of the Erinin there are abandoned farms. Towards the plain is delimited by a forest, in which the Steding Sholeon is located. At the beginning of book XIII, in this plain, the reborn dragon Rand a’Hor gives an appointment to the Amyrlin Seat Egwene to have so that he presents himself to discuss the destruction of the last seals of the prison of the dark. The rebonde of the dragon is that Egwee collects the greatest number of possible supporters behind him, to seek to induce him to review these projects. The plan is successful because Amyrlin contacts and brings with it almost all the monarchs and countries that support the dragon. At the end of book XIII the gathering begins: the largest field is the one made up of the Amyrlin Seat, the Aes Sedai and their army, in fact the field of Queen Elayne of Andor and Cairhien have gradually added to them with his armies , that of King Darlin Sisnera of Tear and that of Ilianian. Perrin Aybara constitutes the second largest field, which has formed slightly on the sidelines: it is composed of the men of the twin rivers, the children of light and the armies of the Alliatre of Ghealdan and the first of Mayne Berelain. When Rand at the Horor arrives, making the clouds pierced, he brings with him the armies of the four sovereigns of the border brands and presumably also those of the Arad Dama, then adds to the field of Perrin. Finally, a group of soldiers, made up above all by peasants and voluntary campagnoles, installs one of his small fields aside. During the first part of book XIV, the personalities agreed in Merrilor accept the peace of the dragon and agree on the close -ups to face the enemy. In the second part of the book Mat again chooses the plain to bring together three quarters of what remains of the army of light and face the last battle there.

Piane di Maredo [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

These flat and mostly uninhabited areas are between Ilian and Tear, which have often been held control of this territory. They were the ancient seat of the Kingdom of Maredo, now disappeared.

Caralain meadows [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

These great meadows are located almost in the center of the continent, north of the Andor, were the seat of the disappeared kingdom of Caralain, but now they have become completely deserted, except for some scattered settlement and the Tuatha’an who travel them with their colorful floats

White tower [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The white tower is the headquarters of the AES Sedai it stands on the island of Tar Valon, which in itself constitutes a sort of city-state. The white tower is the very symbol of the power of the Aes Sedai, therefore often in the romance cycle we refer to them citing the tower. The banner of the white tower is configured as follows: in the center of it is the white flame of Tar Valon, surrounded by the colors of the seven Ajah, placed in concentric spiral stripes.

The white tower is located exactly in the center of the island of Tar Valon. It has the shape of a cylinder with the flat top (where there is a high parapet from which you can look out) and constitutes the highest building in the known world; It is visible from many miles away, looking from every direction. Its name derives from the candid stone with which it was built, between the years 98 and 202 after the fracture of the world (therefore it has been standing for about 3250 years). The entire white tower, like the city of Tar Valon around it, was built by Ogier craftsmen and the buildings are distinguished by their surprising beauty and their organic nature. The tower was built to host up to 3000 AES Sedai, but Moiraine in New spring Comment on the fact that it was never completely occupied, even in moments of greater splendor. At the end of the thirteenth book, following numerous events, the Aes Sedai had now reduced to being a few more than 700, but on the other hand the number of novices had significantly increased (around 1400) and the allowed. The tower has numerous revenues, more or less large and monumental, among them the large gate of Tarlomen can be mentioned, placed to the south; And the sunset door, placed to the west, with a large access staircase, which gives a square. All the various floors of the tower are connected, as well as by numerous more or less large stairs, both in the spiral and normal, especially by a single majestic and enormous central helical ramp, whose tiles change in color at the sector in which it is they find. The lower floors host the common area of ​​all the AES Sedai, that is, the mostly administrative area, while the upper ones are divided into seven sectors and distributed equally for each Ajah. The highest plans of the tower were mostly empty and up there the Amylin Seat Elaida had recently transferred its offices and residence during its period of government.

Much of the lower half of the tower is occupied by the Council of the Bianca Council, by the offices and apartments of the AMYLLIN SEAT, of the custodian of the Annals and the teacher of the novices, and also by the offices of the Adunators; It is then occupied by a whole series of other administrative places, which are more or less common to all Ajah, including three huge kitchens, with numerous dining rooms reserved for the Aes Sedai, the allowed and the novices. These common parts are decorated with the colors belonging to all Ajah. The Council of the White Tower Hall has seeds arranged in a semi -circular way, with the colors of the seven Ajah, in which the twenty -one areas gather to deliberate. Just in the face of these seats, placed on stage, instead there is Amyrlin Seat, a word that indicates both the throne itself, and the person who occupies it, with its relative functions. The room was recently damaged by an attack by the Seanchan, who left a huge gash in the vault; And the fallen rubble have spared the AMYLLIN seat for a short time. Egwene ate therefore decided to fill the gash from a pink window, as a continuous reminder on the dangers that await the Aes Sedai.

The upper half of the tower is instead occupied by the sectors belonging to the seven Ajah. Each of them, placed on different floors, has the shape of the slice of a cake, and is decorated with a different style for each Ajah, suited to its founding principles and with the colors of each of them. In these seven sectors there are the private apartments of the Aes Sedai and the common rooms of the Ajah. The sectors of the green and yellow Ajahs are distinguished from others for the very rich and conspicuous furniture, while on the contrary those of brown and white are distinguished by their sobriety or even austerity. The adunant and the leaders of the Ajah have the right to wider apartments than the other sisters, equipped with hanging balconies. The tiles of the central helical ramp, have the same shape but have the characteristic of having been laid in the color of the Hahah in front of which they are located.

The basement of the white tower, which are currently not entirely occupied, are mostly used such as deposits, cellars and handouts. In the lowest plans, however, there are classrooms used for the custody of the large collection of Ter’Angreal and Angreal owned by the Aes Sedai. In particular, the two large rooms were described where the two large ones are located Ter’angreal used for the test to become admitted and for the test to become aes sedai. In addition, in some protected rooms with powerful textures, the angreal and of sa’angreal , even if the rediscovery of travel has now made most of these defenses obsolete. Throughout history it turns out that the black Ajah used many of these empty underground classrooms for their secret encounters. By paradox, some of the classrooms themselves are following secretly by the adunating black hunters, for their investigation meetings.

The sector of admitted and novices of the Aes Sedai are located in a building adjacent to the back of the white tower itself, several floors high. The admitted sector can accommodate about 400 people, it is made up of two tunnels at the center of which there is a circular courtyard, long and narrow as a well, which overlook all the rooms and the main access ramp. At the bottom of the well there is a small garden decorated with evergreen plants. The four galleries reserved for novices can instead accommodate about 800 people, but in each of the rooms, they could sleep in two, thus doubling the amount of possible guests (in fact in recent times the novices have reached the record number of 1400).

Near the white tower is the large Tar Valon library, the largest in the world. Although the library is usually considered an integral part of the white tower, it is actually located in a large building located behind the actual tower. However, the two main buildings are connected by some wings of minor buildings and underground passages. The library is divided into twelve sectors, called deposits, each of which is dedicated to a specific study subject (Aliarin in the Libo X explains that the smallest of the deposits is the one dedicated to A arithmetic). The deposits have the shape of long oval rooms, with flattened domes in the shape of a flattened domes and whose walls are occupied by huge and high shelves, filling of books. However, there is also a thirteenth deposit, kept hidden and secret to almost all people, because it contains the most reserved and secret documents of the Aes Sedai and whose access is reserved only for a very small number of people: the Amyrlin Seat, the custodian of the Annals, the adunants and the few libraries that have it in custody.

Different stables arise around the white tower, both for the horses of the Aes Sedai, and for those of all the other inhabitants. The headquarters of the tower guards also arise there, with the barracks hosting the soldiers. Furthermore, there are the buildings that host the Gaidin who do not sleep at their AES Sedai and those for the new recruits during training; Then the buildings reserved for service staff and to all the other employees of the AES Sedai. The whole plant is also surrounded by very well -kept gardens, closed by supervised walls. Recently, in the Giardini area, Amyrlin Elaida had started the crazy project, then abandoned, to build its own palace which in height exceeded the tower itself.

Torre di Ghenjei [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In addition to the two twisted thresholds, you can access the world of Aelfinn and Eelfinn also through the Torre di Ghenjei. It is a very high tower completely made of metal and which is seen sparkling from afar, along the course of the Arinelle river. It does not present any opening. But Olver in book XI reveals that Birgitte once told him a story, according to which in order to enter it we must trace with a bronze dagger, and anywhere on the tower, the symbol of the game of ” Foxes and snakes “, That is, the triangle with the tip down, crossed by a sinuous line: in this way a ride will open.

Also in the same chapter of Book XI, Matrimo Cauthon reads the letter written by Moiraine to Thom Merrilin, so he discovers that he will have to decide whether or not to go to the mysterious tower to try to free Moiraine from imprisonment; Together with him they will have to try Thom and another character and Noal, present at the episode, is offered volunteer. During the saga, Jordan left many clues about what the three will have to face to perform such a business. First of all, as in the game, foxes and snakes will have to avoid. Then above all, if they want to win, they will have to cheat, which presumably means that they will have to bring with them the things that those beings abandon (light/fire, music and iron) and that at each entrance into their world they peremptorily require to leave behind. Furthermore, in their meeting in Tear, the prophetic Aelfinn call Mat Baro, and never in the saga the character, while playing very often in gambling, showed that he is cheating.

According to the prophecy of the Aelfinn reported above, to succeed in the company he will have to “give up halfway through the light of the world, to save the world”, therefore he will probably lose an eye. In fact, Egwene in one of his prophetic dream sees his friend lay his eye on the plate of a scale.

During the last chapters of book XIII Mat, Thom and Noal perform the company to go and free Moiraine. All together they use fire, light, music and iron to keep the Eelfinn at bay, but in the long run these weapons lose effectiveness. Meanwhile, Mat uses the dice and his ability to distort the probability to choose the way and reach where the woman is held prisoner and dried up of her power. So Mat manages to arrive in the counterattack hall, where he obliges Eelfin to grant to return undisturbed to the exit, in exchange for his eye. Too late he realizes that this pact, however, excludes the Aelfinn who place themselves at their chase. Noal sacrifices his life to slow down the pursuers and Mat manages to understand how to use Work To open the escape route from the Torre di Ghenjei, exactly at the point where they had entered.

Waterwood [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Waterwood, or river forest or water forest [eighty six] o Bosco del Fiume [eighty seven] (in the original English edition: Waterwood ), which is located in the eastern part of the region of twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor. Waterwood was born on the soil wet from the many streams in which the source of wine is divided into its lowest course [eighty six] ; To the north-west are the open fields of the central area of ​​the twin rivers, to the north-east it is limited by the Taren river, while in the south the ground becomes more swampy and turns into the buyer, the mudic area at the crossing of the Taren and the white river. In this forest is the farm of Perrin Aybara.

The Waterwood appears in the fourth book of the cycle of The wheel of time , The rise of the shade . In this wood, the ambush of the troloc against the people of Emond’s Field led by Perrin is set [88] : He had gone to visit the tombs of his family members, and then he had placed himself with his strength waiting for the trolocs waiting for their arrival to tend them an ambush; However, they are surprised in turn, and suffer serious losses. Perrin is also injured, and almost loses his life against a Myrdraal before Ihvon, the custodian of Alanna Mosvani, save him by killing the enemy. Perrin collects the few men who remained and leaves the Waterwood, meeting the warms.

Waterwood is considered a fairly hospitable place, compared with the western forest and the slopes of the mountains of fog: for example the young Loise al’ire (Sister younger of Egwene to have) often plays in the woods alone [89] , and twice in the dreams of Rand at the hater the Waterwood is depicted as a welcoming place that inspires security, near home [eighty seven] .

Oranges [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Arinelle is a river that was born in the north of the Randland continent, from the mountains of Dhoom; It flows for a stroke in the stain, until the border with the SALDEA, of which the capital Maradon wets: at this point the river is already wide enough to be sailed, and a bridge is worth it at this point [74] . He then continues to scroll to the south through the Saldea, receiving several tributaries from the mountains of Dhoom, then folds to the south-west and leaves the Saldea; Hence then it crosses the uninhabited woods east of the mountains of fog and receives the waters of tributaries from these peaks and black hills (the most important is the Ivo). Later he deviates to the west and marks the northern border of the kingdom of Andor; In this area, on its banks are the ghost city of Shadar Logoth, some ancient statues of kings and queens [90] and the tower of Ghenjei [91] , and receives the waters of Haevin. Finally it starts to scroll south, cutting the Andor in the central part, crosses the town of Whitebridge and its white bridge (the only bridge over the river south of Maradon [74] ) And he throws himself in the Manetherenrelle. Together, the arinelle and the Manetheredrelle have the largest hydrographic basin of the whole continent, and it is possible to navigate on these two rivers for over 5,000 km from Maradon to Illian.

It is The wheel of time , the river Arinelle compare for the first time. The eye of the world , when the group fleeing the twin rivers (Rand all, Mat Cauthon, Perrin Aybara, Egwene to have, the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damuded and its custodian Lan Mandragoran, Thom Merrilin and Nynaeve atera) refuge in the City of Shadar Logoth to escape the troloc and myrdraal sent to their tracks; Here small groups are divided by the same offspring of the shadow and by the malignant entity that hovers in the city, Mashadar. Rand, Mat and Thom manage to embark on Spray by Bayle Domon and the river up to Whitebridge descend, where they land; Perrin and Egwene cross the river and end up on the northern bank, from which they start walking east, then meeting Elyas Machera on the road and the you will warm; Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve follow the river along the southern bank to Whitebridge, where they cross the white bridge and continue east [92] .

Cary [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Cary river was born in Braem Wood (the woods in the north-eastern part of the kingdom of Andor), at the village of New Braem; It flows south by plying the eastern area of ​​Andor and crossing the road to Caemlyn at the height of the village of Carysford, where it is valid only by an old wooden bridge because of its poor width (thirty steps [62] ). It continues to flow to the south, cutting the road that connects Caemlyn and Lugard and receiving the waters of several small tributaries of the south-eastern area of ​​the Kingdom; He then crosses the southern border and continues by marking the border between the hills of Kintara and Murandy. Finally, he enters the reign of Ilianian and throws himself into Manetherendre after crossing the Doirlon hills.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , the Cary appears The eye of the world , when Rand al’ Hor and Mat Cauthon, on the run from the Myrdraal of Whitebridge and the friends of the darkness, cross him in Carysford in an attempt to reach Caemlyn and Tar Valon [62] .

Your soldier [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Erinin is a river that was born in the north-eastern corner of the Randland continent, from the ridge of the world, at the steps of Nimph; He then flows to the west, receiving the waters of the Mara river and marking the border between the Shienar and the Arafel in the north and the wooded regions that were the Hardan to the south. In this section it cuts two roads, one that leads from TAR Valon to Shol Arbela and one that brings from TAR Valon to Fal Moran; The latter is connected from one shore to another by a small ferry to a small village. He continues south by plying the Hardan and, after several tributaries born in the black hills (including the Antaeo) have thrown into it, reaches the island on which Tar Valon stands: here the Erinin is divided into two short branches , which take the name of Aldrelle Erinin (the western one) and Oscendlle Erinin (the eastern one). The two branches have gathered, after passing the island of Tar Valon, the river takes to mark the western frontier of the kingdom of Cairhien and separates it first from the prairies of Caralain (from which he receives the Luan) and then from the Braem Wood and the Kingdom by Andor; Even further south exceeds the kingdom of Cairhien after the confluence with Alguenya and is crossed by the ferry that connects Maerone and the road to Cairhien to East and Aringill and the road to Caemlyn. Scrolling again to the south he also leaves Andor and separates the hills of Kintara to the West and the Haddon Mirk forest (from which he receives trailer) to the East; Finally, he enters the kingdom of Tear and dives into the sea of ​​storms with a mouth of delta: the countless branches in which he divides here are called the Dragon fingers, and among them the city of Tear stands.

Erinin is one of Randland’s longest and most important rivers, and its pelvis covers the entire eastern part of the continent, from the back of the world to the east in the mountains of Dhoom to the north to the black hills and the Kintara hills to the west.

In the cycle de The wheel of time , the Erinin river appears just mentioned in several books, but has an important part only The reborn dragon : in it Mat Cauthon and Thom Merrilin descend this river from TAR Valon to Aringill to reach Caemlyn aboard the Gray seagull [6] ; Subsequently, also Egwene to do, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve in Meara descend the river from TAR Valon to Tear, first aboard the Blue crane [7] And then of the Losing [93] .

Source of wine [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The source of wine (in the English original: Winespring Water ) is a river that flows in the region of twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor; In this area it is an important river, second only to the two that give it its name, the Taren and the white river. The source of wine owes its name to the extreme sweetness of its waters [eighty six] ; In turn, the river gives its name to the inn of the village of Emond’s Field, the Source of wine , owned by the mayor of the country, passing on.

The source of wine was born from a low rocky outcrop in the western part of the Emond’s Field park (already strong enough to extend a man on the ground [eighty six] ); According to a legend it gushed to the place where the soldiers of the red hand gang fell around King Aemon of Manetheren during the troloc wars, but probably already existed [ninety four] . The source of wine flows east through the park, and is valued by three bridges, two pedestrian and the third (the Carraio bridge) for the wagons [eighty six] ; He leaves Emond’s Field by feeding the Mulino del Mugnaio del Village, Jon Thaane, then crosses open fields dotted with willows and finally divides himself into the many lines that create the marsh and make the waterwood grow, in the south-east of the twin rivers. The Rigagnoli throw themselves into the Taren and the Bianco river. At the source of the source of wine, the inhabitants of Emond’s Field plant the tree of spring during the Bel Tine party.

Manetherendrelle [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Manetherenrelle (which in ancient language means “water of the homemade mountain” [95] ), called in the twin rivers “Bianco Rijeka”, is a river that owes its name to the kingdom that once contained its high course, the Manetheren (“Montagna Patria”), while the name “Bianco Rijeka” derives from his Rapid current in the area of ​​the twin rivers, which make it a foam torrent.

Manetherenrelle is one of Randland’s most important rivers: its pelvis and that of its main tributary (the radiale) together cover the entire central area of ​​the continent, from the mountains of fog to the black mountains and the hills of Kintara. The Manetherenrelle was born in the mountains of fog in the south-west of the village of Deven Ride, at the Porta delle Vie del Manetheren, and forms the southern limit of the twin rivers; It flows east to the buying area and the confluence with the Taren and then continues slightly south-east. After scoring the border between Andor and Altara for a certain stretch, the river receives the water of the Arinelle and folds south entering the Kingdom of Altara; During his course he meets little inhabited areas, excluding the Remen village on the road to Lugard, and shortly after he receives the waters of the Shorn and begins to mark the border between Lugard and Altara. Scrolling again, he enters the kingdom of Illilian, and receives the waters of the Cary and Shal from the hills of Kintara, who cross the Doirlon hills before reaching the river [96] . Finally, Manetherendre is heading south, travels the east peninsula of the kabal bay and throws itself into the sea of ​​storms with a wide delta on which the city of Ilianian stands. The river is navigable from the mouth to the confluence with the radiale, but it is impossible to climb it again: at the level of the twin rivers it is impossible also to cross it, and this is one of the reasons why they are so isolated. The city of Manetheren stood on the river [95] , before he was destroyed by his queen, Eldrene Ay Ellan Ay Carlan.

Taren [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Taren, in ancient times called tarendrelle, is a river that was born in the mountains of fog, and at the source a waterfall is called Velo di Eldrene, in honor of Eldrene Ay Ellan Ay Carlan, the last queen of Manetheren; The river forms the northern and eastern limit of the region of twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor. After the veil, the Taren flows east crossing the sandy hills and the western forest, and arrives at the village of Taren Ferry, the only inhabited center on its course; to Taren Ferry the river is already decidedly wide [97] , and in the village there is the only way to cross it (and also the only way to enter and leave the twin rivers), a ferry that gives its name to the village. The Taren continues to flow east by crossing open fields, marking the border between the region of twin rivers to the south and the rest of Andor to the north, then folds to the south-east, and then to the south; On the western shore, the Waterwood wet and receives the waters of the source of wine through the marsh, and finally throws itself to the south in the high course of the Manetherenrelle.

During the troloc wars and the pact of the ten nations, the Taren (then called Tarendrelle) was part of the Kingdom of Manetheren. On his banks Aemon opposed a strenuous resistance for ten days to the invasion of the trolocs awaiting the reinforcements of the other nations; However, he was betrayed by the AMYLRLIN SEAT of the time, Tetsuan, who convinced the other states not to send help to Manetheren. King Aemon then crossed the Tarendrelle and burned all the bridges on the river, and retired to the place where he defended himself until the total destruction of his army, in the place where Emond’s Field would arise.

In the period narrated in the cycle of The wheel of time , the Taren is crossed (ne The eye of the world ) from the group of escapes of Emond’s Field pursued by Myrdraal and Draghkar: Rand A’Hor, Perrin Aybara, Matrimo Cauthon, Egwene to do, the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damaded, his custodian Lan Mandragoran and the minstrel Thom Merrilin; The group uses the ferry, led by Mastro Torralta and his six men. After the crossing, the Aes Sedai uses its power and sinks the ferry [98] . It is The rise of the shade , the army of children of light enters the twin rivers crossing the Taren and occupying Taren Ferry. The troloc army instead uses the streets to enter it, and so also Perrin, Loial, Faile and the three Aiels (Gaul, Bain and Chiad) do; not even rand The Lord of the chaos He uses Taren to enter his native land, but travels together with Aiel and Ogier to get to Emond’s Field.

Altara [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Altara flag
Flag of the Mitsobar house

The altara is one of the main kingdoms of the Randland continent and is located in the south, overlooking the sea of ​​storms. The altara is described as similar to the Mediterranean countries. The altara banner consists of two golden gold leopards, on a red and blue outfit field. Altara borders in the north with the Andor, east with the Murandy and Illilian, to the west with the Ghealdan (along the Garen wall and beyond) and the Amadicia, while in the south he prodes with a Peninsula Peninsula in the sea of ​​storms. The capital is the big city of Ebou Dar, which is located at the mouth of the Eldar river, and overlooks a large port bay. Ebou Dar is characteristic for its numerous canals (which vaguely recall Venice), for its white buildings, surmounted by domes and colorful pinnacles and for the numerous amphitheathers used for the horse race. On the other shore of Eldar there is the Malfamato district of Rahad, built where the ancient city of Barashta was once.

The Altarani costumes are very particular. The guise of women remember the typical Andalusian ones, with skirts raised to the knee to show numerous subgonne. The chest is partially discovered in an oval cut out in the fabric, while a double dagger is brought to the neck, on the Elsa of which various gems are shown to indicate the number of children and their fate (the colors of the stones on the Elsa indicate if The children are still alive and if they have married). In Altara, the duels of honor are very frequent and a person is not respected if he does not show that he has at least a scar obtained in the face or on the body by fighting in one of these duels.

It is the largest kingdom among those placed in the south of the continent, but despite being very extensive, it was also very fragile, in fact the authority of the queen, Tylin of the Mitsobar house, extended only a few thousand around the capital, the big city of Ebou Dar. The rest of the kingdom was instead dominated by practically independent local gentlemen. The weakness of the kingdom in recent centuries had attracted the expansionist aims of the white cloaks, which had repeatedly tried to conquer portions of Altara from nearby Amadicia. Starting with the end of book VII, the altara was largely conquered by the Seanchan, whose expansion was however stopped by the dragon reborn with its Asha’man. In the meantime, Queen Tylin had agreed to become Vassalla dei Seanchan and was the lover of one of the protagonists, Matrimo Cauthon, but after the latter’s escape, the queen was murdered by Gholam. Tylin’s son, Prince Beslan, was also very friend of Mat. After an initial rebellion, Beslan (who became king following the death of the mother) he also accepted to become a seanchan vassal, therefore, according to the established agreements, the new fortuitous imperator promised that Eboou Dar will be the capital of the Seanchan domains from this side of the Ocean Arith. The importance of Altara in the events of the time wheel is highlighted by the fact that starting from book VI and up to book XI all the major protagonists found themselves, in one way or another, to tread the soil of this kingdom :

Nasty [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the Amadicia

The Amadicia is a nation found in the south of the Randland continent. It is located in the south of the continent. To the west borders Tarabon, to the north with the Ghealdan, west with the altara (with the great Eldar river to mark the border with these two countries) while in the south, along the Sharia river, it borders the desert of shadows with the desert, However, without reaching an outlet on the sea of ​​storms. The capital, Amador, is located at the extreme southern slopes of the Mountains of the fog, along the main path of communication between the West and the East of the continent. Other locations are Abila, Jeramel, Sienda and Mardecin. The noble palaces of the Amadicia have the characteristic of being of wood, built on very high stone platforms.

The Amadicia was formally a kingdom in which, until recent times, the sovereign only nominally governed, in fact this country was totally dominated by the powerful warrior company of the children of light (also known as white mantons), whose main seat was in the Fortress of light, placed in the capital of the kingdom, Amador. White cloaks are an international military-religious, rather fanatic order in proclaiming the service of light; They have imposed to the Amadician population rules of life and rather puritan clothing, consequently the population dresses and behaves in a particularly boring way.

Since the children considered the only power something evil, they had placed out of the use both its use, and the mere presence of the AES sedai in the country. The children had also held an expansionist policy towards the nearby and weak kingdom of Altara, who entailed the outbreak of different wars, also with other countries, such as the Kingdom of Ilianian, who intervened in defense of Alderra (the latter was therefore called there War of white cloaks ).

During the saga, the Amadicia was finally conquered and annexed to the Seanchan Empire, King Ailron died in battle against them in Geramel, a part of the children declared themselves vassals under the command of the High Inquisitor Asunawa, while others are fled under the guidance of Galad Damaded.

Andor [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the Kingdom of Andor
Flag of the Trakand house

The kingdom of Andor is one of the main states of the Randland continent and the home of most of the protagonists. Andor’s kingdom is located in the center of the continent. Its western border is made up of the Mountain Mountain Chain, which separates it from the Almoth and the Arad Dam plains; At the border, in the far west of the kingdom, there are the mining district at the town of Baerlon and the isolated region of the twin rivers, delimited to the north by the Taren river and south by the high course of the Manetherenrelle; The northern border in this area is made up of a tributary of the Aricelle, while the southern one is the territory of the forest of shadows and the lands south of the Manetheredrelle. More east, the territory of Andor becomes uninhabited and wooded, and is crossed by the road to Caemlyn (which constitutes the backbone of the kingdom); The northern border at this point becomes the Arinelle river, and it is in these districts that the ghost city of Shadar Logoth and the Ghenjei tower can be observed. More east, at the center of Andor, the arinelle folds to the south dividing the kingdom into two parts, and dives into the handlendndlle who also heads to the south entering Altara; Where the radiale and the road to Caemlyn meet the city of Whitebridge, so called for its mysterious white bridge built during the legendary era. At the east of Whitebridge, the territory gradually becomes more populated and cultivated, rich in villages and towns (Arien, four kings, Market Sheran) and scattered farms (such as that of Else Grinwell); Even more east, the Cary river (crossed by a bridge near Carysford) separates the central and eastern part of the kingdom. The north-eastern Andor border is made up of Braem Wood, a forest that hosts a few villages (New Braem, springs of Kore, Jornhill) but which is crossed by an important street, the one that connects the Kingdom to Tar Valon, the city State of the Aes Sedai; The south-eastern border is instead made up of the northern propagations of the Kintara hills, crossed by the road that leads to Madding. A little over the Cary river stands the capital of Andor, Caemlyn, one of the largest and most important cities in the world, built by the Ogier before the troloc wars; The eastern border of the kingdom is marked by the middle course of the Erinin river, about 450 km east of Caemlyn, and from the city of Aringill (theoretically an independent city city, in fact a Andor protectorate). Andor borders the west with the plane of Almoth and the Arad Di; To the north with the uninhabited lands of the Upper Arinelle, the prairies of Caralain and the Braem Wood; east with the kingdom of Cairhien and the territories north of Haddon Mirk; To the south with the hills of Kintara, the Murandy, the altara and the forest of the shadows of the Ghealdan. The twin rivers are a small region formally belonging to the Andor

The kingdom of Andor is one of the largest and most ancient states on the continent. It began to form from the defeat of the Artur Hawkwing Empire, during the war of one hundred years, when Amyrlin Seat Deane Aryman and Ishara Casalain (daughter of the governor of the imperial province of Andor) convinced the husband of Ishara herself, Souran Maravaile ( One of the great generals of the Empire) to abandon the siege of TAR Valon. Subsequently the two spouses returned to Caemlyn, in the province of Andor and Ishara proclaimed himself queen, claiming the ex-province of the empire, even if in fact He only ruled the capital Caemlyn and the territory just surrounding. Little by little, during and after the war of the hundred years, Ishara and the queens who succeeded them managed to extend their sovereignty, prudently annexed many other territories around the city (hence the repeated saying in the saga: ” Chi’s governa Caemlyn, Governa l’andor “), until the kingdom reached the current borders.

Andor is a rich and powerful nation, which since its inception has had to fight the pressure of the neighbors: among these a constant enemy has been the kingdom of Cairhien, which extends to the north-east beyond the Erinin valley. On the Andorane banks of the river there is Aringill, which formally is an independent city-state, but which is actually a Andor protectorate, who maintains a strong garrison. To the south, Andor has often had problems with the turbulent Murandy and his riotous nobility; This involves frequent incursions across the border and the involvement in the politics of that kingdom. In addition, the close relationship between Andor and the White Tower of the Aes Sedai caused a hostile attitude by the children of the Amadicia light.

Many of the traditions of the Kingdom date back to Queen Ishara and the first queens who succeeded them; The most important is the one that makes the succession to the throne possible only in a female line, from mother to daughter: therefore if a ruling does not have a daughter or grandson ready to happen, the throne will go to the more female relative more (which can generate Succession wars, in case they are aspiring to the throne with the same degree of kinship). The eldest daughter is called Herd daughter and, as the mother brings the Crown of Rose by Andor , so the heir to the throne brings a golden crown with a single rose. Another tradition has it that the heir to the throne goes to study in TAR Valon, at the Aes Sedai, at least for a certain period of time and even if it is not able to channel: this testifies the strong links between the kingdom and the Bianca Torre (further confirmed by the fact that the queens usually hold a sedai as a trusted councilor). The older male son of the Queen in charge swears instead of faithfully serving his sister, heir to the throne, with the title of First prince of the sword ; Usually it is prepared from the most tender age to this task, since the position of commander in chief of the army will later be reserved.

Arad Doman [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Arad Di flag

The Arad ask is a kingdom that constitutes one of the main countries of the Randland continent. In an interview, the author had said that the Dingi speak English with an Indian accent. [ without source ] The Arad Daming banner consists of a hand that holds a sword facing down, all silver on a field of seven horizontal bars, four green and three blue. This kingdom is located north west of the continent, overlooking the West at the Ocean Arith; To the east he borders on the mountains of the fog, while in the south his boundaries are lost in the Almoth plain, contested to Tarabon. Even the border to the north, towards Saldea, is lost towards an uninhabited and not claimed area. The capital is the big port city of Bandar Eban. Another remarkable city would be that of Katar, a metalliferous center located on the slopes of the misty mountains even if formally Katar is an independent city-state, although in reality it is a DIGNEST protectorate, with a garrison to guard it.

In the Arad ask the greatest power is held by the Council of Merchants, all women and in number of ten, which elect the king among the members of the nobility. This prosperous and powerful time has fallen prey to the civil war due to the factions that arose among the nobles, due to the presence of numerous proponents of the dragon and above all due to the actions of the Reietta Grandal, who allocated to a royal estate, has kidnapped The king and numerous members of the Court and then contributed to spreading the chaos, sending numerous and false orders with the real seal. The great Domanese captain, Rodel Ituralde, thanks to his great military skills, was able to temporarily stop the advance Seanchan in the country; In addition, the reborn dragon was able to eradicate Graedal, but its attempts to bring peace and a minimum of order, as well as to supply the capital of food, have for now resolved in a failure. The Arad ask is very famous for its women, very skilled merchants and above all very skilled seductors who bring very revealing guise. The noble or in any case the high -ranking men bring false fakes to the face of beauty, with particular shapes.

ARAFEL [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Arafel flag

Arafel is a nation from the Randland continent, which is located in the north. The Arafel banner consists of three red roses in the white field framed with three white roses in the red field. The Arafel is located in the extreme north of the continent and is one of the border brands (or lands), in fact to the north there is the constant threat represented by the great stain, which advances threatening beyond the long border represented by the mountains of Dhoom. To the east the Arafel borders on the shienar along the banks of the Medo river; To the south the Erinin river marks a long stretch of the border with the uninhabited lands that go to Tar Valon and which once were part of the disappeared kingdom of the Hardan; Finally, in the west, the kingdom borders on Kandor. The country’s climate is very rigid. All the cities of the Arafel are built as equipped with fortresses, given the nearby and constant threat from the stain. The capital is Shol Arbela, located in the center of the town.

The history of the Arafel was characterized by the constant threat represented by the frequent incursions of the offspring of the shade, coming from the stain, this has caused the country the formation of a very martial society, therefore all the inhabitants are always ready to challenge weapons in case of danger.

Both the males and the Arafel females have the costume of bringing the hair gathered in two long braids, usually adorned with sound silver or brass bells, which are often added also on clothing and horsesbounds . The armies also carry two long crossed swords on the shoulders.

In book XIII, it is announced that the Arafel, together with the other border brands, was invaded by the hordes of the offspring of the shadow.

Cairhien [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the Kingdom of Cairhien

The Kingdom of Cairhien is one of the main states of the Randland continent, it is in the east, on the slopes of the ridge of the world. Cairhien’s banner consists of a golden sun with the rays, which rises from the horizon, all in the blue field. The Kingdom of Cairhien is located in the eastern area of ​​the Randland continent, right on the central slopes of the world ridge, which constitutes its east border towards Aiel desolation. To the west Cairhien comes to understand vast oriental portions of the Valle del Grande River Erinin, who in various sections also marks the border with Andor. To the north and south the boundaries are less defined: in fact, if in the north the mountain group of the Kinslayer dagger marks at least a stretch of natural border, the rest of it is lost in the Prateries of Hardan; Even in the south the boundaries are lost among the grasslands that extend towards the Haddon Mirk forest. The large Alguanya river, largely navigable, with a large ansa, flows transversely throughout the kingdom, from north-east to the south-west, where it flows into the Erinin, near Aricgill. The capital of the kingdom is the homonymous large city of Cairhien (whose original name was Al’cair’rahaienallen , which means “hill of golden dawn”); It stands on the right bank of the Algianya river, navigable up to the city’s piers who constitute a very busy port. Cairhien is famous for his very high towers partly destroyed during the First War Aiel; It has an orthogonal and geometric plant and even the hill on which it stands has been regulated with precise terraces. At the center of the city stands the majestic Palazzo del Sole, the seat of the sovereigns. After the war Aiel all around the city walls had arisen a vast suburb, called anterior passage, populated above all by refugees and built especially in wood, which however remained destroyed during the Shaido war.

The Cairhienese, usually described as pale and low stature, are famous for their love towards geometry, which is reflected in the symmetrical and orthogonal disposition of the capital and their square clothes. The inhabitants of the country are also considered very reserved, but this confidentiality can lead to surprising and scandalous moments of poor inhibition, during certain holidays such as the party of the lights, when noble and popular let themselves go to drunkenness, nudity and spontaneous acts sexuals carried out in the accalcate roads. The noble Cairhienese do not like bright colors, but on their dark clothes they bring narrow colorful horizontal strips, in the colors of their home, and the greater the number of these strips, the higher the degree of nobility; The noblewomen have the habit of bringing their hair collected at the top, above the head, with complicated conical or pyramidal hair, on the contrary the noblemen engaged in the military career are shaved their forehead and if they incapiano. The noblewomen also bring a gem hanging on a chain on the forehead: this typical jewel is said Kese . The military bring a triangular flag attacked to the back Child , with the colors of one’s own formation.

Cairhien’s policy is dominated by the so -called ” Casate game “That is the There are there’s in the ancient language. All the Cairhienese, from the nobles to the popular, participate in this very intricate system of intrigues, espionage, relationships where everyone is considered bearer of hidden purposes, each word has a hidden meaning and every action, even the most banal and apparently harmless or insignificant, comes seen as a means to obtain greater power and influence to the detriment of an opponent. This system has often produced devastating deleterious effects on the cohesion of the country, which has therefore been many times overwhelmed by internal conflicts and has been easy to prey to foreign interventions.

The kingdom of Cairhien became rich thanks to the privilege of being able to trade with the Aiel, through the Jengai pass and therefore import precious products such as silk and ivory from the East. This trade privilege was granted by the Aiel themselves, when they discovered that the ancestors of the Cairhienese allowed their ancestors to drink from their wells. In the seal of this water pact, the Aiel gave Cairhien a shrub taken from the legendary tree Aradera , from which a tree called was developed Having ; King Laman Damaded, however, ruined the country, triggering the fury of the Aiel: in fact he had the tree break down for futile reasons (the construction of a unique throne in the world) and the Aiel, in response to his gesture, entered the wet lands and raged , the city of Cairhien was conquered and its high set towers, until Laman himself was killed during the Battle of the shiny walls . The country, later, was no longer completely recovered and is long shocked by the civil war fueled by the fight against the throne between the three great families of the Damudeds, the Riain and the Saigan. Therefore many refugees have left their lands and have taken refuge in the suburbs of the capital, which now needs continuous supplies, to feed this growing population. In addition, the Shaido Aiel also recently arrived from the East, sowing destruction and placing the capital under siege again, before being hunted by the reborn dragon and its followers. Another large house is that of the Taborwin and its remarkable exponent is Lord Dobraine Taborwin, who for a certain period was also the superintendete of the dragon reborn in the kingdom. The Aes Sedai Moiraine belongs to the Damadred Royal House, but refused to contribute to the throne. During the period of the kidnapping of the reborn dragon, Colavaere Saigan managed to secure the throne for a few days, but it was soon laid. During the absence of the dragon, in addition to Lord Dobraine, who was later sent to Arad Di, to deal with the Cairhien government, two AES Sedai also committed themselves: Samitsu Tamagowa and Sashalle Anderly; The first (a yellow) took on the assignment on Cadsuane’s order, the second (a red one) on its own initiative and with the support of the wise AIELs. After the fall of Colavaere, the main candidate on the throne had become Elayne Trakand (through her father, Taringail Damuded; Elayne for part of her mother was also the heir to Andor’s throne) and was supported in her pretensions by the dragon itself; In book XIII Elyne actually manages to be recognized as Queen, also ensuring the support of some of the major houses.

Complaints [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Ghealdan flag

Ghealdan is a small reign of the Randland continent, which is found in Western lands. The Ghealdan banner is made up of three five -pointed silver stars in the red field. This small kingdom is located in the south of the Randland continent. At the extreme North it borders the region of twin rivers in the Andor, through the Forest of the Shadows and the Manetherendre river. To the north and east the border with the altara is marked by the Garen wall. To the south it borders the Amadicia, along the banks of the Eldar river and its tributaries. To the west the mountains of the fog mark the border with Tarabon and the Almoth plain. The capital is the city of Jehannah where Jheda’s royal palace is located.

The Ghealdan, albeit small, was a fairly solid time, but two events contributed to undermining the foundations: first of all the rise of a false local dragon, Logain Ablar who caused a devastating war, ended only after the intervention of the Aes Sedai . Immediately after, without the country having had time to restore, the flows of the dragon proponents, fanatics led by the prophet Masema, who have completely turned and weakened the country, began.

The social order has in fact been disjointed with the masses of the population who have added to the followers of Masema, while in the meantime the king Joahnin died in mysterious circumstances. The subsequent Queen Ellizelle died shortly after, from a suspicious suicide, following her inability to disperse the dragon proponents. Even the subsequent queen Teresia remained in the government for a short time, after being forced to abdicate, for being forced by Masema to marry a non-noble. The current queen is Alliatre, who with a certain skill has been able to appease Masema and then to protect her country, she declared herself a vassal of Perrin Aybara and through him of the reborn dragon.

Illian [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the Kingdom of Ilianian

The Kingdom of Illilian is one of the main states of the Randland continent; It is located south overlooking the sea of ​​storms. The country is described with many similarities with Greece, while the author in an interview had stated that the inhabitants of Iliani speak English with a Dutch accent. The Kingdom of Illilian borders to the west with the altara and north with the Murandy, while in the east the boundaries on the plains of Maredo, disputed to Tear, remain uncertain. To the south, the country lasts with a Peninsula Peninsula in the sea of ​​storms. The capital, the great and powerful city of Ilianian State is located at the southern end of this peninsula, at the mouth of the long Manetherendre river, which near the city opens in a large port bay, the largest in the world. Ilianian has no walls but is defended by his powerful fleet and a large series of channels, which also intersect within the city itself. Illilian’s men have the characteristic of growing beard, but of keeping the mustache cut over the upper lip. The Illiliane noblewomen wear draped clothes with a low cut on the bodice, collect hair with gold ribbons and bring golden sandals.

Illilian has three government bodies: the king (who wears the so -called laurel wreath), the council of the nine (composed of the nine more influential nobles) and the assembly; In theory these three organs divide powers, in reality they hinder and paralyze each other very often, consequently leaving many freedoms to the rest of the population, a rare thing compared to what happens elsewhere. The Military Group of the Comrades of Ilianian, which constitute the chosen guard of the king and the military elite of the Kingdom. Foreigners can join this elite body, who can reach even the highest degrees. Of his companions, Tam al’ATor was part who became second captain and obtained a sword with the Airone brand having properly won a duel to the latest blood. Illilian has a long history of rivalry with nearby Tear, both for commercial issues, and for the possession of the Piane di Maredo. During the War of the Bianchi Ilianian mantons he sided in favor of Alderra and King Mattin Stepaneos was taken prisoner, but despite a brilliant operation of the famous companions to free him, he was forced to pay a redemption to the children of light. Recently the Reietto Sammael has taken power in Ilianian, sitting in the council of nine under the false identity of Lord Brend. After the reborn dragon conquered the city and Sammael has been eliminated, the council of nine offered him the crown (since then called the crown of swords, rather than laurel) because the legitimate sovereign Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar was disappeared; Later, in the book IX it will be discovered that the king was kidnapped by Elaida emissaries. After becoming king, the dragon appointed Lord Gregorin as his own superintendent. Subsequently, the Lord Drago rejected the advance of the Seanchan from Altara to Ilianian and has left numerous troops and Asha’man in the country to prevent further invasions. In book XIII, Amyrlin Egwene proposes to Mattin Stepaneos to return to Ilianian and in the meantime he maintains a dense correspondence with Lord Gregorin, to induce him to support it, going to the Merrilor plain.

Kandor [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bandor’s bander

Kandor is a kingdom of the Randland continent, which is located in the north, among the border lands. Kandor’s banner consists of a rampant red horse in the green field. This kingdom borders on the west with the Saldea in the area called the plain of the Lance, east instead borders with the Arafel; In the North it borders on the great stain that advances looming from the mountains of Dhoom. To the south, on the other hand, it borders that the vast depopulated meadows lead to Tar Valon. The climate is very rigid, as in all border brands (or lands). All the cities of Kandor are built as with the equipped fortresses, given the nearby and constant threat from the stain. The capital Chachin is also an imposing fortress, it is located towards the northern borders and has been built on several hills, with more circles of concentric walls around the Royal Palace, the Aesdaishar Palace built on the three highest peaks of the city.

As with the other lands on the border with the stain, the history of Kandor was marked by the continuous threat represented by the frequent incursions of the offspring of the shadow, coming from the great stain; This has caused the country the formation of a very martial society, in which all the inhabitants are always ready to challenge weapons in case of danger. Kandori men bring gemmates and beards with a typical double tip, also the Kandori are famous merchants (the members of the Gilda of the Kandor merchants stand out for a series of silver chains that carry on the chest).

In book XIII, Kandor is announced, together with the other border brands, was invaded by the hordes of the prodenie of the shadow.

The border lands (or border brands) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

They are countries with a rigid climate, placed in the north, along the borders of the large spot and the mountains of Dhoom. They were five kingdoms, but now one of them has been incorporated into the big stain. They are all very martial nations given the continuous threat represented by the great stain. They are the kingdoms of Saldea, Kandor, Arafel, Shienar and the disappeared Malkier.

Malkier [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Band del Malkier

Malkier is a kingdom of the Randland continent, which is located in the north, among the so -called border brands. Malkier’s banner is made up of a golden crane that stands out. Malkier was a mountain nation located in the north-east corner of the Randland continent. From the Shienar, placed a little further south, the Malkier was accessed through the Tark Pass. The capital was called the seven towers and stood in an area characterized by the presence of numerous freshwater basins and therefore called the thousand lakes. Currently Malkier is totally invaded and covered with the unhealthy vegetation of the great stain.

After resisting for millennia against the nearby and looming presence of Shayol Ghul, Malkier began to be swallowed by the great stain towards the year 953 of the new era, the same year in which the son of the last king was born in Mandragoran, alla ‘Akir Mandragoran and Queen El’Enanna. In those same years the seven towers, who were the key fortress of the kingdom and probably the headquarters of the kings, fell following the betrayal perpetrated by some collateral exponents of the same royal family. Malkier’s men brought long hair costumes, held gathered by wearing a woven leather band around the head called, called Hadori . The women carried very long and flowing hair on the shoulders, also as a distinctive sign, a small stain were painted in the middle of the forehead, called Ki’Sain , the girls blue, red women married and white widows. These customs have been maintained by some malkieri who have taken refuge in the other border lands.

Manetheren [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bandierer del Manethenen

The Manetheren (which in the ancient language means “Montagna Patria” [99] ) It is an extinct kingdom. Manetheren was a powerful, but not too large state. The center of the kingdom was made up of the current region of the twin rivers, in the kingdom of Andor, while further south extended to the forest of the shadows [100] South of the Manetherendrelle (called today by the inhabitants of the Bianco River place), in the area occupied by Ghealdan today and in the northern part of Altara: the southern border was made up of the ancient kingdoms of Aelgar and Eharon. To the west, it was delimited by the mountains of fog and the Kingdom of Safer, while in the north it also included the area of ​​Baerlon and Whitebridge until the Arinelle bank (except the city of Aridhol); In the east his boundaries came to the ARINELLE and MATTHERENDRELLE, beyond which Coremanda was located. Her capital, also called Manetheren, stood at the foot of the mountains and was a very beautiful city, in fact it was built by the Ogier builders, therefore she had a door of the streets, erected during the construction of the city, and an Ogier grove (the most Beautiful in the world in its time except that of TAR Valon [101] ). In addition to the capital, only three names of the Città del Manetheren are known: Coratheren (of which nothing more is known), Jara’copan (located somewhere to the south of the capital at the foot of the Mountains of Nebbia) and Shanine (which stood where Today is Jehannah).

The Kingdom of Manetheren was formed after the fracture of the world; It was one of those who tightened the pact of the ten nations, and at that time he was governed by Sister Ay Marena. Little is known about its history before the troloc wars, but there were to be contrasts between the Manetheren and another of the ten nations, the Safer: in fact we know (the story is sung by Jasin Natal to the Aiel to Imre Stand in a song called Midean’s passage [102] ) of a battle in the Midean Pass in which King Aedomon of the Safer had attacked King Buiryn of Manetheren, and after three days of combat Buiryn and all his soldiers were killed. During the troloc wars, the Manetheren was one of the strongest opponents of the dark and therefore was called “the sword that cannot be smooth” and “a thorn in the foot of the dark”. When Aridhol, for the advice that Mordeth provided to King Balwen Mayel, began to dry and become Shadar Logoth, King Thorin at Toren at the Manetheren ban sent his son Caar to convert her to light [103] ; But Caar was imprisoned and, when he managed to escape, he was forced to go to the border brands where he died. The throne passed from Thorin to Caar’s son, Aemon to Caar al Thorin, the last of the kings of Manetheren. A troloc army attacked Manetheren under his kingdom while the king and his army were elsewhere; They quickly returned to their homeland, and fought against overwhelming forces for ten days, but were betrayed by the AMYRLIN SEAT of the time, Tetsuan, who was envious of the queen’s powers, the Aes Sedai Eldrene Ay Ellan Ay Carlan, and had convinced the others nations to delay aid to his kingdom. King Aemon fought harshly (near the current village of Emond’s Field, who took his name), but in the end he was killed and his completely annihilated army; Queen Eldrene sparked her power in an attempt to kill the general enemies, but enchanted too much and destroyed herself and the capital. After this blow, Manetheren ceased to exist; The refugees, who later returned to their homeland, were able to do small communities that would become the villages of the twin rivers.

Over the centuries there were several attempts to re -establish the Manetheren, but everyone failed. In the period narrated in the books of The wheel of time , Perrin Aybara, after having become Lord Perrin of the twin rivers, ruled the region under the banner of the Red L’Aquila (the symbol of the Manetheren); At the same time, after the battle between the Aiel and Cairhien, his friend Matrimo Matrimo Cauthon redo the Band of the Red hand ( Shen anhal in the ancient language), a special body of the ancient army of Manetheren [ninety four] .

Inrandy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bandy of Murandy

The Murandy is a small kingdom of the Randland continent, which is located in the middle of the western lands. The Murandy banner is made up of a red bull in the pace, with five vertical bands on the background, three blue and two silver. This small kingdom is located south of the Andor, with whom he has often had problems in the definition of the borders; To the west borders with the altara where the great Manetherendre river marks a long stretch; Further south the Murandy borders Illylian, while the border towards the east and the hills of Kintara, is marked by a tributary of the Manetheredrelle, the Cary river. The territory is mostly flat or hilly and the Shorn river crosses the country from north-east to the south-west, passing from the capital, before throwing itself in the handle in the macerender. The capital of the kingdom is Lugard, which is an almost ruined city, but which remains quite important and relatively prosperous, because it is located in the center of important commercial and communication routes between the North and the South of the continent. Lugard was once surrounded by walls which, however, are mostly collapsed.

Men from Murandy are quite recognizable because they usually bring two large pointed mustache. The Murandy is an inheritance monarchy and the current sovereign is Rodran Almeric DO heled a’nalo; Beyond the capital, he has very little authority on the country, dominated by a fair nobility. In fact, the Murandyans, as in nearby altara, feel little the sense of the nation unity and the various local gentlemen enjoy almost independence. The only reason for which the monarchy is maintained, it is from the fact that the king is the only authority capable of uniting and causing the various local lords from time to time, in case of threats by the neighboring countries, Ben more powerfull. The Murandy plays a truly minor role in the policy of the continent and the lack of an effective central power, causes an effective inability of the country to know how to defend itself. Recently, however, King Rodran has been able to strengthen his position a little thanks to the threatening presence in his territory, the armies of the Aes sedai rebellious by Salidar and the Band of the Red Hand. In the latter case he even secretly hired the gang, at that time led by Talmans, just to strengthen his power.

Saldea [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Flag of the Saldea
Bashere house flag
Traitor’s flag

The Saldea is a kingdom of the Randland continent, which is located in the North West, among the border lands. In an interview, the author said that the inhabitants of Saldea speak English with an Arab accent. [ without source ] The Saladea banner is made up of three silver fish vertically arranged in pole on the blue field. This kingdom is the largest and most western of the border brands. East borders with Kandor in the area call the plain of the Lance; In the North it borders on the great stain that advances looming from the mountains of Dhoom. To the south west it borders that the vast sparkled areas that lead to the Arad Dama, to the south east with wooded and bordering areas with the prairies of Caralain, which are equally uninhabited. Finally, in the west, the Saldea overlooks the Ocean Arith, but with a coast, called the end of the world, made up of rocky walls and high cliffs overlooking the sea and therefore it is without ports. The climate is very rigid, as in all border brands (or lands). The capital of the kingdom is the city of Maradon, river port on the Arinelle and the only bridge over the river north of Whitebridge in the Andor.

As with the other lands on the border with the stain, the history of Saldea was marked by the continuous threat represented by the frequent incursions of the offspring of the shadow, coming from the north. This has caused the country the formation of a very martial society, in which all the inhabitants are always ready to challenge weapons in case of danger. The Saldeani are not very high, they have dark almond eyes, black hair, pronounced cheekbones and hostessing nose, resembling in these characteristics to the Andean peoples. They are also famous as very agile cavallerizzi, as skilled as they are fierce. Men usually bring thick mustache and use serpentine swords. A typical product of the country is the so -called pepper or ice pepper, very spicy. In addition, the gems extracted in the mines of the region are famous.

Trash [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The land of Shara is a mysterious nation that is located south-east with respect to the main continent of Randland. In addition to Shara, this land is also known in the various peoples with other names: Shamara, Co’dansin, Tomaka, Kigali and Shibouya. To the north west Shara borders the Aiel desolation, along a series of very high rocky walls, southwest instead the border is traced by a very long and deep slit in the ground, the large fault; Towards the extreme North it borders the great stain, along the eastern extension of the Dhoom mountains, while in all the other directions it is surrounded by the oceans, with its southern tip that goes just beyond the equator. As a whole Shara is almost double large compared to the western continent, but only a minimal part is populated, in fact most of the territory are occupied by forests and other inhospitable or uninhabited areas.

Sharans are a people particularly isolated compared to others, a people who fiercely defend their secrets. Foreigners can come into contact with Shara only through eleven commercial cities, you are arranged on the boundaries of the Aiel desert, where the tracks from Cairhien arrive, the others instead are ports placed along the southern coast. The commercial cities open to foreigners are surrounded by high walls, without view of the country. Anyone who tries to go beyond them or even just to get on the walls is immediately put to death. Even the navigators who land on the Shara coast outside the open ports, both voluntarily and by shipwreck, are immediately killed. Sharans are known as a scaming and lying people, therefore the traders who treat with them must always carefully control the goods that are exchanged. Commerce with Sharans is always risky, not only for the scams that can be suffered, but if the trade succeeds, it is also very lucrative, because in fact, precious goods come from this land, such as ivory or silk, on which Shara holds the monopoly. The Aiels and the Atha’an Miere are the two peoples who trade mainly with the Sharans. Even the Cairhienese had obtained the privilege of trading with Shara, through their territory, from the Aiel, until the reckless gesture of King Laman, who seriously offended the Aiel, has brought Cairhien to the disaster. In Shara there are the chanters and are called Ayyad. To stand out from the rest of the population, they are tattooed in a particular way. As Grandal reveals (in book VI, chapter 6), the Ayyads live in some places completely isolated by the rest of the population, and anyone who tries to enter it is eliminated. The male channers are not killed immediately, but are kept alive in the extreme ignorance and used by the channels to reproduce. They are actually eliminated only when they turn 21 or even before, if they show the first signs of having started channeling.

The Sharans are governed by an absolute non -incoming monarch, called SH’Boan Se Female, or Sh’botay if male. The Sharani sovereigns each reign exactly for seven years and then apparently die for natural causes, and the majority of the population thinks that this is a design of fate; In reality, the true hidden governors of the country are the Ayyad, who every seven years eliminate the reigning ruler, replacing it with its widowed spouse, of opposite sex, and which is made to remarry. The great emperor Artur Hawkwing, in the past he sent a great expedition to conquer Shara, but everything resolved in a complete failure and no member of the expedition ever returned. In book XIV the Reietto Demandred makes the Sharano army available to the shade and more than four hundred Ayyad, causing a lot of damage to the light forces. In the story “River of anime” extrapolated by editorial choice from book XIV, it is discovered as initially Demandred, looking for a powerful Sa’angreal, has involuntarily guided a slave revolt and freed male Ayyad, and then earns the loyalty of the greatest Part of the female Ayyads, following a bloody war, which shocked the Sharana region. Finally after a test with a jumara, he wins the definitive control of Shara, with the title of Wyld.

Shienar [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Shaienar flag

The Shienar is a kingdom of the Randland continent, which is located in the north-east. The Shienar banner is made up of a falling black hawk in a changing field of three bands of blue and two in white. The kingdom is located in the extreme north oriental corner of the continent and is one of the border (or lands) brands, in fact to the north there is the constant threat represented by the great stain, which advances beyond the mountains of Dhoom. At the east, the Shienar borders with the ridge of the world, to the south the Erinin river marks the border with the lands once belonged to the hardan, while in the west the river Mora marks the border with the Arafel. Through the Tarwin Pass, in the mountains of Dhoom, the Shienar is in communication with the territory of the lost kingdom of Malkier, while through the niamh steps, on the ridge of the world the kingdom is in communication with the AIEL desolation. As in the other border lands, the climate of this nation is very rigid. All Shaienarese cities are built as equipped fortresses, given the nearby and constant threat from the stain. The capital is Fal Moran, while other noteworthy cities-fortress are Fal Dara and Ankor Dail, the city of Medo is an important river port on the east shore of the brunette.

As in all the border lands, the threat of the stain has forged a very martial society in the shienar, all the inhabitants are therefore ready to challenge weapons in case of danger. The Shaienarese soldiers have the characteristic of completely shaving their heads, except for a small and long tail that from the top of the head, goes down flowing on the back. A particular costume of the Shienarese and considered very embarrassing by foreigners, is to swim in the common, completely naked, male and females, in large tanks with heated water.

The story of the shienar was characterized not only by the constant threat of the stain, but also by the incursions of the AIELs along the eastern border. The most recent threat that had to face the kingdom was described in book I of the saga, when an apparently unstoppable invasion of the offspring of the shadow was stopped thanks to Rand A’ATor’s intervention.

In book XIII, it is announced that the Arafel, together with the other border brands, was invaded by the hordes of the offspring of the shadow.

Tarbon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Tarabon flag
Basin of the Panarca di Tarabon

Tarabon is one of the main States of the Randland continent. Tarabon’s banner consists of a golden tree he had been on a vertical barbed field with four red bars and three white ones. Tarabon is located in the west of the continent and is overlooking the Ocean Arith. In the north it borders Almoth’s plain, a thick contest to the Arad Di, east borders on the mountains of the fog and the Amadicia, to the south with the coast of the shadows, a desert territory. The capital of Tarabon is the large city of tanchic, built on three different penisulas divided by deep port bays. For both male and female costumes they carry a veil in front of the face and also women accommodate the hair with numerous braids, decorated with beads.

Tarabon constituted a rather prosperous and powerful kingdom, which often contested the Almoth plain to the Diabuk neighbors. It was usually governed by a king (always male, by line of hereditary succession) and by a panarca (always female, elected by the assembly), which divided the executive powers. Tarabon’s last free Panarca was Amathera, while the last king was Andric, killed in battle by the Seanchan. After the conquest of the country, the Seans have both replaced with personality faithful to them. At the beginning of the Tarabon saga, it is described as a prey to the disorders caused by the dragon proponents and then by the civil war. During the book Quarto and the fifth book, some relief episodes of the saga take place in tanchic and then in the rest of the country. The capital was invaded by refugees and reduced to hunger, while the white cloaks and the black Ajah fomented the disorder with their moves. Amathera herself was held prisoner in her palace by Black Ajah and was later released by Elayne and Nynaeve. Finally, the Seans, taking advantage of the chaotic situation, had easy game to take over the entire country.

  1. ^ This name was not given by the author, who left this place unnamed, but by the fans of the cycle of The wheel of time .
  2. ^ The name in English means “Terra di Rand”, in honor of the protagonist, Rand al’ATor.
  3. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 433.
  4. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 434.
  5. ^ The Lord of chaos, p. 177 .
  6. ^ a b The reborn dragon, pp. 338-352 .
  7. ^ a b The reborn dragon, pp. 396-405 .
  8. ^ The reborn dragon, pp. 505-507 .
  9. ^ The reborn dragon, pp. 537-555 .
  10. ^ The heart of winter, p. 33 .
  11. ^ The heart of winter, p. 211 .
  12. ^ a b c The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 183.
  13. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 184.
  14. ^ a b c The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time , Teresa Patterson, Tor Books, 1997; Chapter 27.
  15. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 13 (pages 183-189).
  16. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 14 (pages 190-203).
  17. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 15 (pages 204-224).
  18. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 16 (pages 225-234).
  19. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 17 (pages 235-250).
  20. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Page 824.
  21. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 490.
  22. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 491.
  23. ^ a b c d The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 492.
  24. ^ The heart of winter , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1426-3; Page 204.
  25. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Page 822.
  26. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 511.
  27. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 611.
  28. ^ La you “Andor” Subilla wikia of The wheel of time
  29. ^ The item “Caembarin” Subilla wikia of The wheel of time .
  30. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 35 (pages 490-502).
  31. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 36 (pages 503-515).
  32. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 39 (pages 538-548).
  33. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 40 (pages 549-570).
  34. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 41 (pages 571-583).
  35. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 42 (pages 584-594).
  36. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapters 43-45 (pages 595-631).
  37. ^ The big hunt , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1218-8; Page 401.
  38. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 28 (pages 304-310).
  39. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 31 (pages 331-337).
  40. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 40 (pages 435-449).
  41. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 45 (pages 493-502).
  42. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 46 (pages 503-512).
  43. ^ The reborn dragon , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1219-6; Chapter 47 (pages 513-520).
  44. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Prologue (pages 13-35).
  45. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Pages 159-160.
  46. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Chapter 19 (pages 314-335).
  47. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Chapter 54 (pages 825-847).
  48. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Chapter 55 (pages 848-869).
  49. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Chapter 56 (pages 870-877).
  50. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapters 17-19 (pages 402-447).
  51. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapters 27-28 (pages 540-581).
  52. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapter 50 (pages 883-899).
  53. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Page 109.
  54. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapter 3 (pages 117-132).
  55. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapter 21 (pages 461-474).
  56. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapter 51 (pages 900-906).
  57. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Chapter 55 (pages 964-985).
  58. ^ The Pagno dei Dagnali , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1358-7; Chapter 28 (pages 758-777).
  59. ^ The Pagno dei Dagnali , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1358-7; Chapter 30 (pages 802-823).
  60. ^ The heart of winter , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1426-3; Page 345.
  61. ^ The heart of winter , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1426-3; Pages 630-631.
  62. ^ a b c The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 476.
  63. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Pages 476-478.
  64. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (Collection (Tif Extra), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; page 27.
  65. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 462.
  66. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 464.
  67. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 435.
  68. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Page 537.
  69. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 437.
  70. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 32 (pages 435-452).
  71. ^ The rise of the shade , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1234-4; Page 492.
  72. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 153.
  73. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 358.
  74. ^ a b c d The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 252.
  75. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 357.
  76. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 362.
  77. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 26 (pages 356-375).
  78. ^ The big hunt , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1218-8; Page 395.
  79. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 64.
  80. ^ The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Chapter 1 (Pages 36-68).
  81. ^ The heart of winter , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1426-3; Chapter 27 (pages 608-631).
  82. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 19.
  83. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; page 24.
  84. ^ Tetsuan was the first Amyrlin Seat who was quiet, for having betrayed Manetheren for envy of his queen, Eldrene, a very powerful ESI.
  85. ^ The big hunt , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 88-347-1218-8; Page 89.
  86. ^ a b c d It is The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 27.
  87. ^ a b The rise of the shade , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1234-4; Page 75 and 811.
  88. ^ The rise of the shade , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1234-4; Chapter 40 (pages 651-663).
  89. ^ From the Two Rivers , Robert Jordan, Tor Books; Ravens Prologue.
  90. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 336.
  91. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 337.
  92. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Chapter 20 (pages 281-297).
  93. ^ The reborn dragon, pp. 416-434 .
  94. ^ a b The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0; Page 783.
  95. ^ a b The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 135.
  96. ^ The Lord of the chaos , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9; Page 144.
  97. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Pages 161 and 163.
  98. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 165.
  99. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Pages 135-136.
  100. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 136.
  101. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 512.
  102. ^ The rise of the shade , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1234-4; Pages 605-606.
  103. ^ The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0; Page 277.
  • The eye of the world , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1133-0
  • Jordan, R. The big hunt . ISBN 0-312-85140-5
  • Robert Jordan, The reborn dragon , Fanucci Editore, 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1219-1.
  • The rise of the shade , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (Collection (Tif Extra), 2006, ISBN 978-88-347-1234-4
  • The fires of the sky , Robert Jordan, Fanucci Editore (TIF Extra collection), 2007, ISBN 978-88-347-1287-0
  • Robert Jordan, The Lord of the chaos , Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1367-9.
  • Jordan, R. The crown of swords . ISBN 0-312-85767-5
  • Jordan, R. The Pagno dei Dagnali . ISBN 0-312-85769-1
  • Robert Jordan, The heart of winter , Fanucci Editore, 2008, ISBN 978-88-347-1426-3.
  • Jordan, R. Crossing of the twilight . ISBN 0-312-86459-0
  • Jordan, R. New spring . ISBN 0-7653-0629-8
  • Jordan, R. The blade of dreams . ISBN 0-312-87307-7
  • Jordan, R. Sanderson, B. Stormy omens . ISBN 978-1-84149-165-3
  • Jordan, R. Sanderson, B. The midnight towers . ISBN 978-88-347-1834-6
  • Jordan, R. Sanderson, B. Light memory . ISBN 8834722442
