Pleven (horse) – Wikipedia


The Pleven (in Bulgarian: Pleven horse / Plevenski kon ) is a breed of sports horses, originally from the Pleven region in northern Bulgaria. Its origin dates back to the beginning of XX It is century, in the national stud farm of Klementina. Very close to the French Anglo-Arab, it comes from the crossing of Bulgarian local mares with stallions of Arabic and thoroughbred breed, mainly Hungarian and Soviet.


The Pleven was officially recognized in 1951. High as a military and utility horse originally, it is converted into equestrian sports, in particular show jumping and dressage. Its workforce drops drastically, to the point that there are only 200 pleven listed in 2009. Conservation measures have been implemented. About 25 horses from Pleven are now high in preservation at the Haras de Kabiuk.

The name in Bulgarian is Pleven horse , either in Latin alphabet Plevenski kon [ first ] , [ 2 ] . The Russian name is transcribed by Plevenska [ 3 ] . The name in English, “Pleven”, is employed internationally [ first ] , [ 2 ] . In French, the author of the Guide Delachaux takes up the name “Pleven”, signaling for synonym “Pleven horse” [ 2 ] . In effect, “Pleven horse” is the translation chosen in 2002 by Jean-Claude Boulet, the author of Horse multilingual dictionary [ 4 ] .

These horses were selected from 1898 at the National Haras of Klementina (future national stud farm of Deorgi Dimitrov), near Pleven in the north of Bulgaria, hence their name [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . Original jetics is made up of local animals [ 8 ] , composed of Deli-Orman, Anglo-Arabs and Bulgarian half-groups, with stallions of Arabic, Anglo-Arab, Half-Surlets, Strelets [ first ] , [ 8 ] and Shagya [ 2 ] . The objective of the period is the obtaining of a military frame [ 9 ] , nevertheless able to serve agricultural work [ 2 ] . Later, Gidran stallions, of Hungarian origin, come in crossing [ 3 ] ; their influence on Pleven remains the most important [ first ] , [ ten ] . According to Bongianni, until 1938, only Arabic and Gidran were crossed [ 11 ] . The breed is considered fixed after this date [ 11 ] .

Pleven’s horse is officially recognized in 1951 [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 9 ] , and his stud-book Created in 1959 [ first ] . At that time, the race was presented in the Western world as the “Russian version of Anglo-Arab” [ ten ] . In 1970, Pleven was, like the Eastern Bulgarian, evaluated on its traction power [ twelfth ] . Croisments with thoroughbred are introduced to improve performance in equestrian sports, and the possibility of use as a hobby [ 9 ] , [ 11 ] . The population nevertheless decreases, with a moderate increase in consanguinity between individuals from 1982 to 1999, so that in 2001, researcher B. Milusheva proposes to reintroduce crosses with thoroughbred, because the reduction of workforce has reduced The genetic basis of the Pleven population [ 13 ] .

In 2009, only 200 Pleven were identified, with a tendency to decrease the workforce [ first ] . The closure of Klementina’s national stud farm leads to the end of centralized and nationalized management in Pleven farming [ 14 ] . Georgi Yordanov, Executive Director of the National Association for Horse Breeding in Bulgaria, declared in 2009 that it was then the Bulgarian horse breed to the lowest workforce [ 15 ] . He evokes the purchase of a French Anglo-Arab stallion, crowned champion of the winter league in Sofia, to solve some breeding problems [ 15 ] . In 2010, Pleven was eligible for European aid granted to the preservation of threatened domestic breeds, up to 200 € € By horse held by a private breeder [ 16 ] .

As part of measures to help preserving Aboriginal animal breeds in Bulgaria [ 17 ] , a conservation program on-site is set up in 2011, from 34 mares and 11 PLEVE breed stallions [ first ] . The objective is to avoid the extinction of the breed [ 8 ] . However, if the workforce temporarily increases thanks to the initial horses recordings, they then continue to decrease [ 18 ] . In 2015, Pleven was included in threatened Bulgarian local breeds benefiting from aid for measure 10 in agroecology of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 [ 19 ] .


The average size recorded in the DAD-IS database is 1.60 m For females and 1.62 m in males [ first ] . Cab International (2016) indicates a smaller range, 1.54 m at 1.62 m [ 8 ] . On the contrary, the Delachaux guide indicates a larger range of 1.60 m at 1.65 m in females for 1.63 m at 1.67 m in males [ 2 ] . The encyclopedia of the University of Oklahoma (2007) indicates a fork of 1.52 m at 1.62 m , however, it also specifies a tendency to increase the size [ 3 ] . In 1988, the Italian author Maurizio Bongianni indicated an average size of 1.55 m [ 11 ] .

The gestation of the mares lasts on average 340 days [ 20 ] . The weight of the foal at birth is around 50 kg [ first ] .

Morphology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is a typically Anglo-Arab horse [ first ] , [ 2 ] , model dolichomorphe [ 11 ] and athletic [ 8 ] . The Pleven present a remarkable type uniformity, with a robust constitution [ 3 ] .

The Pleven presents a head of medium size and rectilinear profile [ first ] , [ 11 ] , [ 21 ] or slightly concave [ 2 ] , [ 22 ] , with well -defined orbits, wide nostrils [ first ] and stuck ears [ 22 ] . The neckline is straight, in medium length according to DAD-IS [ first ] (long according to other authors [ 2 ] , [ 11 ] , [ 21 ] ), strong [ 21 ] and muscular [ 11 ] , well attached to the chest [ first ] . The tourniquet is long, of average height according to DAD-Is [ first ] , high according to Bongianni [ 11 ] . The shoulder is long and slightly tilted [ 11 ] . The back is straight [ first ] , [ 11 ] , court selon DAD-IS [ first ] ; long according to the majority of sources [ 2 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 11 ] , [ 21 ] , and wide [ first ] . The kidney is straight, wide and well attached to the rump [ first ] . The rump is oval, well muscular [ first ] , slightly inclined [ first ] , [ 11 ] , quite long and wide according to Dad-Is [ first ] , short according to the Delachaux guide [ 2 ] . The chest is deep, rounded and wide [ first ] . The legs are dry, strong, with well -defined joints and tendons [ first ] , of the cannons longs [ 11 ] and small hooves [ 21 ] solid [ 2 ] . The tail, tied high [ 2 ] , is little supplied in horsehass [ first ] .

The heritability of the height at the tourniquet and the cannon tower of the Horses Pleven is estimated to be between 0.6 and 0.2 [ 23 ] .

Robe [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Pleven dress is still the Alezan, according to a majority of sources [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 11 ] , [ 21 ] . It often has a clear shade, with golden reflections [ 2 ] . White brands are rare [ 2 ] . Bonnie Lou Hendricks (Oklahoma University) indicates the Alezan as the majority dress [ 3 ] , which seems to indicate that other colors are or are possible.

Temperament and gaits [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pleven step in his meadow.

Pleven is renowned for its intelligence and courage, as well as its liveliness [ 2 ] .
These horses are productive to the age of 19 [ first ] , but require suitable care, like all sports horses [ 2 ] . Longevity is deemed to be good [ 2 ] . The movements are graceful and beautiful [ first ] , with an elongated and aerial action [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] .

Selection [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The breed is managed by the association for the safeguard and development of Horses Pleven and Gidran de Bulgaria [ first ] . According to Hendricks (2007, 1995 reissue), there are seven lines and thirteen families of Pleven listed, the genealogical data being structured by breeders [ 3 ] . In 2001, the study of the Bulgarian researcher B. Milucheva, on 8 Pleven lines (Algi-Gidran, Gidran 46-12, Vihar, Pirin, Murad, Balkan, Sivora and San Tiago) between 1982 and 1999 makes it possible to determine that The most active are the lines of Sivora, San Tiago and Algi-Gidran, and that the Balkan and Gidran 46-12 lines are about to go out [ 24 ] . The 30 mares studied are then divided into eight families [ 24 ] . The families of Miazma, Gorda, Malinovka and Gergana are the most developed [ 24 ] .

The selection implemented aims to increase the size and the improvement of sports performance [ 3 ] . It includes testing, jumping capacity, as well as judgment on conformation [ 9 ] . The quality of the maternal strain and environmental influences come into account to determine the qualities of the foal [ 25 ] .

The Pleven is mounted in equestrian sports, including by children [ first ] . He has a good jumping [ 11 ] , and obtains results in dressage and show jumping competitions [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] . It once was used for light traction [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] , for agricultural work [ 11 ] . A number of Bulgaria Today , dated 1957, indicates that the Pleven and the Danubian were at that time selected for races [ ten ] .

Pleven grazing at the Haras of Kabiuk.

In the DAD-IS database, Pleven is indicated as a rare local and native breed of Bulgaria, more precisely in the north and northwest of the country [ first ] . The study conducted by Rupak Khadka of the University of Uppsala, published in For the FAO, signals the “pleven” as a race of local European horses, whose threat level is unknown [ 26 ] . In 2017, the workforce identified in Bulgaria is only 97 horsepower [ first ] . The Delachaux Guide indicates (2016) a population of 37 broodmers and 7 stallions in Bulgaria [ 2 ] . In 2012, Professor Vasil Nikolov, Director of the Executive Agency for Selection and Reproduction (IASRZ), declares that the state body controls less than 100 females and 5 male animals of Pleven breed, or about 50 mares [ 27 ] . That same year, several animals in this breed were sent to the Haras of Kabiuk, in the Choumen region [ 27 ] . The work Equine Science ( 4 It is 2012 edition) classifies the Pleven among the races of saddle horses little known internationally [ 28 ] . Indeed, Bulgarian farming is not turned towards the outdoor market; The first Bulgarian breeding animals presented outside this country were in 2012, in Germany [ 27 ] .

In 2016, around 25 Pleven were at the Haras de Kabiuk [ 14 ] . The director of this stud farm recovered them after the closure of the Klementina national stud farm [ 14 ] . The breed was represented at Sliven Breeding Exhibition From 2018, a Bulgarian agricultural fair that attracts visitors from all Europe [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] .

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae et af DAD-IS.
  2. A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t and u Rousseau 2016, p. 270.
  3. A b c d e f g h i j k and l Hendricks 2007, p. 344.
  4. Jean-Claude Boulet, Horse multilingual dictionary , Jean-Claude Boulet, , 527 p. (ISBN  2-9804600-6-0 And 9782980460067 , read online ) , p. 141 .
  5. a b c d e and f Reeve et Biggs 2011, p. 135.
  6. (in) Charles Evelyn Graham Hope et Noel Jackson, The encyclopedia of the horse, Viking Press, , 336 p. (ISBN  0-7207-0599-1, OCLC  299740836) , p. 258 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata.
  7. (in) Caroline Silver, Illustrated Guide to Horses of the World , Longmeadow Press, , 224 p. (ISBN  0-681-41894-X And 9780681418943 ) , p. 140 .
  8. a b c d e and f Porter et al. 2016, p. 496.
  9. A B C and D Vassilev, Dimov et tsankov 2002, p. first.
  10. A B and C (in) Pleven » , Bulgaria Today , Sofia Press Agency, vol. 6, , p. 14-15 .
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p and q Bongianhanni 1988, p. forty six.
  12. (bg) I. Iorov and S. Zheliazkov , Parameters of draft force and daily performance in kilogram-meters of pleven and east Bulgarian horse breeds » , Zhivotnovudni Nauk , .
  13. Milusheva 2001b.
  14. A B and C (bg) Deyan Gergovski, “Kabyuk” preserves the traditional Bulgarian breeds of horses (video) – Shumen » [“” Kabiyuk “keeps the races of traditional Bulgarian horses (video)”], on , (consulted the ) .
  15. a et b (bg) The Bulgarian breed * Pleven horse * /06.03.2009/ – is ahead of disappearance, according to a specialist Sofia. The Pleven Horse is the breed with the smallest population or with the smallest units in Bulgaria for the moment, said in an interview with FOCUS Agency Georgi …… » [“The Bulgarian race of the Pleven horse will go out, according to a specialist”], on , (consulted the ) .
  16. (bg) AGROCOLOGICAL MEASURE FROM THE RDP Encourages Agricultural Activities aimed at Environmental Conservation » [“Agroenvironnementary measurement within the framework of the PDR encourages agricultural activities aimed at protecting the environment”], on , (consulted the )
  17. Stoimenov nikolov 2015, p. 41.
  18. Stoimenov nikolov 2015, p. 44.
  19. (bg) How will Measure 10 AGROECOLOGY APPLY FROM RDP 2014-2020 » , on , (consulted the )
  20. Vassilev, Dimov et tsankov 2002, p. 2.
  21. a b c d e and f Ravazzi and Siméon 2010, p. 198.
  22. a et b Pickeral 2003, p. 351.
  23. Vassilev et tsankov 1997.
  24. A B and C Milusheva 2001.
  25. Vassilev, Dimov et tsankov 2002, p. 3.
  26. (in) Rupak Khadka, Global Horse Population with respect to Breeds and Risk Status » , Uppsala, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science – Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, , p. 60; 70.
  27. A B and C (bg) BTA, Bulgaria presents its local breeds of animals on the European market – Agriculture – News BG » [“Bulgaria presents its local animal races on the European market”], on , (consulted the ) .
  28. (in) Rick Parker, Equine Science, Cengage Learning, , 4 e ed. , 608 p. (ISBN  1-111-13877-X) , p. 62 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata.
  29. (bg) The National Exhibition of Livestock opens doors with over 200 participants – animal husbandry » [“The national cattle exhibition opens with more than 200 participants”], on (consulted the ) .
  30. (bg) National Exhibition of Livestock in Sliven (Photos) – Sliven » [“National animal breeding fair in Sliven (photos)”], on (consulted the ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Banganni 1988] (in) Maurizio Bongianni ( trad. of the Italian by Ardèle Dejey), Simon & Schuster’s guide to horses & ponies of the world , New York, Simon & Schuster, , 255 p. (ISBN  0-671-66067-5 , OCLC  16755485 ) , “Pleven” , p. forty six Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Hendricks 2007] (in) Bonnie Lou Hendricks, International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds , Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, , 2 It is ed. , 486 p. (ISBN  0-8061-3884-X , OCLC  154690199 , read online ) , “Pleven” , p. 344 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'articleVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Pickeral 2003] (in) Tamsin Pickeral, The encyclopedia of horses & ponies , New York, Barnes & Noble, , 384 p. (ISBN  0-7607-3457-7-7 , OCLC  51516515 ) . «Pleven Horse» Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Porter et al. 2016] (in) Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen J. G. Hall et Dan Phillip Sponenberg, Mason’s World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding , CAB International, , 6 It is ed. , 1 107 p. (ISBN  1-84593-466-0 , OCLC  948839453 ) , “Pleven” , p. 496 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Reeve et Biggs 2011] (in) Moira C. Reeve et Sharon Biggs ( ill. Bob Langrish), The Original Horse Bible: The Definitive Source for All Things Horse : The Definitive Source for All Things Horse , New York, BowTie Inc., , 481 p. (ISBN  1-937049-25-6 , OCLC  772844664 ) , «Pleven: bulgaria» , p. 135 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Ravazzi and Siméon 2010] Gianni rockys et Victor Siméon ( trad. of the Italian by Cécile Breffort), The global encyclopedia of breed horses: more than 150 breeds of saddle and ponies , Éditions de Vecchi, (ISBN  978-2-73288-9546-8 ) , “Pleven”, p. 198 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'articleVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Rousseau 2016] Élise Rousseau ( ill. Yann le Bris), European Horse Guide , Delachaux and Niestlé, (ISBN  978-2-603-02437-9 ) , “Pleven”, p. 268 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • (bg) Breeds of farm animals in Bulgaria [«Races Animales En Bulgaria»], Ipho Design Ltd. Publishing House, , 2 It is ed. , 126 p. (ISBN  978-954-92216-3-3 )

Research articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Dobrev et tsankov 1978] (bg) D. Dobrev , T. Tsankov and t. Yablanski , Genetic structure of the Pleven horse breed Bulgaria based on serum protein system polymorphism » , Genetika I Selektsiia. Genetics and Plant Breeding , (ISSN  0016-6766 )
  • [Milusheva 2001] (bg) B. Milusheva , Dynamics in the structure of Pleven horse population » , Animal Science , (ISSN  0514-7441 )
  • [Milusheva 2001b] (bg) B. Milusheva , Role of inbreeding in introducting new blood breeding in horse population of Pleven breed » , Animal Science ,‎ 2001b (ISSN  0514-7441 )
  • [Stoimenov Nikolov 2015] (in) Vasil Stoimenov nikolov , Review of the specific measures for support of the autochthonous breeds in Bulgaria » , Journal of Central European agriculture , vol. 16, n O 2, (DOI  10.5513/JCEA01/16.2.1584 , read online , consulted the )
  • [Vassilev et tsankov 1997] (in) D. Vassilev and t. Tsankov , Genetic variation study on conformation traits of Pleven warmblood horse » , Animal Science , (ISSN  0514-7441 )
  • [Vassilev, Dimov et tsankov 2002] (in) D. Vassilev , G. Dimov and t. Tsankov , « Direct, maternal and uncorrelated (co) variances for gestation length in Pleven Warmblood mares » , In 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production , Montpellier, France, ( read online ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

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