Plumb years (Morocco) – Wikipedia


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THE lead years , in Morocco, correspond to a period of contemporary history of this country which extended from the 1970s to 1999 during the reign of King Hassan II, and was marked by violence and a repression against political opponents and democratic activists.

The years following Morocco’s independence are politically tense years between power and oppositions. They are marked by multiple ideas, third-worldists, will to maintain order, and political tremors, in particular attempts at military states. Shortly after the accession to the throne of King Hassan II, at the end of February 1961, the vice tightened around the opponents and movements on the left. Power favors the maintenance of the monarchy, order, and conservatism [ first ] . The repression begins in by arrest for “conspiracy” (known as July conspiracy [ 2 ] ) activists from the National Union of Popular Forces (UNFP) and Communists. It continues with the activism events of high school students who turned to the March 1965 insurrection in Casablanca, the liquidation of Ben Barka, the output of the National Union of Students of Morocco (UNM) and Marxist-Leninist organizations (in particular the extreme left movement ila al amame of Abraham Serfaty and Abdellatif Laâbi), the counter-guerrillas in the Middle Atlas: in 1973, an insurrectional event perpetrated by the Tanzim in Khénifra, “affair Moulay Bouazza”, the Kenitra trial (June 1973 then those of 1977) and the repression of the riots of 1981 in Casablanca [ first ] .

These three decades which frame the years of lead are dominated by the reign of Hassan II and the succession of two characters at the head of the Ministry of the Interior: General Mohamed OUFKIR and the ex-Commissioner Driss Basri [ first ] .

A government organism, the equity and reconciliation body (IER), was created in 2004 to investigate the human balance sheet years [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . He made his conclusion in 2005, notably indicating a total of 9,779 cas At least human rights abuses, including 1,018 dead. The Moroccan Human Rights Association (AMDH) estimates that these years of repression have made tens of thousands of victims (killed, injured, imprisoned, disappeared and exiles), including at least 3,000 dead [ 4 ] .

  1. A B and C Zakya Daoud, Morocco: the years of lead, 1958-1988: chronicles of a resistance , Manucius,
  2. Zakya Daoud, “July plot” , In Lamalif years: 1958-1988, thirty years of journalism in Morocco , Tarik Éditions, , p. 108
  3. Morocco, the years of lead », Radio France internationale , ( read online )
  4. a et b José Boy, ” Landfield years in Morocco: a page that is difficult to shoot », Liberation , ( read online ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “The monarchy of Hassan II on the test (1961-1975)”, in Pierreimer, History of Morocco since independence , Paris, La Découverte, coll. “Benchmarks/History” ( n O 346), ( rompr. 2006) ( first re ed. 2002), 125 p. (ISBN  978-2-7071-6499-5 And 2707164992 , OCLC  660132868 , BNF  42274065 , Online presentation ) , p. 33-70
  • Bernard car, “The time of crises” , In History of Morocco: origins to the present day , Ellipses, 2011 – ed. Rev. and increase. ( first re ed. 2000), 403 p. (ISBN  9782729863524 And 2729863524 , OCLC  717543501 ) , p. 322-333

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