Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party – Wikipedia


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The Political office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party [ first ] , often abbreviated in Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party , or even in Political office , is a group of nineteen to twenty-five people elected by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party to lead the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP). The most important members of this political office sit on the permanent committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party.

Political scheme of the Chinese Communist Party [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The nineteen at twenty-five people who make up the political bureau hold important positions in state and army institutions. Every five years, the political bureau proposes the political orientations of the party and suggests the appointments of the highest leaders at the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party which confirms them. The political bureau directs the party between two sessions of the central party committee of the party.

Full text of article 22 of the partner constitution defining in particular the powers of the political bureau [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since November 14, 2002, article 22 of the constitution of the Chinese Communist Party (in) adopted by the 16 It is party national congress stipulates [ 2 ] :

“The political bureau, the permanent committee of the political bureau and the secretary general of the Central Committee of the Party are elected by the central committee in plenary session. The secretary general of the central committee must be a member [is a member of law] of the permanent committee of the political bureau.

When the central committee is not in session, the political bureau and its permanent committee exercise the functions and powers of the central committee.

The General Secretariat of the Central Committee is the active body of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its permanent committee. The members of the secretariat are appointed by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and must be validated by the central committee in plenary session.

The Secretary -General is responsible for convening the meetings of the Political Bureau and its permanent committee; He presides over the work of the secretariat.

The members of the Military Commission of the Central Committee are chosen by the Central Committee.

The central party bodies and the main officials elected by each central committee must, while the following national congress is in session, continue to preside over the daily tasks of the party, as long as the new central and main managers have not been elected by the new central committee. »»

Composition of 18 It is Political office [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2012, the political bureau was made up of:


Composition of 19 It is Political office [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2017, the political bureau is made up of:

General secretary

Permanent committee

Other members of the political bureau

Composition of 20 It is Political office [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2021, women have 27.9% of the 92 million CCP members. Sun Chunlan is the only woman member of the 19 It is Party political office; There are only six having sat there since 1949 (the first were Jiang Qing and Ye Qun in 1969, within the 9 It is Political bureau and the penultimate Liu Yandong, within the 18 It is Political bureau). In addition, none has ever sat in the permanent committee of the said political bureau, bringing together the seven people actually leading the country [ 3 ] . In 2022, the 20 It is Party political office has no woman, something unprecedented since 2002 [ 4 ] .

  1. At the time of the Soviet Union (until 1991), the Russian term Politburo – Used for the PCUS – could also be used for the Chinese Communist Party, but this use in French has fallen into disuse since.
  2. (in) 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2002» [“16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 2002”] [ Archive du ] , on www.china.org.cn (consulted the ) : Article 22 The Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party are elected by the Central Committee in plenary session. The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. When the Central Committee is not in session, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee. The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the working body of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee. The members of the Secretariat are nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and are subject to endorsement by the Central Committee in plenary session. The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening the meetings of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee and presides over the work of the Secretariat. The members of the Military Commission of the Central Committee are decided on by the Central Committee. The central leading bodies and leaders elected by each Central Committee shall, when the next National Congress is in session, continue to preside over the Party’s day-to-day work until the new central leading bodies and leaders are elected by the next Central Committee. » .
  3. Frédéric Lemaître, Become a member of the Communist Party, the dream of the red elite in China » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  4. Frédéric Lemaître, Xi Jinping obtains full powers in China to confront the West » , on lemonde.fr , (consulted the ) .
