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We call policies A party made up of French Catholics after the massacre of Saint-Barthélemy [ first ] (August 24, 1572). It brings together people worried about the consequences of an outrageous persecution of Protestants: the policies Pass the maintenance of civil peace and the unity of the kingdom before religious questions and denominational logic.

Lawyers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

One of the first inspirers of the Politic Party was, in the 1560s, Chancellor Michel de l’Hospital: advisor to Catherine de Médicis. He considers that the king, symbol of the nation, must place himself above religious quarrels. Faced with parliaments assembled in Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1562, he declared that the fundamental question “is not the maintenance of religion but the maintenance of the Republic” [Ref. necessary]

At the same time Etienne Pasquier, lawyer in the parliament of Paris, defends the same point of view in the Exhortation to princes (1561).

We can also quote the lawyers Guy Coquille, Pierre de Belloy, lawyer general in the parliament of Toulouse, and the Protestants François de la Noue or Guillaume du Bartas.


Jean Bodin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The great theorist from the point of view of politicians is Jean Bodin, author of Six pounds of the Republic , work published in 1576. He developed the conception of a reinforced state power to exercise within the framework of a nation and placing itself above factions, recognizing as a fact of different religions in the kingdom and not trying to eradicate some.

The Dukes party of Alençon and Montmorency (1574-1584) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

They come together behind personalities like the Duke of Alençon, brother of King Henri III, and the Marshal of Montmorency [ 2 ] , Governor of Languedoc, which supports them vigorously.

They are at the origin of the signing of the edict of Beaulieu ( ).

The fight against the League and the support of Henri de Navarre (1584-1598) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Subsequently, politicians had to oppose years even to the Ultra-Catholic League led by the Guise family.

Their final triumph was devoted by the entrance to Henri IV to Paris ( ).

The Meniped satire (1593) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

One of the most remarkable literary expressions of the Politicians is the Meniped satire , a satirical pamphlet directed against the league, published in Tours after the holding of the Estates General summoned to Paris by the Duke of Mayenne ( ).

The collective of authors is intended to be a group of good citizens, “remained French in politics and Gallicans in religion”, and indignant that the watchword of “defense of the Catholic religion” has become a simple coverage for the leaders of Adventurers and intriguing.

The title is borrowed from the Dutch humanist Juste Lipse, who had published in the Hague in 1589 a work in Latin entitled Politics or Civil Doctrine Books , translated into French the following year and again in 1594, the object of fifteen editions, where he developed the pessimistic vision of a state which must simply be powerful enough to prevent men from engaging in their destructive passions . In France, after three decades of civil war, this work, which basically resumed the diagnosis and the solutions proposed by Jean Bodin, experienced great success with the government and the elites.

  1. According to Francis de flue ( p. 5), the word appears after the promulgation of the January 1562 edict to designate its defenders. We also spoke of “middle”.
  2. From 1574, the “policies” were close to “malconteents”, this last word designating members of the high nobility contesting the government of Henri III, the “politicians” being rather magistrates and jurists.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Francis flooded , The Political Party in the aftermath of Saint-Barthélemy: the soft and coconat , Paris, Librairie Plon, Nourrit et Cie, , VII -365 p. ( read online ) .
  • Yves-Charles Zarka (Sous La Dir. De), Reason and state unreason. Theories and theories of reason of state to XVI It is And XVII It is century , Paris, Puf, 1994.
  • Joeg Cornette (SOUSA LA YOU. THE), History of political France , t. 2 : The monarchy, between Renaissance and Revolution (1515-1792) , Paris, Seuil, 2000.
  • Jean-Yves Grenier, History of the economic and political thought of France of ancient regime , Paris, Hachette, 2007.

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