Pons de Chapteuil – Wikipedia


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Pons de Chapteuil ( flourished 1190-1237) is an Auvergne troubadour, lord of Vertaizon. His songs in Occitan language are renowned for their great cheerfulness, the best known being a sirvents on the third crusade [ 2 ] .

Vassal of the King of Aragon, he was the friend of Count Guy II of Auvergne and probably of the Languedoc Trobairitz Clara d’Anduza.

Without it being possible to determine the exact reason for the name chapter , it is issued that Pons had a link with the current municipality of Saint-Julien-Chapteuil [ 3 ] .

Many variants of this name are given and assigned to it: Pons of Capduelh ou capdolh in Languedoc dialect, Capduell , Capdveyll , Capdveill in Catalan Capduoill [ 4 ] , Capdoill in Castilian, or more commonly Chapteuil Francisation of its native native native dialect Chaptuelh .

In 1195, the family lordship of Vertaizon was attacked by bishop Robert de Clermont then in war with his brother the Count Guy II of Auvergne, a close friend of the Chapteuil family [ 5 ] . Defeated by the bishop of Clermont, Pons and his troop of 123 men pay arms and pay tribute to Robert de Clermont [ 6 ] . Fighting on the side of Count Guy II of Auvergne against the King of France Philippe-Auguste when the latter conquers Auvergne, he refused as a result of the defeat the tribute to the latter that he reserves only to the crown of Aragon and his King Peter II of Aragon [ 7 ] .

Pons was exiled from his homeland in the middle of the second decade of XIII It is century, the moment of the French conquest of Auvergne and the end of the county regime of his friend Guy II. He nevertheless retains land around Mézenc, with Brion, in the current Ardèche [ 8 ] .


He traveled Pro (Provence), then would have participated in the fifth crusade, left for the Holy Land, where, according to tradition, he would have died.

References of works

  1. J. H. Marshall, «  Three unidentified fragments of the Provençal H songwriter », Romania , Geneva, Droz bookstore, n O 97, (ISSN  0035-8029, read online )
  2. Jean lawsuit, Troubadour Pons, lord of Chapteuil and Vertaizon: his time, his life, his work in Auvergne review , Clermont-Ferrand, 1976.
  3. Website www.saintjulienchapteuil.fr __ “Saint-Julien-Chapteuil-History-Saint-Julien-Chapteuil, a village rich in its past”.
  4. (in) Pons de Capduoill and Azalais de Mercuor: A Study of the Planh » , Nottingham Medieval Studies , Nottingham; Turnhout (Belgium), University of Nottingham; Brepols, (ISSN  0078-2122 , e-ISSN  2507-0444 , read online )
  5. Thomas Areal, «  When domination rhymes with concessions. The bishop of Clermont and the granting of franchises ( XIII eXIV ecenturies) », Centuries, review of the Center of History “Spaces and Cultures” , Blaise-Pascal University, (ISSN  2275-2129, read online )
  6. Jean-Pierre Chambon, ” Notes from former Auvergne. By rereading the Bulhon peeronelle will », Romania , , p. 226-237 (ISSN  0035-8029, read online )
  7. Rémy Roques, ” Bass and high-auvergne: contribution to the history of a differentiation », Centuries , Blaise-Pascal academic presses, vol. 46, (ISSN  1266-6726, read online )
  8. Franck Brechon, Pierre-Yves Laffont, ” The castle and the medieval village of Brion », Dumézenc notebooks , The friends of the Mézenc, ( read online )


  • Didier Perre, Yves Gourguaud, The songs of Troubadour Pons de Chapteuil in Mézenc notebooks , 1996.
  • Jean lawsuit, Troubadour Pons, lord of Chapteuil and Vertaizon: his time, his life, his work in Auvergne review , 1976.
  • Antoine Thomas, The identity of the Troubadour Pons de Chapteuil in Annals of the Midi: archaeological, historical and philological review of southern France 1893, volume 5 number 19 pp. 374-379. Read online
  • Camille Chabaneau Biographies of troubadours in Provencal language
  • (FR+ES) Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Troubadours corpus » , on Trobadors.iec.cat (consulted the )
