Pourtalès park – Wikipedia


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The Pourtalès Park is a public park in the city of Strasbourg, located northeast of the Robertsau district. With an area of ​​25 hectares, it is one of the largest parks in the city. Continuing to the Robertsau forest, it houses the Pourtalès castle.

The park includes a garden bridge, a house, a farm, a garden fence, a greenhouse, a concierge, a dovecote, a driveway, a gate, a footbridge, a fountain [ 2 ] and two old ponds [ 3 ] .

Little is left of the initial decor of the park, with the exception of two very damaged statues – one of Apollo, the other of Flore – and some putti of an allegory of the seasons [ 4 ] . The landscaped garden was invaded by nature and in 1964 the abolition of the channels caused the stirring of the ponds.

Today the park has a “wild” and “natural” side. It has many remarkable trees.

At the end of 2014, the old French canal, which crossed the park, was being restored. The works, which will be completed in the spring of 2015, must lead to the restoration of the canal and the old ponds which are today a reedulle. Part of the rosy will nevertheless be preserved to protect endangered plant species [ 5 ] .


Contemporary sculptures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As part of a project designed by the European Center for Contemporary Artistic Actions (CEAAC), a collection of contemporary sculptures has been installed in various points in the park.

In 1988, Ernest Pignon-Ernest mixed humans and plants with Arbrorigen , characters covered with microalgae camouflaged in the trees [ 6 ] .

Claudio amongggiani is the author of The woods looks and listen (“The forest looks and listening”), an installation of 1990 combining plant elements (eyes formed on trunks by cutting branches) and bronze (large ears placed at the foot of the trees) [ 7 ] .

In 1995, the German sculptor Stephan Balkenhol cultivated the mystery with Through the tree , a standing trunk, cut in half in the vertical direction. Inside the spectator discovers enigmatic carved characters, mythological inspiration and yet resolutely contemporary [ 8 ] .

Known for his eccentric hares sculptures, the British Barry Flanagan realized in 1992 The Bowler , another threading and anthropomorphized hare, placed on a base [ 9 ] .

In 1998, Sarkis designed Near the tree. In Mathias Grünewald , a dodecagonal construction in colored glass evoking a gloriette [ ten ] . A colorless door invites any artist to enter it to create. The dead beech that Sarkis had installed with its structure disappeared during the 1999 storm.

At the bend of a path, the walker can also discover works by Gaetano Pesce, Jimmie Durham, Jean-Marie Krauth or Giulio Paolini.

Pourtalès Castle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Château de Pourtalès.

In the center of the park stands a castle of XVIII It is century.

It is registered as a historic monuments since the [ 11 ] , [ 2 ] .

On July 6, 2001, during a show given as part of the cultural summer organized by the Town Hall of Strasbourg in the castle park, the Yiddish Mamas and Papas group plays when a violent storm broke out. The show is interrupted and the spectators take shelter in the refreshment of the refreshment bar when a plane tree about forty meters high collapses on the canvas shelter causing the accidental death of 13 spectators including two children and made 97 injured .
In 2017, the city of Strasbourg judged as a legal person, is found guilty of homicides and involuntary injuries and was sentenced to 150,000 euros fine [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] .
The drama leaves traces in Strasbourg and deeply modifies the taking into account of weather alerts. From now on the parks are systematically closed in the city in the event of a violent wind alert [ 14 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Maurice Moszberger (dir.), Historical Dictionary of Strasbourg Streets , Le Verger, Barr, 2012 (new revised ed.), p. 441-442 (ISBN  9782845741393 )

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
