Prince-Albert-II-II-II-Mania Foundation — Wikipedia


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The Prince-Albert-ii-de-Monaco Foundation , whose headquarters are in the Villa Girasole [ first ] , Villa Belle Époque in Monaco, is a Monegasque foundation of international scope [ 2 ] Created in June 2006 by Prince Albert II.

It is devoted to environmental protection and sustainable development with the priority objectives of climate change [ 3 ] and the promotion of renewable energies, biodiversity [ 4 ] , management of water resources and the fight against desertification.

Since 2010, the Foundation has organized with Johnson Controls and The Climate Group the Euro-Mediterranean annual forum on energy efficiency [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

In 1906, Prince Albert I is de Monaco explored unknown regions of Spitzberg [ 8 ] . In difficult climatic conditions, the prince and scientists on board his ship inventored marine life and carried out weather and photographic statements aimed at studying the movements of the ice floe and glaciers.

In 2006, Prince Albert II of Monaco went to the Arctic [ 9 ] , reaching the North Pole on In order to measure the effects of global warming [ ten ] on the weakened ice floe.


Following this expedition, he decided to create a foundation dedicated to environmental protection.

In 2015, the Foundation participated in the Coop 21 in Paris during which Prince Albert II of Monaco signed the declaration “Becaus The Ocean” in the company of ten other countries. She also participated in Coop 22 in 2016 [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

In October 2020, the Foundation published the first edition of its new “Impact” magazine. A semi -annual which deals with the actions of the Foundation and other information devoted to environmental protection [ 13 ] .

The Foundation supports the organization of Monaco Ocean Week. In 2021, the event was organized in digital format and themes have plastic pollution, acidification of oceans, coral reefs, potential for algae and sustainable yachting [ 14 ] .

  • On the occasion of Monaco Ocean Week 2021, the Monaco Commission on human health and ocean pollution, chaired by teachers Patrick Rampal and Philip Landrigan and made up of 18 scientists met for the second time. The members present worked on the “Monaco Declaration on Human Health and Ocean Pollution” [ 15 ] .

Many international artists support the actions of the Foundation like Belinda Bussotti representing Monaco during the Urban Painting around the World Upaw 2019 [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] .

The Foundation has assigned three specific missions [ 18 ] :

  • the establishment of partnerships for the conduct of projects in its priority fields of action;
  • raising awareness of populations and public authorities in the impact of human activities on natural environments in order to promote more environmentally friendly behavior;
  • The promotion of remarkable initiatives and innovative solutions, in particular via the award of prices and scholarships.

The , the foundation [ 19 ] celebrated its 10th anniversary. Since its creation, it has supported 396 projects for an amount of € 36 million uros, by committing to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development worldwide [ 20 ] . Each year, it awards the prince’s prize for innovative philanthropy (a prize created in 2014 by the Foundation in partnership with the Tocqueville Foundation) [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Didier Laurens, Monaco, a sunny country led by a magnificent prince , chap. 5 : A concrete ecology , ed. Hachette Liteitures, 2007, (ISBN  2012387993 )
  • Philippe Delorme, Albert II of Monaco: Prince’s surprises , ed. Michel Lafon, 2006, p. 173-175 , (ISBN  274990501X )
  • The environment in Monaco Principality  : Beijing : Inauguration of the new premises of the Prince Albert II Foundation in China, page 5
  • The Institute of Human Paleontology at the Yeosu International Exhibition : Prince cave in the town of Ventimiglia [ 23 ] , in Liguria, Vallonnet cave, Terra Amata, Lazaret cave, the coastal sites of South Korea, attributable to the old Paleolithic

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Villa Girasole: a beautiful era villa with high energy performance
  2. Prince Albert II of Monaco wins the Zayed of the Environment Prize
  3. (in) Alexis Armengaud, Environmental Changes and Human Health 2012: Zoonotic and Vector-borne diseases , ed. John Libbey Eurotext, 2012, (ISBN  2742010831 )
  4. News Press: Bald ibis protection
  5. According to politicians in the energy field and industry decision -makers, Europe will not reach its target of 20% energy reduction for 2020
  6. BMW I, guest of the 2014 Energy Efficiency Forum in Monaco
  7. Initiative in favor of sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean
  8. (one) Mark nuttall, Encyclopedia of the Arctic , ed. Routledge, 2012, (ISBN  1136786805 )
  9. Sustainable development of the Arctic Region in the face of climate change
  10. (in) Alexis Armengaud, Environmental Changes and Human Health 2012: Zoonotic and Vector-borne diseases , éd. John Libbey Eurotext, 2012, (ISBN  2742010831 )
  11. Participations of S.A.S. Le Prince aux Cop 21 Paris and COP 22 Marrakech. / Journal 8323 / year 2017 / Journals / Home – Monaco Journal » , on (consulted the )
  12. Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco – The Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco presents to COP21 » , on (consulted the )
  13. By radio editor Monaco , The Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco is launching its magazine » , on Radio Monaco , (consulted the )
  14. Monaco Ocean Week – Home page » , on Monaco Ocean Week (consulted the )
  15. 2nd Meeting of the Monaco Commission on human health and ocean pollution »
  16. Charlotte A length service , Monaco: UPAW 2019 Urban Painting Around The World » , on Podcast Journal, international information disseminated in podcast (consulted the )
  17. UPAW: Street art at the service of the environmental cause / Videos / Monaco Info: reports / channels – MC Channel – Monaco video channels » , on (consulted the )
  18. Dominique Auzias, Jean-Paul Labourdette, Le Petit Futé, Monaco , p. 24-25 : Ecology environment , ed. Petit Futé, 2013, (ISBN  274696628x )
  19. Official directory
  20. The Foundation celebrates its tenth anniversary
  21. Ocean Recovery Alliance , Prince Albert II of Monaco awards the prince’s prize for innovative philanthropy 2018 in Douglas Woodring, founder of the Ocean Recovery Alliance » , on (consulted the )
  22. Philanthropy: a new necessary approach » , on The HuffPost , (consulted the )
  23. Monaco Grimaldi historic sites  : Ventimiglia
