Pullman Ciwl cars – Wikipedia


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Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après
Name Type places
(without/with kitchen)


Sud-Express 24/18 pl. the first re cl.


Golden arrow 32/24 pl. the first re cl.


North Star 51/38 pl. 2nd cl.


Côte d’Azur 28/20 pl. the first re cl.
Technical characteristics
Length 23.452 m
Maximum speed 120 → 140 → 160 km/h

THE Pullman cars de la CiWL are cars-lives built in the late 1920s.


They offered, in a refined setting, individual armchairs vis-à-vis a table for 2 with lamp. The service will be extended to second class (with benches instead of armchairs).

There are 4 series of Pullman cars and 211 units.

Type « Sud-Express » [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To modernize South Express, the CIWL received in 1926;

  • 10 cars-room (n ° 2737 to 2748) built by the company Lorraine of the former Dietrich establishments and corresponding to 5 couplings of a 24-seat car and a car with 18 places with kitchen for catering instead in the 2 cars.
  • 3 additional cars with kitchen (n ° 2839 to 2841) built by Dyle & Bacalan (United Kingdom).

The latest cars of this type circulated until 1971.

“Golden arrow” type [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1926, for its new Paris – London train “La Flèche d’Or”, the CIWL took delivery of:

  • 1926: 15 24 -seater cars with kitchen n ° 4001 to 4015 built by BRC
  • 1926: 15 cars with 32 places (8 bays) without kitchen n ° 4016-4030 built by Metropolitan
  • 1926: 15 other couplings (n ° 4051 to 4080 with and without cooking) made by Metropolitan.

The latest cars of this type circulated until 1969.

  • 1927: 30 additional cars built by CGC (n ° 4031 to 4050) and BRC (n ° 4081 to 4090)

“Northern Star” type [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Anxious to expand their customers to the 2 It is Class, the CIWL built in 1927:

  • 20 cars with 38 seats with kitchen (n ° 4091 to 4110)
  • 20 cars with 51 places (n ° 4111 to 4130)

They are used on the Paris – Amsterdam “Star of the North” link in coupling of a car first re Class with two cars offering second classes (cars with benches).

“Côte d’Azur” type [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The most luxurious cars come into service on the Paris – Ventimille link (“Blue Train”) in December 1929. These are 34 cars (n ° 4131 to 4164) made by EIC in two lots:

  • 20 -seater cars with kitchen
  • 28 -seater cars.

These first -class cars have 7 enlarged berries. The armchairs are wider and tilt.

These last two models of cars circulated respectively until 1963 and 1969.

The counterattack of the 1929 crisis put a brake on a craze for luxury trains. In 1932 trains such as the golden arrow and the Côte d’Azur Pullman Express were open to the 2 It is class. Many Pullman cars with kitchen are transformed into restaurant cars.

Pullman services are suspended on And resumed in 1946 in simplified service (1 car or 1 coupling).

Regular services ended in May 1971 with the Sud Express train.

Pullman cars remain appreciated in charter.

  • 1951: cars 4160, 4162 and 4164 are repainted in the colors of the blue train
  • 1967: The 4013 becomes a car-shoe for chartered cruise trains
  • 1975: The 4148 becomes a bar car for chartered trains.

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