Rachid Ben Abdedia — Wikipedia


Rachid Ben Abdeslam , born the in Rabat (Morocco) is a counterpénor [ first ] , [ 2 ] Franco-Moroccan who has a double career in the field of classical opera and in that of Arab-Andalusian music. He is the first Moroccan singer received at the National Higher Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris (CNSMDP) and having sang on the scene of Metropolitan Opera in New York [ 3 ] .


Rachid Ben Abdeslam comes from a family of musicians. His father, Mohammed Ben Abdeslam, is a famous Moroccan composer [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] . His aunt Bahija Idriss and his sister Rita Ben Abdeslam distinguished themselves in the song.

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In addition to literary studies at Mohammed-V University in Rabat, he studied Arab-Andalusian music before being admitted to the National Conservatory of Music in Paris in 1993 [ 6 ] . He follows the lessons of Christiane Eda-Pierre, by William Christie, by Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, among others. He obtained a first singing prize, unanimously and with the congratulations of the jury in 1996. At the end of a year of improvement with Glenn Chambers, he began an international career.
In order to enrich his skills in terms of oriental music and musicology, he obtained a license in Arabic language and literature at the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (Inalco) [ 7 ] , ARENI What a Masterful of translation English to Iuti [ 8 ] .

Lyrical career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Noted by the Lyon Opera, he participated in several productions: Apollo and blue The Mozart, Orpheus from Monteverdi, Pinocchio De menozzi in 1998. I’m interpairing egalement Julius Caesar from Handel under the direction of Jane Glover at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, as well as A Midsummer Night’s Dream From Benjamin Britten, where he sings the role of Oberon, under the direction of Stuart Bedford.

He was then invited by the best baroque sets. With the large stable and the Roy Chamber, led by Jean-Claude Malgoire, he participated in the Vespers de Monteverdi, as well as at the trilogy of operas: Poppea’s coronation , Orpheus , The return of Ulysses at home . With Florissant arts , under the direction of William Christie, he sings Cantates de scratching, design Madrigaux From Carissimi and Caldara during several tours in France and Europe.

He also participated in many festivals in France and abroad: Royaumont Festival, Berlin Festival with a creation by David Lang and Michael Gordon: The Last Object . At the Ambronay Festival, he sings in the Haendel oratorio Israel in Egypt Under the direction of William Christie. With this same chief, he participated in the remarkable production of The return of Ulysses at home At the Aix-en-Provence Festival, which will be followed by a world tour and a DVD recording (Virgin Classics).
The Glyndebourne festival invited him for three seasons (2005, 2006, 2009) for the production of Haendel Giulio Cesare in the brilliant staging of David Mcvicar, under the initial direction of William Christie. He plays and sings the role of Nireno there [ 9 ] .

It was this production that was taken up at Metropolitan Opera from New York in 2013, giving him the opportunity to make his debut on this prestigious scene [ ten ] . Meanwhile the work had been given in the Pleyel room in Paris (alongside Cecilia Bartoli and Andreas Scholl) [ 11 ] And at the Lille Opera under the direction of Emmanuelle Haïm (2007).


Rachid Ben Abdeslam was also invited to participate in the opening and closing galas of “Time of Morocco” at the Palace of Versailles and the comic opera, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI [ twelfth ] .

Curious about all music, Rachid Ben Abdeslam has collaborated with several French sets and contributed to developing original repertoires.

He gave several concerts with the set XVIII-21, led by Jean-Christophe Frisch, specializing in world baroque music and traditional oriental music [ 13 ] .

The meeting with the Diabolus in Musica ensemble, directed by Antoine Guerber, gave rise to a fruitful collaboration in the field of medieval music, as well as research work having resulted in numerous concerts (Île Festival- de-France, Berlin, Tours, Versailles …) [ 14 ] .

Rachid Ben Abdeslam is also the founder and artistic director of the Zéphyr al-Andalous ensemble, specializing in Arab-Andalusian music [ 15 ] . The purpose of this set is to rediscover pieces of this old repertoire and, based on musicological work, to give them to hear in concert. It is also a question of making these traditional pieces dialogue with pieces of the Western repertoire, while adding original creations. With the assistance of the whole Lachrimae Consort Directed by Philippe Foulon, several thematic programs have been drawn up; They were given during many concerts and festivals, notably in Kuwait, Tangier, Marrakech, Grenade, Seville, Santander, Bilbao [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] , [ 18 ] .

Rachid Ben Abdeslam was a finalist in several international competitions: Bilbao, Vienne, Merano [ 6 ] .

He recorded the Dark lessons de Couperin, under the direction of Jean-Christophe Frisch (2003) [ 19 ] as well as Dark garden , Songs of the East and West (SM Production, 2011) which was awarded the Special Jury Prize for the Academy of Lyric Disc: Orpheus of Golden for the best recording of historical music for the historical heritage [ 20 ] .

Three DVDs illustrate his participation in operas productions: The return of Ulysses at home de Monteverdi (direction William Christie) in Aix (Virgin Classics 2004), Julius Caesar from Handel (direction William Christie) to Glyndebourne (Opus Arte 2005), and Poppea’s coronation from Monteverdi under the direction of Emmanuelle Haïm at the Lille Opera (Virgin Classics 2013).

  1. Young Africa
  2. Res music
  3. Provenzano 2011, p. 56.
  4. Rachid Chraïbi, Mohammed ben Abdeslam: the innovator in modern Moroccan song , Rabat, Marsam, , 192 p. (ISBN  9789954213575 , OCLC  936208046 )
  5. Mohamed Ben Abdeslam, symbol of Moroccan song. » .
  6. a et b Rachid Ben Abdeslam, first is Moroccan and Arab to perform at the Metropolitan Opéra de New York. » , on Dimabladna.ma .
  7. Rachid ben abdeslam: bio » , on Music in Africa
  8. Institute of translators, interpreters and international relations » , on Itiri.unistra.fr .
  9. JULES César in Glyndebourne. » , on Resmusica.com .
  10. (in) In Jodhpurs, Hailing Caesar With Seduction ‘Giulio Cesare,’ With Natalie Dessay, at the Met » , on nytimes.com .
  11. Juilio Cesare: The music of the spheres » , on Resmusica.com .
  12. The first Moroccan at the Opera! » , on Bladi.net
  13. The lessons of Darkness of Francois Couperin » , on Dominique Houdart company .
  14. Diabolus in Musica to meet the medieval Arab-Andalusian song » , on blogpasblog.wordpress.com .
  15. ensemblezephyr.com » , on ensemblezephyr.com .
  16. Rachid Ben Abdeslam: extract from “Jadin Oscuro” » , on youtube.com .
  17. The dark Jardin » , on The Parisian .
  18. Ubeda 2016 » , on Music Festival: Ubeda and Baeza .
  19. Couperin: “Dark lessons” » , on iTunes.apple.com .
  20. Il Garden Oscuro Rachid Ben Abdeslam: Orpheus of gold » , on Bayardmusique.com .
  • Lauranne Provenzano, « Rachid Ben Abdeslam course, a counter-tenor has counter-current », Young Africa , vol. 51, n O 2645, , p. 56 (ISSN  1950-1285 , OCLC  755143641 , read online )
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