Radio Bruth — Wikipedia


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Radio Brunet (formerly Brunet ) was a French radio program hosted daily by Éric Brunet on RMC between 2010 and 2019.

Version 1 : Brunet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , RMC is hosting a new voice on its antenna: the station has decided to entrust the presentation of Grand show de l’info to Éric Brunet, journalist from France 3. The program will then be renamed Brunet . Since the start of the school year, the presentation of this new talk show was provided by Christophe Jakubyszyn, the director of the station. If the presenter changes, the formula does not evolve: from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., guests and anonymous people will comment on the news of the day, the listeners being invited to choose on the internet which subjects challenge them the most. “Each day, I receive guests, I pass the microphone to listeners who twist the neck at” good thinking “and politically correct. One goal: to think differently, to react differently. Because we are not sheep! »Explains Éric Brunet, on his blog [ first ] . Implied “other than left”, Éric Brunet having the certainty that all those who do not think like him (99% of journalists, he says) are on the left.

Version 2 : Radio Brunet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From the start of the 2016 school year, the program is renowned Radio Brunet and is extended by one hour [ 2 ] . It will then be broadcast from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


From’ , the show is offset by an hour and therefore starts at 12 p.m. and ends at 2 p.m. The program is stopped in 2019 to make room for a new debate program Brunet/Neumann , still hosted by Éric Brunet, now accompanied by Laurent Neumann.

For an hour, Éric Brunet and his guests debate a topical fact. In this program, Éric Brunet regularly gets involved in the debates, being bias more than an arbitrator. Displayed as a right -wing journalist, he refuses any form of political affiliation and activism. He defends the idea of ​​French liberalism and a better representation of right-wing intelligences in the media (like Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, Alain Duhamel, Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Jean-Marc Sylvestre, Catherine Nay, etc. ) and in the public sphere: publishing, journalism, university, research, teaching.

From 2010 to 2018, Pascal Perri replaces Éric Brunet during his holidays. [ Ref. desired]

From 2018, the co-host of the program Rémy Barret is Eric Brunet’s Joker. [ Ref. desired]

Every day, listeners can take a stand for or against Éric Brunet in the Brunet Métrie. They express their opinion: Squarely for? or Downright against?

Even if it is not an official survey, it is an instant photograph of what Eric Brunet’s listeners think.

The CSA sent two formal notice and a warning to RMC, after the dissemination of words “likely to encourage discriminatory behavior” or which “brought into the dignity of the human person. These words were made in Brunet .

A formal notice was thus sent by the CSA after the broadcast, the , words “likely to encourage discriminatory behavior due to belonging to an ethnicity or a nation. »A practice in contradiction with the stipulations of article 2-4 of the station agreement. Eric Brunet’s program received a second warning after the broadcast, the , of remarks evoking “a person involved in legal proceedings have been made on the branch”, which is in contradiction with the stipulations of article 2-5 of the station agreement, specifies the CSA. Finally, the council sent a warning after the broadcast From the words “which brought the dignity of the human person were held on the branch, without moderating intervention of the journalist. A practice in contradiction with the stipulations of article 2-6 of the station convention, said the CSA [ 3 ] .

In 2012 the ACRIMED association criticized this program several times, concerning for example its lack of objectivity and impartiality [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .
